219 research outputs found

    Multilevel Monte Carlo for Random Degenerate Scalar Convection Diffusion Equation

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    We consider the numerical solution of scalar, nonlinear degenerate convection-diffusion problems with random diffusion coefficient and with random flux functions. Building on recent results on the existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence of weak solutions on data in the deterministic case, we develop a definition of random entropy solution. We establish existence, uniqueness, measurability and integrability results for these random entropy solutions, generalizing \cite{Mishr478,MishSch10a} to possibly degenerate hyperbolic-parabolic problems with random data. We next address the numerical approximation of random entropy solutions, specifically the approximation of the deterministic first and second order statistics. To this end, we consider explicit and implicit time discretization and Finite Difference methods in space, and single as well as Multi-Level Monte-Carlo methods to sample the statistics. We establish convergence rate estimates with respect to the discretization parameters, as well as with respect to the overall work, indicating substantial gains in efficiency are afforded under realistic regularity assumptions by the use of the Multi-Level Monte-Carlo method. Numerical experiments are presented which confirm the theoretical convergence estimates.Comment: 24 Page

    On the convergence rate of finite difference methods for degenerate convection-diffusion equations in several space dimensions

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    We analyze upwind difference methods for strongly degenerate convection-diffusion equations in several spatial dimensions. We prove that the local L1L^1-error between the exact and numerical solutions is O(Δx2/(19+d))\mathcal{O}(\Delta x^{2/(19+d)}), where dd is the spatial dimension and Δx\Delta x is the grid size. The error estimate is robust with respect to vanishing diffusion effects. The proof makes effective use of specific kinetic formulations of the difference method and the convection-diffusion equation

    The discontinuous Galerkin method for fractional degenerate convection-diffusion equations

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    We propose and study discontinuous Galerkin methods for strongly degenerate convection-diffusion equations perturbed by a fractional diffusion (L\'evy) operator. We prove various stability estimates along with convergence results toward properly defined (entropy) solutions of linear and nonlinear equations. Finally, the qualitative behavior of solutions of such equations are illustrated through numerical experiments

    Entropy Solution Theory for Fractional Degenerate Convection-Diffusion Equations

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    We study a class of degenerate convection diffusion equations with a fractional nonlinear diffusion term. These equations are natural generalizations of anomalous diffusion equations, fractional conservations laws, local convection diffusion equations, and some fractional Porous medium equations. In this paper we define weak entropy solutions for this class of equations and prove well-posedness under weak regularity assumptions on the solutions, e.g. uniqueness is obtained in the class of bounded integrable functions. Then we introduce a monotone conservative numerical scheme and prove convergence toward an Entropy solution in the class of bounded integrable functions of bounded variation. We then extend the well-posedness results to non-local terms based on general L\'evy type operators, and establish some connections to fully non-linear HJB equations. Finally, we present some numerical experiments to give the reader an idea about the qualitative behavior of solutions of these equations

    Continuous dependence estimates for nonlinear fractional convection-diffusion equations

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    We develop a general framework for finding error estimates for convection-diffusion equations with nonlocal, nonlinear, and possibly degenerate diffusion terms. The equations are nonlocal because they involve fractional diffusion operators that are generators of pure jump Levy processes (e.g. the fractional Laplacian). As an application, we derive continuous dependence estimates on the nonlinearities and on the Levy measure of the diffusion term. Estimates of the rates of convergence for general nonlinear nonlocal vanishing viscosity approximations of scalar conservation laws then follow as a corollary. Our results both cover, and extend to new equations, a large part of the known error estimates in the literature.Comment: In this version we have corrected Example 3.4 explaining the link with the results in [51,59