16 research outputs found

    Opportunities for personalised follow-up in breast cancer: the gap between daily practice and recurrence risk

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    Purpose: Follow-up guidelines barely diverge from a one-size-fits-all approach, even though the risk of recurrence differs per patient. However, the personalization of breast cancer care improves outcomes for patients. This study explores the variation in follow-up pathways in the Netherlands using real-world data to determine guideline adherence and the gap between daily practice and risk-based surveillance, to demonstrate the benefits of personalized risk-based surveillance compared with usual care.Methods: Patients with stage I–III invasive breast cancer who received surgical treatment in a general hospital between 2005 and 2020 were selected from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and included all imaging activities during follow-up from hospital-based electronic health records. Process analysis techniques were used to map patients and activities to investigate the real-world utilisation of resources and identify the opportunities for improvement. The INFLUENCE 2.0 nomogram was used for risk prediction of recurrence.Results: In the period between 2005 and 2020, 3478 patients were included with a mean follow-up of 4.9 years. In the first 12 months following treatment, patients visited the hospital between 1 and 5 times (mean 1.3, IQR 1–1) and received between 1 and 9 imaging activities (mean 1.7, IQR 1–2). Mammogram was the prevailing imaging modality, accounting for 70% of imaging activities. Patients with a low predicted risk of recurrence visited the hospital more often.Conclusions: Deviations from the guideline were not in line with the risk of recurrence and revealed a large gap, indicating that it is hard for clinicians to accurately estimate this risk and therefore objective risk predictions could bridge this gap.Keywords Breast cancer · Follow-up · Real-world data · Risk of recurrence · Process mining · Resource utilisatio

    Can process mining automatically describe care pathways of patients with long-term conditions in UK primary care? A study protocol

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    Introduction In the UK, primary care is seen as the optimal context for delivering care to an ageing population with a growing number of long-term conditions. However, if it is to meet these demands effectively and efficiently, a more precise understanding of existing care processes is required to ensure their configuration is based on robust evidence. This need to understand and optimise organisational performance is not unique to healthcare, and in industries such as telecommunications or finance, a methodology known as ‘process mining’ has become an established and successful method to identify how an organisation can best deploy resources to meet the needs of its clients and customers. Here and for the first time in the UK, we will apply it to primary care settings to gain a greater understanding of how patients with two of the most common chronic conditions are managed. Methods and analysis The study will be conducted in three phases; first, we will apply process mining algorithms to the data held on the clinical management system of four practices of varying characteristics in the West Midlands to determine how each interacts with patients with hypertension or type 2 diabetes. Second, we will use traditional process mapping exercises at each practice to manually produce maps of care processes for the selected condition. Third, with the aid of staff and patients at each practice, we will compare and contrast the process models produced by process mining with the process maps produced via manual techniques, review differences and similarities between them and the relative importance of each. The first pilot study will be on hypertension and the second for patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

    Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges

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    Process mining techniques can be used to analyse business processes using the data logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains, including healthcare, where it focuses mainly on the analysis of diagnostic, treatment, and organisational processes. Despite the huge amount of data generated in hospitals by staff and machinery involved in healthcare processes, there is no evidence of a systematic uptake of process mining beyond targeted case studies in a research context. When developing and using process mining in healthcare, distinguishing characteristics of healthcare processes such as their variability and patient-centred focus require targeted attention. Against this background, the Process-Oriented Data Science in Healthcare Alliance has been established to propagate the research and application of techniques targeting the data-driven improvement of healthcare processes. This paper, an initiative of the alliance, presents the distinguishing characteristics of the healthcare domain that need to be considered to successfully use process mining, as well as open challenges that need to be addressed by the community in the future.This work is partially supported by ANID FONDECYT 1220202, Dirección de Investigación de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - PUENTE [Grant No. 026/ 2021]; and Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo [Grant Nos. ANID-PFCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2019–21190116, ANID-PFCHA/ Doctorado Nacional/2020–21201411]. With regard to the co-author Hilda Klasky, this manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The US government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the US government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for US government purposes. DOE will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-accessplan).Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 55 autors/es: Jorge Munoz-Gama (a)* , Niels Martin (b,c)* , Carlos Fernandez-Llatas (d,g)* , Owen A. Johnson (e)* , Marcos Sepúlveda (a)* , Emmanuel Helm (f)* , Victor Galvez-Yanjari (a)* , Eric Rojas (a) , Antonio Martinez-Millana (d) , Davide Aloini (k) , Ilaria Angela Amantea (l,q,r) , Robert Andrews (ab), Michael Arias (z) , Iris Beerepoot (o) , Elisabetta Benevento (k) , Andrea Burattin (ai), Daniel Capurro (j) , Josep Carmona (s) , Marco Comuzzi (w), Benjamin Dalmas (aj,ak), Rene de la Fuente (a) , Chiara Di Francescomarino (h) , Claudio Di Ciccio (i) , Roberto Gatta (ad,ae), Chiara Ghidini (h) , Fernanda Gonzalez-Lopez (a) , Gema Ibanez-Sanchez (d) , Hilda B. Klasky (p) , Angelina Prima Kurniati (al), Xixi Lu (o) , Felix Mannhardt (m), Ronny Mans (af), Mar Marcos (v) , Renata Medeiros de Carvalho (m), Marco Pegoraro (x) , Simon K. Poon (ag), Luise Pufahl (u) , Hajo A. Reijers (m,o) , Simon Remy (y) , Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (ah), Lucia Sacchi (t) , Fernando Seoane (g,am,an), Minseok Song (aa), Alessandro Stefanini (k) , Emilio Sulis (l) , Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede (ab), Pieter J. Toussaint (ac), Vicente Traver (d) , Zoe Valero-Ramon (d) , Inge van de Weerd (o) , Wil M.P. van der Aalst (x) , Rob Vanwersch (m), Mathias Weske (y) , Moe Thandar Wynn (ab), Francesca Zerbato (n) // (a) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile; (b) Hasselt University, Belgium; (c) Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium; (d) Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain; (e) University of Leeds, United Kingdom; (f) University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria; (g) Karolinska Institutet, Sweden; (h) Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; (i) Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; (j) University of Melbourne, Australia; (k) University of Pisa, Italy; (l) University of Turin, Italy; (m) Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands; (n) University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; (o) Utrecht University, The Netherlands; (p) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States; (q) University of Bologna, Italy; (r) University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; (s) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; (t) University of Pavia, Italy; (u) Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany; (v) Universitat Jaume I, Spain; (w) Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Republic of Korea; (x) RWTH Aachen University, Germany; (y) University of Potsdam, Germany; (z) Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica; (aa) Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; (ab) Queensland University of Technology, Australia; (ac) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; (ad) Universita degli Studi di Brescia, Italy; (ae) Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Switzerland; (af) Philips Research, the Netherlands; (ag) The University of Sydney, Australia; (ah) Technical University of Munich, Germany; (ai) Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; (aj) Mines Saint-Etienne, France; (ak) Université Clermont Auvergne, France; (al) Telkom University, Indonesia; (am) Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden; (an) University of Borås, SwedenPostprint (published version

    Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges

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    [EN] Process mining techniques can be used to analyse business processes using the data logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains, including healthcare, where it focuses mainly on the analysis of diagnostic, treatment, and organisational processes. Despite the huge amount of data generated in hospitals by staff and machinery involved in healthcare processes, there is no evidence of a systematic uptake of process mining beyond targeted case studies in a research context. When developing and using process mining in healthcare, distinguishing characteristics of healthcare processes such as their variability and patient-centred focus require targeted attention. Against this background, the Process-Oriented Data Science in Healthcare Alliance has been established to propagate the research and application of techniques targeting the data-driven improvement of healthcare processes. This paper, an initiative of the alliance, presents the distinguishing characteristics of the healthcare domain that need to be considered to successfully use process mining, as well as open challenges that need to be addressed by the community in the future.This work is partially supported by ANID FONDECYT 1220202, Direccion de Investigacion de la Vicerrectoria de Investigacion de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile-PUENTE [Grant No. 026/2021] ; and Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo [Grant Nos. ANID-PFCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2019-21190116, ANID-PFCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2020-21201411] . With regard to the co-author Hilda Klasky, this manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE) . The US government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the US government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for US government purposes. DOE will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan)Munoz Gama, J.; Martin, N.; Fernández Llatas, C.; Johnson, OA.; Sepúlveda, M.; Helm, E.; Galvez-Yanjari, V.... (2022). Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 127:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2022.10399411512

    Process Mining Routinely Collected Electronic Health Records to Define Real-Life Clinical Pathways during Chemotherapy

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    Background: There is growing interest in the use of routinely collected electronic health records to enhance service delivery and facilitate clinical research. It should be possible to detect and measure patterns of care and use the data to monitor improvements but there are methodological and data quality challenges. Driven by the desire to model the impact of a patient self-test blood count monitoring service in patients on chemotherapy, we aimed to (i) establish reproducible methods of process-mining electronic health records, (ii) use the outputs derived to define and quantify patient pathways during chemotherapy, and (iii) to gather robust data which is structured to be able to inform a cost-effectiveness decision model of home monitoring of neutropenic status during chemotherapy. Methods: Electronic Health Records at a UK oncology centre were included if they had (i) a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer and received adjuvant epirubicin and cyclosphosphamide chemotherapy or (ii) colorectal cancer and received palliative oxaliplatin and infusional 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy, and (iii) were first diagnosed with cancer between January 2004 and February 2013. Software and a Markov model were developed, producing a schematic of patient pathways during chemotherapy. Results: Significant variance from the assumed care pathway was evident from the data. Of the 535 patients with breast cancer and 420 with colorectal cancer there were 474 and 329 pathway variants respectively. Only 27 (5%) and 26 (6%) completed the planned six cycles of chemotherapy without having unplanned hospital contact. Over the six cycles, 169 (31.6%) patients with breast cancer and 190 (45.2%) patients with colorectal cancer were admitted to hospital. Conclusion: The pathways of patients on chemotherapy are complex. An iterative approach to addressing semantic and data quality issues enabled the effective use of routinely collected patient records to produce accurate models of the real-life experiences of chemotherapy patients and generate clinically useful information. Very few patients experience the idealised patient pathway that is used to plan their care. A better understanding of real-life clinical pathways through process mining can contribute to care and data quality assurance, identifying unmet needs, facilitating quantification of innovation impact, communicating with stakeholders, and ultimately improving patient care and outcomes

    Sistematização da análise de conformidade dos processos na área de saúde : Sariah Ester Torno Mourão

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    Orientadores : Prof. Dr. Ricardo Mendes Junior, Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Pécora Junior, Profª Drª Adriana de Paula Lacerda SantosCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Eduardo Alves Portela SantosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/02/2017Inclui referências : f. 155-164Resumo: Os processos de tratamento médico são universalmente realizados de acordo com as orientações clínicas. No entanto, existe uma lacuna entre estas orientações e a prática clínica real, ou seja, há diferenças entre as atividades executadas e as atividades recomendadas nos procedimentos. Portanto, um desafio para o setor de gestão da saúde é abordar essa lacuna. Existindo assim uma necessidade de métodos que possam medir a adesão do comportamento real do processo no que diz respeito ao comportamento esperado; identificar onde os desvios acontecem com mais frequência e; produzir resultados que possam ser facilmente compreendidos por médicos para destacar as causas mais comuns dos desvios identificados. Este é um dos objetivos da mineração de processos. A mineração de processos fornece uma imagem real do que está acontecendo, explicitando diversas perspectivas acerca das atividades, recursos e informações dos processos. Esta área de estudo está preocupada com a descoberta, monitoramento e melhoria dos processos operacionais por meio da extração de conhecimento a partir de registros gerados pelos sistemas de informação. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é sistematizar a análise de conformidade dos processos na área da saúde tendo como estudo empírico quantitativo os processos de tratamento de pacientes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral Isquêmico (AVCI), elegíveis para trombólise endovenosa, intraarterial e mecânica, do Hospital Municipal São José, localizado na cidade de Joinville - Santa Catarina. De acordo com os estudos da Global Burden of Disease 2013 - Mortality and Causes of Death (MURRAY et al., 2015), o Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é uma das mais importantes doenças crônicas, em termos de abrangência, sendo a terceira principal causa de morte no Brasil e a principal causa de incapacidade no mundo. A sistematização proposta busca, auxiliar pesquisadores e instituições de saúde na aplicação das técnicas de descoberta e análise de conformidade dos processos na área da saúde, de modo que tais técnicas possam contribuir para a melhoria do fluxo de atividades em estabelecimentos de saúde e, consequentemente, gerar um efeito positivo sobre a saúde no Brasil. É formada por nove etapas que envolvem: o conhecimento do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar (SIH) e da base de dados; a preparação da base de dados para aplicação das técnicas de mineração de processos; o estudo dos protocolos assistenciais, procedimentos operacionais padrão, instruções de trabalho e outros documentos feitos pela instituição de saúde para o processo selecionado; o estudo das diretrizes clínicas, regulamentos, normas, leis e outros documentos que envolvem o processo escolhido; a transcrição dos documentos selecionados em notação Business Process Management and Notation; a correlação entre os protocolos assistenciais, procedimentos operacionais padrão, instruções de trabalho e outros documentos com as diretrizes clínicas, regulamentos, normas, leis e outros documentos; e por fim as análises quantitativas usando técnicas de mineração de processos, tais como, descoberta do modelo do processo real e análises de conformidade para confrontar os modelos dos processos com os registros de eventos. Palavras-chave: Mineração de Processos. Descoberta. Análise de Conformidade. Sistematização. Área da Saúde. Acidente Vascular Cerebral.Abstract: The medical treatment processes are universally performed according to clinical guidelines. However, there is a gap between these guidelines and the actual clinical practice, that is, there are differences between the activities performed and the activities recommended in the procedures. Therefore, a challenge for the health management sector is to address the gap between actual clinical processes and the recommendations given in the procedures. Thus, there is an urgent need for methods that can: measure adherence to the actual behavior of the process with respect to expected behavior; identify where deviations occur most often and; produce results that can be easily understood by physicians to highlight the most common causes of identified deviations. This is one of the objectives of process mining. Process mining provides a true picture of what is happening, spelling out diverse perspectives on process activities, resources, and information. This area of study is concerned with the discovery, monitoring and improvement of operational processes through the extraction of knowledge from records generated by information systems. The main objective of this research is to systematize the conformity analysis of the health processes, having as a quantitative empirical study the procedures for the treatment of patients with Ischemic Stroke, eligible for intravenous, intraarterial and mechanical thrombolysis, of the São José Municipal Hospital, located in the city of Joinville - Santa Catarina. According to studies by the Global Burden of Disease 2013 (MURRAY et al., 2015), stroke is one of the most important chronic diseases in terms of outreach, being the third major cause of death in Brazil and the leading cause of disability in the world. The proposed systematization seeks to assist researchers and health institutions in the application of the techniques of discovery and analysis of conformity of the processes in the health area, so that such techniques can contribute to the improvement of the flow of activities in health facilities and, consequently, positive effect on health in Brazil. It is formed by nine steps that involve: the knowledge of the Hospital Information System (SIH) and the database; the preparation of the database for application of process mining techniques; the study of care protocols, standard operating procedures, work instructions and other documents made by the health institution for the selected process; the study of clinical guidelines, regulations, norms, laws and other documents that involve the chosen process; the transcription of the documents selected in notation Business Process Management and Notation; the correlation between care protocols, standard operating procedures, work instructions and other documents with clinical guidelines, regulations, standards, laws and other documents; and finally the quantitative analyzes using process mining, such as real process model discovery and compliance analyzes to compare process models with event logs. Keywords: Process Mining. Discovery. Conformance Checker. Systematization. Healthcare. Stroke

    Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Treatment of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care: Analysis Using Process Mining

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    [EN] Background: Public health in several countries is characterized by a shortage of professionals and a lack of economic resources. Monitoring and redesigning processes can foster the success of health care institutions, enabling them to provide a quality service while simultaneously reducing costs. Process mining, a discipline that extracts knowledge from information system data to analyze operational processes, affords an opportunity to understand health care processes. Objective: Health care processes are highly flexible and multidisciplinary, and health care professionals are able to coordinate in a variety of different ways to treat a diagnosis. The aim of this work was to understand whether the ways in which professionals coordinate their work affect the clinical outcome of patients. Methods: This paper proposes a method based on the use of process mining to identify patterns of collaboration between physician, nurse, and dietitian in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to compare these patterns with the clinical evolution of the patients within the context of primary care. Clustering is used as part of the preprocessing of data to manage the variability, and then process mining is used to identify patterns that may arise. Results: The method is applied in three primary health care centers in Santiago, Chile. A total of seven collaboration patterns were identified, which differed primarily in terms of the number of disciplines present, the participation intensity of each discipline, and the referrals between disciplines. The pattern in which the three disciplines participated in the most equitable and comprehensive manner had a lower proportion of highly decompensated patients compared with those patterns in which the three disciplines participated in an unbalanced manner. Conclusions: By discovering which collaboration patterns lead to improved outcomes, health care centers can promote the most successful patterns among their professionals so as to improve the treatment of patients. Process mining techniques are useful for discovering those collaborations patterns in flexible and unstructured health care processes.This paper was partially funded by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, the Formation of Advanced Human Capital Program and the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (CONICYT-PCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2016-21161705 and CONICYT-FONDECYT/1150365; Chile). The authors would like to thank Ancora UC primary health care centers for their help with this research. The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.Conca, T.; Saint Pierre, C.; Herskovic, V.; Sepulveda, M.; Capurro, D.; Prieto, F.; Fernández Llatas, C. (2018). Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Treatment of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care: Analysis Using Process Mining. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. 20(4). https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8884S204Chen, C.-C., Tseng, C.-H., & Cheng, S.-H. (2013). Continuity of Care, Medication Adherence, and Health Care Outcomes Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes. Medical Care, 51(3), 231-237. doi:10.1097/mlr.0b013e31827da5b9International Diabetes FederationIDF20152018-03-19IDF Diabetes Atlas 7th Edition (2015) https://www.idf.org/e-library/epidemiology-research/diabetes-atlas/13-diabetes-atlas-seventh-edition.htmlMinisterio de Salud de Chileminsal.cl20102018-03-23Encuesta Nacional de Salud ENS Chile 2009-2010 http://www.minsal.cl/estudios_encuestas_salud/Ministerio de Salud de Chileminsal.cl20102018-03-20Guía Clinica Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 http://www.minsal.cl/portal/url/item/72213ed52c3e23d1e04001011f011398.pdfSapunar Z., J. (2016). EPIDEMIOLOGÍA DE LA DIABETES MELLITUS EN CHILE. Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes, 27(2), 146-151. doi:10.1016/j.rmclc.2016.04.003World Health Organizationwho.int2018-03-20Global Report on Diabetes http://www.who.int/diabetes/global-report/en/Poblete, F., Glasinovic, A., Sapag, J., Barticevic, N., Arenas, A., & Padilla, O. (2015). Apoyo social y salud cardiovascular: adaptación de una escala de apoyo social en pacientes hipertensos y diabéticos en la atención primaria chilena. Atención Primaria, 47(8), 523-531. doi:10.1016/j.aprim.2014.10.010Tuligenga, R. H., Dugravot, A., Tabák, A. G., Elbaz, A., Brunner, E. J., Kivimäki, M., & Singh-Manoux, A. (2014). Midlife type 2 diabetes and poor glycaemic control as risk factors for cognitive decline in early old age: a post-hoc analysis of the Whitehall II cohort study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2(3), 228-235. doi:10.1016/s2213-8587(13)70192-xGamiochipi, M., Cruz, M., Kumate, J., & Wacher, N. H. (2016). Effect of an intensive metabolic control lifestyle intervention in type-2 diabetes patients. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(7), 1184-1189. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2016.01.017Wagner, E. H. (2001). Effect of Improved Glycemic Control on Health Care Costs and Utilization. JAMA, 285(2), 182. doi:10.1001/jama.285.2.182McDonald, J., Jayasuriya, R., & Harris, M. F. 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    Process mining methodology for health process tracking using real-time indoor location systems

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    [EN] The definition of efficient and accurate health processes in hospitals is crucial for ensuring an adequate quality of service. Knowing and improving the behavior of the surgical processes in a hospital can improve the number of patients that can be operated on using the same resources. However, the measure of this process is usually made in an obtrusive way, forcing nurses to get information and time data, affecting the proper process and generating inaccurate data due to human errors during the stressful journey of health staff in the operating theater. The use of indoor location systems can take time information about the process in an unobtrusive way, freeing nurses, allowing them to engage in purely welfare work. However, it is necessary to present these data in a understandable way for health professionals, who cannot deal with large amounts of historical localization log data. The use of process mining techniques can deal with this problem, offering an easily understandable view of the process. In this paper, we present a tool and a process mining-based methodology that, using indoor location systems, enables health staff not only to represent the process, but to know precise information about the deployment of the process in an unobtrusive and transparent way. We have successfully tested this tool in a real surgical area with 3613 patients during February, March and April of 2015.The authors want to acknowledge the work MySphera Company and Hospital General for their invaluable support. This work was supported in part by several projects; FASyS-Absolutely Safe and Healthy Factory (Spanish Ministry of Industry. CEN-20091034), MOSAIC-Models and simulation techniques for discovering diabetes influence factors (ICT-FP7-600914) and HEARTWAYS-Advanced Solutions for Supporting Cardiac Patients in Rehabilitation (ICT-SME-315659) EU Projects; and organizations like Tecnologias para la Salud y el Bienestar (TSB S.A.) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Fernández Llatas, C.; Lizondo, A.; Montón Sánchez, E.; Benedí Ruiz, JM.; Traver Salcedo, V. (2015). Process mining methodology for health process tracking using real-time indoor location systems. Sensors. 12:29821-29840. https://doi.org/10.3390/s151229769S298212984012Weske, M., van der Aalst, W. M. P., & Verbeek, H. M. W. (2004). Advances in business process management. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 50(1), 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.datak.2004.01.001Davidoff, F., Haynes, B., Sackett, D., & Smith, R. (1995). Evidence based medicine. BMJ, 310(6987), 1085-1086. doi:10.1136/bmj.310.6987.1085Reilly, B. M. (2004). The essence of EBM. 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    The application of process mining to care pathway analysis in the NHS

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    Background: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK and the sixth-fastest increasing cancer in males. Within England survival rates are improving, however, these are comparatively poorer than other countries. Currently, information available on outcomes of care is scant and there is an urgent need for techniques to improve healthcare systems and processes. Aims: To provide prostate cancer pathway analysis, by applying concepts of process mining and visualisation and comparing the performance metrics against the standard pathway laid out by national guidelines. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to see how process mining has been used in healthcare. Appropriate datasets for prostate cancer were identified within Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust London. A process model was constructed by linking and transforming cohort data from six distinct database sources. The cohort dataset was filtered to include patients who had a PSA from 2010-2015, and validated by comparing the medical patient records against a Case-note audit. Process mining techniques were applied to the data to analyse performance and conformance of the prostate cancer pathway metrics to national guideline metrics. These techniques were evaluated with stakeholders to ascertain its impact on user experience. Results: Case note audit revealed 90% match against patients found in medical records. Application of process mining techniques showed massive heterogeneity as compared to the homogenous path laid out by national guidelines. This also gave insight into bottlenecks and deviations in the pathway. Evaluation with stakeholders showed that the visualisation and technology was well accepted, high quality and recommended to be used in healthcare decision making. Conclusion: Process mining is a promising technique used to give insight into complex and flexible healthcare processes. It can map the patient journey at a local level and audit it against explicit standards of good clinical practice, which will enable us to intervene at the individual and system level to improve care.Open Acces