1,740 research outputs found

    Combining physical constraints with geometric constraint-based modeling for virtual assembly

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    The research presented in this dissertation aims to create a virtual assembly environment capable of simulating the constant and subtle interactions (hand-part, part-part) that occur during manual assembly, and providing appropriate feedback to the user in real-time. A virtual assembly system called SHARP System for Haptic Assembly and Realistic Prototyping is created, which utilizes simulated physical constraints for part placement during assembly.;The first approach taken in this research attempt utilized Voxmap Point Shell (VPS) software for implementing collision detection and physics-based modeling in SHARP. A volumetric approach, where complex CAD models were represented by numerous small cubic-voxel elements was used to obtain fast physics update rates (500--1000 Hz). A novel dual-handed haptic interface was developed and integrated into the system allowing the user to simultaneously manipulate parts with both hands. However, coarse model approximations used for collision detection and physics-based modeling only allowed assembly when minimum clearance was limited to ∼8-10%.;To provide a solution to the low clearance assembly problem, the second effort focused on importing accurate parametric CAD data (B-Rep) models into SHARP. These accurate B-Rep representations are used for collision detection as well as for simulating physical contacts more accurately. A new hybrid approach is presented, which combines the simulated physical constraints with geometric constraints which can be defined at runtime. Different case studies are used to identify the suitable combination of methods (collision detection, physical constraints, geometric constraints) capable of best simulating intricate interactions and environment behavior during manual assembly. An innovative automatic constraint recognition algorithm is created and integrated into SHARP. The feature-based approach utilized for the algorithm design, facilitates faster identification of potential geometric constraints that need to be defined. This approach results in optimized system performance while providing a more natural user experience for assembly

    Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing; Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

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    The successful deployment of AI solutions in manufacturing environments hinges on their security, safety and reliability which becomes more challenging in settings where multiple AI systems (e.g., industrial robots, robotic cells, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)) interact as atomic systems and with humans. To guarantee the safe and reliable operation of AI systems in the shopfloor, there is a need to address many challenges in the scope of complex, heterogeneous, dynamic and unpredictable environments. Specifically, data reliability, human machine interaction, security, transparency and explainability challenges need to be addressed at the same time. Recent advances in AI research (e.g., in deep neural networks security and explainable AI (XAI) systems), coupled with novel research outcomes in the formal specification and verification of AI systems provide a sound basis for safe and reliable AI deployments in production lines. Moreover, the legal and regulatory dimension of safe and reliable AI solutions in production lines must be considered as well. To address some of the above listed challenges, fifteen European Organizations collaborate in the scope of the STAR project, a research initiative funded by the European Commission in the scope of its H2020 program (Grant Agreement Number: 956573). STAR researches, develops, and validates novel technologies that enable AI systems to acquire knowledge in order to take timely and safe decisions in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Moreover, the project researches and delivers approaches that enable AI systems to confront sophisticated adversaries and to remain robust against security attacks. This book is co-authored by the STAR consortium members and provides a review of technologies, techniques and systems for trusted, ethical, and secure AI in manufacturing. The different chapters of the book cover systems and technologies for industrial data reliability, responsible and transparent artificial intelligence systems, human centered manufacturing systems such as human-centred digital twins, cyber-defence in AI systems, simulated reality systems, human robot collaboration systems, as well as automated mobile robots for manufacturing environments. A variety of cutting-edge AI technologies are employed by these systems including deep neural networks, reinforcement learning systems, and explainable artificial intelligence systems. Furthermore, relevant standards and applicable regulations are discussed. Beyond reviewing state of the art standards and technologies, the book illustrates how the STAR research goes beyond the state of the art, towards enabling and showcasing human-centred technologies in production lines. Emphasis is put on dynamic human in the loop scenarios, where ethical, transparent, and trusted AI systems co-exist with human workers. The book is made available as an open access publication, which could make it broadly and freely available to the AI and smart manufacturing communities

    Immersive Virtual Reality Error Management Training for CNC Machining Setup Procedures

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    In order to address the expanding manufacturing talent gap for skilled machinists and limitations with existing machining training programs, this study introduces an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) computer numerical control (CNC) machining training environment CNC machine setup processes with a novel error management-based training curriculum. Current machinist training programs typically require active mentorship from skilled individuals over several years and consume a large amount of materials and tools. In addition, mistakes and errors made during the setup process can create safety risks, waste material, and break equipment, which have not been considered by the existing VR CNC milling training environments. In order to address these operational challenges, a novel error-management based training in VR is proposed, which allows trainees to learn machine setup procedures, common errors and mistakes, and provides an opportunity to practice identifying errors. The training first introduces students to the setup procedure, followed by demonstrations of error cases and identification and management strategies culminating in practice opportunities. Through the VR system, trainees witness a spatial demonstration of the procedure, guided by auditory and text instructions with a realistic error identification practice session. In order to evaluate the impact of the novel error management curriculum and the virtual reality training environment, this study compared the efficacy of three training conditions; video based training, video training with an error management module, and VR training with integrated error management training. The results of the study indicate error management training increases the mistake identification and correction and task completion time. Participant feedback indicates that immersive training increases engagement and reduces distractions during the training phase. Furthermore, participants feel more confident by asking fewer questions in order to operate the CNC milling machine. These findings suggest further developments in error management training for CNC machining training in an immersive VR environment may improve training outcomes and workforce readiness

    Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Information Technology is growing rapidly. With the birth of high-resolution graphics, high-speed computing and user interaction devices Virtual Reality has emerged as a major new technology in the mid 90es, last century. Virtual Reality technology is currently used in a broad range of applications. The best known are games, movies, simulations, therapy. From a manufacturing standpoint, there are some attractive applications including training, education, collaborative work and learning. This book provides an up-to-date discussion of the current research in Virtual Reality and its applications. It describes the current Virtual Reality state-of-the-art and points out many areas where there is still work to be done. We have chosen certain areas to cover in this book, which we believe will have potential significant impact on Virtual Reality and its applications. This book provides a definitive resource for wide variety of people including academicians, designers, developers, educators, engineers, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students

    Proceeding of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium : Exoskeletons in the Workplace\u2014Assessing Safety, Usability, and Productivity

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    "The Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium: Exoskeletons in the Workplace have been assembled to disseminate the speakers\u81' presentations and to summarize the question and answer/discussion periods that followed the presentations within each session. The proceedings appear by session and include summary points with links to presentation slides from speakers who agreed to provide them. The Ergo-X Proceedings Editors identified and documented the summary points and gave presenters of specific content (such as keynote presentations) an opportunity to review, edit, and approve the content. Here are some of the key summary points from the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium: 1. Metabolic demand may be a predictor of fatigue onset; however, we need a better understanding of how the positive or negative effect of an exoskeleton on metabolic demand affects injury prevention/risk. 2. The fit of the exoskeleton system is complex. Static assessments of fit that do not consider task dynamics are insufficient; multivariate anthropometric data are critical to fit. 3. Simulation and digital human modeling technologies have potential use in (1) assessing the interface between the user and exoskeleton and (2) reducing the test and evaluation burden of using human subjects. 4. Existing exoskeleton systems require a period of adaptation by the end user. For a new user, task performance is not likely to reach a steady state immediately. We need to establish acceptable test durations for exoskeleton trials. 5. Cognitive and psychomotor effects of exoskeleton use have been observed and are likely task dependent. 6. Industrial exoskeleton designs should be compatible with off-the-shelf tools, equipment, and personal protective equipment, rather than relying on specialty tools and custom interfaces. 7. Although industry speakers presented examples of wider-scale deployment of overhead support exoskeletons, overhead work with tool support appears to be the most mature industrial-use case at present. 8. The FDA oversees devices marketed/prescribed for medical use. Early adoption of medical exoskeletons may be more promising among individuals who are less adapted to other mobility-assistive technologies for their disabilities. 9. In the rehabilitation domain, clinics can utilize exoskeletons to assist therapists in delivering appropriate therapeutic doses. 10. ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits and other standards organizations offer a forum for sharing exoskeleton knowledge. Feedback gathered from attendees and participants revealed 19 different topics (see the word cloud) that were issues or concerns for exoskeleton developers, researchers, and end users in 2018 and moving forward. The top four topics were (1) return on investment (ROI) considerations; (2) size, shape, and fit of exoskeletons on users; (3) longitudinal effects of exoskeleton usage; and (4) \u201cWhat metrics are right?\u201d for measuring safe, effective, or reliable system design and integration for users or patients." - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC no. 20057456Suggested citation: NIOSH [2019] Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium: Exoskeletons in the Workplace \u2014 Assessing Safety, Usability, and Productivity. By Lowe B, Billotte W, Brogmus G, McDowell T, Reid C, Rempel D, Srinivasan D (Editors). Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2020-102, https://doi.org/10.26616/NIOSHPUB20201022020-102.pdf?id=10.26616/NIOSHPUB2020102201910.26616/NIOSHPUB2020102678

    An ergonomics design knowledge based expert system

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    The research scope and objectives are to investigate the use of 'geometric reasoning' using the knowledge based techniques established for expert systems. An Expert System is integrated within the SAMMIE (System for Aiding Man-Machine Interaction Evaluation) computer man modelling system and used for vehicle interior design. Vehicle design objectives are related to a rule base determined from national and international standards and legislation. Malaysia is now progressing towards becoming an Industrialised Country by the year 2020. In mid 1985 the Malaysian Motor Industry produced the Proton Saga which has since been exported to other countries. Although the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) is playing an important role in design activities and provision of standardisation information, some standards and legislation for vehicle interior design are not easily available. There is an important and urgent need for standards and legislation to facilitate vehicle design within Malaysia and Internationally. A literature survey on the relevance of ergonomics design to standards and legislation for vehicle interior design is presented. Knowledge and expertise required for the knowledge base were elicited from various resources; extracted from journals, research publications and standards reports from various international organisations. The SAMMIE system was used to develop a prototype design model for the vehicle interior and the KES expert systems hell was selected to develop the Ergonomics Design Knowledge Based Expert System (EDKBES). EDKBES has a modular structure for ease of software readability, editing and testing, and to readily facilitate further development. The knowledge base is divided into several sections related to the hierarchical structure of vehicle interior design

    Reframing the value of virtual prototyping: Intermediary virtual prototyping - the evolving approach of virtual environments based virtual prototyping in the context of new product development and low volume production

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    This thesis studies how the evolving approach of virtual environments-based virtual prototyping can be evaluated in the context of product design and development in the manufacturing industry. The entry point for this research is the relatively long experience in applied research in virtual prototyping with industry. As the virtual prototyping technology has become more mature, the focus of research and development has extended from technology demonstrations towards utilization in product design and development processes. However, lack of scientific and practical knowledge of real benefits and the value of virtual prototyping has seemed to be a deterrent to its wider adoption of industry. The aim of this thesis is by means of scientific research to increase the knowledge of the value contribution of virtual prototyping as well as its impacts in a practical industrial context.This problem was approached from the science base by formulating an expanded theory framework for value modelling, and from the problem base by an empirical case study in one manufacturing company. The research approach was constructive and exploratory.The research results consist of three types of knowledge. Firstly, the scientific theoretical foundation was elaborated for initiating value modelling of virtual prototyping and virtual environments. Secondly, new knowledge on the value of virtual prototyping within new product development was created in an industrial case study. Finally, knowledge on how virtual prototyping (VP) impacts the company was reported. The impact was discussed in the dimensions of process, social and technological implications.This research contributed to engineering design science by conceptualizing virtual prototyping in the context of product design and development expanding to the dimensions of human factors and management theory. Thus, the contribution is also manifested by constructing the expanded theory framework for virtual prototyping value modelling in four dimensions with causal justification from virtual reality technology to business value elements which led to the new concept of Intermediary Virtual Prototyping (IVP). The discussed concept of IVP underscores the many layers from technical advantages of virtual reality to the expanded mediating object of product development activity system.The discussion was carried on from the perspective of a partially configurable products and manual work-intensive variant production mode. This perspective is novel compared to the majority of virtual prototyping and virtual environments literature. It is proposed that IVP is particularly beneficial in this context, where human skills and knowledge contribute to the flexibility of production system.IVP should be considered as a strategic investment that will produce income in the long run. IVP contributes to the co-creation and variant production paradigms by involving human creativity at an early product design and development phase, thus increasing flexibility. IVP creates value in use, but in turn it impacts the company in all the four dimensions mentioned

    Developing a lean enablers training program using virtual reality (VR) system

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    Training plays a major role in improving work within organisations by ensuring that the appropriate level of knowledge and skills are shared among personnel. It moulds the thinking process and leads to quality performance. However, training which includes a practical aspect usually targets a specific type of trainee and can limit the learning of an individual coming from a different background than that taken into consideration when the training programme was originally developed. This research focuses on training, and attempts to develop a program using a virtual reality (VR) system as a platform to create a simulated working environment which has the flexibility to train staff members of an organisation, who may come from a variety of different professional backgrounds, in the concept of the lean enablers. The main concern of this research is the adaptation of lean training for a virtual environment. Existing training methods have been analysed, along with the various ways in which they can be implemented, and these have been used in this research as a starting point from which to construct the virtual work environment. Through the research, a method has been developed to set up and run a training session using a virtual reality (VR) system by generating a structure to design the modelling elements that compose the virtual workplace, as well as establishing a method so that a trainee can navigate the simulated environment and perform tasks. A program to collect the performance measures and visualise the results has also been developed, with the aim of enabling the evaluation of a simulation run by assessors/trainers. This research covers new ground in providing a simulated working environment, which can suit any trainee’s professional background, to facilitate learning about the lean enablers. It offers the capacity of establishing a simulated work environment which can represent the trainee’s workplace and provide the necessary practical experience in order to grasp the concept taught through the training program. Additionally it offers the capacity for assessors/trainers to observe the performance measures and the trainee’s behaviour, simultaneously, while undertaking a simulation run. These combinations of information can be complementary and enable assessors/trainers in providing the best feedback while improving the learning curve of a trainee. Although training programmes in organisations have provided a number of improvements in completing work with high efficiency and minimum waste, the outcomes collected in this research demonstrate that their benefits can be pushed further in terms of providing a training method which can be accessible to a large variety of sectors.Technology Strategy Board project -ref: K1532

    Robotic Training for the Integration of Material Performances in Timber Manufacturing

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    The research focuses on testing a series of material-sensitive robotic training methods that flexibly extend the range of subtractive manufacturing processes available to designers based on the integration of manufacturing knowledge at an early design stage. In current design practices, the lack of feedback information between the different steps of linear design workflows forces designers to engage with only a limited range of standard materials and manufacturing techniques, leading to wasteful and inefficient solutions. With a specific focus on timber subtractive manufacturing, the work presented in this thesis addresses the main issue hindering the utilisation of non-standard tools and heterogeneous materials in design processes which is the significant deviation between what is prescribed in the digital design environment and the respective fabrication outcome. To begin, it has been demonstrated the extent to which the heterogeneous properties of timber affect the outcome of the robotic carving process beyond the acceptable tolerance thresholds for design purposes. Resting on this premise, the devised strategy to address such a material variance involved capturing, transferring, augmenting and integrating manufacturing knowledge through the collection of real- world fabrication data, both by human experts and robotic sessions, and training of machine learning models (i.e. Artificial Neural Networks) to achieve an accurate simulation of the robotic manufacturing task informed by specific sets of tools affordances and material behaviours. The results of the training process have demonstrated that it is possible to accurately simulate the carving process to a degree sufficient for design applications, anticipating the influence of material and tool properties on the carved geometry. The collaborations with the industry partners of the project, ROK Architects (Zürich) and BIG (Copenhagen), provided the opportunity to assess the different practical uses and related implications of the tools in a real-world scenario following an open-ended and explorative approach based on several iterations of the full design-to-production cycle. The findings have shown that the devised strategy supports decision-making procedures at an early stage of the design process and enables the exploration of novel, previously unavailable, solutions informed by material and tool affordances
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