12,437 research outputs found

    Layered evaluation of multi-criteria collaborative filtering for scientific paper recommendation

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    Recommendation algorithms have been researched extensively to help people deal with abundance of information. In recent years, the incorporation of multiple relevance criteria has attracted increased interest. Such multi-criteria recommendation approaches are researched as a paradigm for building intelligent systems that can be tailored to multiple interest indicators of end-users – such as combinations of implicit and explicit interest indicators in the form of ratings or ratings on multiple relevance dimensions. Nevertheless, evaluation of these recommendation techniques in the context of real-life applications still remains rather limited. Previous studies dealing with the evaluation of recommender systems have outlined that the performance of such algorithms is often dependent on the dataset – and indicate the importance of carrying out careful testing and parameterization. Especially when looking at large scale datasets, it becomes very difficult to deploy evaluation methods that may help in assessing the effect that different system components have to the overall design. In this paper, we study how layered evaluation can be applied for the case of a multi-criteria recommendation service that we plan to deploy for paper recommendation using the Mendeley dataset. The paper introduces layered evaluation and suggests two experiments that may help assess the components of the envisaged system separately. Keywords: Recommender systems; Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM); Evaluatio

    Criteria Tell You More than Ratings: Criteria Preference-Aware Light Graph Convolution for Effective Multi-Criteria Recommendation

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    The multi-criteria (MC) recommender system, which leverages MC rating information in a wide range of e-commerce areas, is ubiquitous nowadays. Surprisingly, although graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely applied to develop various recommender systems due to GNN's high expressive capability in learning graph representations, it has been still unexplored how to design MC recommender systems with GNNs. In light of this, we make the first attempt towards designing a GNN-aided MC recommender system. Specifically, rather than straightforwardly adopting existing GNN-based recommendation methods, we devise a novel criteria preference-aware light graph convolution CPA-LGC method, which is capable of precisely capturing the criteria preference of users as well as the collaborative signal in complex high-order connectivities. To this end, we first construct an MC expansion graph that transforms user--item MC ratings into an expanded bipartite graph to potentially learn from the collaborative signal in MC ratings. Next, to strengthen the capability of criteria preference awareness, CPA-LGC incorporates newly characterized embeddings, including user-specific criteria-preference embeddings and item-specific criterion embeddings, into our graph convolution model. Through comprehensive evaluations using four real-world datasets, we demonstrate (a) the superiority over benchmark MC recommendation methods and benchmark recommendation methods using GNNs with tremendous gains, (b) the effectiveness of core components in CPA-LGC, and (c) the computational efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables; 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data (KDD 2023) (to appear) (Please cite our conference version.

    NCBO Ontology Recommender 2.0: An Enhanced Approach for Biomedical Ontology Recommendation

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    Biomedical researchers use ontologies to annotate their data with ontology terms, enabling better data integration and interoperability. However, the number, variety and complexity of current biomedical ontologies make it cumbersome for researchers to determine which ones to reuse for their specific needs. To overcome this problem, in 2010 the National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) released the Ontology Recommender, which is a service that receives a biomedical text corpus or a list of keywords and suggests ontologies appropriate for referencing the indicated terms. We developed a new version of the NCBO Ontology Recommender. Called Ontology Recommender 2.0, it uses a new recommendation approach that evaluates the relevance of an ontology to biomedical text data according to four criteria: (1) the extent to which the ontology covers the input data; (2) the acceptance of the ontology in the biomedical community; (3) the level of detail of the ontology classes that cover the input data; and (4) the specialization of the ontology to the domain of the input data. Our evaluation shows that the enhanced recommender provides higher quality suggestions than the original approach, providing better coverage of the input data, more detailed information about their concepts, increased specialization for the domain of the input data, and greater acceptance and use in the community. In addition, it provides users with more explanatory information, along with suggestions of not only individual ontologies but also groups of ontologies. It also can be customized to fit the needs of different scenarios. Ontology Recommender 2.0 combines the strengths of its predecessor with a range of adjustments and new features that improve its reliability and usefulness. Ontology Recommender 2.0 recommends over 500 biomedical ontologies from the NCBO BioPortal platform, where it is openly available.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 11 table
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