36 research outputs found

    Parallel-In-Time Simulation of Eddy Current Problems Using Parareal

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    In this contribution the usage of the Parareal method is proposed for the time-parallel solution of the eddy current problem. The method is adapted to the particular challenges of the problem that are related to the differential algebraic character due to non-conducting regions. It is shown how the necessary modification can be automatically incorporated by using a suitable time stepping method. The paper closes with a first demonstration of a simulation of a realistic four-pole induction machine model using Parareal

    Parareal in time 3D numerical solver for the LWR Benchmark neutron diffusion transient model

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    We present a parareal in time algorithm for the simulation of neutron diffusion transient model. The method is made efficient by means of a coarse solver defined with large time steps and steady control rods model. Using finite element for the space discretization, our implementation provides a good scalability of the algorithm. Numerical results show the efficiency of the parareal method on large light water reactor transient model corresponding to the Langenbuch-Maurer-Werner (LMW) benchmark [1]

    Control through operators for quantum chemistry

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    We consider the problem of operator identification in quantum control. The free Hamiltonian and the dipole moment are searched such that a given target state is reached at a given time. A local existence result is obtained. As a by-product, our works reveals necessary conditions on the laser field to make the identification feasible. In the last part of this work, some algorithms are proposed to compute effectively these operators

    A New Parareal Algorithm for Problems with Discontinuous Sources

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    The Parareal algorithm allows to solve evolution problems exploiting parallelization in time. Its convergence and stability have been proved under the assumption of regular (smooth) inputs. We present and analyze here a new Parareal algorithm for ordinary differential equations which involve discontinuous right-hand sides. Such situations occur in various applications, e.g., when an electric device is supplied with a pulse-width-modulated signal. Our new Parareal algorithm uses a smooth input for the coarse problem with reduced dynamics. We derive error estimates that show how the input reduction influences the overall convergence rate of the algorithm. We support our theoretical results by numerical experiments, and also test our new Parareal algorithm in an eddy current simulation of an induction machine

    PARAOPT: A parareal algorithm for optimality systems

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    The time parallel solution of optimality systems arising in PDE constraint optimization could be achieved by simply applying any time parallel algorithm, such as Parareal, to solve the forward and backward evolution problems arising in the optimization loop. We propose here a different strategy by devising directly a new time parallel algorithm, which we call ParaOpt, for the coupled forward and backward non-linear partial differential equations. ParaOpt is inspired by the Parareal algorithm for evolution equations, and thus is automatically a two-level method. We provide a detailed convergence analysis for the case of linear parabolic PDE constraints. We illustrate the performance of ParaOpt with numerical experiments both for linear and nonlinear optimality systems

    A new approach to improve ill-conditioned parabolic optimal control problem via time domain decomposition

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    In this paper we present a new steepest-descent type algorithm for convex optimization problems. Our algorithm pieces the unknown into sub-blocs of unknowns and considers a partial optimization over each sub-bloc. In quadratic optimization, our method involves Newton technique to compute the step-lengths for the sub-blocs resulting descent directions. Our optimization method is fully parallel and easily implementable, we first presents it in a general linear algebra setting, then we highlight its applicability to a parabolic optimal control problem, where we consider the blocs of unknowns with respect to the time dependency of the control variable. The parallel tasks, in the last problem, turn "on" the control during a specific time-window and turn it "off" elsewhere. We show that our algorithm significantly improves the computational time compared with recognized methods. Convergence analysis of the new optimal control algorithm is provided for an arbitrary choice of partition. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the efficiency and the rapid convergence of the method.Comment: 28 page

    A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Optimal Quadratic Spline Collocation and Parareal Deferred Correction for Parabolic PDEs

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    Parareal is a kind of time parallel numerical methods for time-dependent systems. In this paper, we consider a general linear parabolic PDE, use optimal quadratic spline collocation (QSC) method for the space discretization, and proceed with the parareal technique on the time domain. Meanwhile, deferred correction technique is also used to improve the accuracy during the iterations. In fact, the optimal QSC method is a correction of general QSC method. Along the temporal direction we embed the iterations of deferred correction into parareal to construct a hybrid method, parareal deferred correction (PDC) method. The error estimation is presented and the stability is analyzed. To save computational cost, we find out a simple way to balance the two kinds of iterations as much as possible. We also argue that the hybrid algorithm has better system efficiency and costs less running time. Numerical experiments by multicore computers are attached to exhibit the effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm


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    Abstract. The parareal algorithm, which permits us to solve evolution problems in a time parallel fashion, has created a lot of attention over the past decade. The algorithm has its roots in the multiple shooting method for boundary value problems, which in the parareal algorithm is applied to initial value problems, with a particular coarse approximation of the Jacobian matrix. It is therefore of interest to formulate parareal-type algorithms for time-periodic problems, which also couple the end of the time interval with the beginning, and to analyze their performance in this context. We present and analyze two parareal algorithms for time-periodic problems: one with a periodic coarse problem and one with a nonperiodic coarse problem. An interesting advantage of the algorithm with the nonperiodic coarse problem is that no time-periodic problems need to be solved during the iteration, since on the time subdomains, the problems are not time-periodic either. We prove for both linear and nonlinear problems convergence of the new algorithms, with linear bounds on the convergence. We also extend these results to evolution partial differential equations using Fourier techniques. We illustrate our analysis with numerical experiments, both for model problems and the realistic application of a nonlinear cooled reverse-flow reactor system of partial differential equations

    An Adaptive Parareal Algorithm

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of accelerating the numerical simulation of time dependent problems by time domain decomposition. The available algorithms enabling such decompositions present severe efficiency limitations and are an obstacle for the solution of large scale and high dimensional problems. Our main contribution is the improvement of the parallel efficiency of the parareal in time method. The parareal method is based on combining predictions made by a numerically inexpensive solver (with coarse physics and/or coarse resolution) with corrections coming from an expensive solver (with high-fidelity physics and high resolution). At convergence, the parareal algorithm provides a solution that has the fine solver's high-fidelity physics and high resolution In the classical version of parareal, the fine solver has a fixed high accuracy which is the major obstacle to achieve a competitive parallel efficiency. In this paper, we develop an adaptive variant of the algorithm that overcomes this obstacle. Thanks to this, the only remaining factor impacting performance becomes the cost of the coarse solver. We show both theoretically and in a numerical example that the parallel efficiency becomes very competitive when the cost of the coarse solver is small