7 research outputs found

    Pushdown automata and constant height: Decidability and bounds: Extended abstract

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    It cannot be decided whether a pushdown automaton accepts using constant pushdown height, with respect to the input length, or not. Furthermore, in the case of acceptance in constant height, the height cannot be bounded by any recursive function in the size of the description of the machine. In contrast, in the restricted case of pushdown automata over a one-letter input alphabet, i.e., unary pushdown automata, the above property becomes decidable. Moreover, if the height is bounded by a constant in the input length, then it is at most exponential with respect to the size of the description of the pushdown automaton. This bound cannot be reduced. Finally, if a unary pushdown automaton uses nonconstant height to accept, then the height should grow at least as the logarithm of the input length. This bound is optimal

    Translation from Classical Two-Way Automata to Pebble Two-Way Automata

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    We study the relation between the standard two-way automata and more powerful devices, namely, two-way finite automata with an additional "pebble" movable along the input tape. Similarly as in the case of the classical two-way machines, it is not known whether there exists a polynomial trade-off, in the number of states, between the nondeterministic and deterministic pebble two-way automata. However, we show that these two machine models are not independent: if there exists a polynomial trade-off for the classical two-way automata, then there must also exist a polynomial trade-off for the pebble two-way automata. Thus, we have an upward collapse (or a downward separation) from the classical two-way automata to more powerful pebble automata, still staying within the class of regular languages. The same upward collapse holds for complementation of nondeterministic two-way machines. These results are obtained by showing that each pebble machine can be, by using suitable inputs, simulated by a classical two-way automaton with a linear number of states (and vice versa), despite the existing exponential blow-up between the classical and pebble two-way machines

    Processing Succinct Matrices and Vectors

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    We study the complexity of algorithmic problems for matrices that are represented by multi-terminal decision diagrams (MTDD). These are a variant of ordered decision diagrams, where the terminal nodes are labeled with arbitrary elements of a semiring (instead of 0 and 1). A simple example shows that the product of two MTDD-represented matrices cannot be represented by an MTDD of polynomial size. To overcome this deficiency, we extended MTDDs to MTDD_+ by allowing componentwise symbolic addition of variables (of the same dimension) in rules. It is shown that accessing an entry, equality checking, matrix multiplication, and other basic matrix operations can be solved in polynomial time for MTDD_+-represented matrices. On the other hand, testing whether the determinant of a MTDD-represented matrix vanishes PSPACE$-complete, and the same problem is NP-complete for MTDD_+-represented diagonal matrices. Computing a specific entry in a product of MTDD-represented matrices is #P-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of CSR 201

    Converting Nondeterministic Two-Way Automata into Small Deterministic Linear-Time Machines

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    In 1978 Sakoda and Sipser raised the question of the cost, in terms of size of representations, of the transformation of two-way and one-way nondeterministic automata into equivalent two-way deterministic automata. Despite all the attempts, the question has been answered only for particular cases (e.g., restrictions of the class of simulated automata or of the class of simulating automata). However the problem remains open in the general case, the best-known upper bound being exponential. We present a new approach in which unrestricted nondeterministic finite automata are simulated by deterministic models extending two-way deterministic finite automata, paying a polynomial increase of size only. Indeed, we study the costs of the conversions of nondeterministic finite automata into some variants of one-tape deterministic Turing machines working in linear time, namely Hennie machines, weight-reducing Turing machines, and weight-reducing Hennie machines. All these variants are known to share the same computational power: they characterize the class of regular languages

    More concise representation of regular languages by automata and regular expressions

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    We consider two formalisms for representing regular languages: constant height pushdown automata and straight line programs for regular expressions. We constructively prove that their sizes are polynomially related. Comparing them with the sizes of finite state automata and regular expressions, we obtain optimal exponential and double exponential gaps, i.e., a more concise representation of regular languages

    More concise representation of regular languages by automata and regular expressions

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    We consider two formalisms for representing regular languages: constant height pushdown automata and straight line programs for regular expressions. We constructively prove that their sizes are polynomially related. Comparing them with the sizes of finite state automata and regular expressions, we obtain optimal exponential and double exponential gaps, i.e., a more concise representation of regular languages