561,407 research outputs found

    Resilient Modulus Characterization of Alaskan Granular Base Materials

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    INE/AUC 11.0

    Studi Modulus Elastisitas (Modulus Young) untuk Karakterisasi Berbagai Jenis Batubara Berdasarkan Analisis Kecepatan Gelombang

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    Lazimnya, kualitas batubara ditentukan melalui besarnya nilai total moisture dan calorific value (CV). Dalam makalah berbasis penelitian ini, telah dilakukan penentuan kualitas batubara berdasarkan parameter modulus elastisitas yang dihitung dari kaitannya dengan kecepatan gelombang. Sementara, kecepatan gelombangnya baik jenis P (presssure) maupun S (shear) diukur dengan menggunakan time delay analyzer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keelastisan, yang dicirii oleh modulus elastisitas, menentukan kualitas batubara. Batubara yang mempunyai kualitas baik (7000 kcal), nilai modulus elastisitasnya besar yaitu 8167,71 - 8593,86 MPa, sedangkan batubara yang mempunyai calorific value 5900 kcal mempunyai modulus elastisitas 6136.91- 6545.,55 MPa

    Modulus Computational Entropy

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    The so-called {\em leakage-chain rule} is a very important tool used in many security proofs. It gives an upper bound on the entropy loss of a random variable XX in case the adversary who having already learned some random variables Z1,…,ZℓZ_{1},\ldots,Z_{\ell} correlated with XX, obtains some further information Zℓ+1Z_{\ell+1} about XX. Analogously to the information-theoretic case, one might expect that also for the \emph{computational} variants of entropy the loss depends only on the actual leakage, i.e. on Zℓ+1Z_{\ell+1}. Surprisingly, Krenn et al.\ have shown recently that for the most commonly used definitions of computational entropy this holds only if the computational quality of the entropy deteriorates exponentially in ∣(Z1,…,Zℓ)∣|(Z_{1},\ldots,Z_{\ell})|. This means that the current standard definitions of computational entropy do not allow to fully capture leakage that occurred "in the past", which severely limits the applicability of this notion. As a remedy for this problem we propose a slightly stronger definition of the computational entropy, which we call the \emph{modulus computational entropy}, and use it as a technical tool that allows us to prove a desired chain rule that depends only on the actual leakage and not on its history. Moreover, we show that the modulus computational entropy unifies other,sometimes seemingly unrelated, notions already studied in the literature in the context of information leakage and chain rules. Our results indicate that the modulus entropy is, up to now, the weakest restriction that guarantees that the chain rule for the computational entropy works. As an example of application we demonstrate a few interesting cases where our restricted definition is fulfilled and the chain rule holds.Comment: Accepted at ICTS 201

    The moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic diffeomorphisms unfolding a parabolic fixed point

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    In this paper we describe the moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic diffeomorphisms which unfold a parabolic fixed point of codimension 1. In [MRR] (and also [R]), it was shown that the Ecalle-Voronin modulus can be unfolded to give a complete modulus for such germs. The modulus is defined on a ramified sector in the canonical perturbation parameter \eps. As in the case of the Ecalle-Voronin modulus, the modulus is defined up to a linear scaling depending only on \eps. Here, we characterize the moduli space for such unfoldings by finding the compatibility conditions on the modulus which are necessary and sufficient for realization as the modulus of an unfolding. The compatibility condition is obtained by considering the region of sectorial overlap in \eps-space. This lies in the Glutsyuk sector where the two fixed points are hyperbolic and connected by the orbits of the diffeomorphism. In this region we have two representatives of the modulus which describe the same dynamics. We identify the necessary compatibility condition between these two representatives by comparing them both with their common Glutsyuk modulus. The compatibility condition implies the existence of a linear scaling for which the modulus is 1/2-summable in \eps, whose direction of non-summability coincides with the direction of real multipliers at the fixed points. Conversely, we show that the compatibility condition (which implies the summability property) is sufficient to realize the modulus as coming from an analytic unfolding, thus giving a complete description of the space of moduli.Comment: 48 page

    The instantaneous shear modulus in the shoving model

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    We point out that the instantaneous shear modulus of the shoving model for the non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of viscous liquids' relaxation time is the experimentally accessible high-frequency plateau modulus, not the idealized instantaneous affine shear modulus that cannot be measured. Data for a large selection of metallic glasses are compared to three different versions of the shoving model. The original shear-modulus based version shows a slight correlation to the Poisson ratio, which is eliminated by the energy-landscape formulation of the model in which the bulk modulus plays a minor role
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