129 research outputs found

    Novel IMU-based Adaptive Estimator of the Center of Rotation of Joints for Movement Analysis

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    The location of the center of rotation (COR) of joints is a key parameter in multiple applications of human motion analysis. The aim of this work was to propose a novel real-time estimator of the center of fixed joints using an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Since the distance to this center commonly varies during the joint motion due to soft tissue artifacts (STA), our approach is aimed at adapting to these small variations when the COR is fixed. Our proposal, called ArVEd, to the best of our knowledge, is the first real-time estimator of the IMU-joint center vector based on one IMU. Previous works are off-line and require a complete measurement batch to be solved and most of them are not tested on the real scenario. The algorithm is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that provides an adaptive vector to STA motion variations at each time instant, without requiring a pre-processing stage to reduce the level of noise. ArVEd has been tested through different experiments, including synthetic and real data. The synthetic data are obtained from a simulated spherical pendulum whose COR is fixed, considering both a constant and a variable IMU-joint vector, that simulates translational IMU motions due to STA. The results prove that ArVEd is adapted to obtain a vector per sample with an accuracy of 6.8±\pm3.9 on the synthetic data, that means an error lower than 3.5% of the simulated IMU-joint vector. Its accuracy is also tested on the real scenario estimating the COR of the hip of 5 volunteers using as reference the results from an optical system. In this case, ArVEd gets an average error of 9.5% of the real vector value. In all the experiments, ArVEd outperforms the published results of the reference algorithms.Comment: \c{opyright} 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Accuracy of the Orientation Estimate Obtained Using Four Sensor Fusion Filters Applied to Recordings of Magneto-Inertial Sensors Moving at Three Rotation Rates

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    6Magneto-Inertial technology is a well-established alternative to optical motion capture for human motion analysis applications since it allows prolonged monitoring in free-living conditions. Magneto and Inertial Measurement Units (MIMUs) integrate a triaxial accelerometer, a triaxial gyroscope and a triaxial magnetometer in a single and lightweight device. The orientation of the body to which a MIMU is attached can be obtained by combining its sensor readings within a sensor fusion framework. Despite several sensor fusion implementations have been proposed, no well-established conclusion about the accuracy level achievable with MIMUs has been reached yet. The aim of this preliminary study was to perform a direct comparison among four popular sensor fusion algorithms applied to the recordings of MIMUs rotating at three different rotation rates, with the orientation provided by a stereophotogrammetric system used as a reference. A procedure for suboptimal determination of the parameter filter values was also proposed. The findings highlighted that all filters exhibited reasonable accuracy (rms errors < 6.4°). Moreover, in accordance with previous studies, every algorithm's accuracy worsened as the rotation rate increased. At the highest rotation rate, the algorithm from Sabatini (2011) showed the best performance with errors smaller than 4.1° rms.partially_openopenCaruso M.; Sabatini A.M.; Knaflitz M.; Gazzoni M.; Della Croce U.; Cereatti A.Caruso, M.; Sabatini, A. M.; Knaflitz, M.; Gazzoni, M.; Della Croce, U.; Cereatti, A

    Contributions to physical exercises monitoring with inertial measurement units

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    Resumen: La monitorización de movimientos trata de obtener información sobre su ejecución, siendo esencial en múltiples aplicaciones, como el seguimiento de terapias físicas. La monitorización tiene un doble objetivo esencial para lograr los beneficios de dichas terapias: asegurar la corrección en la ejecución de movimientos y mejorar la adherencia a los programas prescritos. Para lograr esta monitorización de forma remota y poco intrusiva, se necesitan recursos tecnológicos. Este trabajo se centra en las soluciones basadas en sensores inerciales. Esta tesis estudia los algoritmos de la literatura para el análisis de movimientos con sensores inerciales, determinando un parámetro anatómico requerido en diversas propuestas: la posición de las articulaciones respecto de los sensores, así como longitud de los segmentos anatómicos. En este trabajo se introducen dos algoritmos de calibración anatómica. El primero, basado en mínimos cuadrados, determina el punto o el eje medios de aceleración nula presente en las articulaciones fijas. El algoritmo está adaptado a los movimientos lentos dados en los miembros inferiores para estabilizar las articulaciones. El segundo, adaptado a la variación de la posición relativa del punto de aceleración nula respecto de los sensores a causa del característico tejido blando asociado al cuerpo humano, emplea las medidas inerciales como entradas en un filtro de Kalman extendido. Por otro lado, esta tesis aborda la falta de datos comunes para la evaluación y comparación de los algoritmos. Para ello, se diseña y crea una base de datos centrada en movimientos habituales en rutinas físicas, que se encuentra publicada en Zenodo. Esta base de datos contiene movimientos de calibración articular y de ejercicios de miembros inferiores y superiores ejecutados de forma correcta e incorrecta por 30 voluntarios de ambos sexos con un amplio rango de edades, grabados con cuatro sensores inerciales y un sistema de referencia óptico de alta precisión. Además, las grabaciones se encuentran etiquetadas acorde al tipo de ejercicio realizado y su evaluación. Finalmente, se estudia un segundo enfoque de monitorización de rutinas físicas, cuyo objetivo es reconocer y evaluar simultáneamente los ejercicios ejecutados, retos comúnmente estudiados individualmente. Se proponen tres sistemas que emplean las medidas de cuatro sensores inerciales y difieren en el nivel de detalle en las salidas del sistema. Para realizar las clasificaciones propuestas, se evalúan seis algoritmos de machine learning determinando el más adecuado.This thesis is framed in the field of remote motion monitoring, which aims to obtain information about the execution of movements. This information is essential in many applications, including the clinical ones, to measure the evolution of patients, to assess possible pathologies, such as motor or cognitive ones, and to follow up physical therapies. The monitoring of physical therapies has twofold purpose: to ensure the correct execution of movements and to improve adherence to the programs. Both purposes are essential to achieve the benefits associated with physical therapies. To accomplish this monitoring in a remote and non-intrusive way, technological resources such as the well-known inertial sensors are needed, which are commonly integrated into the so-called wearables. This work focuses on inertial-based solutions for monitoring physical therapy routines. However, the results of this work are not exclusive of this field, being able to be applied in other fields that require a motion monitoring. This work is intended to meet the needs of the monitoring systems found in the literature. In the review of previous proposals for remote monitoring of rehabilitation routines, we found two different main approaches. The first one is based on the analysis of movements, which estimates kinematic parameters, and the second one focuses on the qualitative characterization of the movements. From this differentiation, we identify and contribute to the limitations of each approach. With regard to the motion analysis for the estimation of kinematic parameters, we found an anatomical parameter required in various methods proposed in the literature. This parameter consists in the position of the joints with respect to the sensors, and sometimes these methods also require the length of the anatomical segments. The determination of these internal parameters is complex and is usually performed in controlled environments with optical systems or through palpation of anatomical landmarks by trained personnel. There is a lack of algorithms that determine these anatomical parameters using inertial sensors. This work introduces an algorithm for this anatomical calibration, which is based on the determination of the point of zero acceleration present in fixed joints. We use one inertial sensor per joint in order to simplify the complexity of algorithms versus using xv xvi ABSTRACT more than one. Since the relative position of this point may vary due to soft tissue movements or joint motion, the mean null acceleration point for the calibration motion is estimated by least squares. This algorithm is adapted to slow movements occurring in the lower-limbs to meet the required joint stabilization. Moreover, it can be applied to both joint centers and axes, although the latter is more complex to determine. Since we are dealing with the calibration of a system as complex as the human body, we evaluate different movements and their relation to the accuracy of the proposed system. This thesis also proposes a second, more versatile calibration method, which is adapted to the characteristic soft tissue associated with the human body. This method is based on the measurements of one inertial sensors used as inputs of an extended Kalman filter. We test the proposal both in synthetic data and in the real scenario of hip center of rotation determination. In simulations it provides an accuracy of 3% and in the real scenario, where the reference is obtained with a high precision optical system, the accuracy is 10 %. In this way, we propose a novel algorithm that localizes the joints adaptively to the motion of the tissues. In addition, this work addresses another limitation of motion analysis which is the lack of common datasets for the evaluation of algorithms and for the development of new proposals of motion monitoring methods. For this purpose, we design and create a public database focused on common movements in rehabilitation routines. Its design takes into account the joint calibration that is usually considered for the monitoring of joint parameters, performing functional movements for it. We monitor lower and upper limb exercises correctly and incorrectly performed by 30 volunteers of both sexes and a wide range of ages. One of the main objectives to be fulfilled by this database is the validation of algorithms based on inertial systems. Thus, it is recorded by using four inertial systems placed on different body limbs and including a highly accurate reference system based on infrared cameras. In addition, the recorded movements are labeled according to their characterization, which is based on the type of exercise performed and their quality. We provide a total of 7 076 files of inertial kinematic data with a high-precision reference, characterized with respect to the kind of performed motion and their correctness in performance, together with a function for automatic processing. Finally, we focus on the analysis of the second approach of monitoring physical routines, whose objective is to obtain qualitative information of their execution. This work contributes to the characterization of movements including their recognition and evaluation, which are usually studied separately. We propose three classification systems which use four inertial sensors. The proposals differ in the distribution of data and, therefore, the level of detail in the system outputs. We evaluate six machine learning techniques for the proposed classification systems in order to determine the most suitable for each of them: Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forest, xvii K Nearest Neighbors, Extreme Learning Machines and Multi-Layer Perceptron. The proposals result in accuracy, F1-value, precision and sensitivity above the 88 %. Furthermore, we achieve a system with an accuracy of 95% in the complete qualitative characterization of the motions, which recognizes the performed motion and evaluates the correctness of its performance. It is worth highlighting that the highest metrics are always obtained with Support Vector Machines, among all the methods evaluated. The proposed classifier that provides the highest metrics is the one divided into two stages, that first recognizes the exercises and then evaluates them, compared with the other proposals that perform both tasks in one single-stage classification. From our work, it can be concluded that inertial systems are appropriate for remote physical exercise monitoring. On the one hand, they are suitable for the calibration of human joints necessary for various methods of motion analysis using one inertial sensor per joint. These sensors allow to obtain the estimation of an average joint location as well as the average length of anatomical segments. Also, joint centers can be located in scenarios where joint-related sensor movements occur, associated with soft tissue movement. On the other hand, a complete characterization of the physical exercises performed can be achieved with four inertial sensors and the appropriate algorithms. In this way, anatomical information can be obtained, as well as quantitative and qualitative information on the execution of physical therapies through the use of inertial sensors

    Magnetic Field Gradient-Based EKF for Velocity Estimation in Indoor Navigation

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an advanced solution to improve the inertial velocity estimation of a rigid body, for indoor navigation, through implementing a magnetic field gradient-based Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The proposed estimation scheme considers a set of data from a triad of inertial sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope), as well as a determined arrangement of magnetometers array. The inputs for the estimation scheme are the spatial derivatives of the magnetic field, from the magnetometers array, and the attitude, from the inertial sensors. As it was shown in the literature, there is a strong relation between the velocity and the measured magnetic field gradient. However, the latter usually suffers from high noises. Then, the novelty of the proposed EKF is to develop a specific equation to describe the dynamics of the magnetic field gradient. This contribution helps to filter, first, the magnetic field and its gradient and second, to better estimate the inertial velocity. Some numerical simulations that are based on an open source database show the targeted improvements. At the end of the paper, this approach is extended to position estimation in the case of a foot-mounted application and the results are very promising

    Inertial-Magnetic Sensors for Assessing Spatial Cognition in Infants

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    This paper describes a novel approach to the assessment of spatial cognition in children. In particular we present a wireless instrumented toy embedding magneto-inertial sensors for orientation tracking, specifically developed to assess the ability to insert objects into holes. To be used in naturalistic environments (e.g. daycares), we also describe an in-field calibration procedure based on a sequence of manual rotations, not relying on accurate motions or sophisticated equipment. The final accuracy of the proposed system, after the mentioned calibration procedure, is derived by direct comparison with a gold-standard motion tracking device. In particular, both systems are subjected to a sequence of ten single-axis rotations (approximately 90 deg, back and forth), about three different axes. The root-mean-square of the angular error between the two measurements (gold-standard vs. proposed systems) was evaluated for each trial. In particular, the average rms error is under 2 deg. This study indicates that a technological approach to ecological assessment of spatial cognition in infants is indeed feasible. As a consequence, prevention through screening of large number of infants is at reach

    A Complementary Filter Design on SE(3) to IdentifyMicro-Motions during 3D Motion Tracking

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    In 3D motion capture, multiple methods have been developed in order to optimize thequality of the captured data. While certain technologies, such as inertial measurement units (IMU),are mostly suitable for 3D orientation estimation at relatively high frequencies, other technologies,such as marker-based motion capture, are more suitable for 3D position estimations at a lower frequencyrange. In this work, we introduce a complementary filter that complements 3D motion capture datawith high-frequency acceleration signals from an IMU. While the local optimization reduces the error ofthe motion tracking, the additional accelerations can help to detect micro-motions that are useful whendealing with high-frequency human motions or robotic applications. The combination of high-frequencyaccelerometers improves the accuracy of the data and helps to overcome limitations in motion capturewhen micro-motions are not traceable with 3D motion tracking system. In our experimental evaluation,we demonstrate the improvements of the motion capture results during translational, rotational,and combined movements

    Motion-based remote control device for interaction with multimedia content

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    This dissertation describes the development and implementation of techniques to enhance the accuracy of low-complexity lters, making them suitable for remote control devices in consumer electronics. The evolution veri ed in the last years, on multimedia contents, available for consumers in Smart TVs and set-top-boxes, is not raising the expected interest from users, and one of the pointed reasons for this nding is the user interface. Although most current pointing devices rely on relative rotation increments, absolute orientation allows for a more intuitive use and interaction. This possibility is explored in this work as well as the interaction with multimedia contents through gestures. Classical accurate fusion algorithms are computationally intensive, therefore their implementation in low-energy consumption devices is a challenging task. To tackle this problem, a performance study was carried, comparing a relevant set of professional commercial of-the-shelf units, with the developed low-complexity lters in state-of-the-art Magnetic, Angular Rate, Gravity (MARG) sensors. Part of the performance evaluation tests are carried out under harsh conditions to observe the algorithms response in a nontrivial environment. The results demonstrate that the implementation of low-complexity lters using low-cost sensors, can provide an acceptable accuracy in comparison with the more complex units/ lters. These results pave the way for faster adoption of absolute orientation-based pointing devices in interactive multimedia applications, which includes hand-held, battery-operated devices

    Attitude Estimation of Quadcopter through Extended Kalman Filter

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate the attitude of the quadcopter using the sensors: 3-axesaccelerometer, 3-axes gyroscope, 2-axes compass.At first I introduce some basic conception of quadcopter, such as the three main factor: roll, pitch,yaw, and the coordinate system that are used to implement the next calculations. Then according tothe mathematical model, I simulated the quadcopter in Simulink. The sensors are also modeled usingthe real sensor measurements to correctly estimate the measurement noise.After finished the model, I gave it a step input and get the output from the scope. Then I add theGaussian noise on to it and use this as the input of Extended Kalman Filter. And compare somedifferent type of Kalman Filter to conclude that the EKF is the best strategy.Finally we can conclude that the standard extended Kalman filter is the best estimator. If allof the parameters can be set correctly, The EKF can have a better result. But since it is notimplement on the embedded system, it can be used only as a reference and provide satisfyingresult in most situations.Keywords: Quadcopter, Extended Kalman Filter, Eular angl