27 research outputs found

    A Universe-Type-Based Verification Technique for Mutable Static Fields and Methods (Work in Progress)

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    We present a novel technique for the verification of invariants in the setting of a Java-like language including static fields and methods. The technique is a generalisation of the existing Visibility Technique of Mueller et al., which employs universe types. In order to cater for mutable static fields, we extend this topology to multiple trees (a forest), where each tree is rooted in a class. This allows classes to naturally own object instances as their static fields.We describe how to extend the Visibility Technique to this topology, incorporating extra flexibility for the treatment of static methods. We encounter a potential source of callbacks not present in the original technique, and show how to overcome this using an effects system. To allow flexible and modular verification, we refine our topology with a hierarchy of `level

    Types for Hierarchic Shapes

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    Verifying Class Invariants in Concurrent Programs

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    Class invariants are a highly useful feature for the verification of object-oriented programs, because they can be used to capture all valid object states. In a sequential program setting, the validity of class invariants is typically described in terms of a visible state semantics, i.e., invariants only have to hold whenever a method begins or ends execution, and they may be broken inside a method body. However, in a concurrent setting, this restriction is no longer usable, because due to thread interleavings, any program state is potentially a visible state. In this paper we present a new approach for reasoning about class invariants in multithreaded programs. We allow a thread to explicitly break an invariant at specific program locations, while ensuring that no other thread can observe the broken invariant. We develop our technique in a permission-based separation logic environment. However, we deviate from separation logic's standard rules and allow a class invariant to express properties over shared memory locations (the invariant footprint), independently of the permissions on these locations. In this way, a thread may break or reestablish an invariant without holding permissions to all locations in its footprint. To enable modular verification, we adopt the restrictions of Muller's ownership-based type system

    A unified framework for verification techniques for object invariants

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    Object invariants define the consistency of objects. They have subtle semantics, mainly because of call-backs, multi-object invariants, and subclassing. Several verification techniques for object invariants have been proposed. It is difficult to compare these techniques, and to ascertain their soundness, because of their differences in restrictions on programs and invariants, in the use of advanced type systems (e.g., ownership types), in the meaning of invariants, and in proof obligations. We develop a unified framework for such techniques. We distil seven parameters that characterise a verification technique, and identify sufficient conditions on these parameters which guarantee soundness. We instantiate our framework with three verification techniques from the literature, and use it to assess soundness and compare expressiveness.peer-reviewe

    JML\u27s Rich, Inherited Specifications for Behavioral Subtypes

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    The Java Modeling Language (JML) is used to specify detailed designs for Java classes and interfaces. It has a particularly rich set of features for specifying methods. This paper describes those features, with particular emphasis on the features related to specification inheritance. It shows how specification inheritance in JML forces behavioral subtyping, through a discussion of semantics and examples. It also describes a notion of modular reasoning based on static type information, supertype abstraction, which is made valid in JML by methodological restrictions on invariants, history constraints, and initially clauses and by behavioral subtyping

    Specification and verification challenges for sequential object-oriented programs

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    The state of knowledge in how to specify sequential programs in object-oriented languages such as Java and C# and the state of the art in automated verification tools for such programs have made measurable progress in the last several years. This paper describes several remaining challenges and approaches to their solutio

    Verification of object-oriented programs: A transformational approach

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    We present proof systems for (strong) partial correctness of object-oriented programs. We show relative completeness of the systems by transformation to recursive programs. The transformation preserves semantics, correctness, and proofs in a homomorphic way. The completeness result considers programs with variables over abstract data types. The transformational approach carries over to inheritance and subtype polymorphism