56 research outputs found

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery is a very useful resource for the civilian remote sensing community and for the military. This however presumes that images are focused. There are several possible sources for defocusing effects. For airborne SAR, motion measurement errors is the main cause. A defocused image may be compensated by way of autofocus, estimating and correcting erroneous phase components. Standard autofocus strategies are implemented as a separate stage after the image formation (stand-alone autofocus), neglecting the geometrical aspect. In addition, phase errors are usually assumed to be space invariant and confined to one dimension. The call for relaxed requirements on inertial measurement systems contradicts these criteria, as it may introduce space variant phase errors in two dimensions, i.e. residual space variant Range Cell Migration (RCM). This has motivated the development of a new autofocus approach. The technique, termed the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus (FGA) algorithm, is in principle a Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP) realization with a number of adjustable (geometry) parameters for each factorization step. By altering the aperture in the time domain, it is possible to correct an arbitrary, inaccurate geometry. This in turn indicates that the FGA algorithm has the capacity to compensate for residual space variant RCM. In appended papers the performance of the algorithm is demonstrated for geometrically constrained autofocus problems. Results for simulated and real (Coherent All RAdio BAnd System II (CARABAS II)) Ultra WideBand (UWB) data sets are presented. Resolution and Peak to SideLobe Ratio (PSLR) values for (point/point-like) targets in FGA and reference images are similar within a few percents and tenths of a dB. As an example: the resolution of a trihedral reflector in a reference image and in an FGA image respectively, was measured to approximately 3.36 m/3.44 m in azimuth, and to 2.38 m/2.40 m in slant range; the PSLR was in addition measured to about 6.8 dB/6.6 dB. The advantage of a geometrical autofocus approach is clarified further by comparing the FGA algorithm to a standard strategy, in this case the Phase Gradient Algorithm (PGA)

    Frequency Diversity for Improving Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

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    In this work, a novel theoretical framework is presented for using recent advances in frequency diversity arrays (FDAs). Unlike a conventional array, the FDA simultaneously transmits a unique frequency from each element in the array. As a result, special time and space properties of the radiation pattern are exploited to improve cross-range resolution. The idealized FDA radiation pattern is compared with and validated against a full-wave electromagnetic solver, and it is shown that the conventional array is a special case of the FDA. A new signal model, based on the FDA, is used to simulate SAR imagery of ideal point mass targets and the new model is used to derive the impulse response function of the SAR system, which is rarely achievable with other analytic methods. This work also presents an innovative solution for using the convolution back-projection algorithm, the gold standard in SAR image processing, and is a significant advantage of the proposed FDA model. The new FDA model and novel SAR system concept of operation are shown to reduce collection time by 33 percent while achieving a 4.5 dB improvement in cross-range resolution as compared to traditional imaging systems

    Frequency Diverse Array Radar: Signal Characterization and Measurement Accuracy

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    Radar systems provide an important remote sensing capability, and are crucial to the layered sensing vision; a concept of operation that aims to apply the right number of the right types of sensors, in the right places, at the right times for superior battle space situational awareness. The layered sensing vision poses a range of technical challenges, including radar, that are yet to be addressed. To address the radar-specific design challenges, the research community responded with waveform diversity; a relatively new field of study which aims reduce the cost of remote sensing while improving performance. Early work suggests that the frequency diverse array radar may be able to perform several remote sensing missions simultaneously without sacrificing performance. With few techniques available for modeling and characterizing the frequency diverse array, this research aims to specify, validate and characterize a waveform diverse signal model that can be used to model a variety of traditional and contemporary radar configurations, including frequency diverse array radars. To meet the aim of the research, a generalized radar array signal model is specified. A representative hardware system is built to generate the arbitrary radar signals, then the measured and simulated signals are compared to validate the model. Using the generalized model, expressions for the average transmit signal power, angular resolution, and the ambiguity function are also derived. The range, velocity and direction-of-arrival measurement accuracies for a set of signal configurations are evaluated to determine whether the configuration improves fundamental measurement accuracy

    Space-Variant Post-Filtering for Wavefront Curvature Correction in Polar-Formatted Spotlight-Mode SAR Imagery

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    Efficient SAR MTI simulator of marine scenes

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    Tècniques de detecció de moviment amb radars d'apertura sintètica multicanals sobre escenaris marítims.[ANGLÈS] Multichannel spaceborne and airborne synthetic aperture radars (SAR) offer the opportunity to monitor maritime traffic through specially designed instruments and applying a suitable signal processing in order to reject sea surface clutter. These processing techniques are known as Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) and the choice of the most adequate method depends on the radar system and operating environment. In maritime scenes the seas presents a complicated clutter whose temporal/spatial coherence models and background reflectivity depends on a large number of factors and are still subject of research. Moreover the targets kinematics are influenced by the sea conditions, producing in some situations high alterations in the imaged target. These aspects make difficult the detectability analysis of vessels in maritime scenarios, requiring both theoretical models and numerical simulations. This thesis looks into the few available MTI techniques and deals experimentally with them in a developed simulator for maritime SAR images. The results are also presented in a image format, giving the sequence for one trial simulation and the asymptotic probability of detection for the simulated conditions.[CASTELLÀ] Los radares de apertura sintética (SAR) multicanal a bordo de satélites o plataformas aerotransportadas ofrecen la oportunidad de monitorizar el tráfico marítimo a través de instrumentos especialmente diseñados y procesando los datos recibidos de forma adecuada para rechazar la señal provocada por la reflexión del mar. A estas técnicas se las conoce como Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) y la elección de la más adecuada depende del sistema y del entorno de aplicación. En escenarios marinos, el mar presenta un clutter complicado de modelar, cuya coherencia espacio-temporal y reflectividad radar dependen de un gran número de factores que hoy en día todavía siguen siendo investigados. Por otra parte los parámetros dinámicos del target estan influenciados por las condiciones del mar, produciendo en algunas situaciones graves alteraciones en la formación de la imagen. Estos aspectos dificultan el análisis de la detección de las embarcaciones, requiriendo modelos teóricos y simulaciones numéricas. Este Proyecto Final de Carrera investiga las técnicas MTI disponibles, aplicándolas sobre las imágenes marítimas generadas por un simulador SAR. Los resultados son la generación de los productos MTI en formato imagen y el cálculo de la probabilidad de detección para cada target.[CATALÀ] Els radars d'obertura sintètica (SAR) multicanal embarcats en satèl·lits o plataformes aerotransportades ofereixen l'oportunitat de monitoritzar el tràfic marítim a través d'instruments especialment dissenyats i processant les dades rebudes de forma adequada per rebutjar la senyal provocada per la reflexió del mar. A aquestes tècniques se les coneix com Moving Target indication techniques (MTI) i l'elecció de la més adequada depèn del sistema i de l'entorn d'aplicació. En escenaris marins, el mar presenta un clutter complicat de modelar, la coherència espai-temporal i reflectivitat radar depenen d'un gran nombre de factors que avui dia encara segueixen sent investigats. D'altra banda els paràmetres dinàmics del target estan influenciats per les condicions de la mar, produint en algunes situacions greus alteracions en la formació de la imatge. Aquests aspectes dificulten l'anàlisi de la detecció de les embarcacions, requerint models teòrics i simulacions numèriques. Aquest Projecte Final de Carrera investiga les tècniques MTI disponibles, aplicant-les sobre les imatges marítimes generades per un simulador SAR. Els resultats són la generació dels productes MTI en format imatge i el càlcul de la probabilitat asimptòtica de detecció per a cada target

    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing

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    The available and optimal methods for generating SAR imagery for NASA applications were identified. The SAR image quality and data processing requirements associated with these applications were studied. Mathematical operations and algorithms required to process sensor data into SAR imagery were defined. The architecture of SAR image formation processors was discussed, and technology necessary to implement the SAR data processors used in both general purpose and dedicated imaging systems was addressed

    Bistatic synthetitc aperture radar imaging based on Geostationatry transmitters and Ground-Based receivers

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    This thesis belongs to the remote sensing field, particularly on the Geostationary Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging systems with on-ground receiver. These systems forms images taking the signals along the orbital track of one satellite while the receiver is placed on the Earth coherently processing the echoes received by the receiver. The study presented in this thesis is centered in an algorithm known as back projection algorithm that presents the main advantage that is possible to permanently acquire images from the same region thanks to the small motion of the platform with respect to the Earth. An introduction to all the important aspects of the GEOSAR mission is presented in order to let the reader known all the important information of why it is important to study the Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) mounted on geostationary satellite platforms. Moreover, an introduction to orbits, coordinates systems and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is essential in order to understand the algorithm developed in this thesis for obtaining SAR images from a geostationary orbit with the receiver placed on ground. So a detailed explanation of all this topics is developed during this thesis. The main section of this thesis presents the development of a back projection algorithm for a GEOSAR satellite with on ground receiver. Detailed explanations on how each block of the algorithm has been developed and which are the main functionalities of each block are explained and analysed. Finally, a test in order to prove that the algorithm works as expected has been performed in order to see if it is possible to obtain SAR images from a geostationary orbit using this geometry
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