189 research outputs found

    Enforcing the non-negativity constraint and maximum principles for diffusion with decay on general computational grids

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    In this paper, we consider anisotropic diffusion with decay, and the diffusivity coefficient to be a second-order symmetric and positive definite tensor. It is well-known that this particular equation is a second-order elliptic equation, and satisfies a maximum principle under certain regularity assumptions. However, the finite element implementation of the classical Galerkin formulation for both anisotropic and isotropic diffusion with decay does not respect the maximum principle. We first show that the numerical accuracy of the classical Galerkin formulation deteriorates dramatically with increase in the decay coefficient for isotropic medium and violates the discrete maximum principle. However, in the case of isotropic medium, the extent of violation decreases with mesh refinement. We then show that, in the case of anisotropic medium, the classical Galerkin formulation for anisotropic diffusion with decay violates the discrete maximum principle even at lower values of decay coefficient and does not vanish with mesh refinement. We then present a methodology for enforcing maximum principles under the classical Galerkin formulation for anisotropic diffusion with decay on general computational grids using optimization techniques. Representative numerical results (which take into account anisotropy and heterogeneity) are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed formulation

    Piecewise linear transformation in diffusive flux discretization

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    To ensure the discrete maximum principle or solution positivity in finite volume schemes, diffusive flux is sometimes discretized as a conical combination of finite differences. Such a combination may be impossible to construct along material discontinuities using only cell concentration values. This is often resolved by introducing auxiliary node, edge, or face concentration values that are explicitly interpolated from the surrounding cell concentrations. We propose to discretize the diffusive flux after applying a local piecewise linear coordinate transformation that effectively removes the discontinuities. The resulting scheme does not need any auxiliary concentrations and is therefore remarkably simpler, while being second-order accurate under the assumption that the structure of the domain is locally layered.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figures, preprint submitted to Journal of Computational Physic
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