46 research outputs found

    Marathi Speech Emotion recognition using Deep Learning techniques.

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    In the project, an emotion recognition system from speech is proposed using deep learning. The goal of this project is to classify a speech signal into one of the five emotions listed below: anger, boredom, fear, happiness, and sadness. Snippets below from numerous Marathi movies and TV shows were used to construct the dataset for Marathi language samples which include 20 audio samples for anger, 19 for boredom, 5 for fear, and 11 for happiness. The proposed system first processes a speech signal from the time domain to the frequency domain using Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT). Then, data augmentation is performed which includes noise injection, stretching, shifting, and pitch scaling of the speech signal. Next, feature extraction is performed in which 5 features were selected, which include Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR), Chroma STFT, Mel Spectrogram, and Root mean square value. These features were then fed to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The efficiency of the suggested system employing the CNNs is supported by experimental findings. This model’s accuracy on the test data is 80.33%, and its f1 values for anger, boredom, fear, happiness, and sadness are 0.85, 0.83, 0.50, 0.62, and 0.84, respectively

    Deep learning-based automatic analysis of social interactions from wearable data for healthcare applications

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    PhD ThesisSocial interactions of people with Late Life Depression (LLD) could be an objective measure of social functioning due to the association between LLD and poor social functioning. The utilisation of wearable computing technologies is a relatively new approach within healthcare and well-being application sectors. Recently, the design and development of wearable technologies and systems for health and well-being monitoring have attracted attention both of the clinical and scientific communities. Mainly because the current clinical practice of – typically rather sporadic – clinical behaviour assessments are often administered in artificial settings. As a result, it does not provide a realistic impression of a patient’s condition and thus does not lead to sufficient diagnosis and care. However, wearable behaviour monitors have the potential for continuous, objective assessment of behaviour and wider social interactions and thereby allowing for capturing naturalistic data without any constraints on the place of recording or any typical limitations of the lab-setting research. Such data from naturalistic ambient environments would facilitate automated transmission and analysis by having no constraints on the recordings, allowing for a more timely and accurate assessment of depressive symptoms. In response to this artificial setting issue, this thesis focuses on the analysis and assessment of the different aspects of social interactions in naturalistic environments using deep learning algorithms. That could lead to improvements in both diagnosis and treatment. The advantages of using deep learning are that there is no need for hand-crafted features engineering and this leads to using the raw data with minimal pre-processing compared to classical machine learning approaches and also its scalability and ability to generalise. The main dataset used in this thesis is recorded by a wrist worn device designed at Newcastle University. This device has multiple sensors including microphone, tri-axial accelerometer, light sensor and proximity sensor. In this thesis, only microphone and tri-axial accelerometer are used for the social interaction analysis. The other sensors are not used since they need more calibration from the user which in this will be the elderly people with depression. Hence, it was not feasible in this scenario. Novel deep learning models are proposed to automatically analyse two aspects of social interactions (the verbal interactions/acoustic communications and physical activities/movement patterns). Verbal Interactions include the total quantity of speech, who is talking to whom and when and how much engagement the wearer contributed in the conversations. The physical activity analysis includes activity recognition and the quantity of each activity and sleep patterns. This thesis is composed of three main stages, two of them discuss the acoustic analysis and the third stage describes the movement pattern analysis. The acoustic analysis starts with speech detection in which each segment of the recording is categorised as speech or non-speech. This segment classification is achieved by a novel deep learning model that leverages bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory with gated activation units combined with Maxout Networks as well as a combination of two optimisers. After detecting speech segments from audio data, the next stage is detecting how much engagement the wearer has in any conversation throughout these speech events based on detecting the wearer of the device using a variant model of the previous one that combines the convolutional autoencoder with bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory. Following this, the system then detects the spoken parts of the main speaker/wearer and therefore detects the conversational turn-taking but only includes the turn taking between the wearer and other speakers and not every speaker in the conversation. This stage did not take into account the semantics of the speakers due to the ethical constraints of the main dataset (Depression dataset) and therefore it was not possible to listen to the data by any means or even have any information about the contents. So, it is a good idea to be considered for future work. Stage 3 involves the physical activity analysis that is inferring the elementary physical activities and movement patterns. These elementary patterns include sedentary actions, walking, mixed activities, cycling, using vehicles as well as the sleep patterns. The predictive model used is based on Random Forests and Hidden Markov Models. In all stages the methods presented in this thesis have been compared to the state-of-the-art in processing audio, accelerometer data, respectively, to thoroughly assess their contribution. Following these stages is a thorough analysis of the interplay between acoustic interaction and physical movement patterns and the depression key clinical variables resulting to the outcomes of the previous stages. The main reason for not using deep learning in this stage unlike the previous stages is that the main dataset (Depression dataset) did not have any annotations for the speech or even the activity due to the ethical constraints as mentioned. Furthermore, the training dataset (Discussion dataset) did not have any annotations for the accelerometer data where the data is recorded freely and there is no camera attached to device to make it possible to be annotated afterwards.Newton-Mosharafa Fund and the mission sector and cultural affairs, ministry of Higher Education in Egypt

    Voice analysis for neurological disorder recognition – a systematic review and perspective on emerging trends

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    Quantifying neurological disorders from voice is a rapidly growing field of research and holds promise for unobtrusive and large-scale disorder monitoring. The data recording setup and data analysis pipelines are both crucial aspects to effectively obtain relevant information from participants. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to provide a high-level overview of practices across various neurological disorders and highlight emerging trends. PRISMA-based literature searches were conducted through PubMed, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore to identify publications in which original (i.e., newly recorded) datasets were collected. Disorders of interest were psychiatric as well as neurodegenerative disorders, such as bipolar disorder, depression, and stress, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease, and speech impairments (aphasia, dysarthria, and dysphonia). Of the 43 retrieved studies, Parkinson's disease is represented most prominently with 19 discovered datasets. Free speech and read speech tasks are most commonly used across disorders. Besides popular feature extraction toolkits, many studies utilise custom-built feature sets. Correlations of acoustic features with psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders are presented. In terms of analysis, statistical analysis for significance of individual features is commonly used, as well as predictive modeling approaches, especially with support vector machines and a small number of artificial neural networks. An emerging trend and recommendation for future studies is to collect data in everyday life to facilitate longitudinal data collection and to capture the behavior of participants more naturally. Another emerging trend is to record additional modalities to voice, which can potentially increase analytical performance


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    Abstract: Detecting the mental state of a person has implications in psychiatry, medicine, psychology and human-computer interaction systems among others. It includes (but is not limited to) a wide variety of problems such as emotion detection, valence-affect-dominance states prediction, mood detection and detection of clinical depression. In this thesis we focus primarily on emotion recognition. Like any recognition system, building an emotion recognition model consists of the following two steps: 1. Extraction of meaningful features that would help in classification 2. Development of an appropriate classifier Speech data being non-invasive and the ease with which it can be collected has made it a popular candidate for feature extraction. However, an ideal system designed should be agnostic to speaker and channel effects. While feature normalization schemes can counter these problems to some extent, we still see a drastic drop in performance when the training and test data-sets are unmatched. In this dissertation we explore some novel ways towards building models that are more robust to speaker and domain differences. Training discriminative classifiers involves learning a conditional distribution p(y_i|x_i), given a set of feature vectors x_i and the corresponding labels y_i; i=1,...N. For a classifier to be generalizable and not overfit to training data, the resulting conditional distribution p(y_i|x_i) is desired to be smoothly varying over the inputs x_i. Adversarial training procedures enforce this smoothness using manifold regularization techniques. Manifold regularization makes the model’s output distribution more robust to local perturbation added to a datapoint x_i. In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate two training procedures: (i) adversarial training where we determine the perturbation direction based on the given labels for the training data and, (ii) virtual adversarial training where we determine the perturbation direction based only on the output distribution of the training data. We demonstrate the efficacy of adversarial training procedures by performing a k-fold cross validation experiment on the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP) and a cross-corpus performance analysis on three separate corpora. We compare their performances to that of a model utilizing other regularization schemes such as L1/L2 and graph based manifold regularization scheme. Results show improvement over a purely supervised approach, as well as better generalization capability to cross-corpus settings. Our second approach to better discriminate between emotions leverages multi-modal learning and automated speech recognition (ASR) systems toward improving the generalizability of an emotion recognition model that requires only speech as input. Previous studies have shown that emotion recognition models using only acoustic features do not perform satisfactorily in detecting valence level. Text analysis has been shown to be helpful for sentiment classification. We compared classification accuracies obtained from an audio-only model, a text-only model and a multi-modal system leveraging both by performing a cross-validation analysis on IEMOCAP dataset. Confusion matrices show it’s the valence level detection that is being improved by incorporating textual information. In the second stage of experiments, we used three ASR application programming interfaces (APIs) to get the transcriptions. We compare the performances of multi-modal systems using the ASR transcriptions with each other and with that of one using ground truth transcription. This is followed by a cross-corpus study. In the third part of the study we investigate the generalizability of generative of generative adversarial networks (GANs) based models. GANs have gained a lot of attention from machine learning community due to their ability to learn and mimic an input data distribution. GANs consist of a discriminator and a generator working in tandem playing a min-max game to learn a target underlying data distribution; when fed with data-points sampled from a simpler distribution (like uniform or Gaussian distribution). Once trained, they allow synthetic generation of examples sampled from the target distribution. We investigate the applicability of GANs to get lower dimensional representations from the higher dimensional feature vectors pertinent for emotion recognition. We also investigate their ability to generate synthetic higher dimensional feature vectors using points sampled from a lower dimensional prior. Specifically, we investigate two set ups: (i) when the lower dimensional prior from which synthetic feature vectors are generated is pre-defined, (ii) when the distribution of lower dimensional prior is learned from training data. We define the metrics that we used to measure and analyze the performance of these generative models in different train/test conditions. We perform cross validation analysis followed by a cross-corpus study. Finally we make an attempt towards understanding the relation between two different sub-problems encompassed under mental state detection namely depression detection and emotion recognition. We propose approaches that can be investigated to build better depression detection models by leveraging our ability to recognize emotions accurately

    Participative Urban Health and Healthy Aging in the Age of AI

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, ICOST 2022, held in Paris, France, in June 2022. The 15 full papers and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. They cover topics such as design, development, deployment, and evaluation of AI for health, smart urban environments, assistive technologies, chronic disease management, and coaching and health telematics systems

    Addressing Variability in Speech when Recognizing Emotion and Mood In-the-Wild

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    Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness, affecting 4% of Americans, that is characterized by periodic mood changes ranging from severe depression to extreme compulsive highs. Both mania and depression profoundly impact the behavior of affected individuals, resulting in potentially devastating personal and social consequences. Bipolar disorder is managed clinically with regular interactions with care providers, who assess mood, energy levels, and the form and content of speech. Recent work has proposed smartphones for automatically monitoring mood using speech. Much of the early work in speech-centered mood detection has been done in the laboratory or clinic and is not reflective of the variability found in real-world conversations and conditions. Outside of these settings, automatic mood detection is hard, as the recordings include environmental noise, differences in recording devices, and variations in subject speaking patterns. Without addressing these issues, it is difficult to move towards a passive mobile health system. My research works to address this variability present in speech so that such a system can be created, allowing for interventions to mitigate the life-changing effects of mood transitions. However detecting mood directly from speech is difficult, as mood varies over the course of days or weeks, while speech fluctuates rapidly. To address this, my thesis explores how an intermediate step can be used to aid in this prediction. For example, one of the major symptoms of bipolar disorder is emotion dysregulation - changes in the way emotions are perceived and a lack of inhibition in their expression. My work has supported the relationship between automatically extracted emotion estimates and mood. Because of this, my thesis explores how to mitigate the variability found when detecting emotion from speech. The remainder of my thesis is focused on employing these emotion-based features, as well as features based on language content, to real-world applications. This dissertation is divided into the following parts: Part I: I address the direct classification of mood from speech. This is accomplished by addressing variability due to recording device using preprocessing and multi-task learning. I then show how both subject-specific and population-general information can be combined to significantly improve mood detection. Part II: I explore the automatic detection of emotion from speech and how to control for the other factors of variability present in the speech signal. I use progressive networks as a method to augment emotion with other paralinguistic data including gender and speaker, as well as other datasets. Additionally, I introduce a novel domain generalization method for cross-corpus detection. Part III: I demonstrate real-world applications of speech mood monitoring using everyday conversations. I show how the previously introduced generalized model can predict emotion from the speech of individuals with suicidal ideation, demonstrating its effectiveness across domains. Furthermore, I use these predictions to distinguish individuals with suicidal thoughts from healthy controls. Lastly, I introduce a novel framework for intervention detection in individuals with bipolar disorder. I then create a natural speech mood monitoring system based on features derived from measures of emotion and automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts and show effective intervention detection. I conclude this dissertation with the following future directions: (1) Extending my emotion generalization system to include multiple modalities and factors of variability; (2) Expanding natural speech mood monitoring by including more devices, exploring other data besides speech, and investigating mood rating causality.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153461/1/gideonjn_1.pd

    IberSPEECH 2020: XI Jornadas en TecnologĂ­a del Habla and VII Iberian SLTech

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    IberSPEECH2020 is a two-day event, bringing together the best researchers and practitioners in speech and language technologies in Iberian languages to promote interaction and discussion. The organizing committee has planned a wide variety of scientific and social activities, including technical paper presentations, keynote lectures, presentation of projects, laboratories activities, recent PhD thesis, discussion panels, a round table, and awards to the best thesis and papers. The program of IberSPEECH2020 includes a total of 32 contributions that will be presented distributed among 5 oral sessions, a PhD session, and a projects session. To ensure the quality of all the contributions, each submitted paper was reviewed by three members of the scientific review committee. All the papers in the conference will be accessible through the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Online Archive. Paper selection was based on the scores and comments provided by the scientific review committee, which includes 73 researchers from different institutions (mainly from Spain and Portugal, but also from France, Germany, Brazil, Iran, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ucrania, Slovenia). Furthermore, it is confirmed to publish an extension of selected papers as a special issue of the Journal of Applied Sciences, “IberSPEECH 2020: Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages”, published by MDPI with fully open access. In addition to regular paper sessions, the IberSPEECH2020 scientific program features the following activities: the ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge session.Red Española de Tecnologías del Habla. Universidad de Valladoli