8 research outputs found

    Использование метамодели для построения моделей взаимодействий задач в операционной системе реального времени

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    В статье строятся и исследуются свойства моделей взаимодействий задач в операционной системе реального времени OpenComRTOS. Главная особенность предложенного подхода состоит в использовании метамодели для построения моделей взаимодействий, обладающих заданными свойствами. В частности, рассмотрено возникновение эффекта синхронизации в случае, когда действия задач имеют различную временную семантику.The models of tasks interactions in the OpenComRTOS real time operation system are developed and investigated in the paper. The main feature of the proposed approach is the use of a metamodel for development of models of the interactions, which having the needed properties. In particular, occurrence of a synchronization effect in the case when actions of tasks have different time semantics is considered

    Modelling OpenComRTOS tasks interaction

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    The model of tasks interaction in Open Communication Real Time Operation System (OpenComRTOS) is developed and discussed in the paper. The main feature of the proposed approach is the using the intermediate hub entity for decoupling interacting tasks. Different temporal semantics (waiting, non waiting and waiting timeout) of tasks synchronization mechanism is introduced. Emerging the effects (i.e. synchronisation or the absence of it) in the case when the tasks actions have different temporal semantics is analysed. The different approaches for expanding the hub model with using TLA and Hoare triplets are proposed.У статті розроблюється й обговорюється модель взаємодії задач в операційній системі реального часу OpenComRTOS. Головна особливість запропонованого підходу – використання сутності синхронізації Hub як проміжної ланки в механізмі взаємодії задач. Проаналізована різна часова семантика процесу синхронізації задач (очікування, неочікування, очікування протягом періоду часу). Розглянуто виникнення ефекту синхронізації у випадку, коли дії задач мають різну часову семантику. Запропоновані різні підходи для розширення моделі Hub з використанням TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions) і трійок Hoare (Hoare triplets).В статье разрабатывается и обсуждается модель взаимодействия задач в операционной системе реального времени OpenComRTOS. Главная особенность предложенного подхода – использование сущности синхронизации Hub как промежуточного звена в механизме взаимодействия задач. Проанализирована различная временная семантика процесса синхронизации задач (ожидание, неожидание, ожидание в течение периода времени). Рассмотрено возникновение эффекта синхронизации в случае, когда действия задач имеют различную временную семантику. Предложены различные подходы для расширения модели Hub с использованием TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions) и троек Hoare (Hoare triplets)

    Scheduling as Rule Composition

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    Guarded atomic actions and refinement in a system-on-chip development flow: bridging the specification gap with Event-B

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    Modern System-on-chip (SoC) hardware design puts considerable pressure on existing design and verification flows, languages and tools. The Register Transfer Level (RTL)description, which forms the input for synchronous, logic synthesis-driven design is at too low a level of abstraction for efficient architectural exploration and re-use. The existing methods for taking a high-level paper specification and refining this specification to an implementation that meets its performance criteria is largely manual and error-prone and as RTL descriptions get larger, a systematic design method is necessary to address explicitly the timing issues that arise when applying logic synthesis to such large blocks.Guarded Atomic Actions have been shown to offer a convenient notation for describing microarchitectures that is amenable to formal reasoning and high-level synthesis. Event-B is a language and method that supports the development of specifications with automatic proof and refinement, based on guarded atomic actions. Latency-insensitive design ensures that a design composed of functionally correct components will be independent of communication latency. A method has been developed which uses Event-B for latency-insensitive SoC component and sub-system design which can be combined with high-level, component synthesis to enable architectural exploration and re-use at the specification level and to close the specification gap in the SoC hardware flow

    Synthesis of multi-cycle circuits from guarded atomic actions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-147).One solution to the timing closure problem is to perform infrequent operations in more than one clock cycle. Despite the apparent simplicity of the solution statement, it is not easily considered because it requires changes in RTL, which in turn exacerbates the verification problem. Another approach to the problem is to avoid it altogether, by using a high-level design methodology and allow the synthesis tool to generate the design that matches design requirements. This approach hinges on the ability of the tool to be able to generate satisfactory RTL from the high-level description, an ability which often cannot be tested until late in the project. Failure to meet the requirements can result in costly delays as an alternative way of expressing the design intent is sought and experimented with. We offer a timing closure solution that does not suffer from these problems. We have selected atomic actions as the high-level design methodology. We exploit the fact that semantics of atomic actions are untimed, that is, the time to execute an action does not change its outcome. The current hardware synthesis technique from atomic actions assumes that each action takes one clock cycle to complete its computation. Consequently, the action with the longest combinational path determines the clock cycle of the entire design, often leading to needlessly slow circuits. By augmenting the description of the actions with desired timing information, we allow the designer to split long paths over multiple clock cycles without giving up the semantics of atomicity. We also introduce loops with dynamic bounds into the atomic action description. These loops are not unrolled for synthesis, but the guards are evaluated for each iteration. Our synthesis results show that the clock speed and performance of circuits can be improved substantially with our technique, without having to substantially change the design.by Michal Karczmarek.Ph.D

    A performance driven approach for hardware synthesis of guarded atomic actions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-140).Hardware designers are facing new challenges in the design of complex ASIC's and processors as their sizes approach up to 100 million logic gates. We believe no adequate solution exists that allows designers to specify hardware which takes full advantage of the available resources in these devices. The hardware design specification languages are either too low level to support efficient large scale design (for example, Verilog), or the language and synthesis methodology is so high-level that the designer's micro-architectural ingenuity is lost in the design process. This results in circuits that oftentimes do not match the designer's expectations (for example, C-based behavioral synthesis). 'This thesis presents a design methodology and related synthesis algorithms that address several of the key issues of hardware design specification and high-level synthesis while avoiding the pitfalls of past approaches. The areas we focus on are modular compilation and performance specification. The modular flow allows for the separate compilation of modules and ensures the correct usage of module interfaces by attaching annotations with well defined semantics to them. We also introduce performance specifications as a core part of a design description.(cont.) This allows a designer to more easily achieve the expected design performance and it allows for rapid micro-architectural exploration. We chose guarded atomic actions as the foundation of this research because of their clean execution semantics. These semantics allow for easy design transformation (either manual or compiler driven) while ensuring that the correctness of the design is maintained. We demonstrate the practicality and power of this methodology using several examples, such as a processor which from a single design description can automatically be transformed into an unpipelined processor or a superscalar processor simply by changing a single-line performance specification.by Daniel L. Rosenband.Ph.D

    A model-based approach for the specification and refinement of streaming applications

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    Embedded systems can be found in a wide range of applications. Depending on the application, embedded systems must meet a wide range of constraints. Thus, designing and programming embedded systems is a challenging task. Here, model-based design flows can be a solution. This thesis proposes novel approaches for the specification and refinement of streaming applications. To this end, it focuses on dataflow models. As key result, the proposed dataflow model provides for a seamless model-based design flow from system level to the instruction/logic level for a wide range of streaming applications

    Arvind. Modular Scheduling of Guarded Atomic Actions

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    A modular synthesis flow is essential for a scalable and hierarchical design methodology. This paper considers a particular modular flow where each module has interface methods and the internal behavior of the module is described in terms of a set of guarded atomic actions on the state elements of the module. A module can also read and update the state of other modules but only by invoking the interface methods of those modules. This paper extends the past work on hardware synthesis of a set of guarded atomic actions by Hoe and Arvind to modules of such actions. It presents an algorithm that, given the scheduling constraints on the interface methods of the called modules, derives the "glue logic " and the scheduling constraints for the interface methods of the calling module such that the atomicity of the guarded actions is preserved across module boundaries. Such modules provide reusable IP which facilitates “correctness by construction ” design methodology. It also reduces compile-times dramatically in comparison to the compilation that flattens all the modules first. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.6.3 [Logic Design]: Design Aids – automatic synthesis, hardware description languages