121,731 research outputs found

    Study Projectile Motion With Different Initial Conditions Using Digital Image

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    The aim of this research is building algorithms to study projectile motion in tow dimension  and tracking the object in sequence frames of digital image . Computer program has written in visual basic language (version 6) depend on mathematical models to detect a motion of object in two–dimensions (2-D)with different initial conditions like initial velocity, the height of object from the earth and the angle of motion, to calculate important variables in motion such as distance, displacement, velocity, speed and the energy (kinetic and potential). Color digital images of type (bmp) and (RGB) color model were used in the study for easy handling them, after determining the center of the image on the x-axis, and y-axis and tracking movement on the basis of the center, and the results were expected to conform to the movement of the body. Key words: Projectile, Motion, Digital Image

    Study Projectile Motion With Different Initial Conditions Using Digital Image

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    The aim of this research is building algorithms to study projectile motion in tow dimension  and tracking the object in sequence frames of digital image . Computer program has written in visual basic language (version 6) depend on mathematical models to detect a motion of object in two–dimensions (2-D)with different initial conditions like initial velocity, the height of object from the earth and the angle of motion, to calculate important variables in motion such as distance, displacement, velocity, speed and the energy (kinetic and potential). Color digital images of type (bmp) and (RGB) color model were used in the study for easy handling them, after determining the center of the image on the x-axis, and y-axis and tracking movement on the basis of the center, and the results were expected to conform to the movement of the body. Key words: Projectile, Motion, Digital Image

    TennisSense: a platform for extracting semantic information from multi-camera tennis data

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    In this paper, we introduce TennisSense, a technology platform for the digital capture, analysis and retrieval of tennis training and matches. Our algorithms for extracting useful metadata from the overhead court camera are described and evaluated. We track the tennis ball using motion images for ball candidate detection and then link ball candidates into locally linear tracks. From these tracks we can infer when serves and rallies take place. Using background subtraction and hysteresis-type blob tracking, we track the tennis players positions. The performance of both modules is evaluated using ground-truthed data. The extracted metadata provides valuable information for indexing and efficient browsing of hours of multi-camera tennis footage and we briefly illustrative how this data is used by our tennis-coach playback interface

    Automated visual tracking for studying the ontogeny of zebrafish swimming

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    The zebrafish Danio rerio is a widely used model organism in studies of genetics, developmental biology, and recently, biomechanics. In order to quantify changes in swimming during all stages of development, we have developed a visual tracking system that estimates the posture of fish. Our current approach assumes planar motion of the fish, given image sequences taken from a top view. An accurate geometric fish model is automatically designed and fit to the images at each time frame. Our approach works across a range of fish shapes and sizes and is therefore well suited for studying the ontogeny of fish swimming, while also being robust to common environmental occlusions. Our current analysis focuses on measuring the influence of vertebra development on the swimming capabilities of zebrafish. We examine wild-type zebrafish and mutants with stiff vertebrae (stocksteif) and quantify their body kinematics as a function of their development from larvae to adult (mutants made available by the Hubrecht laboratory, The Netherlands). By tracking the fish, we are able to measure the curvature and net acceleration along the body that result from the fish's body wave. Here, we demonstrate the capabilities of the tracking system for the escape response of wild-type zebrafish and stocksteif mutant zebrafish. The response was filmed with a digital high-speed camera at 1500 frames s–1. Our approach enables biomechanists and ethologists to process much larger datasets than possible at present. Our automated tracking scheme can therefore accelerate insight in the swimming behavior of many species of (developing) fish

    Motion Tracking With Web Camera Images Based On Spatial Properties

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    Machine Vision provides a cheap and flexible mean of tracking objects in motion when implemented by a web Camera. The low resolution digital images, capturing the different instances of the scene of object in motion yields information which can be used to lay a historical track of the object. The implementation of such a system. involved the separation of the objects from the background using threshold segmentation techniques. Although it accepted the variation of natural lighting, it assumed that the background was lighter than the objects. By that method, the objects which have the potential to move, were separated from the stationary background.The segmentation scheme implemented was a robust automated scheme, and form the preprocessing stage of the whole system

    Correspondence Estimation from Non-Rigid Motion Information

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    The DIET (Digital Image Elasto Tomography) system is a novel approach to screen for breast cancer using only optical imaging information of the surface of a vibrating breast. 3D tracking of skin surface motion without the requirement of external markers is desirable. A novel approach to establish point correspondences using pure skin images is presented here. Instead of the intensity, motion is used as the primary feature, which can be extracted using optical flow algorithms. Taking sequences of multiple frames into account, this motion information alone is accurate and unambiguous enough to allow for a 3D reconstruction of the breast surface. Two approaches, direct and probabilistic, for this correspondence estimation are presented here, suitable for different levels of calibration information accuracy. Reconstructions show that the results obtained using these methods are comparable in accuracy to marker-based methods while considerably increasing resolution. The presented method has high potential in optical tissue deformation and motion sensing

    Real-time myocardial landmark tracking for MRI-guided cardiac radio-ablation using Gaussian Processes

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    The high speed of cardiorespiratory motion introduces a unique challenge for cardiac stereotactic radio-ablation (STAR) treatments with the MR-linac. Such treatments require tracking myocardial landmarks with a maximum latency of 100 ms, which includes the acquisition of the required data. The aim of this study is to present a new method that allows to track myocardial landmarks from few readouts of MRI data, thereby achieving a latency sufficient for STAR treatments. We present a tracking framework that requires only few readouts of k-space data as input, which can be acquired at least an order of magnitude faster than MR-images. Combined with the real-time tracking speed of a probabilistic machine learning framework called Gaussian Processes, this allows to track myocardial landmarks with a sufficiently low latency for cardiac STAR guidance, including both the acquisition of required data, and the tracking inference. The framework is demonstrated in 2D on a motion phantom, and in vivo on volunteers and a ventricular tachycardia (arrhythmia) patient. Moreover, the feasibility of an extension to 3D was demonstrated by in silico 3D experiments with a digital motion phantom. The framework was compared with template matching - a reference, image-based, method - and linear regression methods. Results indicate an order of magnitude lower total latency (<10 ms) for the proposed framework in comparison with alternative methods. The root-mean-square-distances and mean end-point-distance with the reference tracking method was less than 0.8 mm for all experiments, showing excellent (sub-voxel) agreement. The high accuracy in combination with a total latency of less than 10 ms - including data acquisition and processing - make the proposed method a suitable candidate for tracking during STAR treatments