643 research outputs found

    Impact of Load Balancing on Unstructured Adaptive Grid Computations for Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors

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    The computational requirements for an adaptive solution of unsteady problems change as the simulation progresses. This causes workload imbalance among processors on a parallel machine which, in turn, requires significant data movement at runtime. We present a new dynamic load-balancing framework, called JOVE, that balances the workload across all processors with a global view. Whenever the computational mesh is adapted, JOVE is activated to eliminate the load imbalance. JOVE has been implemented on an IBM SP2 distributed-memory machine in MPI for portability. Experimental results for two model meshes demonstrate that mesh adaption with load balancing gives more than a sixfold improvement over one without load balancing. We also show that JOVE gives a 24-fold speedup on 64 processors compared to sequential execution


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    The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) was established by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) on June 6, 1983. RIACS is privately operated by USRA, a consortium of universities that serves as a bridge between NASA and the academic community. Under a five-year co-operative agreement with NASA, research at RIACS is focused on areas that are strategically enabling to the Ames Research Center's role as NASA's Center of Excellence for Information Technology. The primary mission of RIACS is charted to carry out research and development in computer science. This work is devoted in the main to tasks that are strategically enabling with respect to NASA's bold mission in space exploration and aeronautics. There are three foci for this work: (1) Automated Reasoning. (2) Human-Centered Computing. and (3) High Performance Computing and Networking. RIACS has the additional goal of broadening the base of researcher in these areas of importance to the nation's space and aeronautics enterprises. Through its visiting scientist program, RIACS facilitates the participation of university-based researchers, including both faculty and students, in the research activities of NASA and RIACS. RIACS researchers work in close collaboration with NASA computer scientists on projects such as the Remote Agent Experiment on Deep Space One mission, and Super-Resolution Surface Modeling

    Drift-diffusion models for innovative semiconductor devices and their numerical solution

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    We present charge transport models for novel semiconductor devices which may include ionic species as well as their thermodynamically consistent finite volume discretization

    HARP: A Dynamic Inertial Spectral Partitioner

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    Partitioning unstructured graphs is central to the parallel solution of computational science and engineering problems. Spectral partitioners, such recursive spectral bisection (RSB), have proven effecfive in generating high-quality partitions of realistically-sized meshes. The major problem which hindered their wide-spread use was their long execution times. This paper presents a new inertial spectral partitioner, called HARP. The main objective of the proposed approach is to quickly partition the meshes at runtime in a manner that works efficiently for real applications in the context of distributed-memory machines. The underlying principle of HARP is to find the eigenvectors of the unpartitioned vertices and then project them onto the eigerivectors of the original mesh. Results for various meshes ranging in size from 1000 to 100,000 vertices indicate that HARP can indeed partition meshes rapidly at runtime. Experimental results show that our largest mesh can be partitioned sequentially in only a few seconds on an SP2 which is several times faster than other spectral partitioners while maintaining the solution quality of the proven RSB method. A parallel WI version of HARP has also been implemented on IBM SP2 and Cray T3E. Parallel HARP, running on 64 processors SP2 and T3E, can partition a mesh containing more than 100,000 vertices into 64 subgrids in about half a second. These results indicate that graph partitioning can now be truly embedded in dynamically-changing real-world applications
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