9 research outputs found

    Análise do risco de inadimplência na utilização de cartões de crédito

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    ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the risk of default in the use of credit cards generating probabilities of delay in payment with different variables such as age, gender, credit limit and annual income. The behavior of debtors who use credit cards is studied identifying changes in states of delay of risk levels. A multi-state model of Markov was used to perform the analysis. The study was applied to credit card usage records of individuals in 121 commercial and financial institutions. This research identifies the patterns of use by credit card customers and provides valuable inputs to help financial institutions understand the phenomenon of default risk.RESUMO. Este trabalho analisa o risco de inadimplência na utilização de cartões de crédito gerando probabilidades de atraso no pagamento com diferentes variáveis tais como idade, sexo, limite de crédito e rendimento anual. O comportamento dos devedores que utilizam cartões de crédito é estudado identificando alterações nos estados de atraso dos níveis de risco. Foi utilizado um modelo multiestado de Markov para realizar a análise. O estudo foi aplicado aos registos de utilização de cartões de crédito de indivíduos em 121 instituições comerciais e financeiras. Este estudo identifica os padrões de utilização pelos clientes de cartões de crédito e fornece dados valiosos para ajudar as instituições financeiras a compreender o fenómeno do risco de inadimplência

    Modelling customers credit card behaviour using bidirectional LSTM neural networks

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    With the rapid growth of consumer credit and the huge amount of financial data developing effective credit scoring models is very crucial. Researchers have developed complex credit scoring models using statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to help banks and financial institutions to support their financial decisions. Neural networks are considered as a mostly wide used technique in finance and business applications. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to help bank management in scoring credit card clients using machine learning by modelling and predicting the consumer behaviour with respect to two aspects: the probability of single and consecutive missed payments for credit card customers. The proposed model is based on the bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) model to give the probability of a missed payment during the next month for each customer. The model was trained on a real credit card dataset and the customer behavioural scores are analysed using classical measures such as accuracy, Area Under the Curve, Brier score, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and H-measure. Calibration analysis of the LSTM model scores showed that they can be considered as probabilities of missed payments. The LSTM model was compared to four traditional machine learning algorithms: support vector machine, random forest, multi-layer perceptron neural network, and logistic regression. Experimental results show that, compared with traditional methods, the consumer credit scoring method based on the LSTM neural network has significantly improved consumer credit scoring

    Modelling the profitability of credit cards by Markov decision processes

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    This paper derives a model for the profitability of credit cards, which allow lenders to find the optimal dynamic credit limit policy. The model is a Markov decision process, where the states of the system are based on the borrower's behavioural score and the decisions are what credit limit to give the borrower each period. In determining the Markov chain which best describes the borrower's performance second order as well as first order Markov chains are considered and estimation procedures that deal with the low default levels that may exist in the data are considered. A case study is used to show how the optimal credit limit can be derive

    Modelling the profitability of credit cards by Markov decision processes

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    This paper derives a Markov decision process model for the profitability of credit cards, which allows lenders to find an optimal dynamic credit limit policy. The states of the system are based on the borrower’s behavioural score and the decisions are what credit limit to give the borrower each period. In determining which Markov chain best describes the borrower’s performance, second order as well as first order Markov chains are considered and estimation procedures developed that deal with the low default levels that may exist in the data. A case study is given in which the optimal credit limit is derived and the results compared with the actual outcomes.<br/

    Modelling the profitability of credit cards by Markov decision processes

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    This paper derives a Markov decision process model for the profitability of credit cards, which allows lenders to find an optimal dynamic credit limit policy. The states of the system are based on the borrower's behavioural score and the decisions are what credit limit to give the borrower each period. In determining which Markov chain best describes the borrower's performance, second order as well as first order Markov chains are considered and estimation procedures developed that deal with the low default levels that may exist in the data. A case study is given in which the optimal credit limit is derived and the results compared with the actual outcomes.OR in banking Markov decision process Credit card Behavioural score Profitability Probability of default