635 research outputs found

    Behavioural Models for Distributed Fractal Components

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    This paper presents a formal behavioural specification framework together with its applications in different contexts for specifying and verifying the correct behaviour of distributed Fractal components. Our framework allows us to build behavioural models for applications ranging from sequential Fractal components, to distributed objects, and finally distributed components. Our models are able to characterise both functional and non-functional behaviours, and the interaction between the two concerns. Finally, this work has resulted in the development of tools allowing the non-expert programmer to specify the behaviour of his components, and automatically, or semi-automatically verify properties of his application

    An end-user platform for FPGA-based design and rapid prototyping of feedforward artificial neural networks with on-chip backpropagation learning

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    The hardware implementation of an artificial neural network (ANN) using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is a research field that has attracted much interest and attention. With the developments made, the programmer is now forced to face various challenges, such as the need to master various complex hardware-software development platforms, hardware description languages, and advanced ANN knowledge. Moreover, such an implementation is very time consuming. To address these challenges, this paper presents a novel neural design methodology using a holistic modeling approach. Based on the end-user programming concept, the presented solution empowers end users by means of abstracting the low-level hardware functionalities, streamlining the FPGA design process and supporting rapid ANN prototyping. A case study of an ANN as a pattern recognition module of an artificial olfaction system trained to identify four coffee brands is presented. The recognition rate versus training data features and data representation was analyzed extensively

    Formální komponentový model pro mobilní architektury

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    Disertační práce se zabývá modelováním komponentových systémů a formálním popisem jejich chování. Řešení je založeno na vlastním komponentovém modelu, který je popsán meta-modelem, z logického pohledu, a popisem v pi-kalkulu, z procesního pohledu. Je ukázáno, že komponentový model pokrývá dynamické aspekty softwarových architektur včetně mobility jejich komponent. Dále je popsán způsob modelování chování v architekturách orientovaných na služby a přechod ke komponentovým systémům. Chování konkrétní architektury orientované na služby lze pak vyjádřit jako jediný proces v pi-kalkulu. V závěru práce je navržené řešení ověřeno na případové studii prostředí pro testování kritických aplikací. Přínosem disertační práce je zejména zmíněná podpora dynamických architektur a integrace s architekturami orientovanými na služby.In the thesis, we propose an approach to modelling of component-based systems and formal description of their behaviour. The approach is based on a novel component model defined by a metamodel in a logical view and by description in the pi-calculus in a process view. We show that the component model addresses the dynamic aspects of software architectures including the component mobility. Furthermore, we propose a method of behavioural modelling of service-oriented architectures to pass smoothly from service level to component level and to describe behaviour of a whole system, services and components, as a single pi-calculus process. Finally, we illustrate an application of our approach on a case study of an environment for functional testing of complex safety-critical systems. The support of dynamic architecture and the integration with service-oriented architecture compromise the main advantages of our approach.Katedra softwarového inženýrstvíDepartment of Software EngineeringFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Behavioural models for distributed Fractal components

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