29 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogeny of the kelch-repeat superfamily reveals an expansion of BTB/kelch proteins in animals

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    BACKGROUND: The kelch motif is an ancient and evolutionarily-widespread sequence motif of 44–56 amino acids in length. It occurs as five to seven repeats that form a β-propeller tertiary structure. Over 28 kelch-repeat proteins have been sequenced and functionally characterised from diverse organisms spanning from viruses, plants and fungi to mammals and it is evident from expressed sequence tag, domain and genome databases that many additional hypothetical proteins contain kelch-repeats. In general, kelch-repeat β-propellers are involved in protein-protein interactions, however the modest sequence identity between kelch motifs, the diversity of domain architectures, and the partial information on this protein family in any single species, all present difficulties to developing a coherent view of the kelch-repeat domain and the kelch-repeat protein superfamily. To understand the complexity of this superfamily of proteins, we have analysed by bioinformatics the complement of kelch-repeat proteins encoded in the human genome and have made comparisons to the kelch-repeat proteins encoded in other sequenced genomes. RESULTS: We identified 71 kelch-repeat proteins encoded in the human genome, whereas 5 or 8 members were identified in yeasts and around 18 in C. elegans, D. melanogaster and A. gambiae. Multiple domain architectures were identified in each organism, including previously unrecognised forms. The vast majority of kelch-repeat domains are predicted to form six-bladed β-propellers. The most prevalent domain architecture in the metazoan animal genomes studied was the BTB/kelch domain organisation and we uncovered 3 subgroups of human BTB/kelch proteins. Sequence analysis of the kelch-repeat domains of the most robustly-related subgroups identified differences in β-propeller organisation that could provide direction for experimental study of protein-binding characteristics. CONCLUSION: The kelch-repeat superfamily constitutes a distinct and evolutionarily-widespread family of β-propeller domain-containing proteins. Expansion of the family during the evolution of multicellular animals is mainly accounted for by a major expansion of the BTB/kelch domain architecture. BTB/kelch proteins constitute 72 % of the kelch-repeat superfamily of H. sapiens and form three subgroups, one of which appears the most-conserved during evolution. Distinctions in propeller blade organisation between subgroups 1 and 2 were identified that could provide new direction for biochemical and functional studies of novel kelch-repeat proteins

    Klhl31 attenuates β-catenin dependent Wnt signaling and regulates embryo myogenesis

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    Klhl31 is a member of the Kelch-like family in vertebrates, which are characterized by an amino-terminal broad complex tram-track, bric-a-brac/poxvirus and zinc finger (BTB/POZ) domain, carboxy-terminal Kelch repeats and a central linker region (Back domain). In developing somites Klhl31 is highly expressed in the myotome downstream of myogenic regulators (MRF), and it remains expressed in differentiated skeletal muscle. In vivo gain- and loss-of-function approaches in chick embryos reveal a role of Klhl31 in skeletal myogenesis. Targeted mis-expression of Klhl31 led to a reduced size of dermomyotome and myotome as indicated by detection of relevant myogenic markers, Pax3, Myf5, myogenin and myosin heavy chain (MF20). The knock-down of Klhl31 in developing somites, using antisense morpholinos (MO), led to an expansion of Pax3, Myf5, MyoD and myogenin expression domains and an increase in the number of mitotic cells in the dermomyotome and myotome. The mechanism underlying this phenotype was examined using complementary approaches, which show that Klhl31 interferes with β-catenin dependent Wnt signaling. Klhl31 reduced the Wnt-mediated activation of a luciferase reporter in cultured cells. Furthermore, Klhl31 attenuated secondary axis formation in Xenopus embryos in response to Wnt1 or β-catenin. Klhl31 mis-expression in the developing neural tube affected its dorso-ventral patterning and led to reduced dermomyotome and myotome size. Co-transfection of a Wnt3a expression vector with Klhl31 in somites or in the neural tube rescued the phenotype and restored the size of dermomyotome and myotome. Thus, Klhl31 is a novel modulator of canonical Wnt signaling, important for vertebrate myogenesis. We propose that Klhl31 acts in the myotome to support cell cycle withdrawal and differentiation

    Differential Susceptibility of Human Cancer Cell Lines to Wild-Type Tanapoxvirus Infection

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    Tanapoxvirus (TPV) is a member of the genus Yatapoxvirus in the family Poxviridae and is endemic to equatorial Africa. This disease is restricted to human and non-human primates, producing a mild febrile illness characterized by a single or more rarely additional pock-like lesions on the extremities. While there are several studies elucidating the replication cycle and host range of TPV, there is currently no standardized investigation comparing the ability of TPV to successfully replicate in a variety of tumor cell lines. This study examined the cytopathic effect and calculated the efficiency of TPV replication in vitro using 14 different human cancer cell lines. TPV replicates efficiently in some human tumor cells, and is restricted in others when measured by viral titer at 7 days post infection. Results described here clearly demonstrate that TPV replication in one glioblastoma cell line (U-373), and one colorectal cancer cell line (HCT-116) is more productive than in owl monkey kidney cells (OMK). Replication in two renal cancer cell lines (ACHN and Caki-1) is also increased when compared to OMK. TPV infection produced the greatest change in cellular morphology in U-373 cells, and to a much lesser degree in the breast cancer cell lines T-47D and MCF-7, and in the ovarian cancer line SK-OV3. Negligible change was noted in glioblastoma line U-87, breast cancer line MDA-MB-435, osteosarcoma line HOS, melanoma line SK-MEL5, colorectal cancer line COLO205, and prostate cancer line PC3. The cell lines least permissive to TPV replication were the glioblastoma (U-87) and melanoma (SK-MEL5) cell lines

    Differential subcellular localization and activity of kelch repeat proteins KLHDC1 and KLHDC2.

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    We have previously identified and characterized human KLHDC2/HCLP-1, a kelch repeat protein that interacts with and inhibits transcription factor LZIP. In this study, we identified and characterized a paralog of KLHDC2 called KLHDC1. KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 share about 50% identity at the level of amino acid sequence and both gene loci localize to human chromosome 14q21.3. This cluster of KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 genes is highly conserved in vertebrates ranging from pufferfish to human. Both genes are expressed highly in skeletal muscle, but weakly in various other tissues. While KLHDC2 was predominantly found in the nucleus, KLHDC1 is a cytoplasmic protein. Neither KLHDC1 nor KLHDC2 binds to actin. In addition, KLHDC1 was unable to inhibit LZIP/CREB3-mediated transcriptional activation. Thus, KLHDC1 and KLHDC2 have differential localization and activity in cultured mammalian cells.postprin

    Ectodermal-Neural Cortex 1 Down-Regulates Nrf2 at the Translational Level

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    The transcription factor Nrf2 is the master regulator of a cellular defense mechanism against environmental insults. The Nrf2-mediated antioxidant response is accomplished by the transcription of a battery of genes that encode phase II detoxifying enzymes, xenobiotic transporters, and antioxidants. Coordinated expression of these genes is critical in protecting cells from toxic and carcinogenic insults and in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Activation of the Nrf2 pathway is primarily controlled by Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1), which is a molecular switch that turns on or off the Nrf2 signaling pathway according to intracellular redox conditions. Here we report our finding of a novel Nrf2 suppressor ectodermal-neural cortex 1 (ENC1), which is a BTB-Kelch protein and belongs to the same family as Keap1. Transient expression of ENC1 reduced steady-state levels of Nrf2 and its downstream gene expression. Although ENC1 interacted with Keap1 indirectly, the ENC1-mediated down-regulation of Nrf2 was independent of Keap1. The negative effect of ENC1 on Nrf2 was not due to a change in the stability of Nrf2 because neither proteasomal nor lysosomal inhibitors had any effects. Overexpression of ENC1 did not result in a change in the level of Nrf2 mRNA, rather, it caused a decrease in the rate of Nrf2 protein synthesis. These results demonstrate that ENC1 functions as a negative regulator of Nrf2 through suppressing Nrf2 protein translation, which adds another level of complexity in controlling the Nrf2 signaling pathway

    Ectodermal-neural cortex 1 isoforms have contrasting effects on MC3T3-E1 osteoblast mineralization and gene expression

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    The importance of Wnt pathway signaling in development of bone has been well established. Here we investigated the role of a known Wnt target, ENC1 (ectodermal-neural cortex 1; NRP/B), in osteoblast differentiation. Enc1 expression was detected in mouse osteoblasts, chondrocytes and osteocytes by in situ hybridization, and osteoblastic expression was verified in differentiating primary cultures and MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells, with 57kDa and 67kDa ENC1 protein isoforms detected throughout differentiation. Induced knockdown of both ENC1 isoforms reduced alkaline phosphatase staining and virtually abolished MC3T3-E1 mineralization. At culture confluence, Alpl (alkaline phosphatase liver/bone/kidney) expression was markedly reduced compared with control cells, and there was significant and coordinated alteration of other genes involved in cellular phosphate biochemistry. In contrast, with 67kDa-selective knockdown mineralized nodule formation was enhanced and there was a 2-fold increase in Alpl expression at confluence. There was enhanced expression of Wnt/beta-catenin target genes with knockdown of both isoforms at this time-point and a 5-fold increase in Frzb (Frizzled related protein) with 67kDa-selective knockdown at mineralization, indicating possible ENC1 interactions with Wnt signaling in osteoblasts. These results are the first to demonstrate a role for ENC1 in the control of osteoblast differentiation. Additionally, the contrasting mineralization phenotypes and transcriptional patterns seen with coordinate knockdown of both ENC1 isoforms vs selective knockdown of 67kDa ENC1 suggest opposing roles for the isoforms in regulation of osteoblastic differentiation, through effects on Alpl expression and phosphate cellular biochemistry. This study is the first to report differential roles for the ENC1 isoforms in any cell lineage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Ectodermal-neural cortex 1 isoforms have contrasting effects on MC3T3-E1 osteoblast mineralization and gene expression

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    The importance of Wnt pathway signaling in development of bone has been well established. Here we investigated the role of a known Wnt target, ENC1 (ectodermal-neural cortex 1; NRP/B), in osteoblast differentiation. Enc1 expression was detected in mouse osteoblasts, chondrocytes and osteocytes by in situ hybridization, and osteoblastic expression was verified in differentiating primary cultures and MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells, with 57kDa and 67kDa ENC1 protein isoforms detected throughout differentiation. Induced knockdown of both ENC1 isoforms reduced alkaline phosphatase staining and virtually abolished MC3T3-E1 mineralization. At culture confluence, Alpl (alkaline phosphatase liver/bone/kidney) expression was markedly reduced compared with control cells, and there was significant and coordinated alteration of other genes involved in cellular phosphate biochemistry. In contrast, with 67kDa-selective knockdown mineralized nodule formation was enhanced and there was a 2-fold increase in Alpl expression at confluence. There was enhanced expression of Wnt/beta-catenin target genes with knockdown of both isoforms at this time-point and a 5-fold increase in Frzb (Frizzled related protein) with 67kDa-selective knockdown at mineralization, indicating possible ENC1 interactions with Wnt signaling in osteoblasts. These results are the first to demonstrate a role for ENC1 in the control of osteoblast differentiation. Additionally, the contrasting mineralization phenotypes and transcriptional patterns seen with coordinate knockdown of both ENC1 isoforms vs selective knockdown of 67kDa ENC1 suggest opposing roles for the isoforms in regulation of osteoblastic differentiation, through effects on Alpl expression and phosphate cellular biochemistry. This study is the first to report differential roles for the ENC1 isoforms in any cell lineage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    KeaA, a Dictyostelium kelch-domain protein that regulates the response to stress and development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The protein kinase YakA is responsible for the growth arrest and induction of developmental processes that occur upon starvation of <it>Dictyostelium </it>cells. <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells are aggregation deficient, have a faster cell cycle and are hypersensitive to oxidative and nitrosoative stress. With the aim of isolating members of the YakA pathway, suppressors of the death induced by nitrosoative stress in the <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells were identified. One of the suppressor mutations occurred in <it>keaA</it>, a gene identical to DG1106 and similar to Keap1 from mice and the Kelch protein from Drosophila, among others that contain Kelch domains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A mutation in <it>keaA </it>suppresses the hypersensitivity to oxidative and nitrosoative stresses but not the faster growth phenotype of <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells. The growth profile of <it>keaA </it>deficient cells indicates that this gene is necessary for growth. <it>keaA </it>deficient cells are more resistant to nitrosoative and oxidative stress and <it>keaA </it>is necessary for the production and detection of cAMP. A morphological analysis of <it>keaA </it>deficient cells during multicellular development indicated that, although the mutant is not absolutely deficient in aggregation, cells do not efficiently participate in the process. Gene expression analysis using cDNA microarrays of wild-type and <it>keaA </it>deficient cells indicated a role for KeaA in the regulation of the cell cycle and pre-starvation responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>KeaA is required for cAMP signaling following stress. Our studies indicate a role for kelch proteins in the signaling that regulates the cell cycle and development in response to changes in the environmental conditions.</p

    Expansion and Diversification of Fluorescent Protein Genes in Fifteen Acropora Species during the Evolution of Acroporid Corals

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    In addition to a purple, non-fluorescent chromoprotein (ChrP), fluorescent proteins (FPs) account for the vivid colors of corals, which occur in green (GFP), cyan (CFP), and red (RFP) FPs. To understand the evolution of the coral FP gene family, we examined the genomes of 15 Acropora species and three confamilial taxa. This genome-wide survey identified 219 FP genes. Molecular phylogeny revealed that the 15 Acropora species each have 9-18 FP genes, whereas the other acroporids examined have only two, suggesting a pronounced expansion of the FP genes in the genus Acropora. The data estimates of FP gene duplication suggest that the last common ancestor of the Acropora species that survived in the period of high sea surface temperature (Paleogene period) has already gained 16 FP genes. Different evolutionary histories of lineage-specific duplication and loss were discovered among GFP/CFPs, RFPs, and ChrPs. Synteny analysis revealed core GFP/CFP, RFP, and ChrP gene clusters, in which a tandem duplication of the FP genes was evident. The expansion and diversification of Acropora FPs may have contributed to the present-day richness of this genus