2 research outputs found

    Návrh a stavba mobilného robota s využitím všesmerových Mecanum kolies

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    The paper deals with the design and construction of a universal robotic vehicle prototype, used for laboratory and educational purposes. The main goal is its use as a technology demonstrator for the needs of students, therefore it is equipped with several kinds of sensors and universal advanced control technologies and design solutions. Its basis is a control system and construction concept using mobile battery gear and omnidirectional Mecanum wheels. A manipulating arm and advanced tracking and spatial navigation systems are also components of the design. Since the problem of a customized design and construction of such a robotic vehicle is very complex and solved in various scientific fields, in this paper we will mainly focus on the detailed description of the control systems and subsystems of the vehicle.Príspevok sa zaoberá návrhom a stavbou prototypu univerzálneho robotického vozidla, slúžiacieho pre laboratórne a študijné účely. Účelom je jeho využitie ako technologického demonštrátora pre potreby študentov, z tohto dôvodu je osadený univerzálne všetkými dostupnými druhmi snímačov a univerzálnymi pokrokovými riadiacimi technológiami a konštrukčnými riešeniami. Základom je jeho riadiaci system a konštrukčné prevedenie s batérióvym pohonom pre všesmerové Mecanum kolesá. Súčasťou konštrukcie je aj manipulačné rameno a pokrokové systémy lokalizácie a navigácie v priestore. Nakoľko problematika vlastného návrhu a stavby takéhoto mechatronického robotického vozidla je veľmi obsiahla a riešená v rôznym vedných oblastiach, budeme sa v tomto príspevku konkrétne venovať jeho riadiacim systémom a podsystémom, ktoré si podrobnejšie rozpíšeme

    Modelling, simulation and experimental verification of a wheeled-locomotion system based on omnidirectional wheels

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    The following work focuses on the kinematic and dynamic study of a four-wheeled robot, which is equipped with omnidirectional Mecanum wheels. The main objective of the thesis is to obtain a mathematical model from which both the kinematics and kinetics of the robot can be analyzed. Furthermore, the study presents a methodology to optimize the torques (and subsequent associated voltages) provided by each of the motors on the robot for a given trajectory. A system in which a non-powered trailer pulled by the robot is also analyzed at a kinematic level. In this stage, four different cases are considered. The construction of the trailer is also described on this work. In the first chapter, the global state of the art on analysis and control of omnidirectional robots (with focus on robots with Mecanum wheels) is presented. In the second chapter, the physical considerations for the general movement of the robot are analyzed, in order to derive the kinematic constrain equations of the locomotion system. The differential equation of motion is then derived using Lagrange-equations with multipliers. This chapter presents as well the kinematic analysis for a robot-trailer system. The third chapter describes the general process on the design of the trailer, including the rejected ideas for its construction. The fourth chapter focuses on verifying the final results of the design process, as well as tests to check the mobility of the system. Conclusions and future work are analyzed on the final part of the document, as well as the references and the acknowledgments to all the people involved in the project.Tesi