207 research outputs found

    Reverberation: models, estimation and application

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    The use of reverberation models is required in many applications such as acoustic measurements, speech dereverberation and robust automatic speech recognition. The aim of this thesis is to investigate different models and propose a perceptually-relevant reverberation model with suitable parameter estimation techniques for different applications. Reverberation can be modelled in both the time and frequency domain. The model parameters give direct information of both physical and perceptual characteristics. These characteristics create a multidimensional parameter space of reverberation, which can be to a large extent captured by a time-frequency domain model. In this thesis, the relationship between physical and perceptual model parameters will be discussed. In the first application, an intrusive technique is proposed to measure the reverberation or reverberance, perception of reverberation and the colouration. The room decay rate parameter is of particular interest. In practical applications, a blind estimate of the decay rate of acoustic energy in a room is required. A statistical model for the distribution of the decay rate of the reverberant signal named the eagleMax distribution is proposed. The eagleMax distribution describes the reverberant speech decay rates as a random variable that is the maximum of the room decay rates and anechoic speech decay rates. Three methods were developed to estimate the mean room decay rate from the eagleMax distributions alone. The estimated room decay rates form a reverberation model that will be discussed in the context of room acoustic measurements, speech dereverberation and robust automatic speech recognition individually

    Electroacoustic and Behavioural Evaluation of Hearing Aid Digital Signal Processing Features

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    Modern digital hearing aids provide an array of features to improve the user listening experience. As the features become more advanced and interdependent, it becomes increasingly necessary to develop accurate and cost-effective methods to evaluate their performance. Subjective experiments are an accurate method to determine hearing aid performance but they come with a high monetary and time cost. Four studies that develop and evaluate electroacoustic hearing aid feature evaluation techniques are presented. The first study applies a recent speech quality metric to two bilateral wireless hearing aids with various features enabled in a variety of environmental conditions. The study shows that accurate speech quality predictions are made with a reduced version of the original metric, and that a portion of the original metric does not perform well when applied to a novel subjective speech quality rating database. The second study presents a reference free (non-intrusive) electroacoustic speech quality metric developed specifically for hearing aid applications and compares its performance to a recent intrusive metric. The non-intrusive metric offers the advantage of eliminating the need for a shaped reference signal and can be used in real time applications but requires a sacrifice in prediction accuracy. The third study investigates the digital noise reduction performance of seven recent hearing aid models. An electroacoustic measurement system is presented that allows the noise and speech signals to be separated from hearing aid recordings. It is shown how this can be used to investigate digital noise reduction performance through the application of speech quality and speech intelligibility measures. It is also shown how the system can be used to quantify digital noise reduction attack times. The fourth study presents a turntable-based system to investigate hearing aid directionality performance. Two methods to extract the signal of interest are described. Polar plots are presented for a number of hearing aid models from recordings generated in both the free-field and from a head-and-torso simulator. It is expected that the proposed electroacoustic techniques will assist Audiologists and hearing researchers in choosing, benchmarking, and fine-tuning hearing aid features

    Estimation of room acoustic parameters: the ACE challenge

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    Reverberation Time (T60) and Direct-to-Reverberant Ratio (DRR) are important parameters which together can characterize sound captured by microphones in non-anechoic rooms. These parameters are important in speech processing applications such as speech recognition and dereverberation. The values of T60 and DRR can be estimated directly from the Acoustic Impulse Response (AIR) of the room. In practice, the AIR is not normally available, in which case these parameters must be estimated blindly from the observed speech in the microphone signal. The Acoustic Characterization of Environments (ACE) Challenge aimed to determine the state-of-the-art in blind acoustic parameter estimation and also to stimulate research in this area. A summary of the ACE Challenge, and the corpus used in the challenge is presented together with an analysis of the results. Existing algorithms were submitted alongside novel contributions, the comparative results for which are presented in this paper. The challenge showed that T60 estimation is a mature field where analytical approaches dominate whilst DRR estimation is a less mature field where machine learning approaches are currently more successful

    Non-intrusive speech quality prediction using modulation energies and LSTM-network

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    Many signal processing algorithms have been proposed to improve the quality of speech recorded in the presence of noise and reverberation. Perceptual measures, i.e., listening tests, are usually considered the most reliable way to evaluate the quality of speech processed by such algorithms but are costly and time-consuming. Consequently, speech enhancement algorithms are often evaluated using signal-based measures, which can be either intrusive or non-intrusive. As the computation of intrusive measures requires a reference signal, only non-intrusive measures can be used in applications for which the clean speech signal is not available. However, many existing non-intrusive measures correlate poorly with the perceived speech quality, particularly when applied over a wide range of algorithms or acoustic conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel non-intrusive measure of the quality of processed speech that combines modulation energy features and a recurrent neural network using long short-term memory cells. We collected a dataset of perceptually evaluated signals representing several acoustic conditions and algorithms and used this dataset to train and evaluate the proposed measure. Results show that the proposed measure yields higher correlation with perceptual speech quality than that of benchmark intrusive and non-intrusive measures when considering various categories of algorithms. Although the proposed measure is sensitive to mismatch between training and testing, results show that it is a useful approach to evaluate specific algorithms over a wide range of acoustic conditions and may, thus, become particularly useful for real-time selection of speech enhancement algorithm settings


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    Improving the quality and intelligibility of speech signals continues to be an important topic in mobile communications and hearing aid applications. This thesis explored the possibilities of improving the quality of corrupted speech by cascading a log Minimum Mean Square Error (logMMSE) noise reduction system with a Harmonic Speech Enhancement (HSE) system. In HSE, an adaptive comb filter is deployed to harmonically filter the useful speech signal and suppress the noisy components to noise floor. A Bandwidth Extension (BWE) algorithm was applied to the enhanced speech for further improvements in speech quality. Performance of this algorithm combination was evaluated using objective speech quality metrics across a variety of noisy and reverberant environments. Results showed that the logMMSE and HSE combination enhanced the speech quality in any reverberant environment and in the presence of multi-talker babble. The objective improvements associated with the BWE were found to be minima

    Spatial features of reverberant speech: estimation and application to recognition and diarization

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    Distant talking scenarios, such as hands-free calling or teleconference meetings, are essential for natural and comfortable human-machine interaction and they are being increasingly used in multiple contexts. The acquired speech signal in such scenarios is reverberant and affected by additive noise. This signal distortion degrades the performance of speech recognition and diarization systems creating troublesome human-machine interactions.This thesis proposes a method to non-intrusively estimate room acoustic parameters, paying special attention to a room acoustic parameter highly correlated with speech recognition degradation: clarity index. In addition, a method to provide information regarding the estimation accuracy is proposed. An analysis of the phoneme recognition performance for multiple reverberant environments is presented, from which a confusability metric for each phoneme is derived. This confusability metric is then employed to improve reverberant speech recognition performance. Additionally, room acoustic parameters can as well be used in speech recognition to provide robustness against reverberation. A method to exploit clarity index estimates in order to perform reverberant speech recognition is introduced. Finally, room acoustic parameters can also be used to diarize reverberant speech. A room acoustic parameter is proposed to be used as an additional source of information for single-channel diarization purposes in reverberant environments. In multi-channel environments, the time delay of arrival is a feature commonly used to diarize the input speech, however the computation of this feature is affected by reverberation. A method is presented to model the time delay of arrival in a robust manner so that speaker diarization is more accurately performed.Open Acces