12 research outputs found

    A Non-blocking Buddy System for Scalable Memory Allocation on Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spin-locks. This approach is not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators - the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. We present a fully non-blocking buddy-system, that allows threads to proceed in parallel, and commit their allocations/releases unless a conflict is materialized while handling its metadata. Beyond improving scalability and performance it is resilient to performance degradation in face of concurrent accesses independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks

    NBBS: A Non-blocking Buddy System for Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components, like the Linux buddy system, handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spinlocks. This approach is not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators—the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. We present a fully non-blocking buddy-system, where threads performing concurrent allocations/releases do not undergo any spinlock based synchronization. Our solution allows threads to proceed in parallel, and commit their allocations/releases unless a conflict is materialized while handling its metadata. Conflict detection relies on conventional atomic machine instructions in the Read-Modify-Write (RMW) class. Beyond improving scalability and performance, our solution can also avoid wasting clock cycles for spin-lock operations by threads that could in principle carry out their memory allocation/release in full concurrency. Thus, it is resilient to performance degradation—in face of concurrent accesses—independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks

    Lock Holder Preemption Avoidance via Transactional Lock Elision

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    Abstract In this short paper we show that hardware-based transactional lock elision can provide benefit by reducing the incidence of lock holder preemption, decreasing lock hold times and promoting improved scalability

    Lock cohorting: A general technique for designing NUMA locks

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    Multicore machines are quickly shifting to NUMA and CC-NUMA architectures, making scalable NUMA-aware locking algorithms, ones that take into account the machines' non-uniform memory and caching hierarchy, ever more important. This paper presents lock cohorting, a general new technique for designing NUMA-aware locks that is as simple as it is powerful. Lock cohorting allows one to transform any spin-lock algorithm, with minimal non-intrusive changes, into scalable NUMA-aware spin-locks. Our new cohorting technique allows us to easily create NUMA-aware versions of the TATAS-Backoff, CLH, MCS, and ticket locks, to name a few. Moreover, it allows us to derive a CLH-based cohort abortable lock, the first NUMA-aware queue lock to support abortability. We empirically compared the performance of cohort locks with prior NUMA-aware and classic NUMA-oblivious locks on a synthetic micro-benchmark, a real world key-value store application memcached, as well as the libc memory allocator. Our results demonstrate that cohort locks perform as well or better than known locks when the load is low and significantly out-perform them as the load increases

    A Non-blocking Buddy System for Scalable Memory Allocation on Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components, like the Linux buddy system, handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spin-locks. This approach is clearly not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators-the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. Conflict detection relies on conventional atomic machine instructions in the Read-Modify-Write (RMW) class. Furthermore, beyond improving scalability and performance, it can also avoid wasting clock cycles for spin-lock operations by threads that could in principle carry out their memory allocation/release in full concurrency. Thus, it is resilient to performance degradation---in face of concurrent accesses---independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks

    High-Performance Concurrent Memory Allocation

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    Memory management takes a sequence of program-generated allocation/deallocation requests and attempts to satisfy them within a fixed-sized block of memory while minimizing the total amount of memory used. A general-purpose dynamic-allocation algorithm cannot anticipate future allocation requests so its output is rarely optimal. However, memory allocators do take advantage of regularities in allocation patterns for typical programs to produce excellent results, both in time and space (similar to LRU paging). In general, allocators use a number of similar techniques, each optimizing specific allocation patterns. Nevertheless, memory allocators are a series of compromises, occasionally with some static or dynamic tuning parameters to optimize specific program-request patterns. The goal of this thesis is to build a low-latency memory allocator for both kernel and user multi-threaded systems, which is competitive with the best current memory allocators, while extending the feature set of existing and new allocator routines. A new llheap memory-allocator is created that achieves all of these goals, while maintaining and managing sticky allocation properties for zero-filled and aligned allocations without a performance loss. Hence, it becomes possible to use @realloc@ frequently as a safe operation, rather than just occasionally, because it preserves sticky properties when enlarging storage requests. Furthermore, the ability to query sticky properties and information allows programmers to write safer programs, as it is possible to dynamically match allocation styles from unknown library routines that return allocations. The C allocation API is also extended with @resize@, advanced @realloc@, @aalloc@, @amemalign@, and @cmemalign@ so programmers do not make mistakes writing theses useful allocation operations. llheap is embedded into the uC++ and C-for-all runtime systems, both of which have user-level threading. The ability to use C-for-all's advanced type-system (and possibly C++'s too) to combine advanced memory operations into one allocation routine using named arguments shows how far the allocation API can be pushed, which increases safety and greatly simplifies programmer's use of dynamic allocation. The llheap allocator also provides comprehensive statistics for all allocation operations, which are invaluable in understanding and debugging a program's dynamic behaviour. No other memory allocator examined in the thesis provides such comprehensive statistics gathering. As well, llheap provides a debugging mode where allocations are checked with internal pre/post conditions and invariants. It is extremely useful, especially for students. While not as powerful as the @valgrind@ interpreter, a large number of allocations mistakes are detected. Finally, contention-free statistics gathering and debugging have a low enough cost to be used in production code. A micro-benchmark test-suite is started for comparing allocators, rather than relying on a suite of arbitrary programs. It has been an interesting challenge. These micro-benchmarks have adjustment knobs to simulate allocation patterns hard-coded into arbitrary test programs. Existing memory allocators, glibc, dlmalloc, hoard, jemalloc, ptmalloc3, rpmalloc, tbmalloc, and the new allocator llheap are all compared using the new micro-benchmark test-suite

    Foundations and Methods for GPU based Image Synthesis

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    Effects such as global illumination, caustics, defocus and motion blur are an integral part of generating images that are perceived as realistic pictures and cannot be distinguished from photographs. In general, two different approaches exist to render images: ray tracing and rasterization. Ray tracing is a widely used technique for production quality rendering of images. The image quality and physical correctness are more important than the time needed for rendering. Generating these effects is a very compute and memory intensive process and can take minutes to hours for a single camera shot. Rasterization on the other hand is used to render images if real-time constraints have to be met (e.g. computer games). Often specialized algorithms are used to approximate these complex effects to achieve plausible results while sacrificing image quality for performance. This thesis is split into two parts. In the first part we look at algorithms and load-balancing schemes for general purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPUs). Most of the ray tracing related algorithms (e.g. KD-tree construction or bidirectional path tracing) have unpredictable memory requirements. Dynamic memory allocation on GPUs suffers from global synchronization required to keep the state of current allocations. We present a method to reduce this overhead on massively parallel hardware architectures. In particular, we merge small parallel allocation requests from different threads that can occur while exploiting SIMD style parallelism. We speed-up the dynamic allocation using a set of constraints that can be applied to a large class of parallel algorithms. To achieve the image quality needed for feature films GPU-cluster are often used to cope with the amount of computation needed. We present a framework that employs a dynamic load balancing approach and applies fair scheduling to minimize the average execution time of spawned computational tasks. The load balancing capabilities are shown by handling irregular workloads: a bidirectional path tracer allowing renderings of complex effects at near interactive frame rates. In the second part of the thesis we try to reduce the image quality gap between production and real-time rendering. Therefore, an adaptive acceleration structure for screen-space ray tracing is presented that represents the scene geometry by planar approximations. The benefit is a fast method to skip empty space and compute exact intersection points based on the planar approximation. This technique allows simulating complex phenomena including depth-of-field rendering and ray traced reflections at real-time frame rates. To handle motion blur in combination with transparent objects we present a unified rendering approach that decouples space and time sampling. Thereby, we can achieve interactive frame rates by reusing fragments during the sampling step. The scene geometry that is potentially visible at any point in time for the duration of a frame is rendered in a rasterization step and stored in temporally varying fragments. We perform spatial sampling to determine all temporally varying fragments that intersect with a specific viewing ray at any point in time. Viewing rays can be sampled according to the lens uv-sampling to incorporate depth-of-field. In a final temporal sampling step, we evaluate the pre-determined viewing ray/fragment intersections for one or multiple points in time. This allows incorporating standard shading effects including and resulting in a physically plausible motion and defocus blur for transparent and opaque objects