11 research outputs found

    Motion Estimation from Disparity Images

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    A new method for 3D rigid motion estimation from stereo is proposed in this paper. The appealing feature of this method is that it directly uses the disparity images obtained from stereo matching. We assume that the stereo rig has parallel cameras and show, in that case, the geometric and topological properties of the disparity images. Then we introduce a rigid transformation (called d-motion) that maps two disparity images of a rigidly moving object. We show how it is related to the Euclidean rigid motion and a motion estimation algorithm is derived. We show with experiments that our approach is simple and more accurate than standard approaches

    Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints

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    Visibility constraints can aid the segmentation of foreground objects observed with multiple range images. In our approach, points are defined as foreground if they can be determined to occlude some {em empty space} in the scene. We present an efficient algorithm to estimate foreground points in each range view using explicit epipolar search. In cases where the background pattern is stationary, we show how visibility constraints from other views can generate virtual background values at points with no valid depth in the primary view. We demonstrate the performance of both algorithms for detecting people in indoor office environments

    Estimation and prediction of the vehicle's motion basedon visual odometry and Kalman filter

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    Proceeding of: 14th International Conference, ACIVS 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 4-7, 2012The movement of the vehicle is an useful information for different applications, such as driver assistant systems or autonomous vehicles. This information can be known by different methods, for instance, by using a GPS or by means of the visual odometry. However, there are some situations where both methods do not work correctly. For example, there are areas in urban environments where the signal of the GPS is not available, as tunnels or streets with high buildings. On the other hand, the algorithms of computer vision are affected by outdoor environments, and the main source of difficulties is the variation in the ligthing conditions. A method to estimate and predict the movement of the vehicle based on visual odometry and Kalman filter is explained in this paper. The Kalman filter allows both filtering and prediction of vehicle motion, using the results from the visual odometry estimation.This work was also supported by Spanish Government through the CICYT projects FEDORA (Grant TRA2010-20255-C03-01), Driver Distraction Detector System (Grant TRA2011-29454-C03-02) and by CAM through the projects SEGVAUTO-II.Publicad

    Egomotion Estimation Using Binocular Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy

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    Detection of dominant planar surfaces in disparity images based on random sampling

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    U ovom članku ispituje se praktična primjenjivost RANSAC-pristupa za detekciju ravnih povrĆĄina na slikama dispariteta dobivenim pomoću stereo vizije. TeĆŸiĆĄte istraĆŸivanja je primjena u interijerima, gdje je velik dio dominantnih povrĆĄina jednolično obojen, ĆĄto predstavlja poseban problem za stereo viziju. Ispitano je nekoliko jednostavnih modifikacija osnovnog RANSAC-algoritma s ciljem utvrđivanja koliko oni mogu poboljĆĄati njegovu učinkovitost. PredloĆŸene su dvije jednostavne mjere točnosti rekonstrukcija ravnih povrĆĄina. Provedeno je eksperimentalno istraĆŸivanje na slikama snimljenim sustavom stereo vizije montiranom na mobilnog robota koji se kretao hodnicima fakulteta.In this paper, the applicability of RANSAC-approach to planar surface detection in disparity images obtained by stereo vision is investigated. This study is specially focused on application in indoor environments, where many of the dominant surfaces are uniformly colored, which poses additional difficulties to stereo vision. Several simple modifications to the basic RANSAC-algorithm are examined and improvements achieved by these modifications are evaluated. Two simple performance measures for evaluating the accuracy of planar surface detection are proposed. An experimental study is performed using images acquired by a stereo vision system mounted on a mobile robot moving in an indoor environment

    Egomotion estimation using binocular spatiotemporal oriented energy

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    Camera egomotion estimation is concerned with the recovery of a camera's motion (e.g., instantaneous translation and rotation) as it moves through its environment. It has been demonstrated to be of both theoretical and practical interest. This thesis documents a novel algorithm for egomotion estimation based on binocularly matched spatiotemporal oriented energy distributions. Basing the estimation on oriented energy measurements makes it possible to recover egomotion without the need to establish temporal correspondences or convert disparity into 3D world coordinates. There sulting algorithm has been realized in software and evaluated quantitatively on a novel laboratory dataset with ground truth as well as qualitatively on both indoor and outdoor real-world datasets. Performance is evaluated relative to comparable alternative algorithms and shown to exhibit best overall performance

    Recognition of Holoscopic 3D Video Hand Gesture Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Copyright © 2020 by the authors. The convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm is one of the efficient techniques to recognize hand gestures. In human–computer interaction, a human gesture is a non-verbal communication mode, as users communicate with a computer via input devices. In this article, 3D micro hand gesture recognition disparity experiments are proposed using CNN. This study includes twelve 3D micro hand motions recorded for three different subjects. The system is validated by an experiment that is implemented on twenty different subjects of different ages. The results are analysed and evaluated based on execution time, training, testing, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and likelihood. The CNN training results show an accuracy as high as 100%, which present superior performance in all factors. On the other hand, the validation results average about 99% accuracy. The CNN algorithm has proven to be the most accurate classification tool for micro gesture recognition.Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Universit

    Binokulare EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung fĂŒr Fahrerassistenzanwendungen

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    Driving can be dangerous. Humans become inattentive when performing a monotonous task like driving. Also the risk implied while multi-tasking, like using the cellular phone while driving, can break the concentration of the driver and increase the risk of accidents. Others factors like exhaustion, nervousness and excitement affect the performance of the driver and the response time. Consequently, car manufacturers have developed systems in the last decades which assist the driver under various circumstances. These systems are called driver assistance systems. Driver assistance systems are meant to support the task of driving, and the field of action varies from alerting the driver, with acoustical or optical warnings, to taking control of the car, such as keeping the vehicle in the traffic lane until the driver resumes control. For such a purpose, the vehicle is equipped with on-board sensors which allow the perception of the environment and/or the state of the vehicle. Cameras are sensors which extract useful information about the visual appearance of the environment. Additionally, a binocular system allows the extraction of 3D information. One of the main requirements for most camera-based driver assistance systems is the accurate knowledge of the motion of the vehicle. Some sources of information, like velocimeters and GPS, are of common use in vehicles today. Nevertheless, the resolution and accuracy usually achieved with these systems are not enough for many real-time applications. The computation of ego-motion from sequences of stereo images for the implementation of driving intelligent systems, like autonomous navigation or collision avoidance, constitutes the core of this thesis. This dissertation proposes a framework for the simultaneous computation of the 6 degrees of freedom of ego-motion (rotation and translation in 3D Euclidean space), the estimation of the scene structure and the detection and estimation of independently moving objects. The input is exclusively provided by a binocular system and the framework does not call for any data acquisition strategy, i.e. the stereo images are just processed as they are provided. Stereo allows one to establish correspondences between left and right images, estimating 3D points of the environment via triangulation. Likewise, feature tracking establishes correspondences between the images acquired at different time instances. When both are used together for a large number of points, the result is a set of clouds of 3D points with point-to-point correspondences between clouds. The apparent motion of the 3D points between consecutive frames is caused by a variety of reasons. The most dominant motion for most of the points in the clouds is caused by the ego-motion of the vehicle; as the vehicle moves and images are acquired, the relative position of the world points with respect to the vehicle changes. Motion is also caused by objects moving in the environment. They move independently of the vehicle motion, so the observed motion for these points is the sum of the ego-vehicle motion and the independent motion of the object. A third reason, and of paramount importance in vision applications, is caused by correspondence problems, i.e. the incorrect spatial or temporal assignment of the point-to-point correspondence. Furthermore, all the points in the clouds are actually noisy measurements of the real unknown 3D points of the environment. Solving ego-motion and scene structure from the clouds of points requires some previous analysis of the noise involved in the imaging process, and how it propagates as the data is processed. Therefore, this dissertation analyzes the noise properties of the 3D points obtained through stereo triangulation. This leads to the detection of a bias in the estimation of 3D position, which is corrected with a reformulation of the projection equation. Ego-motion is obtained by finding the rotation and translation between the two clouds of points. This problem is known as absolute orientation, and many solutions based on least squares have been proposed in the literature. This thesis reviews the available closed form solutions to the problem. The proposed framework is divided in three main blocks: 1) stereo and feature tracking computation, 2) ego-motion estimation and 3) estimation of 3D point position and 3D velocity. The first block solves the correspondence problem providing the clouds of points as output. No special implementation of this block is required in this thesis. The ego-motion block computes the motion of the cameras by finding the absolute orientation between the clouds of static points in the environment. Since the cloud of points might contain independently moving objects and outliers generated by false correspondences, the direct computation of the least squares might lead to an erroneous solution. The first contribution of this thesis is an effective rejection rule that detects outliers based on the distance between predicted and measured quantities, and reduces the effects of noisy measurement by assigning appropriate weights to the data. This method is called Smoothness Motion Constraint (SMC). The ego-motion of the camera between two frames is obtained finding the absolute orientation between consecutive clouds of weighted 3D points. The complete ego-motion since initialization is achieved concatenating the individual motion estimates. This leads to a super-linear propagation of the error, since noise is integrated. A second contribution of this dissertation is a predictor/corrector iterative method, which integrates the clouds of 3D points of multiple time instances for the computation of ego-motion. The presented method considerably reduces the accumulation of errors in the estimated ego-position of the camera. Another contribution of this dissertation is a method which recursively estimates the 3D world position of a point and its velocity; by fusing stereo, feature tracking and the estimated ego-motion in a Kalman Filter system. An improved estimation of point position is obtained this way, which is used in the subsequent system cycle resulting in an improved computation of ego-motion. The general contribution of this dissertation is a single framework for the real time computation of scene structure, independently moving objects and ego-motion for automotive applications.Autofahren kann gefĂ€hrlich sein. Die Fahrleistung wird durch die physischen und psychischen Grenzen des Fahrers und durch externe Faktoren wie das Wetter beeinflusst. Fahrerassistenzsysteme erhöhen den Fahrkomfort und unterstĂŒtzen den Fahrer, um die Anzahl an UnfĂ€llen zu verringern. Fahrerassistenzsysteme unterstĂŒtzen den Fahrer durch Warnungen mit optischen oder akustischen Signalen bis hin zur Übernahme der Kontrolle ĂŒber das Auto durch das System. Eine der Hauptvoraussetzungen fĂŒr die meisten Fahrerassistenzsysteme ist die akkurate Kenntnis der Bewegung des eigenen Fahrzeugs. Heutzutage verfĂŒgt man ĂŒber verschiedene Sensoren, um die Bewegung des Fahrzeugs zu messen, wie zum Beispiel GPS und Tachometer. Doch Auflösung und Genauigkeit dieser Systeme sind nicht ausreichend fĂŒr viele Echtzeitanwendungen. Die Berechnung der Eigenbewegung aus Stereobildsequenzen fĂŒr Fahrerassistenzsysteme, z.B. zur autonomen Navigation oder Kollisionsvermeidung, bildet den Kern dieser Arbeit. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert ein System zur Echtzeitbewertung einer Szene, inklusive Detektion und Bewertung von unabhĂ€ngig bewegten Objekten sowie der akkuraten SchĂ€tzung der sechs Freiheitsgrade der Eigenbewegung. Diese grundlegenden Bestandteile sind erforderlich, um viele intelligente Automobilanwendungen zu entwickeln, die den Fahrer in unterschiedlichen Verkehrssituationen unterstĂŒtzen. Das System arbeitet ausschließlich mit einer Stereokameraplattform als Sensor. Um die Eigenbewegung und die Szenenstruktur zu berechnen wird eine Analyse des Rauschens und der Fehlerfortpflanzung im Bildaufbereitungsprozess benötigt. Deshalb werden in dieser Dissertation die Rauscheigenschaften der durch Stereotriangulation erhaltenen 3D-Punkte analysiert. Dies fĂŒhrt zu der Entdeckung eines systematischen Fehlers in der SchĂ€tzung der 3D-Position, der sich mit einer Neuformulierung der Projektionsgleichung korrigieren lĂ€sst. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass eine bedeutende Verringerung des Fehlers in der geschĂ€tzten 3D-Punktposition möglich ist. Die EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung wird gewonnen, indem die Rotation und Translation zwischen Punktwolken geschĂ€tzt wird. Dieses Problem ist als „absolute Orientierung” bekannt und viele Lösungen auf Basis der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate sind in der Literatur vorgeschlagen worden. Diese Arbeit rezensiert die verfĂŒgbaren geschlossenen Lösungen zu dem Problem. Das vorgestellte System gliedert sich in drei wesentliche Bausteine: 1. Registrierung von Bildmerkmalen, 2. EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung und 3. iterative SchĂ€tzung von 3D-Position und 3D-Geschwindigkeit von Weltpunkten. Der erster Block erhĂ€lt eine Folge rektifizierter Bilder als Eingabe und liefert daraus eine Liste von verfolgten Bildmerkmalen mit ihrer entsprechenden 3D-Position. Der Block „EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung” besteht aus vier Hauptschritten in einer Schleife: 1. Bewegungsvorhersage, 2. Anwendung der Glattheitsbedingung fĂŒr die Bewegung (GBB), 3. absolute Orientierungsberechnung und 4. Bewegungsintegration. Die in dieser Dissertation vorgeschlagene GBB ist eine mĂ€chtige Bedingung fĂŒr die Ablehnung von Ausreißern und fĂŒr die Zuordnung von Gewichten zu den gemessenen 3D-Punkten. Simulationen werden mit gaußschem und slashschem Rauschen ausgefĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Überlegenheit der GBB-Version ĂŒber die Standardgewichtungsmethoden. Die StabilitĂ€t der Ergebnisse hinsichtlich Ausreißern wurde analysiert mit dem Resultat, dass der „break down point” grĂ¶ĂŸer als 50% ist. Wenn die vier Schritte iterativ ausgefĂŒhrt, werden wird ein PrĂ€diktor-Korrektor-Verfahren gewonnen.Wir nennen diese SchĂ€tzung Multi-frameschĂ€tzung im Gegensatz zur ZweiframeschĂ€tzung, die nur die aktuellen und vorherigen Bildpaare fĂŒr die Berechnung der Eigenbewegung betrachtet. Die erste Iteration wird zwischen der aktuellen und vorherigen Wolke von Punkten durchgefĂŒhrt. Jede weitere Iteration integriert eine zusĂ€tzliche Punktwolke eines vorherigen Zeitpunkts. Diese Methode reduziert die Fehlerakkumulation bei der Integration von mehreren SchĂ€tzungen in einer einzigen globalen SchĂ€tzung. Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass obwohl der Fehler noch superlinear im Laufe der Zeit zunimmt, die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des Fehlers um mehrere GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen reduziert wird. Der dritte Block besteht aus der iterativen SchĂ€tzung von 3D-Position und 3D-Geschwindigkeit von Weltpunkten. Hier wird eine Methode basierend auf einem Kalman Filter verwendet, das Stereo, Featuretracking und Eigenbewegungsdaten fusioniert. Messungen der Position eines Weltpunkts werden durch das Stereokamerasystem gewonnen. Die Differenzierung der Position des geschĂ€tzten Punkts erlaubt die zusĂ€tzliche SchĂ€tzung seiner Geschwindigkeit. Die Messungen werden durch das Messmodell gewonnen, das Stereo- und Bewegungsdaten fusioniert. Simulationsergebnisse validieren das Modell. Die Verringerung der Positionsunsicherheit im Laufe der Zeit wird mit einer Monte-Carlo Simulation erzielt. Experimentelle Ergebnisse werden mit langen Sequenzen von Bildern erzielt. ZusĂ€tzliche Tests, einschließlich einer 3D-Rekonstruktion einer Waldszene und der Berechnung der freien Kamerabewegung in einem Indoor-Szenario, wurden durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Methode zeigt gute Ergebnisse in allen FĂ€llen. Der Algorithmus liefert zudem akzeptable Ergebnisse bei der SchĂ€tzung der Lage kleiner Objekte, wie Köpfe und Beine von realen Crash-Test-Dummies

    Visual Tracking and Motion Estimation for an On-orbit Servicing of a Satellite

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    This thesis addresses visual tracking of a non-cooperative as well as a partially cooperative satellite, to enable close-range rendezvous between a servicer and a target satellite. Visual tracking and estimation of relative motion between a servicer and a target satellite are critical abilities for rendezvous and proximity operation such as repairing and deorbiting. For this purpose, Lidar has been widely employed in cooperative rendezvous and docking missions. Despite its robustness to harsh space illumination, Lidar has high weight and rotating parts and consumes more power, thus undermines the stringent requirements of a satellite design. On the other hand, inexpensive on-board cameras can provide an effective solution, working at a wide range of distances. However, conditions of space lighting are particularly challenging for image based tracking algorithms, because of the direct sunlight exposure, and due to the glossy surface of the satellite that creates strong reflection and image saturation, which leads to difficulties in tracking procedures. In order to address these difficulties, the relevant literature is examined in the fields of computer vision, and satellite rendezvous and docking. Two classes of problems are identified and relevant solutions, implemented on a standard computer are provided. Firstly, in the absence of a geometric model of the satellite, the thesis presents a robust feature-based method with prediction capability in case of insufficient features, relying on a point-wise motion model. Secondly, we employ a robust model-based hierarchical position localization method to handle change of image features along a range of distances, and localize an attitude-controlled (partially cooperative) satellite. Moreover, the thesis presents a pose tracking method addressing ambiguities in edge-matching, and a pose detection algorithm based on appearance model learning. For the validation of the methods, real camera images and ground truth data, generated with a laboratory tet bed similar to space conditions are used. The experimental results indicate that camera based methods provide robust and accurate tracking for the approach of malfunctioning satellites in spite of the difficulties associated with specularities and direct sunlight. Also exceptional lighting conditions associated to the sun angle are discussed, aimed at achieving fully reliable localization system in a certain mission