36 research outputs found

    Why Do People Stick with a Specific Social Networking Site? An Integrated Relationship and Uses Gratification Perspective

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    Since their inception, social networking sites (SNSs) have experienced exponential growth. While substantial research has been dedicated to users’ initial adoption of SNSs, the fall of MySpace reminds us that the long-term success of SNSs depends on users’ post adoption staying power. Inspired by this, this work-in-progress investigates users’ “stickiness” with a specific SNS. Based on Li et al. (2006)’s Commitment-Trust Model of Website Stickiness (CTM), this paper focuses on the relationships between SNSs and users. To refine CTM in the new context, we further borrow the Uses and Gratifications Theory from the Communication field to propose an integrated model

    Online searches for jury selection

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    abstract: The Sixth Amendment guarantees defendants the right to trial by an impartial jury. Attorneys are expected to obtain information about potential juror biases and then deselect biased jurors. Social networking sites may offer useful information about potential jurors. Although some attorneys and trial consultants have begun searching online sources for information about jurors, the privacy rights of potential jurors’ online content has yet to be defined by case law. Two studies explored the issue of possible intrusion into juror privacy. First, an active jury venire was searched for online content. Information was found for 36% of the jurors; however, 94% of the information was found through simple Google searches. Only 6% of the information we found was unique to other sites. We concluded that searching for potential jurors online is feasible, but that systematically searching sites other than Google is generally not an effective search strategy. In our second study we surveyed attorneys, trial consultants, law students, and undergraduate students about ethical and privacy issues in the use of public domain information for jury selection. Participants evidenced concern about the rights of jurors, the rights of the defendant and accuser, and the role of tradition in court processes

    Çevrimiçi sosyal ağlarda elektronik ağızdan ağıza pazarlama katılımcılarının kişisel özellikleri ve davranışlarına göre bölümlendirilmesi

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    The evolution of the Internet has extended consumers’ options for communicating their opinions or experiences without any company filters by engaging in electronic word of mouth (eWOM). One of the mediums in which eWOM is effectively disseminated to multitude of people is online social networks (SNSs). SNSs are different from other channels of eWOM, because of their unique characteristic; source trustworthiness. The received information is from a person which is accepted as contact with the consent of the person. In this study, we tried to understand the eWOM engagers on SNSs by personal characteristics and SNS usage behaviour based segmentation. With a sample size of 244, we conducted an online survey. Data was analyzed by factor analysis first. Then, the factor scores were entered in a cluster analysis using a combined hierarchical and non-hierarchical method. At the end, we defined four segments: viral producers, active communicators, average participators, passive communicators.İnternetin evrimi, tüketicilerin, görüşlerini ve deneyimlerini elektronik kanallar üzerinden yayılan ağızdan ağıza pazarlama (elektronik fısıltı) ile, şirket filtresi olmaksızın, diğer tüketicilere iletmek için seçeneklerini genişletmiştir. Elektronik fısıltının, çok sayıda insana en etkili şekilde yayılabileceği ortamlardan biri de çevrimiçi sosyal ağlardır. Çevrimiçi sosyal ağlar, bu ortama özgü bir karakteristik olan; fısıltı ile gelen bilgiyi gönderen kaynağın güvenilirliği sebebi ile ağızdan ağıza pazarlamanın oluştuğu diğer ortamlardan farklıdır. Bilgi, kişinin kendi rızası ile, irtibat kurduğu kişiler arasına kabul ettiği bir başka kişiden gelmektedir. Bu çalışma ile, sosyal ağlarda elektronik kanallar üzerinden oluşan fısıltının yayılmasına katılan kişilerin, kişisel özellikleri ve sosyal ağ kullanım davranışlarına göre tanımlanması hedeflenmiştir. Bunun için, çevrimiçi anket yöntemi kullanılarak 244 kişilik bir örneklem büyüklüğü elde edilmiştir. Toplanan veri önce faktör analizi kullanılarak boyutlarına indirgenmiştir. Elde edilen boyutlar hiyerarşik ve hiyerarşik olmayan yöntemlerin sırayla kullanıldığı kümeleme analizine sokulmuştur. Analiz sonucunda dört bölüm tanımlanmıştır: viral üreticiler, aktif iletişimciler, ortalama katılımcılar, pasif iletişimciler.Publisher's Versio


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    In social networking sites (SNSs), the user has a dual role as one produces content for both oneself and for the other users, and consumes the content produced by other users. Thus, we argu the SNS users can be characterized as prosumers. Drawing on the Uses & Gratifications approach, we further argu that voyeurism and exhibitionism are important gratifications from prosuming SNSs. We thus examine voyeurism as an outcome of content consumption and exhibitionism as an outcome of content production in SNS setting. To this end, we use Partial Least Squares (PLS) to analyse a sample of 289 Facebook users. The results show that content consumption significantly predicts voyeurism and content production exhibitionism. The study contributes to the literature on SNS use by disaggregating SNS use into content consumption and content production, and placing voyeurism and exhibitionism as the outcomes of the two. As its second main contribution, the study applies and further develops the concept of prosumption towards SNS use

    The online dating romance scam : causes and consequences of victimhood

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    The online dating romance scam is a relatively new and under-reported international crime targeting users of online dating sites. It has serious financial and emotional consequences, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. However, little if anything is known about psychological characteristics that may put people at risk of romance scam victimization, or influence how they react to it. Online daters (N=853) and participants recruited from a victim support site (N=397) completed a battery of online questionnaires. High scores on the romantic belief of Idealization were associated with likelihood of being a romance scam victim. Victims experienced significant emotional distress as well as financial losses. Even respondents who reported being fooled by scammers, but who had not lost any money, reported significant distress. Level of emotional distress was associated with high Neuroticism, and also with high Loneliness and low Openness to Experience among victims not losing money. The findings have implications for the feasibility of crime-prevention measures based on victim characteristics, and for treatment of victims by law enforcement and other stakeholders

    Privacidad e intimidad en las interacciones virtuales

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    El presente trabajo es una revisión de la literatura de investigación en Ciberpsicología centrada en las categorías de privacidad, intimidad, identidad y vulnerabilidad, y en la forma como estas se desarrollan en las redes sociales virtuales. Los principales hallazgos indicaron que son los jóvenes quienes dedican gran parte de su tiempo a interactuar en dichas redes, y a su vez, dado el manejo que les dan, tienen mayor exposición ante los posibles riesgos de estas, como el matoneo, las conductas auto lesivas, la explotación sexual y los trastornos de la alimentación. Se describen estos riesgos y se proponen posibles soluciones.The following text is a literature review about Cyberpsychology, centered on the categories of privacy, intimacy, identity, and vulnerability and the way these operate in the social networking sites. The main findings showed that younger people are the ones who dedicate the longest to these sites and given how they use them, they have more risk exposure like bullying, self-injurious behavior, sexual exploitation, and eating disorders. Possible solutions to these risks are presented on this work

    A Year In The Life Of: An Online Diary Of Keele Biochemistry Students’ Lives

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    Students often find the transition from School to University and between levelsdifficult. During Year 1 in particular, retention levels can be impacted significantly ifstudents have problems integrating socially, as well as academically. Universitiesare taking many and varied approaches to easing this transition, including a numberof peer-to-peer initiatives, because by sharing their experiences, students mayovercome some common issues. Web2.0 technologies provide tools to reach massaudiences, or can be restricted to small target groups such as student cohorts. Inthis pilot project, two 1st year and two 3rd year Biochemistry students have recordedtheir year in a series of posts in an online wiki-diary/blog. An in-depth contentanalysis of the blogs highlighted eight key categories and the frequency of commentswithin each category was scored. The 3rd year students spent more timecommenting on workload, personal approach to study and career preparation, thantheir 1st year counterparts. The readership of the online diaries was disappointinglylow, perhaps due to the relative inaccessibility of the pages, precluding the plannedreader-based evaluation of the project. In an informal interview, the bloggersrevealed their motivations for taking part and reflected on the perceived benefits.Overall, they enjoyed the exercise and felt that that had developed several of Keele’sgraduate attributes

    Efectos positivos del uso de blogs y wikis en variables psicoeducativas: revisión de estudios internacionales (2010-2013)

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    Se presenta una revisión de treinta y dos estudios empíricos internacionales publicados en los últimos cuatro años (2010-2013) en revistas científi - cas de impacto con la que se persigue dar respuesta a cuáles son las variables psicoeducativas más examinadas y cuáles son los efectos positivos que se producen en ellas como consecuencia del uso continuado de blogs y wikis. Los resultados demuestran que el uso de estas herramientas: i) promueve la colaboración, la participación, la interacción social y la socialización; ii) aumenta la motivación, la satisfacción, el rendimiento y la retroalimentación; y iii) favorece el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y creativo. We describe the positive effects that the using of two Web 2.0 tools (blogs and wikis) produce in several psycho-educational variables through the literature review of thirty and two international empirical studies publish in last four years (2010-2013) in impacts journals. The results evidence that the use of blogs and wikis promotes the collaboration, the participation, the social interaction and socialization, at the same time these tools increase the motivation, the satisfaction, the performance and the feedback and this tools favour the developing of critical and creative thinking skills.

    Efectos positivos del uso de blogs y wikis en variables psicoeducativas: revisión de estudios internacionales (2010-2013)

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    p. 103-122Se presenta una revisión de treinta y dos estudios empíricos internacionales publicados en los últimos cuatro años (2010-2013) en revistas científi - cas de impacto con la que se persigue dar respuesta a cuáles son las variables psicoeducativas más examinadas y cuáles son los efectos positivos que se producen en ellas como consecuencia del uso continuado de blogs y wikis. Los resultados demuestran que el uso de estas herramientas: i) promueve la colaboración, la participación, la interacción social y la socialización; ii) aumenta la motivación, la satisfacción, el rendimiento y la retroalimentación; y iii) favorece el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y creativoS