1,250 research outputs found

    Effects of Molecular Architecture on Fluid Ingress Behavior of Glassy Polymer Networks

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    This manuscript demonstrates the synthesis of glassy polymer network isomers to control morphological variations and study solvent ingress behavior independent of chemical affinity. Well-controlled network architectures with varying free volume average hole-sizes have been shown to substantially influence solvent ingress within glassy polymer networks. Bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether (DGEBA), bisphenol-F diglycidyl ether (DGEBF), Triglycidyl p-aminophenol (pAP, MY0510), Triglycidyl maminophenol (mAP, MY0610), and tetraglydicyl-4,4’-diamino-diphenyl methane (TGDDM, MY721) were cured with 3,3’- and 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) at a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 oxirane to amine active hydrogen to generate a series of network architectures with an average free volume hole-size (Vh) ranging between 54-82 Å3. Polymer networks were exposed to water and a broad range of organic solvents ranging in van der Waals (vdW) volumes from 18-88 Å3 for up to 10,000h time. A clear relationship between glassy polymer network Vh and fluid penetration has been established. As penetrant vdW volume approached Vh, uptake kinetics significantly decreased, and as penetrant vdW volume exceeded Vh, a blocking mechanism dominated ingress and prevented penetrant transport. These results suggest that reducing the free volume hole-size is a reasonable approach to control solvent properties for glassy polymer networks. New techniques to monitor and predict the diffusion behavior of liquids through glassy networks are also presented. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) was employed to accurately measure the strain developed during case II diffusion. This technique also presented a new theory for a relationship between sample topology and irreversible macroscopic brittle failure induced by solvent absorption. A new modeling technique has been developed which can accurately predict the chemical and physical interactions a solvent may have with a glassy network. This new model can be used as a qualitative tool to screen for relative fluid resistance of new materials

    Molecular Modeling of Aerospace Polymer Matrices Including Carbon Nanotube-Enhanced Epoxy

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    Carbon fiber (CF) composites are increasingly replacing metals used in major structural parts of aircraft, spacecraft, and automobiles. The current limitations of carbon fiber composites are addressed through computational material design by modeling the salient aerospace matrix materials. Molecular Dynamics (MD) models of epoxies with and without carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforcement and models of pure bismaleimides (BMIs) were developed to elucidate structure-property relationships for improved selection and tailoring of matrices. The influence of monomer functionality on the mechanical properties of epoxies is studied using the Reax Force Field (ReaxFF). From deformation simulations, the Young’s modulus, yield point, and Poisson’s ratio are calculated and analyzed. The results demonstrate an increase in stiffness and yield strength with increasing resin functionality. Comparison between the network structures of distinct epoxies is further advanced by the Monomeric Degree Index (MDI). Experimental validation demonstrates the MD results correctly predict the relationship in Young’s moduli for all epoxies modeled. Therefore, the ReaxFF is confirmed to be a useful tool for studying the mechanical behavior of epoxies. While epoxies have been well-studied using MD, there has been no concerted effort to model cured BMI polymers due to the complexity of the network-forming reactions. A novel, adaptable crosslinking framework is developed for implementing 5 distinct cure reactions of Matrimid-5292 (a BMI resin) and investigating the network structure using MD simulations. The influence of different cure reactions and extent of curing are analyzed on the several thermo-mechanical properties such as mass density, glass transition temperature, coefficient of thermal expansion, elastic moduli, and thermal conductivity. The developed crosslinked models correctly predict experimentally observed trends for various properties. Finally, the epoxies modeled (di-, tri-, and tetra-functional resins) are simulated with embedded CNT to understand how the affinity to nanoparticles affects the mechanical response. Multiscale modeling techniques are then employed to translate the molecular phenomena observed to predict the behavior of realistic composites. The effective stiffness of hybrid composites are predicted for CNT/epoxy composites with randomly oriented CNTs, for CF/CNT/epoxy systems with aligned CFs and randomly oriented CNTs, and for woven CF/CNT/epoxy fabric with randomly oriented CNTs. The results indicate that in the CNT/epoxy systems the epoxy type has a significant influence on the elastic properties. For the CF/CNT/epoxy hybrid composites, the axial modulus is highly influenced by CF concentration, while the transverse modulus is primarily affected by the CNT weight fraction

    Cascade use of wood - from boards to fibers and chemicals

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    Modifying Inhibited Primer Performance via Control of Epoxy-Amine Matrix Structure and Composition

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    This research represents an effort to deliver a new fundamental understanding of how polymer matrix characteristics influence corrosion protection of organic coatings, in particular the performance of corrosion inhibitor-containing primers. By modifying the structure and composition features of epoxy-amine matrices which commonly serves as the binder for protective coatings, the thermal/mechanical, adhesion, and transport properties which govern coating performance and inhibitor release were altered in such a way that directly influenced protection efficacy. This research is composed of three distinct approaches towards systematically varying thermoset network characteristics and observing the resulting impact on transport behaviors and corrosion prevention, with an ultimate goal of understanding what may be tuned to provide improved protection from chromate replacement inhibitor pigments (CRIs). In the first network series, free volume properties and water sorption values served as the primary polymeric characteristics monitored with respect to differing relative humidity environments while trends in moisture transport were observed and quantified. Experimental observations of thermomechanical properties and oxygen permeation following water sorption were related to polymer void size and environmental severity conditions with clear distinctions relative to polymer swelling processes. The second research approach focused on a matrix series with incremental shifts in crosslink density, glass transition temperature, and hydrophilic monomer concentration while the degree to which these characteristics influenced water sorption and hydroplasticization were monitored and, in turn, modified the matrix swelling characteristics and corrosion protection efficiency with either chromate or chromate-free corrosion inhibitors. The third and final research section revolved around a network series formulated to effect varying matrix hydrophilicity while maintaining a minimal variance in raw materials and a static network architecture. Moisture transport properties were related with corrosion protection while quantifying inhibitor depletion under accelerated corrosion tests using Raman microscopy. The findings of these varied approaches were combined and compared to produce a more comprehensive description of water and inhibitor transport in epoxy-amine matrices and to directly interrogate the performance criteria that increase CRI performance in organic protective coatings

    Humid Ageing of Organic Matrix Composites

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    In this chapter, several aspects of the ageing phenomena induced by water in organic matrix composites are examined, essentially from the physico-chemical point of view. It is first important to recognize that there are two main categories of humid ageing. First there are physical processes, mainly linked to the stress state induced by matrix swelling and sometimes matrix plasticization. This kind of ageing can occur in matrices of relatively high hydrophilicity (affinity with water). Highly crosslinked amine cured epoxies are typical examples of this behavior. The second category of humid ageing involves a chemical reaction (hydrolysis) between the material and water. Unsaturated polyesters are typical examples of this category. They display a low to moderate hydrophilicity, swelling and plasticization have minor effects, but hydrolysis induces a deep polymer embrittlement and, eventually, osmotic cracking. Whatever the ageing mechanism, it needs the water to penetrate into the material and depends on the water concentration and its distribution in the sample thickness. This is the reason why the first and second sections are respectively dedicated to water solubility and diffusivity in matrices, interphases and composites. In each case, the elementary processes are distinguished, to examine the effects of temperature and stress state and to establish structure–property relationships. It is shown that, in most of these aspects, research remains largely open. The last section is devoted to hydrolysis, its kinetic modeling, including the case of diffusion controlled hydrolysis, and its consequences on polymer properties. Structure reactivity relationships are briefly presented. The very important case of osmotic cracking, which can be considered as a consequence of hydrolysis, is also examined

    Nano- and Microcomposites for Electrical Engineering Applications

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    In a dedicated Special Issue, the journal Polymers has compiled papers on the current trends and research directions within the preparation, characterization and application of polymer-based composite materials in electrical engineering applications. In recent times, this type of material has evolved to become one of the most thoroughly investigated materials, stimulated by the demand for the resource-efficient assembly of generators, transformers, communication devices, etc. Novel composites are to be used as insulating materials with high thermal conductivity and excellent temperature stability, through which premature ageing and degradation of devices shall be avoided or at least reduced. This Special Issue comprises twelve contributions by internationally renowned researchers; to mention Petru V. Nothinger (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Alun S. Vaughan (University of Southampton), Stanislaw M. Gubanski (Chalmers University of Technology), Michael Muhr (Graz University of Technology), Johan J. Smit (TU Delft), and Ulf W. Gedde (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) as prominent examples. The state-of-the-art research and technology of the area ‘micro- and nanocomposites for electrical engineering applications’ has been summarized in three review articles, while the current research trends and the development and characterization of novel materials have been described in eight original research articles. Stimulated by the vivid current interest in this topic, this Special Issue of Polymers has additionally been compiled in a book version

    Thermal and transport properties of layered silicate nanomaterials subjected to extreme thermal cycling

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    There is a raising need to design a safe and efficient cryogenic fuel tank for the new generation of reusable launch vehicles. The new tank design focuses on composite materials that can achieve the drastic reduction of empty/non-payload and structural weight. In addition to the materials to be compatible with cryogenic temperatures, interior components of the vehicle may be subjected to significantly elevated temperatures due to heat conduction from the vehicle surfaces during and after atmospheric re-entry. Therefore, there is the need to understand the performance of the composites after experiencing extreme thermal environments. Polymer-layered nanocomposites were studied to determine if they can reduce the permeation to the liquid nitrogen used as fuel in the next generation of space vehicles. Due to the non-permeable nature of the silicates and the exfoliated structure they adopt into the polymer matrix the addition of nanoclays into a polymer is expected to reduce the permeation to several gases without sacrificing the mechanical strength of the nanocomposite as well as providing additional improvements such as increase of thermal stability of the nanocomposite. Several types of matrixes modified with different types and content of nanoclays were tested and their permeability coefficient was calculated. The permeability values obtained for the different formulations assisted to understand the transport properties of nanoclay modified composites. In addition to this, thermal characterization was performed with the help of dynamic mechanical analysis, thermogravimetric analyses and differential scanning calorimetry studies. To determine if the nanoclay modified nanocomposites were affected by extreme temperatures the samples were subjected to thermal cycling. Comparison of the transport and thermal properties before and after cycling helped to analyze the effect of the addition of the nanoclays in the nanocomposites. Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) was utilized to comprehend how the distribution of the free volume was affected by the presence of the nanoclays and by the thermal cycling applied. Different permeability models were utilized in an attempt to validate the experimental results of the different nanocomposite structures. This analysis was used to provide additional insight into many aspects of the experimental results obtained in this study

    Development of green composites based on epoxidized vegetable oils (EVOs) with hybrid reinforcements: natural and inorganic fibers

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    The main aim of this work id to provide integral methods to predict and characterize the properties of composite structures based on hybrid polymers and reinforcements, that could lead to useful results from an industrial point of view. This is addressed, if possible, by theoretical predictions of the effective properties by using the available experimental data. The first part is focused on the scientific achievements of the author that allowed a quantitative characterization of the main effective properties of several composite architectures from hybrid polymers and reinforcements, based on bio matrices, tailor-made matrices and different theoretical and simulation methods using computer software to allow good comparison. The second part defines the future research lines to continue this initial investigation. The main objectives are clearly defined to give the reader a sound background with the appropriate concepts that are specifically discussed in the following chapters. As a main objective, this research work makes a first attempt to provide a systematic analysis and prediction of composite hybrid structures.El objetivo general del trabajo es proporcionar medios integrales para predecir y caracterizar las propiedades de las estructuras de compuestos basados en polímeros y refuerzos híbridos, principales que pueden producir resultados de utilidad práctica simultáneamente. Esto se logra comparando, siempre que sea posible, las predicciones teóricas de las propiedades efectivas con los datos experimentales disponibles. Una primera parte se ocupa de los logros científicos del autor que permitieron caracterizar cuantitativamente las principales propiedades efectivas de las arquitecturas de compuestos basados en polímeros y refuerzos híbridos, basados en matrices bio, auto-desarrollados y diferentes métodos teóricos y de simulación por ordenador utilizados para la comparación. La segunda parte identifica las orientaciones futuras para la evolución y desarrollo de la ciencia y la investigación. Los objetivos generales fueron subrayados y concisos para dar al lector una visión previa de los conceptos que serán discutidos específicamente en los siguientes capítulos. Indirectamente, apuntan hacia uno de los objetivos principales de este trabajo, a saber, proporcionar una dirección para el análisis sistemático de materiales compuestos a base de refuerzos híbridos.L'objectiu general d'aquest treball es proporcionar els mitjos integrals per tal de predir i caracteritzar les propietats d'estructures de compòsits basats en polímers i reforçaments híbrids, que poden produir resultats amb utilitat pràctica simultàniament. Aquest objectiu s'aconsegueix comparant, sempre que és possible, les prediccions teòriques de les propietats efectives amb les dades experimentals disponibles. Una primera part es centra en els temes científics en què ha treballat l'autor que han permès caracteritzar quantitativament les principals propietats efectives de les arquitectures de compòsits basades en polímers i reforçaments híbrids, derivats de matrius bio, auto-desenvolupats i diferents mètodes teòrics i de simulació informàtica per a una correcta comparació. La segona part identifica les orientacions futures per tal d'establir l'evolució i desenvolupament de la ciència i investigació lligada a la temàtica de la tesi. Els objectius generals han sigut clarament definits per tal de donar-li al lector una visió prèvia i sòlida dels conceptes que es discuteixen en capítols venidors. Indirectament, apunten cap a un dels objectius principals d'aquest treball, a saber, proporcionar una direcció per a l'anàlisi sistemàtica de materials compòsits a base de polímers i reforçaments híbrids.Motoc, D. (2017). Development of green composites based on epoxidized vegetable oils (EVOs) with hybrid reinforcements: natural and inorganic fibers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90399TESI

    Computational and Experimental Investigation Into Yield Behavior and Cure Rate Dependence of Thermoset Polymers

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    This dissertation is broken down into two primary sections: firstly, the development and improvement of molecular dynamics simulations of thermoset matrix polymers including their use in understanding molecular response to applied strain deformation and secondly, the discernment of a cure heating ramp rate dependence of the final molecular and macro-molecular properties of thermoset matrix polymer. The molecular dynamics section will discuss the development of molecular dynamics simulations of thermoset epoxy/amine matrix polymers, and the implementation of this work to determine the underlying molecular level events that cause thermoset matrix polymer yield. It will report a novel method for the determination of the strain at yield for thermoset matrix polymers and is based on the monitoring of the van der Waals potential energy. A correlation exists between the uptake of the van der Waals energy in the matrix polymer and the yield strain of the matrix. This analysis is a method to simulate the polymer yield and a method of understanding the nature of material yield. The second section of this dissertation will discuss a cure heating ramp rate dependence for thermoset matrix polymers based on epoxy/amine chemistry. Initially, this dependence was studied for a 33DDS/DGEBF matrix polymer. Using DSC and NIR it was found that the network growth mechanism is altered significantly by the cure heating ramp rate, which results in differences in the final network architecture for these polymers. These differences are most apparent in changes in the free volume hole size and the dielectric responses for these networks. It was found that the hole size decreased from approximately 65 to 50 Å3 when changing the cure ramp rate from 1–10 °C/min. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times G(τ) was altered by a variation of the cure heating ramp rate. In addition to the di-functional epoxide DGEBF, matrix polymers comprised of TGDDM/33DDS and TGDDM/44DDS were also studied for cure ramp rate dependence. It was found that these polymers also exhibit cure ramp rate dependence; however, the dependence itself appears to be chemistry specific, as the responses for the TGDDM systems are different than those for the DGEBF matrix

    Frontal Polymerizations: From Chemical Perspectives to Macroscopic Properties and Applications

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    The synthesis and processing of most thermoplastics and thermoset polymeric materials rely on energy-inefficient and environmentally burdensome manufacturing methods. Frontal polymerization is an attractive, scalable alternative due to its exploitation of polymerization heat that is generally wasted and unutilized. The only external energy needed for frontal polymerization is an initial thermal (or photo) stimulus that locally ignites the reaction. The subsequent reaction exothermicity provides local heating; the transport of this thermal energy to neighboring monomers in either a liquid or gel-like state results in a self-perpetuating reaction zone that provides fully cured thermosets and thermoplastics. Propagation of this polymerization front continues through the unreacted monomer media until either all reactants are consumed or sufficient heat loss stalls further reaction. Several different polymerization mechanisms support frontal processes, including free-radical, cat- or anionic, amine-cure epoxides, and ring-opening metathesis polymerization. The choice of monomer, initiator/catalyst, and additives dictates how fast the polymer front traverses the reactant medium, as well as the maximum temperature achievable. Numerous applications of frontally generated materials exist, ranging from porous substrate reinforcement to fabrication of patterned composites. In this review, we examine in detail the physical and chemical phenomena that govern frontal polymerization, as well as outline the existing applications
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