17 research outputs found

    Complete Non-Orders and Fixed Points

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    In this paper, we develop an Isabelle/HOL library of order-theoretic concepts, such as various completeness conditions and fixed-point theorems. We keep our formalization as general as possible: we reprove several well-known results about complete orders, often without any property of ordering, thus complete non-orders. In particular, we generalize the Knaster - Tarski theorem so that we ensure the existence of a quasi-fixed point of monotone maps over complete non-orders, and show that the set of quasi-fixed points is complete under a mild condition - attractivity - which is implied by either antisymmetry or transitivity. This result generalizes and strengthens a result by Stauti and Maaden. Finally, we recover Kleene\u27s fixed-point theorem for omega-complete non-orders, again using attractivity to prove that Kleene\u27s fixed points are least quasi-fixed points

    Applying the Isabelle insider framework to airplane security

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    Avionics is one of the fields in which verification methods have been pioneered and brought about a new level of reliability to systems used in safety-critical environments. Tragedies, like the 2015 insider attack on a German airplane, in which all 150 people on board died, show that safety and security crucially depend not only on the well-functioning of systems but also on the way humans interact with the systems. Policies are a way to describe how humans should behave in their interactions with technical systems. Formal reasoning about such policies requires integrating the human factor into the verification process. In this paper, we report on our work on using logical modelling and analysis of infrastructure models and policies with actors to scrutinize security policies in the presence of insiders. An insider is a user of a system who behaves like an attacker abusing privileges thereby bypassing security controls. We model insider attacks on airplanes in the Isabelle Insider framework. This application motivates the use of an extension of the framework with Kripke structures and the temporal logic CTL to enable reasoning on dynamic system states. Furthermore, we illustrate that Isabelle modelling and invariant reasoning reveal subtle security assumptions. This results in a methodology for the development of policies that satisfy stated properties. To contrast our approach to model checking, we provide an additional comparative analysis

    Modeling and verification of insider threats using logical analysis

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    In this paper we combine formal modeling and analysis of infrastructures of organisations with sociological explanation to provide a framework for insider threat analysis. We use the Higher Order Logic proof assistant Isabelle/HOL to support this framework. In the formal model, we exhibit and use a common trick from the formal verification of security protocols showing that it is applicable to insider threats. We introduce briefly a three step process of social explanation illustrating that it can be applied fruitfully to the characterisation of insider threats. We introduce the Insider theory constructed in Isabelle that implements this process of social explanation. To validate that the social explanation is generally useful for the analysis of insider threats and to demonstrate our framework, we model and verify the insider threat patterns Entitled Independent and Ambitious Leader in our Isabelle/HOL framework

    Modeling and verification of insider threats using logical analysis

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    In this paper we combine formal modeling and analysis of infrastructures of organisations with sociological explanation to provide a framework for insider threat analysis. We use the Higher Order Logic proof assistant Isabelle/HOL to support this framework. In the formal model, we exhibit and use a common trick from the formal verification of security protocols showing that it is applicable to insider threats. We introduce briefly a three step process of social explanation illustrating that it can be applied fruitfully to the characterisation of insider threats. We introduce the Insider theory constructed in Isabelle that implements this process of social explanation. To validate that the social explanation is generally useful for the analysis of insider threats and to demonstrate our framework, we model and verify the insider threat patterns Entitled Independent and Ambitious Leader in our Isabelle/HOL framework

    Fixed Points Theorems for Non-Transitive Relations

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    In this paper, we develop an Isabelle/HOL library of order-theoretic fixed-point theorems. We keep our formalization as general as possible: we reprove several well-known results about complete orders, often with only antisymmetry or attractivity, a mild condition implied by either antisymmetry or transitivity. In particular, we generalize various theorems ensuring the existence of a quasi-fixed point of monotone maps over complete relations, and show that the set of (quasi-)fixed points is itself complete. This result generalizes and strengthens theorems of Knaster-Tarski, Bourbaki-Witt, Kleene, Markowsky, Pataraia, Mashburn, Bhatta-George, and Stouti-Maaden

    Formalizing non-interference for a simple bytecode language in Coq

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    In this paper, we describe the application of the interactive theorem prover Coq to the security analysis of bytecode as used in Java. We provide a generic specification and proof of non-interference for bytecode languages using the Coq module system. We illustrate the use of this formalization by applying it to a small subset of Java bytecode. The emphasis of the paper is on modularity of a language formalization and its analysis in a machine proof

    Attack Trees in Isabelle extended with probabilities for Quantum Cryptography

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    In this paper, we present a proof calculus for Attack Trees and how its application to Quantum Cryptography is made possible by extending the framework to probabilistic reasoning on attacks. Attack trees are a well established and useful model for the construction of attacks on systems since they allow a stepwise exploration of high level attacks in application scenarios. Using the expressiveness of Higher Order Logic in Isabelle, we succeed in developing a generic theory of attack trees with a state-based semantics based on Kripke structures and CTL. The resulting framework allows mechanically supported logic analysis of the meta-theory of the proof calculus of attack trees and at the same time the developed proof theory enables application to case studies. A central correctness and completeness result proved in Isabelle establishes a connection between the notion of attack tree validity and CTL. Furthermore in this paper, we illustrate the application of Attack Trees to security protocols on the example of the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) algorithm. The application motivates the extension of the Attack Tree proof calculus by probabilities. We therefore introduce probabilities to quantify finite event sequences and show how this extension can be used to extend CTL to its probabilistic version PCTL. We show on the example of QKD how probabilistic reasoning with PCTL enables proof of quantitative security properties