633 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Preconditioning: How to use a Nonlinear Schwarz Method to Precondition Newton's Method

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    For linear problems, domain decomposition methods can be used directly as iterative solvers, but also as preconditioners for Krylov methods. In practice, Krylov acceleration is almost always used, since the Krylov method finds a much better residual polynomial than the stationary iteration, and thus converges much faster. We show in this paper that also for non-linear problems, domain decomposition methods can either be used directly as iterative solvers, or one can use them as preconditioners for Newton's method. For the concrete case of the parallel Schwarz method, we show that we obtain a preconditioner we call RASPEN (Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Exact Newton) which is similar to ASPIN (Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Inexact Newton), but with all components directly defined by the iterative method. This has the advantage that RASPEN already converges when used as an iterative solver, in contrast to ASPIN, and we thus get a substantially better preconditioner for Newton's method. The iterative construction also allows us to naturally define a coarse correction using the multigrid full approximation scheme, which leads to a convergent two level non-linear iterative domain decomposition method and a two level RASPEN non-linear preconditioner. We illustrate our findings with numerical results on the Forchheimer equation and a non-linear diffusion problem

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems II: Strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian flows

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    In this article we develop both the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of hp–version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian fluid flows in a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω⊂Rd,d \Omega \subset R^{d}, d = 2,3. In the latter case, computable upper and lower bounds on the error are derived in terms of a natural energy norm which are explicit in the local mesh size and local polynomial degree of the approximating finite element method. A series of numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicators within an automatic hp–adaptive refinement algorithm

    Substructured formulations of nonlinear structure problems - influence of the interface condition

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    We investigate the use of non-overlapping domain decomposition (DD) methods for nonlinear structure problems. The classic techniques would combine a global Newton solver with a linear DD solver for the tangent systems. We propose a framework where we can swap Newton and DD, so that we solve independent nonlinear problems for each substructure and linear condensed interface problems. The objective is to decrease the number of communications between subdomains and to improve parallelism. Depending on the interface condition, we derive several formulations which are not equivalent, contrarily to the linear case. Primal, dual and mixed variants are described and assessed on a simple plasticity problem.Comment: in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley, 201

    Parallel function decomposition and space decomposition methods - part II. Applications to splitting and domain decomposition

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