4 research outputs found

    Modelling a transaction manager using parallel decision processes

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    This is the second report concerning transaction management in the database environment. In the first report the role of the transaction manager in protecting the integrity of a database has been studied [van der Made-Potuijt 1989]. In this report a model will be given for the transaction manager as a parallel decision process. To that purpose a modelling method for parallel behaviour, Paradigm, will be introduced. This method uses parallel decision processes for modelling parallel phenomena. Not all the notions of Paradigm will be discussed, a more extensive explanation can be found in Groenewegen [1986-1990]. After this short introduction to Paradigm, the method will be applied to a simple transaction manager. In future research more complex transaction managers will be modelled

    A Hierarchical Filtering-Based Monitoring Architecture for Large-scale Distributed Systems

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    On-line monitoring is essential for observing and improving the reliability and performance of large-scale distributed (LSD) systems. In an LSD environment, large numbers of events are generated by system components during their execution and interaction with external objects (e.g. users or processes). These events must be monitored to accurately determine the run-time behavior of an LSD system and to obtain status information that is required for debugging and steering applications. However, the manner in which events are generated in an LSD system is complex and represents a number of challenges for an on-line monitoring system. Correlated events axe generated concurrently and can occur at multiple locations distributed throughout the environment. This makes monitoring an intricate task and complicates the management decision process. Furthermore, the large number of entities and the geographical distribution inherent with LSD systems increases the difficulty of addressing traditional issues, such as performance bottlenecks, scalability, and application perturbation. This dissertation proposes a scalable, high-performance, dynamic, flexible and non-intrusive monitoring architecture for LSD systems. The resulting architecture detects and classifies interesting primitive and composite events and performs either a corrective or steering action. When appropriate, information is disseminated to management applications, such as reactive control and debugging tools. The monitoring architecture employs a novel hierarchical event filtering approach that distributes the monitoring load and limits event propagation. This significantly improves scalability and performance while minimizing the monitoring intrusiveness. The architecture provides dynamic monitoring capabilities through: subscription policies that enable applications developers to add, delete and modify monitoring demands on-the-fly, an adaptable configuration that accommodates environmental changes, and a programmable environment that facilitates development of self-directed monitoring tasks. Increased flexibility is achieved through a declarative and comprehensive monitoring language, a simple code instrumentation process, and automated monitoring administration. These elements substantially relieve the burden imposed by using on-line distributed monitoring systems. In addition, the monitoring system provides techniques to manage the trade-offs between various monitoring objectives. The proposed solution offers improvements over related works by presenting a comprehensive architecture that considers the requirements and implied objectives for monitoring large-scale distributed systems. This architecture is referred to as the HiFi monitoring system. To demonstrate effectiveness at debugging and steering LSD systems, the HiFi monitoring system has been implemented at the Old Dominion University for monitoring the Interactive Remote Instruction (IRI) system. The results from this case study validate that the HiFi system achieves the objectives outlined in this thesis

    Ereignisgetriebene CORBA-Dienste fĂĽr heterogene, verteilte Informationssysteme [online]

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    Implementing Integrity Control In Active Data Bases

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    This article presents a system for maintaining static integrity constraints in data bases that uses the active data base paradigm. This system has been added to an active version of the O2 object-oriented data base system, and it is fully functional. Constraints, specified by the user in a fist-order logic language, are transformed into production rules, which are stored in the data base. These rules are used to maintain the corresponding set of constraints for all applications that use the data base. We extend previous work on constraint maintenance in two ways: our system can be used as a constraint maintenance layer on top of object-oriented, relational, and nested relational data bases, and for object-oriented systems, we provide constraint support not only in the case of object composition, but also consider inheritance and methods. © 1994.273171181Adiba, Collet, Coupaye, Habraken, Machado, Martin, Roncancio, Trigger Systems: Different Approaches (1993) Technical Report Aristote-SUR007, , Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, IMAG, Grenoble, FranceAndrade, Manutenção de Restrições de Integridade em Bancos de Dados Orientados a Objetos (1992) Master's Thesis, , Department of Computer Science, UNICAMP, CampinasAiken, Widom, Hellerstein, Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence and Observable Determinism (1992) Technical Report FJ8562, , IBM, AlmadenBuchmann, Branding, Kudrass, Zimmermann, REACH—A REal-Time, ACtive and Heterogeneous Mediator System (1992) IEEE Bull. 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