54 research outputs found

    Development of micromachined millimeter-wave modules for next-generation wireless transceiver front-ends

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    This thesis discusses the design, fabrication, integration and characterization of millimeter wave passive components using polymer-core-conductor surface micromachining technologies. Several antennas, including a W-band broadband micromachined monopole antenna on a lossy glass substrate, and a Ka-band elevated patch antenna, and a V-band micromachined horn antenna, are presented. All antennas have advantages such as a broad operation band and high efficiency. A low-loss broadband coupler and a high-Q cavity for millimeter-wave applications, using surface micromachining technologies is reported using the same technology. Several low-loss all-pole band-pass filters and transmission-zero filters are developed, respectively. Superior simulation and measurement results show that polymer-core-conductor surface micromachining is a powerful technology for the integration of high-performance cavity, coupler and filters. Integration of high performance millimeter-wave transceiver front-end is also presented for the first time. By elevating a cavity-filter-based duplexer and a horn antenna on top of the substrate and using air as the filler, the dielectric loss can be eliminated. A full-duplex transceiver front-end integrated with amplifiers are designed, fabricated, and comprehensively characterized to demonstrate advantages brought by this surface micromachining technology. It is a low loss and substrate-independent solution for millimeter-wave transceiver integration.Ph.D.Committee Chair: John Papapolymerou; Committee Chair: Manos Tentzeris; Committee Member: Gordon Stuber; Committee Member: John Cressler; Committee Member: John Z. Zhang; Committee Member: Joy Laska

    Integrated Filtering Antennas for Wireless Communications

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    In traditional radio frequency (RF) front-end subsystems, the passive components, such as antennas, filters, power dividers and duplexers, are separately designed and cascaded via the 50 ? interfaces. This traditional approach results in a bulky and heavy RF front-end subsystem, and suffers from compromised efficiency due to the losses in the interconnections and the mismatching problems between different components. The frequency responses of the antennas such as the frequency selectivity and bandwidth are usually degraded, especially for microstrip antennas. To improve the frequency responses and reduce the size of RF front ends, it is important to investigate novel highly integrated antennas which exhibit multiple functions such as radiation, filtering, power dividing and combining or duplexing, simultaneously. In this thesis, several innovative designs of compact, multi-functional integrated an-tennas/arrays are proposed for wireless communication applications. First, new methods of designing integrated filtering antenna elements with broadband or dual-band performance are investigated. These antennas also feature high frequency selectivity and wideband harmonic suppression. Based on these studies, several integrated filtering array antennas with improved gains and frequency responses are developed for the first time. Compared with traditional array antennas, these proposed antennas exhibit improved bandwidths, out-of-band rejection and wideband harmonic suppression. The application of the filtering antennas in millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) frequency band is also investigated as it can potentially reduce the cost of the mm-Wave front-end subsystems significantly while providing the improved impedance bandwidth. The integrated design techniques are further developed to design novel dual-port highly integrated antennas with filtering and duplexing functions integrated. Such a new concept and the prototypes could find poten-tial applications in wireless communication systems and intelligent transportation system (ITS). In this thesis, comprehensive design methodologies and synthesis methods are provid-ed to guide the design of the integrated filtering antennas. The performance is evaluated with the help of full-wave electromagnetics (EM) simulations. All of the prototypes are fabricated and tested for validating the design concepts. Good agreement between the simulation and measurement results is achieved, demonstrating the integrated antennas have the advantages of compact size, flat gain performance, low losses and excellent harmonic suppression performance. These researches are important for modern wireless communication systems

    Co-design of Reconfigurable and Multifunction Passive RF/Microwave Components

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    In order to meet the market demands, multi-band communication systems that are able to accommodate different wireless technologies to be compatible with different wireless standards should be investigated and realized. Multifunction and multi-band RF front-end components are promising solutions for reducing the size and enhancing the performance of multi-band communication systems. This dissertation focuses on the design and implementation of different multifunction and tunable microwave components for use in multi-standard, flexible transceiver. For frequency-domain duplexing (FDD) communication systems, in which the uplink and downlink channels are carried on different RF frequencies, a diplexer is an essential component to separate the transmitting and receiving signals from the antenna. Electrically tunable diplexers simplify the architecture of reconfigurable RF-front end. Moreover, in modern communication systems, the crowding of the spectrum and the scaling of electronics can result in higher common-mode interference and even-order non-linearity issues. In this dissertation, three tunable compact SIW-based dual-mode diplexers, with various SE (single-ended) and BAL (balanced) capabilities, are introduced for the first time. The dual-mode operation results in a dependent tuning between the two ports. The presented designs are for SE-SE, SE-BAL, and BAL-BAL. However, based on the presented design concepts, any combination of the diplexer ports can be achieved in terms of supporting the balanced and single-ended system interface. The fabricated diplexers show low insertion loss, high isolation, good tuning range and high common mode rejection. Tunable bandstop filter (BSF) is one of the essential components in the design of RF front-ends that require wide-band operations. A wide-open front-end leaves the receiver vulnerable to jamming by high-power signals. As a result, this type of front-ends requires dynamic isolation of any interfering signal. Realization of such filters in a balanced configuration, as a second function, is an important step in the realization of full-balanced RF front-ends. Balanced (differential) circuits have many important advantages over unbalanced (single-ended) circuits such as immunity to system noise, reduction of transient noise generation and inherent suppression of even-order nonlinearities. All reported balanced filters are bandpass filters that target wide pass-bands and high common-mode rejection. These filters are necessary for wide-band RF front-ends but, as mentioned above, leave the system open to interferers and jammers. In this dissertation, a new differential coupling structure for evanescent-mode cavity resonators is developed, enabling the design of fully-balanced tunable BSF. The proposed filter is tunable from 1.57-3.18 GHz with 102% tuning range. In addition, over the full range, the measured 10-dB fractional bandwidth ranges from 1-2.4%, and the attenuation level is better than 47 dB. Lastly, Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) evanescent-mode cavity resonators (EVA) are employed in the design of RF couplers, quadrature hybrid and rat-race couplers. These couplers are used in the design of numerous RF front-end components such as power amplifiers, balanced mixers, and antenna array feeding networks. Utilizing such resonators (EVA) in the design allows the couplers to have wide spurious-free range, low power consumption, high power handling capability and both tunability and filtering capabilities. The proposed quadrature hybrid coupler can be tuned starting from 1.32–2.22 GHz with a measured insertion loss range from 1.29 to 0.7 dB. The measured reflection and isolation are better than 12 dB and 17 dB, respectively. Moreover, the coupler has a measured spurious free range of 5.1–3fo (lowest–highest frequency). Regarding rat-race coupler, two designs are introduced. The first design is based on a full-mode cavity while the second one is more compact and based on a half-mode cavity. Both designs show more than 70% tuning range, and the isolation is better than 30 dB

    Compact active duplexer based on CSRR and interdigital loaded microstrip coupled lines for LTE application

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    In this paper, a four-port compact active duplexer based on a complimentary split ring resonator (CSRR) and interdigital loaded microstrip coupled lines (CSRR-IL MCL) is presented. Interdigital capacitor is used on the top layer of the proposed structure and CSRR transmission lines are used on the bottom layer of the coupled lines in order to increase the coupling of the proposed circuit and create triple band resonances, respectively. The proposed active duplexer has one input port and three output ports operating in three distinct operation frequencies which are 1.4 GHz, 1.8 GHz, and 3.2 GHz. The active duplexer is designed to target LTE applications which are prevalent among the new technologies and devices. The input signal is split in terms of frequency into the three designed frequencies and is amplified by 13 dB gain of the amplifiers placed at the output ports. The fractional bandwidths of the proposed structure at 1.4 GHz, 1.8 GHz, and 3.2 GHz are 5.2%, 2.8%, and 9.4%, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the size of the proposed active duplexer is 0.29λ0 × 0.38λ0. The design guide of the proposed structure is presented, and it will be shown that the simulation as well as the measurement results of the proposed active duplexer have an acceptable agreement with each other. It should be noted that the VSWR of the proposed structure is less than 1.5 which means that the active duplexer has low return loss, and it is the plus point of it

    Wideband Diplexer with Narrow Channel Spacing Using Hybrid Bandpass-Bandstop Structures

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    © 2013 IEEE. In this paper, a wideband diplexer with narrow channel spacing is designed by using hybrid bandpass-bandstop structures. Two wideband bandpass structures are designed with the transmission zeros at the upper or lower passband edges to achieve high skirt selectivity. Two bandstop structures based on half-wavelength coupled lines are integrated to the two bandpass structures to introduce additional transmission zeros and thus the skirt selectivity is further improved. Accordingly, two channel filters with high skirt selectivity and high stopband rejection are designed to realize a wideband microstrip diplexer with very narrow channel spacing. For verification, a wideband diplexer operating at 1.71-2.17 GHz and 2.30-2.70 GHz is implemented, which covers multiple frequency bands for different mobile systems. The measured results show excellent performance of passband flatness, high in-band isolation of better than 35 dB and low minimum insertion losses of 0.46 and 0.50 dB for the two channels

    Analysis and Design of a Substrate Integrated Waveguide Multi-Coupled Resonator Diplexer

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    A microwave diplexer achieved by coupling a section of a dual-band bandpass filter onto a section of two single-bands (i.e. transmit and receive) bandpass filters is presented. This design eliminates the need for employing external non-resonant junctions in diplexer design, as opposed to the conventional design approach which requires separate non-resonant junctions for energy distribution. The use of separate non-resonant junctions in diplexer design increases the design complexity, as well as gives rise to bulky diplexer devices. The proposed design also removes the too much reliance on the evaluation of suitable characteristic polynomials to achieve a diplexer. Though the evaluation of complex polynomials to achieve a diplexer is seen as a viable option, the technique is hugely dependent on optimisations which come with loads of uncertainties. This thesis relies on well-established design formulations to increase design reliability, as well as simplicity. A 10-pole (10áµ—Ę° order) microwave diplexer circuit has been successfully designed, simulated, manufactured and measured. The measured results have been used to validate the circuit model and the electromagnetic (EM) simulated results. The diplexer is composed of 2 poles from a dual-band bandpass filter, 4 poles from a transmit bandpass filter and the remaining 4 poles from a receive bandpass filter. The design was initially implemented using asynchronously tuned microstrip square open-loop resonators. The EM simulation and the measurement results of the microstrip diplexer were presented and show good agreement with the proposed design theory. The design was also implemented using the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technique and results presented and discussed. In comparison to the results achieved with the microstrip diplexer, the EM simulation and the measurement results realised with the SIW diplexer, show that a slightly better insertion loss was attained across both the transmit and the receive channels, respectively

    Design and analysis of miniaturized substrate integrated waveguide reconfigurable filters for mm-wave applications.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Microwave filters are an integral part of communication systems. With the advent of new technologies, microwave devices, such as filters, need to have superior performance in terms of power handling, selectivity, size, insertion loss etc. During the past decade, many applications have been added to the communication networks, resulting in communication systems having to operate at high frequencies in the region of THz to achieve the stringent bandwidth requirements. To achieve the requirements of the modern communication system, tunability and reconfigurability have become fundamental requirements to reduce the footprint of communication devices. However, the communication systems that are more prevalent such as planar circuits have either a large footprint or are not able to handle large amounts of power due to radiation leakage. In this thesis, Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) technology has been employed. The SIW has the same properties as the conventional rectangular waveguide; hence it benefits from the high quality (Q) factor and can handle large powers with small radiation loss. The Half-mode (HMSIW), Quarter-mode (QMSIW), and Eighth-mode (EMSIW) cavity resonators have been designed and used for the miniaturization of the microwave filters. The coupling matrix method was used to implement a filter that uses cross-coupled EMSIW and HMSIW cavity resonators to improve the selectivity of the filter. Balanced circuit techniques have been used to design the circuits that preserve communication systems integrity whereby the Common Mode (CM) signal was suppressed using Deformed Ground Structure (DGS) and a center conductor patch with meandered line. For the designed dual-band filter, the common mode signal was suppressed to -90 dB and - 40 dB for the first and second passband, respectively. The insertion loss observed is 2.8 dB and 1.6 dB for the first and second passband, respectively. For tunability of the filter, a dual-band filter utilizing triangular HMSIW resonators has been designed and reconfigurability is achieved by perturbing the substrate permittivity by dielectric rods. The dielectric rods’ permittivity was changed to achieve tunability in the first instance, and then the rods’ diameter changed in the second instance. For the lowerband, frequency is tunable from 8.1 GHz to 9.15 GHz, while the upper band is tuned from 14.61 GHz to 16.10 GHz. A second order SIW filter with a two layer substrate was then designed to operate in the THz region. For reconfigurability, Graphene was sandwiched between the Silicon Di-Oxide substrate and the top gold plate of the filter, and the chemical potential of Graphene was then varied by applying a dc bias voltage. With a change in dc voltage the chemical potential of Graphene changes accordingly. From the results, a chemical potential change of 0.1 eV to 0.6 eV brings about a frequency change from 1.289 THz to 1.297 THz

    Novel Quadruple-mode, Dual-mode and Dual-band Dielectric Resonator Filters and Multiplexers

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    Dielectric resonators offer high-Q (low loss) characteristics which make them ideal for filters with narrow bandwidth and low insertion loss specifications. They are mainly used in satellite and wireless system applications. Such applications desire the highest performance filters with the lowest amount of size and mass, which has been the main motivation for size reduction techniques invented over the past three decades for these filters. In addition with the emergence of different communication system technologies, several bands are now required to be supported by a single front-end, calling for emergence and development of dual-band and multi-band filters. To date few work has been done in the area of dual-band dielectric resonator filters. Dielectric resonators filters are important components in many communication systems, when a group of such filters are brought together to perform multiplexing of RF channels. These multiplexer systems tend to be fairly complex and bulky in design, and there is strong desire to reduce their size and mass to the maximum extent possible. Novel quadruple-mode, dual-mode, and dual-band filters as well multiplexers are presented in this thesis. The first ever quadruple-mode dielectric resonator filter using the simple cylinder structure is reported in this work. A cylindrical dielectric resonator sized appropriately in terms of its diameter and height is shown to operate as a quadruple-mode resonator, which is achieved by having two mode pairs of the structure resonate at the same frequency. Single-cavity, quad-mode filters and higher order 4n-pole filters are realizable using this quad-mode cylindrical resonator, offering significant size reduction for dielectric resonator filter applications. The structure of the quad-mode cylinder is then simplified by cutting lengthwise along the central axis of the cylinder, to produce a half-cut cylinder suitable for operation in a dual-mode regime. Novel dual-mode, 2n-pole filters are realizable using this half-cut cylinder, by making the two resonances equal in frequency. The dual-mode half-cut filter is shown to be a strong contender for replacing existing dual-mode filters used in satellite and wireless applications, as it offers superior size and mass characteristics. By making the resonances unequal in frequency, novel dual-band filters and multiplexers are further realizable, by carrying separate frequency bands on different resonant modes of the structure. The first true orthogonal mode dual-band dielectric resonator is presented in this work, using the half-cut structure. Multiplexers are also derived from these dual-band resonators, which greatly reduce size and mass of many-channel multiplexers at the system level, as each two channels are overloaded in one physical branch. Full control of center frequencies of resonances, input and inter-resonator couplings are achievable, allowing realization of microwave filters with different bandwidth, frequency, and return loss specifications, as well as advanced filtering functions with prescribed transmission zeros. Spurious performance of the half-cut cylinder can also be improved by cutting one or more through-way slots between opposite surfaces of the resonator. Size and mass reduction achieved by using the full and half-cut resonators described in this thesis, provide various levels of size reduction in microwave systems, both device and system level

    Interference suppression techniques for millimeter-wave integrated receiver front ends

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    Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Waveguide Filters for Wireless Communications

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    The area of research of this thesis is built around advanced waveguide filter structures. Waveguide filters and the waveguide technology in general are renowned for high power capacity, low losses and excellent electromagnetic shielding. Waveguide filters are important components in fixed wireless communications as well as in satellite and radar systems. Furthermore, their advantages and utilization become even greater with increase in frequency, which is a trend in modern communication systems because upper frequency bands offer larger channel capacities. However, waveguide filters are relatively bulky and expensive. To comply with more and more demanding miniaturization and cost-cutting requirements, compactness and economical design represent some of the main contemporary focuses of interest. Approaches that are used to achieve this include use of planar inserts to build waveguide discontinuities, additive manufacturing and substrate integration. At the same time, waveguide filters still need to satisfy opposed stringent requirements like small insertion loss, high selectivity and multiband operation. Another difficulty that metal waveguide components face is integration with other circuitry, especially important when solid-state active devices are included. Thus, improvements of interconnections between waveguide and other transmission interfaces are addressed too. The thesis elaborates the following aspects of work: Further analysis and improved explanations regarding advanced waveguide filters with E-plane inserts developed by the Wireless Communications Research Group, using both cross coupled resonators and extracted pole sections (Experiments with higher filter orders, use of tuning screws, degrees of freedom in design, etc. Thorough performance comparison with competing filter technologies) - Proposing novel E-plane filter sections with I-shaped insets - Extension of the E-plane filtering structures with metal fins to new compact dual band filters with high frequency selectivity and miniaturized diplexers. - Introduction of easy-to-build waveguide filters with polymer insert frames and high-performance low-profile cavity filters, taking advantage of enhanced fabrication capabilities when using additive manufacturing - Developing new substrate integrated filters, as well as circuits used to transfer signals between different interfaces Namely, these are substrate integrated waveguide to metal waveguide planar transitions that do not require any modifications of the metal waveguides. Such novel transitions have been designed both for single and orthogonal signal polarizations
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