4,911 research outputs found

    Moral disengagement of hotel guest negative WOM : moral identity centrality, moral awareness, and anger

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    Adopting a moral identity perspective, this research examines the moral judgment of hotel guests’ vindictive negative word of mouth (WOM) toward hotel service failure. This research finds that people with higher moral identity centrality are less prone to moral disengagement of vindictive negative WOM, especially when their moral awareness of the behavior is higher. However, even these individuals may engage in moral disengagement of vindictive negative WOM, if they have higher anger toward the service failure, and when their moral awareness is lower. These findings highlight the significant roles of moral identity centrality, moral awareness, and moral emotion for people’s moral judgment. Practically, this research suggests hotels may manage customer vindictive negative WOM by raising moral awareness and appeasing anger

    Moral Awareness, Original Sin and the Atonement

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    I will explore how evolution impacts the Christian notion of The Fall of man, and, ultimately, the atonement. Various theories of atonement in the Christian tradition generally assume universal and individual sinfulness in humanity. In some cases, this sinfulness is thought to be the result of a distinct moment of rebellion against God, and is transmitted to all of the descendants of Adam. Here, atonement involves Christ’s sacrifice as the means liberate humanity from the bondage of our sinful nature. Evolution collides with these traditional models. Instead of a creation originally void of death and later corrupted by sin, evolution suggests that the very development of all life is attributed to a process driven by death and struggle for survival. By contradicting traditional views of The Fall, evolution has a secondary effect on the nature of the atonement: by asserting that humans are derived from previous species, rather than an individual special creation, evolution casts a shadow on the traditional mechanism used to explain how humanity became morally aware and responsible and calls into question what is meant by being created in the image and likeness of God. Despite these apparent contradictions, many have proposed models that attempt to reconcile evolution and theology. This paper will explore several of these proposals and will end by asserting that humans possess a unique, God-given capacity to discern morality, and therefore have a unique need for the atoning work of Christ

    Moral Awareness and Therapist Use of Self

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    The concept therapist use of self is examined. Reasons for incorporating the moral awareness of the counselor into this concept are presented and a case example is discussed. The salience of this issue in the context of a post-positivist social science is addressed and contextualized within a multicultural frame. A critique of the notion of therapeutic moral neutrality is presented. The discussion concludes with a proposed framing of the concept of therapist use of self

    The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on the Relation Between Moral Intensity and Moral Awareness

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    The study investigated the importance of religiosity in the moral decision making process. Using social cognition theory as a basis, we proposed that greater religiosity would be expected to influence the vividness, salience, and accessibility of the moral content in a situation, both from a focus on social norms, and in the sensitivity towards negative outcomes impacting others. We used a random block, mixed quasi-experimental design, with both within-subjects and between-subjects components. Moral intensity was manipulated in high and low harm conditions for four ethical scenarios presented. Completed surveys were returned by 372 adult respondents (average age = 47). Findings indicate that intrinsic religiosity moderated the relation between moral intensity and moral awareness, such that those who are more intrinsically religious were found to have higher levels of moral awareness at lower levels of moral intensity. Individuals with low reported levels of intrinsic religiosity were less likely to recognize the moral component of a low harm situation. Extrinsic religiosity was not found to be a significant moral agent characteristic when considering the relation between harm to others and moral awareness. The results of this study add to the understanding of how characteristics of the moral issue interact with characteristics of the moral agent to impact moral awareness

    The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on the Relation Between Moral Intensity and Moral Awareness

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    The study investigated the importance of religiosity in the moral decision making process. Using social cognition theory as a basis, we proposed that greater religiosity would be expected to influence the vividness, salience, and accessibility of the moral content in a situation, both from a focus on social norms, and in the sensitivity towards negative outcomes impacting others. We used a random block, mixed quasi-experimental design, with both within-subjects and between-subjects components. Moral intensity was manipulated in high and low harm conditions for four ethical scenarios presented. Completed surveys were returned by 372 adult respondents (average age = 47). Findings indicate that intrinsic religiosity moderated the relation between moral intensity and moral awareness, such that those who are more intrinsically religious were found to have higher levels of moral awareness at lower levels of moral intensity. Individuals with low reported levels of intrinsic religiosity were less likely to recognize the moral component of a low harm situation. Extrinsic religiosity was not found to be a significant moral agent characteristic when considering the relation between harm to others and moral awareness. The results of this study add to the understanding of how characteristics of the moral issue interact with characteristics of the moral agent to impact moral awareness

    The strategies of guidance and counseling teachers to increasing students’ moral awareness in senior high school

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    Moral awareness is a condition where the individual understands and comprehends the actions taken, both in the past, present, and future and realizes how the impact of behavior carried out both for oneself, others, and the surrounding. The purpose of this study is to find out how is the strategies of guidance and counseling teacher to increasing the moral awareness of students so far. This research is a qualitative type of phenomenology research. The data were collected through observation and interviews. The participants of the interviews were guidance and counseling teachers who teach in high schools which were chosen randomly. The data which were obtained from interviews were analyzed using the Miles & Huberman qualitative research model. The results showed the guidance and counseling teachers’ strategies in increasing moral awareness mostly through group guidance, group counseling, individual counseling, and responsive services with lecturing method, discussion, short film, and modeling

    Malaysian adolescents’ moral awareness and cultural conformity: some implications for today’s educational management

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    It has been reported in printed and electronic media that moral decadency among Malaysian adolescents is on the rise. 2 Such decadency is attributed by a host of “nature versus nurture” debatable factors. This study aims at describing the moral awareness and cultural conformity of Malaysian adolescents. A questionnaire was administered on 200 respondents. Preliminary findings indicated that the respondents’ conformed positively to their cultural expectations (M= 3.92; SD= .92) and have positive moral awareness is (M = 4.40; SD = .85). These findings were perceived instrumental to the current classroom managements, school counseling services and choice of parenting styles in Malaysia

    Pedagogical support of formation of moral awareness of students

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    The purpose of this article is to consider the features of pedagogical support of the formation of moral awareness of students, its main components and principles, to describe the components of the professional culture of the teacher, to determine the pedagogical conditions of development of moral awareness of students on the basis of the realization of the principle of the educative training of modern specialists. Methods. Methods involve comparative analysis of literary sources, analysis of documents, systematization and generalization of theoretical material, logicaland-historical analysis, causal analysis, functional analysis, system-andstructural analysis. Results. It is shown that the global goal of modern high school is the formation of a constructive, creative personality, embodying a highly qualified specialist, a good family man, a conscious citizen and patriot of his/her homeland, responsible for its present and future. The importance of ideological and educational functions of the teacher significantly increases and is aimed at updating the ideological position of student, his professional, civic, and spiritual-and-moral formation. Moral development of personality is a process of the formation and changing of the individual as the subject of morality, involving the development of individual systems of moral values on the basis of the adoption of moral experience of mankind, which is the evidence of moral self-affirmation and personal integrity. Modern social-and-cultural conditions require updating the content, forms and methods of education in an establishment of higher education with the reorientation from the traditional educational work to personal-oriented educational process based on the use of active (interactive) pedagogical tools. An important requirement for effective organization of educational process of students is the realization of proved organizational and psycho-pedagogical conditions. Wellorganized process of education is an integral element of the education of the person as a whole and it contributes to the choice of the person’s own life and development. The effectiveness of educational work depends largely on the level of preparedness of a pedagogue to a realization of the goals and objectives of education, possession of modern educational technologies of psycho-and-pedagogical interaction in the social-and-cultural educational environment, personal development in the conditions of information society. Scientific novelty. The paper gives valuable information on the concrete definition and systematization of the features of pedagogical support of the formation of moral awareness of students. Practical significance. Research materials can be used in the practice of curators, teachers, employees of the Department of ideological and educational work, workers, psycho-and-pedagogical service for the identification and correction of value orientations of the individual, for the creating the best conditions for their self-development and self-realization, for the creation of a favorable educational environment at the establishment of higher education Цели статьи – рассмотреть педагогическое обеспечение и особенности формирования нравственного сознания студентов, его основные компоненты и принципы; охарактеризовать составляющие профессиональной культуры преподавателя; определить педагогические условия развития нравственности студентов на основе реализации принципа воспитывающего обучения современного специалиста. Методы, использованные в работе, – сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ литературных источников, анализ документов, систематизация и обобщение теоретического материала, логико-исторический, причинный, функциональный и системно-структурный анализ. Результаты. Показано, что глобальной целью современной высшей школы является формирование созидательной, творческой личности, олицетворяющей собой высококвалифицированного специалиста, добропорядочного семьянина, сознательного гражданина и патриота своей Родины, ответственного за ее настоящее и будущее. Сегодня существенно возрастает значимость идеологической и воспитательной функций преподавателя, направленных на актуализацию мировоззренческой позиции студента, его профессионально-трудовое, гражданское и духовно-нравственное становление. Нравственное развитие личности представляет собой процесс становления и изменения индивида как субъекта морали, предполагающий выработку на основе усвоения нравственного опыта человечества индивидуальной системы моральных ценностей, которая свидетельствует о целостности личности. Современные социокультурные условия требуют обновления содержания, форм и методов воспитания в учреждении высшего образования на основе использования активных (интерактивных) педагогических средств. При этом важным требованием к эффективной организации воспитательного процесса студентов является реализация обоснованных организационных и психологопедагогических условий. Грамотно построенный процесс воспитания является неотъемлемым элементом образования человека в целом, способствует выбору молодого человека собственного жизненного пути и развития. Эффективность воспитательной работы во многом зависит от уровня подготовленности педагога, его владения современными воспитательными технологиями психологопедагогического взаимодействия в социокультурном образовательном и информационном пространстве. Научная новизна работы заключается в конкретизации и систематизации педагогического инструментария формирования нравственного сознания студентов. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут быть использованы в практической деятельности кураторов, преподавателей, сотрудников отдела идеологической и воспитательной работы, специалистов психолого-педагогической службы по выявлению и корректировке ценностных ориентаций личности, созданию наилучших условий для ее саморазвития и самореализации

    Ethical Leadership and Employee Ethical Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Mechanisms

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    Purpose- Based on the ongoing unethical scandal in the organizations, this study aims to explain the relationship between ethical leaders and their followers’ ethical behavior by explaining the underlying mechanisms.  Design/Methodology- Data were collected through a structured questionnaire from the employees working in companies that produce fast-moving consumer goods. Three hundred sixty-nine samples were taken to study the proposed relationships. Findings- Results showed ethical leaders positively influence followers. Perceptual and reflective moral attentiveness positively mediates between ethical leadership and ethical behavior of employees. Moral awareness negatively moderates between ethical leadership and followers’ ethical behavior via reflective moral attentiveness, whereas moral awareness does not moderate the relationship. Practical Implications- Following the call for determinants of ethical behavior, this study provides insights for the managers to foster ethical behavior at the workplace