52,174 research outputs found

    Apparatus for providing a servo drive signal in a high-speed stepping interferometer

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    An analog voltage approximately linearly proportional to a desired offset from the present null position of a moving mirror in an interferometer is applied to the mirror moving means. As the mirror moves to the next null position, as determined by the analog voltage, the fringes of a laser reference interference pattern are detected. At the occurrence of each fringe the analog voltage is reduced proportionally so that when the next null position is reached, this driving analog is effectively zero. A binary up/down counter, by its internal count, causes a digital/analog converter to supply the analog voltage to the mirror moving means. Fringe detection and direction of movement logic cause the binary up/down counter to be decremented from its offset count as the mirror is moved to the new null position. Undesirable movement of the mirror due to vibration or other sources causes a correcting drive signal to be applied to the mirror moving means that is proportional to the distance of movement

    Analog VLSI-Based Modeling of the Primate Oculomotor System

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    One way to understand a neurobiological system is by building a simulacrum that replicates its behavior in real time using similar constraints. Analog very large-scale integrated (VLSI) electronic circuit technology provides such an enabling technology. We here describe a neuromorphic system that is part of a long-term effort to understand the primate oculomotor system. It requires both fast sensory processing and fast motor control to interact with the world. A one-dimensional hardware model of the primate eye has been built that simulates the physical dynamics of the biological system. It is driven by two different analog VLSI chips, one mimicking cortical visual processing for target selection and tracking and another modeling brain stem circuits that drive the eye muscles. Our oculomotor plant demonstrates both smooth pursuit movements, driven by a retinal velocity error signal, and saccadic eye movements, controlled by retinal position error, and can reproduce several behavioral, stimulation, lesion, and adaptation experiments performed on primates

    An Ultrasonic Sensor for Distance Measurement in Automotive Applications

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    This paper describes an ultrasonic sensor that is able to measure the distance from the ground of selected points of a motor vehicle. The sensor is based on the measurement of the time of flight of an ultrasonic pulse, which is reflected by the ground. A constrained optimization technique is employed to obtain reflected pulses that are easily detectable by means of a threshold comparator. Such a technique, which takes the frequency response of the ultrasonic transducers into account, allows a sub-wavelength detection to be obtained. Experimental tests, performed with a 40 kHz piezoelectric-transducer based sensor, showed a standard uncertainty of 1 mm at rest or at low speeds; the sensor still works at speeds of up to 30 m/s, although at higher uncertainty. The sensor is composed of only low cost components, thus being apt for first car equipment in many cases, and is able to self-adapt to different conditions in order to give the best result

    A preliminary systems study of interface equipment for digitally programmed flight simulators

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    Design study of digitally programmed supersonic transport flight simulato

    Improvement of control and analysis techniques of a SPM model

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá zdokonalováním výukového modelu mikroskopu atomárních sil (AFM). Součástí práce je rešerše stávajících analogii mezi makroskopickými jevy a fenomény spojenými s mikroskopii rastrovací sondou. Dále byla vybrána vhodná analogie, která byla následně implementována do již existujícího modelu mikroskopu atomárních sil. Do modelu byl integrován i jednodeskový počítač, který zajistí ovládání i bez nutnosti připojení externího počítače. Na závěr byly vyhodnoceny vlastnosti použité sondy a analogie mezi modelem a skutečnými mikroskopy atomárních sil.This Bachelor Thesis is focused on development of a model of an atomic force microscope (AFM). First part of the thesis is research of already existing analogies between macroscopic phenomena and phenomena connected to scanning probe microscopy. A suitable analogy was chosen and implemented into an existing AFM model. A single-board computer was integrated into the model to enable control without connecting an external computer. In final chapters, probe behaviour and analogies between the model and real atomic force microscopes are discussed.

    Broadcasting services amendment (Media Ownership) Bill 2006 and related bills

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    To help better explore the potential implications associated with the proposed legislation, we conducted a survey of 919 WA television viewers drawing from our TV Panel of 3000 viewers. Our panel has been recruited from a variety of sources including through lists acquired through marketing research firms, as well as direct mail and newspaper advertising recruitment drives. In many ways, our panel is better informed regarding future possibilities because they participate in regular studies where such scenarios are tested. In this way, the panel is better positioned to understand potential futures

    Environmental fog/rain visual display system for aircraft simulators

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    An environmental fog/rain visual display system for aircraft simulators is described. The electronic elements of the system include a real time digital computer, a caligraphic color display which simulates landing lights of selective intensity, and a color television camera for producing a moving color display of the airport runway as depicted on a model terrain board. The mechanical simulation elements of the system include an environmental chamber which can produce natural fog, nonhomogeneous fog, rain and fog combined, or rain only. A pilot looking through the aircraft wind screen will look through the fog and/or rain generated in the environmental chamber onto a viewing screen with the simulated color image of the airport runway thereon, and observe a very real simulation of actual conditions of a runway as it would appear through actual fog and/or rain

    Multimodal person recognition for human-vehicle interaction

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    Next-generation vehicles will undoubtedly feature biometric person recognition as part of an effort to improve the driving experience. Today's technology prevents such systems from operating satisfactorily under adverse conditions. A proposed framework for achieving person recognition successfully combines different biometric modalities, borne out in two case studies