1,244 research outputs found

    Feasibility of Pulsed Proton Induced Acoustics for 3D Dosimetry

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    Proton therapy has the potential to deposit its energy in tissue with high conformity to the tumor and significantly reduced integral dose to normal tissue compared to conventional radiation, such as x-rays. As a result, local control can be enhanced while reducing side-effects and secondary cancers. This is due to the way charged Particles deposit their energy or dose, where protons form a Bragg peak and establish a well-defined distal edge as a function of depth (range). To date, the dose delivered to a patient from proton therapy remains uncertain, in particular the positioning of the distal edge of the Bragg peak and the lateral displacement of the beam. The need for quality assurance methods to monitor the delivered dose during proton therapy, in particular intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) is critical. We propose to measure the acoustic signal generated from the deposited energy from ionizing radiation, in particular a proton beam; and to investigate the feasibility of ultrasound tomographic imaging to map the three dimensional dose (3D) dose from a proton pencil beam. A pulsed proton beam in water was simulated using Monte Carlo (MC) methods, and the pressure signal resulting from the deposited dose was simulated based on the thermoacoustics wave. A cylindrical scanner design with 71 ultrasound transducers focused to a centeral point within the scanner was utilized. Finally, a 3-D filtered backprojection algorithm was developed to reconstruct computed tomographic images of the deposited dose. The MC dose profile was compared to the radioacoustic reconstructed images, and the dependency of the proton pulse sequence parameters, pulse width (t PW ) and rise time ( Δ t), on sensitivity were investigated. Based on simulated data, the reconstructed radioacoustic image intensity was within 2%, on average, of the MC generated dose within the Bragg peak, and the location of the distal edge was within 0.5mm. The simulated pressure signal for different tPW and Δ t for the same number of protons (1.8x107 ) demonstrated that compressing the protons in a shorter period of time significantly increased the thermoacoustic signal and thus sensitivity. This study demonstrates that computed tomographic scanner based on ionizing radiation induced acoustics can be used to verify dose distribution and proton range. Realizing this technology into the clinic will have significant impact on treatment verification during particle beam therapy and image guided techniques


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    Proton pencil beam scanning is becoming the standard treatment delivery technique for proton therapy centers. Scanned proton pencil beams provide a highly conformal dose distribution. The complex dose distribution poses challenges for quality assurance measurements leading to sophisticated detector setups and time consuming measurements. Fast 3D measurements are therefore desirable to verify the complex dose distribution and to enable the utilization of the full potential of proton therapy. The overall objective of this project is to improve volumetric scintillators detectors to provide 3D measurements for applications for beam commissioning, quality assurance program, and patient-specific treatment delivery verification. Detectors based on volumetric scintillators are gaining interest for use in proton therapy because they promise fast and high-resolution proton beam measurements. However, the scintillators’ response depends on the ionization density of the incident radiation, termed ionization quenching. For protons and other heavy charged particles, the ionization density, which is quantified as the linear energy transfer (LET), varies as a function of depth. Therefore, quenching introduces a non-linear response to the absorbed dose of proton beams. To fully utilize volumetric scintillator detectors for dose verification, ionization quenching correction factors are needed. Previous studies have shown the feasibility of using multiple cameras to image volumetric scintillators for obtaining real-time measurements, and 3D information. Furthermore, ionization quenching correction models based on the widely used Birks’ equation was shown to have lower dose accuracy at the Bragg peak for low-energy beams. The purpose of this study is to accurately determine the ionization quenching correction factors and to characterize a novel 3D scintillator detector for scanned proton beams. The 3D scintillator detector consisted of a liquid scintillator filled tank imaged by three identical sCMOS cameras. The system exhibited a high spatial (0.20 mm) and temporal resolution (10 ms). It was capable of capturing and verifying the range of all the 94 beam energies delivered by the synchrotron with sub-millimeter accuracy. The use of multiple orthogonally positioned cameras allows for detecting the precise locations of delivered beams in 3D. The beam images captured by the detector were synchronized with synchrotron beam delivery trigger signals. The developed image acquisition technique demonstrates the capability of the detector to capture single spots with a reproducible accuracy of 2%. Ionization quenching correction factors were used to correct the response of scintillators for dose linearity. The EDSE scintillation model was explored which relates the scintillation light emission to the energy deposition by secondary electrons. This project explored key improvements necessary for volumetric scintillator-based detector and demonstrated the capabilities of a novel 3D scintillator detector as a potential comprehensive quality assurance tool and for patient treatment verification detector for spot scanning proton therapy

    Radiotherapy using a laser proton accelerator

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    Laser acceleration promises innovation in particle beam therapy of cancer where an ultra-compact accelerator system for cancer beam therapy can become affordable to a broad range of patients. This is not feasible without the introduction of a technology that is radically different from the conventional accelerator-based approach. The laser acceleration method provides many enhanced capabilities for the radiation oncologist. It reduces the overall system size and weight by more than one order of magnitude. The characteristics of the particle beams (protons) make them suitable for a class of therapy that might not be possible with the conventional accelerator, such as the ease for changing pulse intensity, the focus spread, the pinpointedness, and the dose delivery in general. A compact, uncluttered system allows a PET device to be located in the vicinity of the patient in concert with the compact gantry. The radiation oncologist may be able to irradiate a localized tumor by scanning with a pencil-like particle beam while ascertaining the actual dosage in the patient with an improved in-beam PET verification of auto-radioactivation induced by the beam therapy. This should yield an unprecedented flexibility in the feedback radiotherapy by the radiation oncologist. Laser accelerated radiotherapy has a unique niche in a current world of high energy accelerator using synchrotron or cyclotron.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, 69 references. International Symposium on Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied for Science, Industry and Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 17-20 September (2007

    A hybrid multi-particle approach to range assessment-based treatment verification in particle therapy

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    Particle therapy (PT) used for cancer treatment can spare healthy tissue and reduce treatment toxicity. However, full exploitation of the dosimetric advantages of PT is not yet possible due to range uncertainties, warranting development of range-monitoring techniques. This study proposes a novel range-monitoring technique introducing the yet unexplored concept of simultaneous detection and imaging of fast neutrons and prompt-gamma rays produced in beam-tissue interactions. A quasimonolithic organic detector array is proposed, and its feasibility for detecting range shifts in the context of proton therapy is explored through Monte Carlo simulations of realistic patient models and detector resolution efects. The results indicate that range shifts of 1 mm can be detected at relatively low proton intensities (22.30(13) Ă— 107 protons/spot) when spatial information obtained through imaging of both particle species are used simultaneously. This study lays the foundation for multiparticle detection and imaging systems in the context of range verifcation in PTpublishedVersio

    The physics of proton therapy

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    The physics of proton therapy has advanced considerably since it was proposed in 1946. Today analytical equations and numerical simulation methods are available to predict and characterize many aspects of proton therapy. This article reviews the basic aspects of the physics of proton therapy, including proton interaction mechanisms, proton transport calculations, the determination of dose from therapeutic and stray radiations, and shielding design. The article discusses underlying processes as well as selected practical experimental and theoretical methods. We conclude by briefly speculating on possible future areas of research of relevance to the physics of proton therapy

    Technical Feasibility of MR-Integrated Proton Therapy: Beam Deflection and Image Quality

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    Es wird erwartet, dass die Integration der Magnetresonanztomografie (MRT) in die Protonentherapie die Treffgenauigkeit bei der Strahlentherapie für Krebserkrankungen deutlich verbessern wird. Besonders für Tumoren in beweglichen Organen des Thorax oder des Abdomens könnte die MRT-integrierte Protonentherapie (MRiPT) eine Synchronisierung der Bestrahlung mit der Tumorposition ermöglichen, was zu einer verminderten Normalgewebsdosis und weniger Nebenwirkungen führen könnte. Bis heute ist solch eine Integration jedoch aufgrund fehlender Studien zu potenziellen gegenseitigen Störeinflüssen dieser beiden Systeme nicht vollzogen worden. Diese Arbeit widmete sich zwei solcher Störeinflüsse, und zwar der Ablenkung des Protonenstrahls im Magnetfeld des MRT- Scanners, und umgekehrt, dem Einfluss der elekromagnetischen Felder der Protonentherapieanlage und des Protonenstrahls selbst auf die MRT-Bilder. Obwohl vorangegangene Studien den derzeitigen Konsens aufgezeigt haben, dass die Trajektorie eines abgebremsten Protonenstrahls im homogenen Phantom in einem transversalen Magnetfeld vorhersagbar ist, zeigte sich im quantitativen Vergleich der publizierten Modelle, der im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wurde, dass die Vorhersagen dieser Modelle nur für eine begrenzte Anzahl von Kombinationen aus Magnetfeldstärke und Protonenenergie übereinstimmen. Die Schwächen bestehender analytischer Modelle wurden deshalb analysiert und quantifiziert. Kritische Annahmen und die mangelnde Anwendbarkeit auf realistische, d.h. inhomogene Magnetfeldstärken und Patientengeometrien wurden als Hauptprobleme identifiziert. Um diese zu überwinden, wurde ein neues semianalytisches Modell namens RAMDIM entwickelt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass dieses auf realistischere Fälle anwendbar und genauer ist als existierende analytische Modelle und dabei schneller als Monte-Carlo-basierte Teilchenspursimulationen. Es wird erwartet, dass dieses Modell in der MRiPT Anwendung findet zur schnellen und genauen Ablenkungsberechnung, zur Betrahlungsplanoptimierung und bei der MRT-geführten Strahlnachführung. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die magnetfeldinduzierte Protonenstrahlablenkung in einem gewebeähnlichen Material durch Filmdosimetrie erstmalig gemessen und mit Monte-Carlo-Simulationen verglichen. In einem transversalen Magnetfeld einer Flussdichte von 0,95 T wurde experimentell gezeigt, dass die laterale Versetzung des Bragg-Peaks für Protonenenergien zwischen 80 und 180 MeV in PMMA zwischen 1 und 10 mm liegt. Die Retraktion des Bragg-Peaks war ≤ 0,5 mm. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die gemessene Versetzung des Bragg-Peaks innerhalb von 0,8 mm mit Monte-Carlo-basierten Vorhersagen übereinstimmt. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Protonenstrahlablenkung durch Monte-Carlo-Simulationen genau vorhersagbar ist und damit der Realisierbarkeit der MRiPT nicht im Wege steht. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig ein MRT-Scanner in eine Protonenstrahlführung integriert. Hierfür wurde ein offener Niederfeld-MRT-Scanner am Ende einer statischen Forschungsstrahlführung einer Protonentherapieanlage platziert. Die durch das statische Magnetfeld des MRT-Scanners hervorgerufene Strahlablenkung wurde bei der Ausrichtung des MRT-Scanners berücksichtigt. Die sequenzabhängigen, veränderlichen Gradientenfelder hatten keinen messbaren Einfluss auf das transversale Strahlprofil hinter dem MRT-Scanner. Die Magnetfeldhomogenität des Scanners lag innerhalb der Herstellervorgaben und zeigte keinen relevanten Einfluss von Rotationen der Protonengantry im benachbarten Bestrahlungsraum. Eine magnetische Abschirmung war zum gleichzeitigen Betrieb des MRT-Scanners und der Protonentherapieanlage nicht notwendig. Dies beweist die Machbarkeit gleichzeitiger Bestrahlung und Bildgebung in einem ersten MRiPT Aufbau. Die MRT-Bildqualität des Aufbaus wurde darauffolgend anhand eines angepassten Standardprotokolls aus Spin-Echo- und Gradienten-Echo-Sequenzen quantifiziert und es wurde gezeigt, dass die Bildqualität sowohl ohne als auch mit gleichzeitiger Bestrahlung hinreichend ist. Alle bestimmten geometrischen Parameter stimmten mit den physikalischen Abmessungen des verwendeten Phantoms innerhalb eines Bildpixels überein. Wie es für Niederfeld-MRT-Scanner üblich ist, war das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) der MRT-Bilder gering, was im Vergleich zu den Standardkriterien zu einer geringen Bildhomogenität und zu einem hohen Geisterbildanteil im Bild führte. Außerdem wurde aufgrund von Unsicherheiten in der Hochfrequenzkalibrierung des MRT-Scanners eine starke Schwankung der vertikalen Phantomposition mit einem Interquartilabstand von bis zu 1,5 mm beobachtet. T2*-gewichtete Gradientenechosequenzen zeigten zudem aufgrund von Magnetfeldinho- mogenitäten relevante ortsabhängige Bildverzerrungen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die meisten Bildqualitätsparameter mit und ohne gleichzeitige Betrahlung äquivalent sind. Es wurde jedoch ein signifikanter Betrahlungseinfluss in Form von einer vertikalen Bildverschiebung und einer Verminderung des SNR beobachtet, die durch eine Änderung im Magnetfeld des MRT-Scanners erklärt werden können, welche durch zu diesem Feld parallel ausgerichtete Komponenten im Fernfeld der Strahlführungsmagneten hervorgerufen wird. Während das verminderte SNR vermutlich irrelevant ist (Dif- ferenz im Median ≤ 1,5), ist die sequenzabhängige Bildverschiebung (Differenz im Median bis zu 0,7 mm) nicht immer vernachlässigbar. Diese Ergebisse zeigen, dass die MRT-Bilder durch gleichzeitige Bildgebung nicht schwerwiegend verfälscht werden, dass aber eine dedizierte Optimierung der Hochfrequenzkalibrierung und der MRT-Bildsequenzen notwendig ist. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass ein stromabhängiger Einfluss des Protonenstrahls auf MRT-Bilder eines Wasserphantoms durch zwei verschiedene MRT-Sequenzen messbar gemacht und zur Reichweiteverifikation genutzt werden kann. Der Effekt war in verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten, jedoch nicht in viskosen und festen Materialen, nachweisbar und wurde auf Hitzekonvektion zurückgeführt. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Methode in der MRiPT für Konstanztests der Protonenreichweite bei der Maschinenqualitätssicherung nützlich sein wird. Zusammenfassend hat diese Arbeit die Genauigkeit der Vorhersage der Strahlablenkung quantifiziert und verbessert, sowie Potenzial und Realisierbarkeit einer gleichzeitigen MRT-Bildgebung und Protonenbestrahlung gezeigt. Die weitere Entwicklung eines ersten MRiPT-Prototyps ist demnach gerechtfertigt.:List of Figures v List of Tables vii 1 General Introduction 1 2 State of the Art: Proton Therapy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 2.1 Proton Therapy 4 2.1.1 Physical Principle 4 2.1.2 Beam Delivery 7 2.1.3 Motion Management and the Role of Image Guidance 10 2.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14 2.2.1 Physical Principle 14 2.2.2 Image Generation by Pulse Sequences 18 2.2.3 Image Quality 21 2.3 MR-Guided Radiotherapy 24 2.3.1 Offline MR Guidance 24 2.3.2 On-line MR Guidance 25 2.4 MR-Integrated Proton Therapy 28 2.4.1 Aims of this Thesis 32 3 Magnetic Field-Induced Beam Deflection and Bragg Peak Displacement 35 3.1 Analytical Description 36 3.1.1 Review of Analytical Models 36 3.1.2 New Model Formulation 41 3.1.3 Evaluation of Analytical and Numerical Models 44 3.1.4 Discussion 51 3.2 Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Verification 54 3.2.1 Verification Setup 54 3.2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation 56 3.2.3 Experimental Verification 60 3.2.4 Discussion 61 3.3 Summary 63 4 Integrated In-Beam MR System: Proof of Concept 65 4.1 Integration of a Low-Field MR Scanner and a Static Research Beamline 65 4.1.1 Proton Therapy System 66 4.1.2 MR Scanner 66 4.1.3 Potential Sources of Interference 67 4.1.4 Integration of Both Systems 68 4.2 Beam and Image Quality in the Integrated Setup 70 4.2.1 Beam Profile 70 4.2.2 MR Magnetic Field Homogeneity 72 4.2.3 MR Image Quality - Qualitative In Vivo and Ex Vivo Test 74 4.2.4 MR Image Quality - Quantitative Phantom Tests 77 4.3 Feasibility of MRI-based Range Verification 86 4.3.1 MR Sequences 86 4.3.2 Proton Beam Parameters 88 4.3.3 Target Material Dependence 91 4.3.4 Discussion 92 4.4 Summary 96 5 Discussion and Future Perspectives 99 6 Summary/Zusammenfassung 105 6.1 Summary 105 6.2 Zusammenfassung 108 Bibliography I Supplementary Information XXIX A Beam Deflection: Experimental Measurements XXIX A.1 Setup XXIX A.2 Film Handling and Evaluation XXX A.3 Uncertainty Estimation XXX B Beam Deflection: Monte Carlo Simulations XXXIII B.1 Magnetic Field Model XXXIII B.2 Uncertainty Estimation XXXIV C Integrated MRiPT Setup XXXVI C.1 Magnetic Field Map XXXVI C.2 Sequence Parameters XXXVI C.3 Image Quality Parameters XLII C.4 Range Verification Sequences XLIIThe integration of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into proton therapy is expected to strongly increase the targeting accuracy in radiation therapy for cancerous diseases. Especially for tumours situated in mobile organs in the thorax and abdomen, MR-integrated proton therapy (MRiPT) could enable the synchronisation of irradiation to the tumour position, resulting in less dose to normal tissue and reduced side effects. However, such an integration has been hindered so far by a lack of scientific studies on the potential mutual interference between the two components. This thesis was dedicated to two of these sources of interference, namely the deflection of the proton beam by the magnetic field of the MR scanner and, vice versa, alterations of the MR image induced by the electromagnetic fields of the proton therapy facility and by the beam itself. Although previous work has indicated that there is general consensus that the trajectory of a slowing down proton beam in a homogeneous phantom inside a transverse magnetic field is predictable, a quantitative comparison of the published methods, as presented in the first part of this thesis, has shown that predictions of different models only agree for certain proton beam energies and magnetic flux densities. Therefore, shortcomings of previously published analytical methods have been analysed and quantified. The inclusion of critical assumptions and the lack of applicability to realistic, i.e. non-uniform, magnetic flux densities and patient anatomies have been identified as main problems. To overcome these deficiencies, a new semi-analytical model called RAMDIM has been developed. It was shown that this model is both applicable to more realistic setups and less assumptive than existing analytical approaches, and faster than Monte Carlo based particle tracking simulations. This model is expected to be useful in MRiPT for fast and accurate deflection estimations, treatment plan optimisation, and MR-guided beam tracking. In a second step, the magnetic field-induced proton beam deflection has been measured for the first time in a tissue-mimicking medium by film dosimetry and has been compared against Monte Carlo simulations. In a transverse magnetic field of 0.95 T, it was experimentally shown that the lateral Bragg peak displacement ranges between 1 mm and 10 mm for proton energies between 80 and 180 MeV in PMMA. Range retraction was found to be ≤ 0.5 mm. The measured Bragg peak displacement was shown to agree within 0.8 mm with Monte Carlo simulations. These results indicate that proton beam deflection in a homogeneous medium is accurately predictable for intermediate proton beam energies and magnetic flux densities by Monte Carlo simulations and therefore not impeding the feasibility of MRiPT. In the second part of this thesis, an MR scanner has been integrated into a proton beam line for the first time. For this purpose, an open low-field MR scanner has been placed at the end of a fixed horizontal proton research beam line in a proton therapy facility. The beam deflection induced by the static magnetic field of the scanner was taken into account for alignment of the beam and the FOV of the scanner. The pulse sequence-dependent dynamic gradient fields did not measurably affect the transverse beam profile behind the MR scanner. The MR magnetic field homogeneity was within the vendor’s specifications and not relevantly influenced by the rotation of the proton gantry in the neighbouring treatment room. No magnetic field compensation system was required for simultaneous operation of the MR scanner and the proton therapy system. These results proof that simultaneous irradiation and imaging is feasible in an in-beam MR setup. The MR image quality of the in-beam MR scanner was then quantified by an adapted standard protocol comprising spin and gradient echo imaging and shown to be acceptable both with and without simultaneous proton beam irradiation. All geometrical parameters agreed with the mechanical dimensions of the used phantom within one pixel width. As common for low-field MR scanners, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the MR images was low, which resulted in a low image uniformity and a high ghosting ratio in comparison to the standardised test criteria. Furthermore, a strong fluctuation of the vertical phantom position due to uncertainties in the pre-scan frequency calibration was observed, with an interquartile range of up to 1.5 mm. T2*-weighted gradient echo images showed relevant nonuniform deformations due to magnetic field inhomogeneities. Most image quality parameters were shown to be equivalent with and without simultaneous proton beam irradiation. However, a significant influence of simultaneous irradiation was observed as a shift of the vertical phantom position and a decrease in the SNR, both of which can be explained by a change in the B0 field of the MR scanner induced by components of the fringe field of the beam line magnets directed parallel to B0 . While the decrease in SNR is not expected to be relevant (median differences were within 1.5 ), the sequence-dependent phantom shift (median differences of up to 0.7 mm) can become non-negligible. These results show that the MR images are not severely distorted by simultaneous irradiation, but a dedicated optimisation of the pre-scan RF calibration and the MR sequences is required for MRiPT. Lastly, a current-dependent influence of the proton beam on the MR image was shown to be measurable in water in two different MR sequences, which allowed for range verification measurements. The effect was observed in different liquids but not in highly viscose and solid materials, and most probably induced by heat convection. This method is expected to be useful in MRiPT for consistency tests of the proton range during machine-specific quality assurance. In conclusion, this work has improved and quantified the accuracy of beam deflection predictions and shown the feasibility and potential of in-beam MR imaging, justifying further research towards a first MRiPT prototype.:List of Figures v List of Tables vii 1 General Introduction 1 2 State of the Art: Proton Therapy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 2.1 Proton Therapy 4 2.1.1 Physical Principle 4 2.1.2 Beam Delivery 7 2.1.3 Motion Management and the Role of Image Guidance 10 2.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14 2.2.1 Physical Principle 14 2.2.2 Image Generation by Pulse Sequences 18 2.2.3 Image Quality 21 2.3 MR-Guided Radiotherapy 24 2.3.1 Offline MR Guidance 24 2.3.2 On-line MR Guidance 25 2.4 MR-Integrated Proton Therapy 28 2.4.1 Aims of this Thesis 32 3 Magnetic Field-Induced Beam Deflection and Bragg Peak Displacement 35 3.1 Analytical Description 36 3.1.1 Review of Analytical Models 36 3.1.2 New Model Formulation 41 3.1.3 Evaluation of Analytical and Numerical Models 44 3.1.4 Discussion 51 3.2 Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Verification 54 3.2.1 Verification Setup 54 3.2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation 56 3.2.3 Experimental Verification 60 3.2.4 Discussion 61 3.3 Summary 63 4 Integrated In-Beam MR System: Proof of Concept 65 4.1 Integration of a Low-Field MR Scanner and a Static Research Beamline 65 4.1.1 Proton Therapy System 66 4.1.2 MR Scanner 66 4.1.3 Potential Sources of Interference 67 4.1.4 Integration of Both Systems 68 4.2 Beam and Image Quality in the Integrated Setup 70 4.2.1 Beam Profile 70 4.2.2 MR Magnetic Field Homogeneity 72 4.2.3 MR Image Quality - Qualitative In Vivo and Ex Vivo Test 74 4.2.4 MR Image Quality - Quantitative Phantom Tests 77 4.3 Feasibility of MRI-based Range Verification 86 4.3.1 MR Sequences 86 4.3.2 Proton Beam Parameters 88 4.3.3 Target Material Dependence 91 4.3.4 Discussion 92 4.4 Summary 96 5 Discussion and Future Perspectives 99 6 Summary/Zusammenfassung 105 6.1 Summary 105 6.2 Zusammenfassung 108 Bibliography I Supplementary Information XXIX A Beam Deflection: Experimental Measurements XXIX A.1 Setup XXIX A.2 Film Handling and Evaluation XXX A.3 Uncertainty Estimation XXX B Beam Deflection: Monte Carlo Simulations XXXIII B.1 Magnetic Field Model XXXIII B.2 Uncertainty Estimation XXXIV C Integrated MRiPT Setup XXXVI C.1 Magnetic Field Map XXXVI C.2 Sequence Parameters XXXVI C.3 Image Quality Parameters XLII C.4 Range Verification Sequences XLI

    Reducing range uncertainty in proton therapy

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    Neutron dose and its measurement in proton therapy – Current State of Knowledge

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    Proton therapy has shown dosimetric advantages over conventional radiation therapy using photons. Although the integral dose for patients treated with proton therapy is low, concerns were raised about late effects like secondary cancer caused by dose depositions far away from the treated area. This is especially true for neutrons and therefore the stray dose contribution from neutrons in proton therapy is still being investigated. The higher biological effectiveness of neutrons compared to photons is the main cause of these concerns. The gold standard in neutron dosimetry is measurements, but performing neutron measurements is challenging. Different approaches have been taken to overcome these difficulties, for instance with newly developed neutron detectors. Monte Carlo simulations is another common technique to assess the dose from secondary neutrons. Measurements and simulations are used to develop analytical models for fast neutron dose estimations. This article tries to summarize the developments in the different aspects of neutron dose in proton therapy since 2017. In general, low neutron doses have been reported, especially in active proton therapy. Although the published biological effectiveness of neutrons relative to photons regarding cancer induction is higher, it is unlikely that the neutron dose has a large impact on the second cancer risk of proton therapy patients

    Simulation studies for the in-vivo dose verification of particle therapy

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    An increasing number of cancer patients is treated with proton beams or other light ion beams which allow to deliver dose precisely to the tumor. However, the depth dose distribution of these particles, which enables this precision, is sensitive to deviations from the treatment plan, as e.g. anatomical changes. Thus, to assure the quality of the treatment, a non-invasive in-vivo dose verification is highly desired. This monitoring of particle therapy relies on the detection of secondary radiation which is produced by interactions between the beam particles and the nuclei of the patient’s tissue. Up to now, the only clinically applied method for in-vivo dosimetry is Positron Emission Tomography which makes use of the beta+-activity produced during the irradiation (PT-PET). Since from a PT-PET measurement the applied dose cannot be directly deduced, the simulated distribution of beta+-emitting nuclei is used as a basis for the analysis of the measured PT-PET data. Therefore, the reliable modeling of the production rates and the spatial distribution of the beta+-emitters is required. PT-PET applied during instead of after the treatment is referred to as in-beam PET. A challenge concerning in-beam PET is the design of the PET camera, because a standard full-ring scanner is not feasible. For instance, a double-head PET camera is applicable, but low count rates and the limited solid angle coverage can compromise the image quality. For this reason, a detector system which provides a time resolution allowing the incorporation of time-of-flight information (TOF) into the iterative reconstruction algorithm is desired to improve the quality of the reconstructed images. Secondly, Prompt Gamma Imaging (PGI), a technique based on the detection of prompt gamma-rays, is currently pursued. Concerning the emissions of prompt gamma-rays during particle irradiation, experimental data is not sufficiently available, making simulations necessary. Compton cameras are based on the detection of incoherently scattered photons and are investigated with respect to PGI. Monte Carlo simulations serve for the optimization of the camera design and the evaluation of criteria for the selection of measured events. Thus, for in-beam PET and PGI dedicated detection systems and, moreover, profound knowledge about the corresponding radiation fields are required. Using various simulation codes, this thesis contributes to the modelling of the beta+-emitters and photons produced during particle irradiation, as well as to the evaluation and optimization of hardware for both techniques. Concerning the modeling of the production of the relevant beta+-emitters, the abilities of the Monte Carlo simulation code PHITS and of the deterministic, one-dimensional code HIBRAC were assessed. The Monte Carlo tool GEANT4 was applied for an additional comparison. For irradiations with protons, helium, lithium, and carbon, the depth-dependent yields of the simulated beta+-emitters were compared to experimental data. In general, PHITS underestimated the yields of the considered beta+-emitters in contrast to GEANT4 which provided acceptable values. HIBRAC was substantially extended to enable the modeling of the depth-dependent yields of specific nuclides. For proton beams and carbon ion beams HIBRAC can compete with GEANT4 for this application. Since HIBRAC is fast, compact, and easy to modify, it could be a basis for the simulations of the beta+-emitters in clinical application. PHITS was also applied to the modeling of prompt gamma-rays during proton irradiation following an experimental setup. From this study, it can be concluded that PHITS could be an alternative to GEANT4 in this context. Another aim was the optimization of Compton camera prototypes. GEANT4 simulations were carried out with the focus on detection probabilities and the rate of valid events. Based on the results, the feasibility of a Compton camera setup consisting of a CZT detector and an LSO or BGO detector was confirmed. Several recommendations concerning the design and arrangement of the Compton camera prototype were derived. Furthermore, several promising event selection strategies were evaluated. The GEANT4 simulations were validated by comparing simulated to measured energy depositions in the detector layers. This comparison also led to the reconsideration of the efficiency of the prototype. A further study evaluated if electron-positron pairs resulting from pair productions could be detected with the existing prototype in addition to Compton events. Regarding the efficiency and the achievable angular resolution, the successful application of the considered prototype as pair production camera to the monitoring of particle therapy is questionable. Finally, the application of a PET camera consisting of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) providing a good time resolution to in-beam PET was discussed. A scintillator-based PET camera based on a commercially available scanner was used as reference. This evaluation included simulations of the detector response, the image reconstructions using various procedures, and the analysis of image quality. Realistic activity distributions based on real treatment plans for carbon ion therapy were used. The low efficiency of the RPC-based PET camera led to images of poor quality. Neither visually nor with the semi-automatic tool YaPET a reliable detectability of range deviations was possible. The incorporation of TOF into the iterative reconstruction algorithm was especially advantageous for the considered RPC-based PET camera in terms of convergence and artifacts. The application of the real-time capable back projection method Direct TOF for the RPCbased PET camera resulted in an image quality comparable to the one achieved with the iterative algorihms. In total, this study does not indicate the further investigation of RPC-based PET cameras with similar efficiency for in-beam PET application. To sum up, simulation studies were performed aimed at the progress of in-vivo dosimetry. Regarding the modeling of the beta+-emitter production and prompt gamma-ray emissions, different simulation codes were evaluated. HIBRAC could be a basis for clinical PT-PET simulations, however, a detailed validation of the underlying cross section models is required. Several recommendations for the optimization of a Compton Camera prototype resulted from systematic variations of the setup. Nevertheless, the definite evaluation of the feasibility of a Compton camera for PGI can only be performed by further experiments. For PT-PET, the efficiency of the detector system is the crucial factor. Due to the obtained results for the considered RPC-based PET camera, the focus should be kept to scintillator-based PET cameras for this purpose
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