17,080 research outputs found

    Impulsive supply of volatile-rich magmas in the shallow plumbing system of Mt. Etna volcano

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    Magma dynamics at Mt. Etna volcano are frequently recognized as the result of complex crystallization regimes that, at shallow crustal levels, unexpectedly change from H2O -undersaturated to H2O-saturated conditions, due to the impulsive and irregular arrival of volatile-rich magmas from mantle depths. On this basis, we have performed hydrous crystallization experiments for a quantitative understanding of the role of H2O in the differentiation of deep-seated trachybasaltic magmas at the key pressure of the Moho transition zone. For H2O = 2.1–3.2 wt %, the original trachybasaltic composition shifts towards phonotephritic magmas never erupted during the entire volcanic activity of Mt. Etna. Conversely, for H2O = 3.8–8.2 wt %, the obtained trachybasalts and basaltic trachyandesites reproduce most of the pre-historic and historic eruptions. The comparison with previous low pressure experimental data and natural compositions from Mt. Etna provides explanation for (1) the abundant release of H2O throughout the plumbing system of the volcano during impulsive ascent of deep-seated magmas; (2) the upward acceleration of magmas feeding gas-dominated, sustained explosive eruptions; (3) the physicochemical changes of gas-fluxed magmas ponding at shallow crustal levels; and (4) the huge gas emissions measured at the summit craters and flank vents which result in a persistent volcanic gas plume

    Contributions from an integrated analysis of geochemical and geophysical parameters to the study of failed eruptions at Mt. Etna

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    Continuous monitoring at Mt. Etna volcano usually unveils remarkable changes in geophisycal and geochemical parameters before the onset of volcanic activity. However, signals of apparent impending volcanic unrest are sometimes recorded without being followed by any eruption. Based on data acquired by the permanent monitoring networks run by INGV, we present cases of "failed eruption" at Mt. Etna from februery to April 2007

    The limits of seaward spreading and slope instability at the continental margin offshore Mt Etna, imaged by high-resolution 2D seismic data

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    Highlights: - Analysis of a combined new high-resolution 2D seismic and bathymetric data set offshore Mt Etna - Extensional domains are mapped at the shallow subsurface of the continental margin - Compressional structures are mapped at the toe of the continental margin - A coupled volcano edifice / continental margin instability is proposed Mount Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe. Instability of its eastern flank is well documented onshore, and continuously monitored by geodetic and InSAR measurements. Little is known, however, about the offshore extension of the eastern volcano flank, defining a serious shortcoming in stability models. In order to better constrain the active tectonics of the continental margin offshore the eastern flank of the volcano, we acquired a new high-resolution 2D reflection seismic dataset. The data provide new insights into the heterogeneous geology and tectonics at the continental margin offshore Mt Etna. The submarine realm is characterized by different blocks, which are controlled by local- and regional tectonics. A compressional regime is found at the toe of the continental margin, which is bound to a complex basin system. Both, the clear link between on- and offshore tectonic structures as well as the compressional regime at the easternmost flank edge, indicate a continental margin gravitational collapse as well as spreading to be present at Mt Etna. Moreover, we find evidence for the offshore southern boundary of the moving flank, which is identified as a right lateral oblique fault north of Catania Canyon. Our findings suggest a coupled volcano edifice / continental margin instability at Mt Etna, demonstrating first order linkage between on- and offshore tectonic processes

    Continuous monitoring of hydrogen and carbon dioxide at Mt Etna

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    This study assessed the use of an H2 fuel cell as an H2-selective sensor for volcano monitoring. The resolution, repeatability, and cross-sensitivity of the sensor were investigated and evaluated under known laboratory conditions. A tailor-made device was developed and used for continuously monitoring H2 and CO2 at Mt Etna throughout 2009 and 2010. The temporal variations of both parameters were strongly correlated with the evolution of the volcanic activity during the monitoring period. In particular, the CO2 flux exhibited long-term variations, while H2 exhibited pulses immediately before the explosive activity that occurred at Mt Etna during 2010

    Ten years of volcanic activity at Mt Etna: High-resolution mapping and accurate quantification of the morphological changes by Pleiades and Lidar data

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    Abstract The topography of Mt. Etna, Italy, is subjected to continuous modifications depending on intensity and magnitude of eruptions that frequently occur at the volcano summit and flanks. In order to make high-resolution maps of morphological changes and accurately calculate the overall volume of the erupted products (e.g., lava flows, tephra fall out, scoriae cones) in ten years, we have compared the altimetry models of Mt. Etna derived from 2005 Airborne Laser Scanning data and 2015 Pleiades stereo satellite imagery. Both models cover a common area of 400 km2 with spatial resolution of 2 m and comparable vertical accuracy (RMS

    Radionuclide measurements as tool for geophysical studies on Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily)

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    Radionuclide measurements as tool for geophysical studies on Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily

    Gas radon emission related to geodynamic activity on Mt. Etna

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    We report preliminary observations on possible correlations between anomalies of subsoil radon concentration and geodynamical events on Mt. Etna. In recent years several studies have been carried out on radon as a precursor of geophysical events, most of them performed either on tectonic or volcanic areas. The peculiarity of our investigation lies on the choice of the etnean region, in which tectonic and volcanic features are both present. In order to characterize Mt. Etna features by investigating radon gas in soil, two stations were located along the NE-SW direction on Mt. Etna. Each of the two stations is fitted with a radon detector, a 3D seismic station and a meteorological station. Differences in the radon concentration trend in the data from north and south flanks could be linked to different faulting mechanisms and then to different mechanisms of radon uprising. The increase in soil radon concentration could be related to both seismic and volcanic events

    High precision tilt observation at Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy

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    In 2007-2008, we installed on Mt. Etna two deep tilt stations using high resolution, self-leveling instruments. These installations are the result of accurate instrument tests, site selection, drilling and sensor positioning that has allowed detecting variations related to the principal diurnal and semidiurnal tides for first time on Mt. Etna using tilt data. We analyzed the tidal effects recorded on tilt signals and we removed tidal effects from signals, thereby allowing to detect changes of about 20 nanoradians with a considerable improvement respect to the previous installation. Tilt changes have accompanied the Mt. Etna main eruptive phases and are generally related to the rapid rise of magma and formation of dikes and eruptive fissures. However, tilt changes characterize lava fountains, earthquakes and inflation-deflation phases. The 2008-2009 eruption represents an example of the potential of these tiltmeters providing new perspectives for highly precise monitoring of ground deformation on volcanoes

    Source geometry from exceptionally high resolution long period event observations at Mt Etna during the 2008 eruption

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    During the second half of June, 2008, 50 broadband seismic stations were deployed on Mt Etna volcano in close proximity to the summit, allowing us to observe seismic activity with exceptionally high resolution. 129 long period events (LP) with dominant frequencies ranging between 0.3 and 1.2 Hz, were extracted from this dataset. These events form two families of similar waveforms with different temporal distributions. Event locations are performed by cross-correlating signals for all pairs of stations in a two-step scheme. In the first step, the absolute location of the centre of the clusters was found. In the second step, all events are located using this position. The hypocentres are found at shallow depths (20 to 700 m deep) below the summit craters. The very high location resolution allows us to detect the temporal migration of the events along a dike-like structure and 2 pipe shaped bodies, yielding an unprecedented view of some elements of the shallow plumbing system at Mount Etna. These events do not seem to be a direct indicator of the ongoing lava flow or magma upwelling
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