22 research outputs found

    Climbing and Walking Robots

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    With the advancement of technology, new exciting approaches enable us to render mobile robotic systems more versatile, robust and cost-efficient. Some researchers combine climbing and walking techniques with a modular approach, a reconfigurable approach, or a swarm approach to realize novel prototypes as flexible mobile robotic platforms featuring all necessary locomotion capabilities. The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the latest wide-range achievements in climbing and walking robotic technology to researchers, scientists, and engineers throughout the world. Different aspects including control simulation, locomotion realization, methodology, and system integration are presented from the scientific and from the technical point of view. This book consists of two main parts, one dealing with walking robots, the second with climbing robots. The content is also grouped by theoretical research and applicative realization. Every chapter offers a considerable amount of interesting and useful information

    Stable locomotion of humanoid robots based on mass concentrated model

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    El estudio de la locomoción de robots humanoides es actualmente un área muy activa, en el campo de la robótica. Partiendo del principio que el hombre esta construyendo robots para trabajar juntos cooperando en ambientes humanos. La estabilidad durante la caminata es un factor crítico que prevee la caída del robot, la cual puede causar deterioros al mismo y a las personas en su entorno. De esta manera, el presente trabajo pretende resolver una parte del problema de la locomoción bípeda, esto es los métodos empleados para “La generación del paso” (“Gait generation”) y asi obtener la caminata estable. Para obtener una marcha estable se utilizan modelos de masa concentrada. De esta manera el modelo del “pendulo invertido simple” y el modelo del “carro sobre la mesa” se han utilizado para conseguir la marcha estable de robots humanoides. En el modelo del pendulo invertido, la masa el pendulo conduce el movimiento del centro de gravedad (CDG) del robot humanoide durante la marcha. Se detallara que el CDG se mueve como una bola libre sobre un plano bajo las leyes del pendulo en el campo de gravedad. Mientras que en el modelo del “carro sobre la mesa”, el carro conduce el movimiento del CDG durante la marcha. En este caso, el movimiento del carro es tratado como un sistema servocontrolado, y el movimiento del CDG es obtenido con los actuales y futuros estados de referencia del Zero Moment Point (ZMP). El método para generar el paso propuesto esta compuesto de varias capas como son Movimiento global, movimiento local, generación de patrones de movimiento, cinemática inversa y dinámica inversa y finalmente una corrección off-line. Donde la entrada en este método es la meta global (es decir la configuración final del robot, en el entorno de marcha) y las salidas son los patrones de movimiento de las articulaciones junto con el patrón de referencia del ZMP. Por otro lado, se ha propuesto el método para generar el “Paso acíclico”. Este método abarca el movimiento del paso dinámico incluyendo todo el cuerpo del robot humanoide, desde desde cuaquier postura genérica estáticamente estable hasta otra; donde las entradas son los estados inicial y final del robot (esto es los ángulos iniciales y finales de las articulaciones) y las salidas son las trayectorias de referencia de cada articulación y del ZMP. Se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios en las simulaciones y en el robot humanoide real Rh-1 desarrollado en el Robotics lab de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. De igual manera el movimiento innovador llamado “Paso acíclico” se ha implemenado exitosamente en el robot humanoide HRP-2 (desarrollado por el AIST e Industrias Kawada Inc., Japon). Finalmente los resultados, contribuciones y trabajos futuros se expondran y discutirán. _______________________________________________The study of humanoid robot locomotion is currently a very active area in robotics, since humans build robots to work their environments in common cooperation and in harmony. Stability during walking motion is a critical fact in preventing the robot from falling down and causing the human or itself damages. This work tries to solve a part of the locomotion problem, which is, the “Gait Generation” methods used to obtain stable walking. Mass concentrated models are used to obtain stable walking motion. Thus the inverted pendulum model and the cart-table model are used to obtain stable walking motion in humanoid robots. In the inverted pendulum model, the mass of the pendulum drives the center of gravity (COG) motion of the humanoid robot while it is walking. It will be detailed that the COG moves like a free ball on a plane under the laws of the pendulum in the field of gravity. While in the cart-table model, the cart drives the COG motion during walking motion. In this case, the cart motion is treated as a servo control system, obtaining its motion from future reference states of the ZMP. The gait generation method proposed has many layers like Global motion, local motion, motion patterns generation, inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics and finally off-line correction. When the input in the gait generation method is the global goal (that is the final configuration of the robot in walking environment), and the output is the joint patterns and ZMP reference patterns. Otherwise, the “Acyclic gait” method is proposed. This method deals with the whole body humanoid robot dynamic step motion from any generic posture to another one when the input is the initial and goal robot states (that is the initial and goal joint angles) and the output is the joint and ZMP reference patterns. Successful simulation and actual results have been obtained with the Rh- 1 humanoid robot developed in the Robotics lab (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) and the innovative motion called “Acyclic gait” implemented in the HRP-2 humanoid robot platform (developed by the AIST and Kawada Industries Inc., Japan). Furthermore, the results, contributions and future works will be discussed

    Simulating a Flexible Robotic System based on Musculoskeletal Modeling

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    Humanoid robotics offers a unique research tool for understanding the human brain and body. The synthesis of human motion is a complex procedure that involves accurate reconstruction of movement sequences, modeling of musculoskeletal kinematics, dynamics and actuation, and characterization of reliable performance criteria. Many of these processes have much in common with the problems found in robotics research, with the recent advent of complex humanoid systems. This work presents the design and development of a new-generation bipedal robot. Its modeling and simulation has been realized by using an open-source software to create and analyze dynamic simulation of movement: OpenSim. Starting from a study by Fuben He, our model aims to be used as an innovative approach to the study of a such type of robot in which there are series elastic actuators represented by active and passive spring components in series with motors. It has provided of monoarticular and biarticular joint in a very similar manner to human musculoskeletal model. This thesis is only the starting point of a wide range of other possible future works: from the control structure completion and whole-body control application, to imitation learning and reinforcement learning for human locomotion, from motion test on at ground to motion test on rough ground, and obviously the transition from simulation to practice with a real elastic bipedal robot biologically-inspired that can move like a human bein

    Push recovery with stepping strategy based on time-projection control

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    In this paper, we present a simple control framework for on-line push recovery with dynamic stepping properties. Due to relatively heavy legs in our robot, we need to take swing dynamics into account and thus use a linear model called 3LP which is composed of three pendulums to simulate swing and torso dynamics. Based on 3LP equations, we formulate discrete LQR controllers and use a particular time-projection method to adjust the next footstep location on-line during the motion continuously. This adjustment, which is found based on both pelvis and swing foot tracking errors, naturally takes the swing dynamics into account. Suggested adjustments are added to the Cartesian 3LP gaits and converted to joint-space trajectories through inverse kinematics. Fixed and adaptive foot lift strategies also ensure enough ground clearance in perturbed walking conditions. The proposed structure is robust, yet uses very simple state estimation and basic position tracking. We rely on the physical series elastic actuators to absorb impacts while introducing simple laws to compensate their tracking bias. Extensive experiments demonstrate the functionality of different control blocks and prove the effectiveness of time-projection in extreme push recovery scenarios. We also show self-produced and emergent walking gaits when the robot is subject to continuous dragging forces. These gaits feature dynamic walking robustness due to relatively soft springs in the ankles and avoiding any Zero Moment Point (ZMP) control in our proposed architecture.Comment: 20 pages journal pape

    Locomoção bípede adaptativa a partir de uma única demonstração usando primitivas de movimento

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaEste trabalho aborda o problema de capacidade de imitação da locomoção humana através da utilização de trajetórias de baixo nível codificadas com primitivas de movimento e utilizá-las para depois generalizar para novas situações, partindo apenas de uma demonstração única. Assim, nesta linha de pensamento, os principais objetivos deste trabalho são dois: o primeiro é analisar, extrair e codificar demonstrações efetuadas por um humano, obtidas por um sistema de captura de movimento de forma a modelar tarefas de locomoção bípede. Contudo, esta transferência não está limitada à simples reprodução desses movimentos, requerendo uma evolução das capacidades para adaptação a novas situações, assim como lidar com perturbações inesperadas. Assim, o segundo objetivo é o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma estrutura de controlo com capacidade de modelação das ações, de tal forma que a demonstração única apreendida possa ser modificada para o robô se adaptar a diversas situações, tendo em conta a sua dinâmica e o ambiente onde está inserido. A ideia por detrás desta abordagem é resolver o problema da generalização a partir de uma demonstração única, combinando para isso duas estruturas básicas. A primeira consiste num sistema gerador de padrões baseado em primitivas de movimento utilizando sistemas dinâmicos (DS). Esta abordagem de codificação de movimentos possui propriedades desejáveis que a torna ideal para geração de trajetórias, tais como a possibilidade de modificar determinados parâmetros em tempo real, tais como a amplitude ou a frequência do ciclo do movimento e robustez a pequenas perturbações. A segunda estrutura, que está embebida na anterior, é composta por um conjunto de osciladores acoplados em fase que organizam as ações de unidades funcionais de forma coordenada. Mudanças em determinadas condições, como o instante de contacto ou impactos com o solo, levam a modelos com múltiplas fases. Assim, em vez de forçar o movimento do robô a situações pré-determinadas de forma temporal, o gerador de padrões de movimento proposto explora a transição entre diferentes fases que surgem da interação do robô com o ambiente, despoletadas por eventos sensoriais. A abordagem proposta é testada numa estrutura de simulação dinâmica, sendo que várias experiências são efetuadas para avaliar os métodos e o desempenho dos mesmos.This work addresses the problem of learning to imitate human locomotion actions through low-level trajectories encoded with motion primitives and generalizing them to new situations from a single demonstration. In this line of thought, the main objectives of this work are twofold: The first is to analyze, extract and encode human demonstrations taken from motion capture data in order to model biped locomotion tasks. However, transferring motion skills from humans to robots is not limited to the simple reproduction, but requires the evaluation of their ability to adapt to new situations, as well as to deal with unexpected disturbances. Therefore, the second objective is to develop and evaluate a control framework for action shaping such that the single-demonstration can be modulated to varying situations, taking into account the dynamics of the robot and its environment. The idea behind the approach is to address the problem of generalization from a single-demonstration by combining two basic structures. The first structure is a pattern generator system consisting of movement primitives learned and modelled by dynamical systems (DS). This encoding approach possesses desirable properties that make them well-suited for trajectory generation, namely the possibility to change parameters online such as the amplitude and the frequency of the limit cycle and the intrinsic robustness against small perturbations. The second structure, which is embedded in the previous one, consists of coupled phase oscillators that organize actions into functional coordinated units. The changing contact conditions plus the associated impacts with the ground lead to models with multiple phases. Instead of forcing the robot’s motion into a predefined fixed timing, the proposed pattern generator explores transition between phases that emerge from the interaction of the robot system with the environment, triggered by sensor-driven events. The proposed approach is tested in a dynamics simulation framework and several experiments are conducted to validate the methods and to assess the performance of a humanoid robot

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    Towards Robust Bipedal Locomotion:From Simple Models To Full-Body Compliance

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    Thanks to better actuator technologies and control algorithms, humanoid robots to date can perform a wide range of locomotion activities outside lab environments. These robots face various control challenges like high dimensionality, contact switches during locomotion and a floating-base nature which makes them fall all the time. A rich set of sensory inputs and a high-bandwidth actuation are often needed to ensure fast and effective reactions to unforeseen conditions, e.g., terrain variations, external pushes, slippages, unknown payloads, etc. State of the art technologies today seem to provide such valuable hardware components. However, regarding software, there is plenty of room for improvement. Locomotion planning and control problems are often treated separately in conventional humanoid control algorithms. The control challenges mentioned above are probably the main reason for such separation. Here, planning refers to the process of finding consistent open-loop trajectories, which may take arbitrarily long computations off-line. Control, on the other hand, should be done very fast online to ensure stability. In this thesis, we want to link planning and control problems again and enable for online trajectory modification in a meaningful way. First, we propose a new way of describing robot geometries like molecules which breaks the complexity of conventional models. We use this technique and derive a planning algorithm that is fast enough to be used online for multi-contact motion planning. Similarly, we derive 3LP, a simplified linear three-mass model for bipedal walking, which offers orders of magnitude faster computations than full mechanical models. Next, we focus more on walking and use the 3LP model to formulate online control algorithms based on the foot-stepping strategy. The method is based on model predictive control, however, we also propose a faster controller with time-projection that demonstrates a close performance without numerical optimizations. We also deploy an efficient implementation of inverse dynamics together with advanced sensor fusion and actuator control algorithms to ensure a precise and compliant tracking of the simplified 3LP trajectories. Extensive simulations and hardware experiments on COMAN robot demonstrate effectiveness and strengths of our method. This thesis goes beyond humanoid walking applications. We further use the developed modeling tools to analyze and understand principles of human locomotion. Our 3LP model can describe the exchange of energy between human limbs in walking to some extent. We use this property to propose a metabolic-cost model of human walking which successfully describes trends in various conditions. The intrinsic power of the 3LP model to generate walking gaits in all these conditions makes it a handy solution for walking control and gait analysis, despite being yet a simplified model. To fill the reality gap, finally, we propose a kinematic conversion method that takes 3LP trajectories as input and generates more human-like postures. Using this method, the 3LP model, and the time-projecting controller, we introduce a graphical user interface in the end to simulate periodic and transient human-like walking conditions. We hope to use this combination in future to produce faster and more human-like walking gaits, possibly with more capable humanoid robots

    Humanoid Robot Soccer Locomotion and Kick Dynamics: Open Loop Walking, Kicking and Morphing into Special Motions on the Nao Robot

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    Striker speed and accuracy in the RoboCup (SPL) international robot soccer league is becoming increasingly important as the level of play rises. Competition around the ball is now decided in a matter of seconds. Therefore, eliminating any wasted actions or motions is crucial when attempting to kick the ball. It is common to see a discontinuity between walking and kicking where a robot will return to an initial pose in preparation for the kick action. In this thesis we explore the removal of this behaviour by developing a transition gait that morphs the walk directly into the kick back swing pose. The solution presented here is targeted towards the use of the Aldebaran walk for the Nao robot. The solution we develop involves the design of a central pattern generator to allow for controlled steps with realtime accuracy, and a phase locked loop method to synchronise with the Aldebaran walk so that precise step length control can be activated when required. An open loop trajectory mapping approach is taken to the walk that is stabilized statically through the use of a phase varying joint holding torque technique. We also examine the basic princples of open loop walking, focussing on the commonly overlooked frontal plane motion. The act of kicking itself is explored both analytically and empirically, and solutions are provided that are versatile and powerful. Included as an appendix, the broader matter of striker behaviour (process of goal scoring) is reviewed and we present a velocity control algorithm that is very accurate and efficient in terms of speed of execution

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development