2,081 research outputs found

    Efficient HEVC scheme using motion type categorization

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard introduces a number of innovative tools which can reduce approximately 50% bit-rate compared to its predecessor H.264/AVC at the same perceptual video quality whereas the computational time has increased multiple times. To reduce the encoding time while preserving the expected video quality has become a real challenge today for video transmission and streaming especially using low-powered devices. Motion estimation (ME) and motion compensation (MC) using variable-size blocks (i.e., intermodes) require 60-80% of total computational time. In this paper we propose a new efficient intermode selection technique based on phase correlation and incorporate into HEVC framework to predict ME and MC modes and perform faster intermode selection based on three dissimilar motion types in different videos. Instead of exploring all the modes exhaustively we select a subset of modes using motion type and the final mode is selected based on the Lagrangian cost function. The experimental results show that compared to HEVC the average computational time can be downscaled by 34% while providing the similar rate-distortion (RD) performance

    Temporal video transcoding from H.264/AVC-to-SVC for digital TV broadcasting

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    Mobile digital TV environments demand flexible video compression like scalable video coding (SVC) because of varying bandwidths and devices. Since existing infrastructures highly rely on H.264/AVC video compression, network providers could adapt the current H.264/AVC encoded video to SVC. This adaptation needs to be done efficiently to reduce processing power and operational cost. This paper proposes two techniques to convert an H.264/AVC bitstream in Baseline (P-pictures based) and Main Profile (B-pictures based) without scalability to a scalable bitstream with temporal scalability as part of a framework for low-complexity video adaptation for digital TV broadcasting. Our approaches are based on accelerating the interprediction, focusing on reducing the coding complexity of mode decision and motion estimation tasks of the encoder stage by using information available after the H. 264/AVC decoding stage. The results show that when our techniques are applied, the complexity is reduced by 98 % while maintaining coding efficiency

    Scalable video transcoding for mobile communications

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    Mobile multimedia contents have been introduced in the market and their demand is growing every day due to the increasing number of mobile devices and the possibility to watch them at any moment in any place. These multimedia contents are delivered over different networks that are visualized in mobile terminals with heterogeneous characteristics. To ensure a continuous high quality it is desirable that this multimedia content can be adapted on-the-fly to the transmission constraints and the characteristics of the mobile devices. In general, video contents are compressed to save storage capacity and to reduce the bandwidth required for its transmission. Therefore, if these compressed video streams were compressed using scalable video coding schemes, they would be able to adapt to those heterogeneous networks and a wide range of terminals. Since the majority of the multimedia contents are compressed using H.264/AVC, they cannot benefit from that scalability. This paper proposes a technique to convert an H.264/AVC bitstream without scalability to a scalable bitstream with temporal scalability as part of a scalable video transcoder for mobile communications. The results show that when our technique is applied, the complexity is reduced by 98 % while maintaining coding efficiency

    Video adaptation for mobile digital television

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    Mobile digital television is one of the new services introduced recently by telecommunications operators in the market. Due to the possibilities of personalization and interaction provided, together with the increasing demand of this type of portable services, it would be expected to be a successful technology in near future. Video contents stored and transmitted over the networks deployed to provide mobile digital television need to be compressed to reduce the resources required. The compression scheme chosen by the great majority of these networks is H.264/AVC. Compressed video bitstreams have to be adapted to heterogeneous networks and a wide range of terminals. To deal with this problem scalable video coding schemes were proposed and standardized providing temporal, spatial and quality scalability using layers within the encoded bitstream. Because existing H.264/AVC contents cannot benefit from scalability tools, efficient techniques for migration of single-layer to scalable contents are desirable for supporting these mobile digital television systems. This paper proposes a technique to convert from single-layer H.264/AVC bitstream to a scalable bitstream with temporal scalability. Applying this approach, a reduction of 60% of coding complexity is achieved while maintaining the coding efficiency

    Video streaming

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    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    An efficient rate control algorithm for a wavelet video codec

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    Rate control plays an essential role in video coding and transmission to provide the best video quality at the receiver's end given the constraint of certain network conditions. In this paper, a rate control algorithm using the Quality Factor (QF) optimization method is proposed for the wavelet-based video codec and implemented on an open source Dirac video encoder. A mathematical model which we call Rate-QF (R - QF) model is derived to generate the optimum QF for the current coding frame according to the target bitrate. The proposed algorithm is a complete one pass process and does not require complex mathematical calculation. The process of calculating the QF is quite simple and further calculation is not required for each coded frame. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can control the bitrate precisely (within 1% of target bitrate in average). Moreover, the variation of bitrate over each Group of Pictures (GOPs) is lower than that of H.264. This is an advantage in preventing the buffer overflow and underflow for real-time multimedia data streaming
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