92 research outputs found

    Steganografi pada Citra dengan Metode MLSB dan Enkripsi Triple Transposition Vigenere Cipher

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    Least Significant Bit (LSB) merupakan salah satu metode steganografi. Dari segi kapasitas, metode ini hanya mampu menampung sedikit pesan, ini karena LSB hanya menggunakan 3 bit disetiap pikselnya. Dari segi keamanan juga sangat mudah untuk diekstrak oleh steganalis, karena pesan yang disisip terdapat disetiap bit terakhir RGB di setiap piksel dari stego image tanpa adanya enkripsi terhadap pesan terlebih dahulu. Sebuah metode berprinsip sama dengan LSB dengan peningkatan keamanan dan kapasitas menggunakan metode Modified Least Significant Bit (MLSB) yang dikombinasi dengan teknik enkripsi triple transposition vigenere cipher. MLSB merupakan metode LSB yang telah dimodifikasi dengan mengubah data dari bilangan 8 bit menjadi 5 bit, kemudian disisipkan ke dalam cover image. Teknik triple transposition vigenere cipher juga merupakan modifikasi dari teknik vigenere cipher dengan melakukan proses substitusi dan transposisi sebanyak 3 kali dengan kunci yang berbeda satu sama lain. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan dan kualitas citra hasil steganografi bergantung pada berapa banyak karakter dan keacakan dari karakter yang akan diinput. Kualitas citra steganografi dengan metode ini menunjukkan kualitas yang baik, karena nilai PSNR di atas 40dB. file citra sebelum dan sesudah disisipi pesan, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dan pesan yang diekstrak tidak mengalami perubahan

    Steganographic techniques using modified least significant bit and modification reshape transposition methods

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    A message is a form of conveying information. Various ways are used to secure the information conveyed in the form of messages either in encrypted form or in the form of applying a password in the message. Messages can also be encrypted and embedded in other media such as images (steganography). This research aimed to insert a message into the form of an image by combining the Modified Least Significant Bit (MLSB) method in encrypting messages and reshape modification technique to determine at which position the message encryption will be embedded in the image. Tests were carried out to obtain the quality of the encryption process using the parameters of Fidelity, mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio, testing on file type, robustness, and comparison of message contents. The results of the tests showed that the files that can be used are files with the image file type in the lossless compression category, the rotation can be done at 90, 180, 270 without destroying the message in it, and changing the pixel in the image file will destroy the message insid

    FPGA based secure and noiseless image transmission using LEA and optimized bilateral filter

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    In today’s world, the transmission of secured and noiseless image is a difficult task. Therefore, effective strategies are important to secure the data or secret image from the attackers. Besides, denoising approaches are important to obtain noise-free images. For this, an effective crypto-steganography method based on Lightweight Encryption Algorithm (LEA) and Modified Least Significant Bit (MLSB) method for secured transmission is proposed. Moreover, a bilateral filter-based Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is used for image denoising. Before image transmission, the secret image is encrypted by the LEA algorithm and embedded into the cover image using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and MLSB technique. After the image transmission, the extraction process is performed to recover the secret image. Finally, a bilateral filter-WOA is used to remove the noise from the secret image. The Verilog code for the proposed model is designed and simulated in Xilinx software. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed filtering technique has superior performance than conventional bilateral filter and Gaussian filter in terms of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM)

    Improved Deep Hiding/Extraction Algorithm to Enhance the Payload Capacity and Security Level of Hidden Information

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    Steganography algorithms have become a significant technique for preventing illegal users from obtaining secret data. In this paper, a deep hiding/extraction algorithm has been improved (IDHEA) to hide a secret message in colour images. The proposed algorithm has been applied to enhance the payload capacity and reduce the time complexity. Modified LSB (MLSB) is based on disseminating secret data randomly on a cover-image and has been proposed to replace a number of bits per byte (Nbpb), up to 4 bits, to increase payload capacity and make it difficult to access the hiding data. The number of levels of the IDHEA algorithm has been specified randomly; each level uses a colour image, and from one level to the next, the image size is expanded, where this algorithm starts with a small size of a cover-image and increases the size of the image gradually or suddenly at the next level, according to an enlargement ratio. Lossless image compression based on the run-length encoding algorithm and Gzip has been applied to enable the size of the data that is hiding at the next level, and data encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES) has been introduced at each level to enhance the security level. Thus, the effectiveness of the proposed IDHEA algorithm has been measured at the last level, and the performance of the proposed hiding algorithm has been checked by many statistical and visual measures in terms of the embedding capacity and imperceptibility. Comparisons between the proposed approach and previous work have been implemented; it appears that the intended approach is better than the previously modified LSB algorithms, and it works against visual and statistical attacks with excellent performance achieved by using the detection error (PE). Furthermore, the results confirmed that the stego-image with high imperceptibility has reached even a payload capacity that is large and replaces twelve bits per pixel (12-bpp). Moreover, testing is confirmed in that the proposed algorithm can embed secret data efficiently with better visual quality

    Linear model-based testing of ADC nonlinearities

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    In this brief, we demonstrate the procedures of linear model-based testing for the example of a 12-b Nyquist-rate analog-to-digital converter (ADC). In a production test environment, we apply this technique to two wafer lots of devices, and we establish that the model is robust with respect to its ability to reduce the uncertainty of the test outcome. Reducing this uncertainty is particularly beneficial for higher resolution devices, for which measurement noise increasingly corrupts the measured "signal" that is the nonlinearity of the device under test

    Performance evaluation measurement of image steganography techniques with analysis of LSB based on variation image formats

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    Recently, Steganography is an outstanding research area which used for data protection from unauthorized access. Steganography is defined as the art and science of covert information in plain sight in various media sources such as text, images, audio, video, network channel etc. so, as to not stimulate any suspicion; while steganalysis is the science of attacking the steganographic system to reveal the secret message. This research clarifies the diverse showing the evaluation factors based on image steganographic algorithms. The effectiveness of a steganographic is rated to three main parameters, payload capacity, image quality measure and security measure. This study is focused on image steganographic which is most popular in in steganographic branches. Generally, the Least significant bit is major efficient approach utilized to embed the secret message. In addition, this paper has more detail knowledge based on Least significant bit LSB within various Images formats. All metrics are illustrated in this study with arithmetical equations while some important trends are discussed also at the end of the paper