320 research outputs found

    Design and Validation of a Software Defined Radio Testbed for DVB-T Transmission

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    This paper describes the design and validation of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) testbed, which can be used for Digital Television transmission using the Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T) standard. In order to generate a DVB-T-compliant signal with low computational complexity, we design an SDR architecture that uses the C/C++ language and exploits multithreading and vectorized instructions. Then, we transmit the generated DVB-T signal in real time, using a common PC equipped with multicore central processing units (CPUs) and a commercially available SDR modem board. The proposed SDR architecture has been validated using fixed TV sets, and portable receivers. Our results show that the proposed SDR architecture for DVB-T transmission is a low-cost low-complexity solution that, in the worst case, only requires less than 22% of CPU load and less than 170 MB of memory usage, on a 3.0 GHz Core i7 processor. In addition, using the same SDR modem board, we design an off-line software receiver that also performs time synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation and compensation

    Studies in Software-Defined Radio System Implementation

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    Over the past decade, software-defined radios (SDRs) have an increasingly prevalent aspect of wireless communication systems. Different than traditional hardware radios which implement radio protocols using static electrical circuit, SDRs implement significant aspects of physical radio protocol using software programs running on a host processor. Because they use software to implement most of the radio functionality, SDRs are much more easily modified, edited, and upgraded than their hardware-defined counterparts. Consequently, researchers and developers have been developing previously hardware-defined radio systems within software. Thus, communication standards can be tested under different conditions or swapped out entirely by simply changing some code. Additionally, developers hope to implement more advanced functionality with SDRs such as cognitive radios that can sense the conditions of the environment and change parameters or protocol accordingly. This paper will outline the major aspects of SDRs including their explanation, advantages, and architecture. As SDRs have become more commonplace, many companies and organizations have developed hardware front-ends and software packages to help develop software radios. The most prominent hardware front-ends to date have been the USRP hardware boards. Additionally, many software packages exist for SDR development, including the open source GNU Radio and OSSIE and the closed source Simulink and Labview SDR packages. Using these development tools, researchers have developed many of the most relevant radio standards. This paper will explain the major hardware and software development tools for creating SDRs, and it will explain some of the most important SDR projects that have been implemented to date

    A Primer on Software Defined Radios

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    The commercial success of cellular phone systems during the late 1980s and early 1990 years heralded the wireless revolution that became apparent at the turn of the 21st century and has led the modern society to a highly interconnected world where ubiquitous connectivity and mobility are enabled by powerful wireless terminals. Software defined radio (SDR) technology has played a major role in accelerating the pace at which wireless capabilities have advanced, in particular over the past 15 years, and SDRs are now at the core of modern wireless communication systems. In this paper we give an overview of SDRs that includes a discussion of drivers and technologies that have contributed to their continuous advancement, and presents the theory needed to understand the architecture and operation of current SDRs. We also review the choices for SDR platforms and the programming options that are currently available for SDR research, development, and teaching, and present case studies illustrating SDR use. Our hope is that the paper will be useful as a reference to wireless researchers and developers working in the industry or in academic settings on further advancing and refining the capabilities of wireless systems

    Implementation of a Software Defined Spread Spectrum Communication System

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    The goal of this thesis is to develop a framework to prototype a software defined direct sequence spread spectrum transceiver that can be used as a node in an ad hoc network. We introduce the concept of a software radio, the current state of art, and GNU Radio and its concepts. We discuss in detail the design and development methods of GNU Radio and develop a flowgraph in Python to demonstrate the method of development. We present a mathematical analysis of (DSSS) modulation and demodulation schemes along with the transmitter and receiver design. We use this design to develop an analogous design in GNU Radio using the signal processing blocks that are present in GNU Radio and ones we develop. We perform simulations and tests to validate the algorithms, signal processing blocks and flowgraphs that we developed. We find that the signal acquistion algorithm is capable of determining the code and frequency offset in a received (DSSS) signal. We also find that the carrier tracking loop is capable of tracking the received carrier when the signal has a high (SNR). We conclude that GNU Radio as a technology can be used to prototype transceivers that are highly configurable and expandable. Finally, we identify and suggest some possible areas where this design can be developed and improved further

    Design and Development of a Testbed Prototype for Cognitive Radio Transmission over TV White Space

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    Considering the ever-increasing demand and the associated high costs of wireless electromagnetic spectrum, technologies that can facilitate efficient spectrum utilization are of utmost importance. Cognitive radio (CR), in conjunction with TV White Spaces (TVWS), can be a viable solution, where unlicensed or secondary users can opportunistically use the not-currently-in-use, aka idle, TV channels registered to licensed or primary users. This thesis focuses on the design and development of a testbed prototype for real-time testing of secondary user transmission in TVWS. Once an unused TV channel has been identified, our system uses that idle channel for transmitting and receiving signals. The testbed is built on Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) device powered by GNU Radio Software, Software Defined Radio (SDR) receptor, and Spectrum Analyser. The developed prototype splits a given TVWS channel into multiple small sub-channels and performs channel characterization through end-to-end transmission and reception of information carrying signals. The channel characteristics are presented through Bit Transfer Rate (BTR) and frequency spectrum results. The prototype also facilitates provisions for applying error correction coding as a mean of undertaking comparative performance testing

    Energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing system for emergency networks

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    During emergencies, a number of rescue teams come to the field and setup their own radio communication systems. If the deployed communication setup does not coordinate among themselves properly, they may interfere with each other when using the same RF channels known as co-channel interference. Spectrum sensing is the most important and complex job for cognitive radios. Cooperation among cognitive radio nodes is needed to enhance the sensing performance. In this paper, we present an experimental study of this solution. A Software Defined Radio comprising of GNU Radio and USRP were used to capture the signal samples to build a database profile of the spectrum condition. MATLAB communications toolbox was used to analyze the data and examine the spectrum pertaining to the condition in emergency networks. The benefits of cooperative spectrum sensing in avoiding co-channel interference during emergency situations are illustrated. Cooperation among cognitive spectrum sensing nodes operating at the same frequency improves the probability of detection, and the overall efficiency of the system. Results show that the cooperative sensing scheme outperforms the individual sensing approach. It can increases the probability of detection relative to the collected samples as the key performance indicator

    Computational Complexity of Signal Processing Functions in Software Radio

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    The increased usage of mobile communication devices has imposed a challenge of achieving efficient communication with minimum power consumption. Moreover, with the advent of software defined radios (SDR), it is highly possible that signal processing functions would be implemented in software in future mobile devices. Hence, the power consumption of these future devices will be directly related to the power consumed by the processor that executes SDR software. This thesis aims at analyzing the computational complexity of different modulation schemes and signal processing communication functions of IEEE WiFi standard. This analysis provides good insight on how the computational load varies at different data rates for different modulation schemes. For this purpose, we have analyzed computational complexity of various modulation schemes and other communication functions using widely known software radio platform i.e. USRP hardware and GNU Radio open source software platform, Matlab and OProfile (open source Linux profiling tool). After performing an extensive analysis, we are able to determine how different modulation schemes and communication functions perform computationally on a given platform. This analysis would help to achieve effective communication along with the efficient use of power in SDR based system