1,265 research outputs found

    Partitioning random graphs into monochromatic components

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    Erd\H{o}s, Gy\'arf\'as, and Pyber (1991) conjectured that every rr-colored complete graph can be partitioned into at most r1r-1 monochromatic components; this is a strengthening of a conjecture of Lov\'asz (1975) in which the components are only required to form a cover. An important partial result of Haxell and Kohayakawa (1995) shows that a partition into rr monochromatic components is possible for sufficiently large rr-colored complete graphs. We start by extending Haxell and Kohayakawa's result to graphs with large minimum degree, then we provide some partial analogs of their result for random graphs. In particular, we show that if p(27lognn)1/3p\ge \left(\frac{27\log n}{n}\right)^{1/3}, then a.a.s. in every 22-coloring of G(n,p)G(n,p) there exists a partition into two monochromatic components, and for r2r\geq 2 if p(rlognn)1/rp\ll \left(\frac{r\log n}{n}\right)^{1/r}, then a.a.s. there exists an rr-coloring of G(n,p)G(n,p) such that there does not exist a cover with a bounded number of components. Finally, we consider a random graph version of a classic result of Gy\'arf\'as (1977) about large monochromatic components in rr-colored complete graphs. We show that if p=ω(1)np=\frac{\omega(1)}{n}, then a.a.s. in every rr-coloring of G(n,p)G(n,p) there exists a monochromatic component of order at least (1o(1))nr1(1-o(1))\frac{n}{r-1}.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. Appears in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 24, Issue 1 (2017) Paper #P1.1

    Red-blue clique partitions and (1-1)-transversals

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    Motivated by the problem of Gallai on (11)(1-1)-transversals of 22-intervals, it was proved by the authors in 1969 that if the edges of a complete graph KK are colored with red and blue (both colors can appear on an edge) so that there is no monochromatic induced C4C_4 and C5C_5 then the vertices of KK can be partitioned into a red and a blue clique. Aharoni, Berger, Chudnovsky and Ziani recently strengthened this by showing that it is enough to assume that there is no induced monochromatic C4C_4 and there is no induced C5C_5 in {\em one of the colors}. Here this is strengthened further, it is enough to assume that there is no monochromatic induced C4C_4 and there is no K5K_5 on which both color classes induce a C5C_5. We also answer a question of Kaiser and Rabinovich, giving an example of six 22-convex sets in the plane such that any three intersect but there is no (11)(1-1)-transversal for them

    Local colourings and monochromatic partitions in complete bipartite graphs

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    We show that for any 22-local colouring of the edges of the balanced complete bipartite graph Kn,nK_{n,n}, its vertices can be covered with at most~33 disjoint monochromatic paths. And, we can cover almost all vertices of any complete or balanced complete bipartite rr-locally coloured graph with O(r2)O(r^2) disjoint monochromatic cycles.\\ We also determine the 22-local bipartite Ramsey number of a path almost exactly: Every 22-local colouring of the edges of Kn,nK_{n,n} contains a monochromatic path on nn vertices.Comment: 18 page

    Edge Partitions of Optimal 22-plane and 33-plane Graphs

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    A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane. A topological graph is kk-plane, k>0k>0, if each edge is crossed at most kk times. We study the problem of partitioning the edges of a kk-plane graph such that each partite set forms a graph with a simpler structure. While this problem has been studied for k=1k=1, we focus on optimal 22-plane and 33-plane graphs, which are 22-plane and 33-plane graphs with maximum density. We prove the following results. (i) It is not possible to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a forest, while (ii) an edge partition formed by a 11-plane graph and two plane forests always exists and can be computed in linear time. (iii) We describe efficient algorithms to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a plane graph with maximum vertex degree 1212, or with maximum vertex degree 88 if the optimal 22-plane graph is such that its crossing-free edges form a graph with no separating triangles. (iv) We exhibit an infinite family of simple optimal 22-plane graphs such that in any edge partition composed of a 11-plane graph and a plane graph, the plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 66 and the 11-plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 1212. (v) We show that every optimal 33-plane graph whose crossing-free edges form a biconnected graph can be decomposed, in linear time, into a 22-plane graph and two plane forests