10 research outputs found

    Verifying chemical reaction network implementations: A pathway decomposition approach

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    The emerging fields of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, DNA computing, DNA nanotechnology, and molecular programming herald the birth of a new information technology that acquires information by directly sensing molecules within a chemical environment, stores information in molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, processes that information by means of chemical and biochemical transformations, and uses that information to direct the manipulation of matter at the nanometer scale. To scale up beyond current proof-of-principle demonstrations, new methods for managing the complexity of designed molecular systems will need to be developed. Here we focus on the challenge of verifying the correctness of molecular implementations of abstract chemical reaction networks, where operation in a well-mixed “soup” of molecules is stochastic, asynchronous, concurrent, and often involves multiple intermediate steps in the implementation, parallel pathways, and side reactions. This problem relates to the verification of Petri nets, but existing approaches are not sufficient for providing a single guarantee covering an infinite set of possible initial states (molecule counts) and an infinite state space potentially explored by the system given any initial state. We address these issues by formulating a new theory of pathway decomposition that provides an elegant formal basis for comparing chemical reaction network implementations, and we present an algorithm that computes this basis. Our theory naturally handles certain situations that commonly arise in molecular implementations, such as what we call “delayed choice,” that are not easily accommodated by other approaches. We further show how pathway decomposition can be combined with weak bisimulation to handle a wider class that includes most currently known enzyme-free DNA implementation techniques. We anticipate that our notion of logical equivalence between chemical reaction network implementations will be valuable for other molecular implementations such as biochemical enzyme systems, and perhaps even more broadly in concurrency theory

    Formal Design and Analysis for DNA Implementations of Chemical Reaction Networks

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    In molecular programming, the Chemical Reaction Network model is often used to describe systems of interacting molecules. This model can describe either real systems, allowing us to analyze and determine their computational function; or describe hypothetical systems, with known computational function but perhaps no known physical example. One significant breakthrough in the field is that any Chemical Reaction Network can be approximated by a system using DNA Strand Displacement mechanisms. This allows the Chemical Reaction Network model to be treated like a programming language, where programs can be written in the abstract and then compiled into physical molecules. Given a programming language and a proof-of-concept compiler, one would want to take the compiler from the proof-of-concept stage into a more reliable, more systematic, and better understood process. This thesis is made up of my contributions to that effort. First, given a programming language and a compiler, it would be useful to formally verify that the compiler is correct. My collaborators, Qing Dong and Erik Winfree, and I defined a Chemical Reaction Network-specific form of bisimulation equivalence, which can compare two such networks and verify that one is (or is not) a correct implementation of the other. For example, the compiler-produced DNA circuit can be verified as an implementation of its abstract program, although this is not the only possible use. After defining this concept of equivalence, we show that it can be checked by algorithm; although various parts of the problem are NP-complete or PSPACE-complete, we give algorithms that meet these lower bounds. We also prove a number of interesting properties of Chemical Reaction Network bisimulation equivalence, including transitivity and modularity properties which are particularly useful for stepwise checking of large systems. We further extend this bisimulation method to linear Polymer Reaction Networks, a strictly more powerful abstraction which has been occasionally used in molecular programming. Again we prove complexity hardness results, which in this case are as expected uncomputable in the general case; however, many practical systems can still be verified, and we give one such example. Finally, we use bisimulation to identify a class of single-locus networks that are practical to implement. Thus we show a method of verification which can simplify use of the above-mentioned compiler by proving general statements of correctness about its results. Second, given a programming language and a concept of compiling it, it would be useful to optimize the result of the compilation. One particular area of optimization is the number of DNA strands per prepared complex; some experiments suggest that systems with no more than 2 strands per complex are more robust. Lulu Qian and I developed some proposed DNA Strand Displacement schemes for general Chemical Reaction Network implementations with no more than 2 strands per complex, and a number of other desirable properties. Meanwhile, having been shown to be useful for many reasons, the mechanisms of DNA Strand Displacement have recently been formalized, abstracted, and analyzed. I show that this formalization, combined with the bisimulation methods above, can prove various statements about the limits of DNA Strand Displacement systems. For example, a set of desirable conditions including the 2-strand limit cannot be achieved by any general Chemical Reaction Network implementation scheme. I also observe that two of the new schemes we discovered, each meeting all but one condition of the impossible set, were found in the process of coming up with this proof. I thus argue that through formalization of DNA Strand Displacement we can have a more systematic method of finding and designing molecular programs, and of knowing when the programs we want do not exist.</p

    Verifying polymer reaction networks using bisimulation

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    The Chemical Reaction Network model has been proposed as a programming language for molecular programming. Methods to implement arbitrary CRNs using DNA strand displacement circuits have been investigated, as have methods to prove the correctness of those or other implementations. However, the stochastic Chemical Reaction Network model is provably not deterministically Turing-universal, that is, it is impossible to create a stochastic CRN where a given output molecule is produced if and only if an arbitrary Turing machine accepts. A DNA stack machine that can simulate arbitrary Turing machines with minimal slowdown deterministically has been proposed, but it uses unbounded polymers that cannot be modeled as a Chemical Reaction Network. We propose an extended version of a Chemical Reaction Network that models unbounded linear polymers made from a finite number of monomers. This Polymer Reaction Network model covers the DNA stack machine, as well as copy-tolerant Turing machines and some examples from biochemistry. We adapt the bisimulation method of verifying DNA implementations of Chemical Reaction Networks to our model, and use it to prove the correctness of the DNA stack machine implementation. We define a subclass of single-locus Polymer Reaction Networks and show that any member of that class can be bisimulated by a network using only four primitives, suggesting a method of DNA implementation. Finally, we prove that deciding whether an implementation is a bisimulation is Π⁰₂-complete, and thus undecidable in the general case, although it is tractable in many special cases of interest. We hope that the ability to model and verify implementations of Polymer Reaction Networks will aid in the rational design of molecular systems

    Verifying polymer reaction networks using bisimulation

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    The Chemical Reaction Network model has been proposed as a programming language for molecular programming. Methods to implement arbitrary CRNs using DNA strand displacement circuits have been investigated, as have methods to prove the correctness of those or other implementations. However, the stochastic Chemical Reaction Network model is provably not deterministically Turing-universal, that is, it is impossible to create a stochastic CRN where a given output molecule is produced if and only if an arbitrary Turing machine accepts. A DNA stack machine that can simulate arbitrary Turing machines with minimal slowdown deterministically has been proposed, but it uses unbounded polymers that cannot be modeled as a Chemical Reaction Network. We propose an extended version of a Chemical Reaction Network that models unbounded linear polymers made from a finite number of monomers. This Polymer Reaction Network model covers the DNA stack machine, as well as copy-tolerant Turing machines and some examples from biochemistry. We adapt the bisimulation method of verifying DNA implementations of Chemical Reaction Networks to our model, and use it to prove the correctness of the DNA stack machine implementation. We define a subclass of single-locus Polymer Reaction Networks and show that any member of that class can be bisimulated by a network using only four primitives, suggesting a method of DNA implementation. Finally, we prove that deciding whether an implementation is a bisimulation is Π⁰₂-complete, and thus undecidable in the general case, although it is tractable in many special cases of interest. We hope that the ability to model and verify implementations of Polymer Reaction Networks will aid in the rational design of molecular systems

    A reaction network scheme which implements inference and learning for Hidden Markov Models

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    With a view towards molecular communication systems and molecular multi-agent systems, we propose the Chemical Baum-Welch Algorithm, a novel reaction network scheme that learns parameters for Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). Each reaction in our scheme changes only one molecule of one species to one molecule of another. The reverse change is also accessible but via a different set of enzymes, in a design reminiscent of futile cycles in biochemical pathways. We show that every fixed point of the Baum-Welch algorithm for HMMs is a fixed point of our reaction network scheme, and every positive fixed point of our scheme is a fixed point of the Baum-Welch algorithm. We prove that the "Expectation" step and the "Maximization" step of our reaction network separately converge exponentially fast. We simulate mass-action kinetics for our network on an example sequence, and show that it learns the same parameters for the HMM as the Baum-Welch algorithm.Comment: Accepted at 25th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programmin

    Biomolecular System Design: Architecture, Synthesis, and Simulation

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    The advancements in systems and synthetic biology have been broadening the range of realizable systems with increasing complexity both in vitro and in vivo. Systems for digital logic operations, signal processing, analog computation, program flow control, as well as those composed of different functions – for example an on-site diagnostic system based on multiple biomarker measurements and signal processing – have been realized successfully. However, the efforts to date tend to tackle each design problem separately, relying on ad hoc strategies rather than providing more general solutions based on a unified and extensible architecture, resulting in long development cycle and rigid systems that require redesign even for small specification changes.Inspired by well-tested techniques adopted in electronics design automation (EDA), this work aims to remedy current design methodology by establishing a standardized, complete flow for realizing biomolecular systems. Given a behavior specification, the flow streamlines all the steps from modeling, synthesis, simulation, to final technology mapping onto implementing chassis. The resulted biomolecular systems of our design flow are all built on top of an FPGA-like reconfigurable architecture with recurring modules. Each module is designed the function of eachmodule depends on the concentrations of assigned auxiliary species acting as the “tuning knobs.” Reconfigurability not only simplifies redesign for altered specification or post-simulation correction, but also makes post-manufacture fine-tuning – even after system deployment – possible. This flexibility is especially important in synthetic biology due to the unavoidable variations in both the deployed biological environment and the biomolecular reactions forming the designed system.In fact, by combining the system’s reconfigurability and neural network’s self-adaptiveness through learning, we further demonstrate the high compatibility of neuromorphic computation to our proposed architecture. Simulation results verified that with each module implementing a neuron of selected model (ex. spike-based, threshold-gate-like, etc.), accompanied by an appropriate choice of reconfigurable properties (ex. threshold value, synaptic weight, etc.), the system built from our proposed flow can indeed perform desired neuromorphic functions

    Computer Science 2019 APR Self-Study & Documents

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    UNM Computer Science APR self-study report and review team report for Spring 2019, fulfilling requirements of the Higher Learning Commission

    Data bases and data base systems related to NASA's aerospace program. A bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 1778 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system, 1975 through 1980

    Modular Verification of DNA Strand Displacement Networks via Serializability Analysis

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    Abstract. DNA strand displacement gates can be used to emulate arbi-trary chemical reactions, and a number of different schemes have been proposed to achieve this. Here we develop modular correctness proofs for strand displacement encodings of chemical reaction networks and show how they may be applied to two-domain strand displacement systems. Our notion of correctness is serializability of interleaved reaction encod-ings, and we infer this global property from the properties of the gates that encode the individual chemical reactions. This allows correctness to be in-ferred for arbitrary systems constructed using these components, and we illustrate this by applying our results to a two-domain implementation of a well-known approximate majority voting system.