4 research outputs found

    Safety‐oriented discrete event model for airport A‐SMGCS reliability assessment

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    A detailed analysis of State of the Art Technologies and Procedures into Airport Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems has been provided in this thesis, together with the review ofStatistical Monte Carlo Analysis, Reliability Assessment and Petri Nets theories. This practical and theoretical background has lead the author to the conclusion that there is a lack of linkage in between these fields. At the same of time the rapid increasing of Air Traffic all over the world, has brought in evidence the urgent need of practical instruments able to identify and quantify the risks connected with Aircraft operations on the ground, since the Airport has shown to be the actual ‘bottle neck’ of the entire Air Transport System. Therefore, the only winning approach to such a critical matter has to be multi-disciplinary, sewing together apparently different subjects, coming from the most disparate areas of interest and trying to fulfil the gap. The result of this thesis work has come to a start towards the end, when a Timed Coloured Petri Net (TCPN) model of a ‘sample’ Airport A-SMGCS has been developed, that is capable of taking into account different orders of questions arisen during these recent years and tries to give them some good answers. The A-SMGCS Airport model is, in the end, a parametric tool relying on Discrete Event System theory, able to perform a Reliability Analysis of the system itself, that: ‱ uses a Monte Carlo Analysis applied to a Timed Coloured Petri Net, whose purpose is to evaluate the Safety Level of Surface Movements along an Airport ‱ lets the user to analyse the impact of Procedures and Reliability Indexes of Systems such as Surface Movement Radars, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, Airport Lighting Systems, Microwave Sensors, and so on
 onto the Safety Level of Airport Aircraft Transport System ‱ not only is a valid instrument in the Design Phase, but it is useful also into the Certifying Activities an in monitoring the Safety Level of the above mentioned System with respect to changes to Technologies and different Procedures.This TCPN model has been verified against qualitative engineering expectations by using simulation experiments and occupancy time schedules generated a priori. Simulation times are good, and since the model has been written into Simulink/Stateflow programming language, it can be compiled to run real-time in C language (Real-time workshop and Stateflow Coder), thus relying on portable code, able to run virtually on any platform, giving even better performances in terms of execution time. One of the most interesting applications of this work is the estimate, for an Airport, of the kind of A-SMGCS level of implementation needed (Technical/Economical convenience evaluation). As a matter of fact, starting from the Traffic Volume and choosing the kind of Ground Equipment to be installed, one can make predictions about the Safety Level of the System: if the value is compliant with the TLS required by ICAO, the A-SMGCS level of Implementation is sufficiently adequate. Nevertheless, even if the Level of Safety has been satisfied, some delays due to reduced or simplified performances (even if Safety is compliant) of some of the equipment (e.g. with reference to False Alarm Rates) can lead to previously unexpected economical consequences, thus requiring more accurate systems to be installed, in order to meet also Airport economical constraints. Work in progress includes the analysis of the effect of weather conditions and re-sequencing of a given schedule. The effect of re-sequencing a given schedule is not yet enough realistic since the model does not apply inter arrival and departure separations. However, the model might show some effect on different sequences based on runway occupancy times. A further developed model containing wake turbulence separation conditions would be more sensitive for this case. Hence, further work will be directed towards: ‱ The development of On-Line Re-Scheduling based on the available actual runway/taxiway configuration and weather conditions. ‱ The Engineering Safety Assessment of some small Italian Airport A-SMGCSs (Model validation with real data). ‱ The application of Stochastic Differential Equations systems in order to evaluate the collision risk on the ground inside the Place alone on the Petri Net, in the event of a Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), by adopting Reich Collision Risk Model. ‱ Optimal Air Traffic Control Algorithms Synthesis (Adaptive look-ahead Optimization), by Dynamically Timed Coloured Petri Nets, together with the implementation of Error-Recovery Strategies and Diagnosis Functions

    3D modelling and simulation of a production line with CIROS

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    3D simulation technology has been adopted successfully in production industry for dec-ades. It benefits the manufacturers by the possibility to answer ‘how would it be’ with vivid visual images, consuming much lower capital investment, resources and human power. This thesis paper first investigates into the background research of simulation and mod-elling approaches employed within the industry. Then a pallet-based Flexlink production line in FAST-Lab, Tampere University of Technology, is taken as the simulated object for case study. 3D model is created under FESTO CIROS Studio software envi-ronment, using built-in mechanism offered by the program to realize full transportation system of the assembly line, both sensors and actuators. Logic control of the conveyor system is integrated with built-in virtual PLC and programmed in FBD and STL with Siemens STEP7. The assessment results reveal the possibility of handling multiple pallets with multiple recipes simultaneously. Also the performance of FESTO CIROS Studio is evaluated as showing some limitations during research. /Kir1

    Contribution to the organization of ground handling management at airports

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    La croissance du trafic aĂ©rien a rendu critique l’opĂ©ration de la gestion des plateformes aĂ©roportuaires. Celle-ci fait appel Ă  de nombreux acteurs (autoritĂ©s aĂ©roportuaires, compagnies aĂ©riennes, contrĂŽle du trafic aĂ©rien, prestataires de services, 
). Le concept d’Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) dĂ©veloppĂ© depuis une dizaine d’annĂ©es est basĂ© sur un partage d’informations opĂ©rationnelles en temps rĂ©el entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs de la plate-forme, permettant de prendre des dĂ©cisions en commun pour rechercher une utilisation optimale, en toutes conditions, des capacitĂ©s de l’aĂ©roport. L’objectif principal de cette thĂšse est de contribuer Ă  l’organisation de la gestion des opĂ©rations d’escale dans une plateforme aĂ©roportuaire. Il s’agit de proposer une structure d’organisation de cette opĂ©ration qui soit compatible avec l’approche A-CDM. La structure proposĂ©e introduit un coordinateur des opĂ©rations d’escale (GHC) qui joue le rĂŽle d’interface de communication entre les partenaires de l’A-CDM et les diffĂ©rents gestionnaires des opĂ©rations d’escale (GHM). Cette structure hiĂ©rarchique permet d’une part de partager des informations avec les partenaires de l’A-CDM et d’autre part d’interagir avec les gestionnaires des opĂ©rations d’escale (GHM). Les processus de prise de dĂ©cision basĂ©s sur des heuristiques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  chaque niveau de l’organisation proposĂ©e et sont Ă©valuĂ©s aussi bien dans le cas de conditions nominales que dans le cas de la prĂ©sence de perturbations majeures. ABSTRACT : The increase of the world air traffic growth of the last decades has generated a permanent challenge for civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports to supply sufficient capacity to provide a safe transportation service with acceptable quality standards. New traffic management practices, such as A-CDM, based on multi-agent and collaborative decision making concepts have been introduced at airports. However, within the turnaround process of aircraft at airports, ground handling management of aircraft has not been developed specifically in the A-CDM approach, even if it has an important role in the fluidity of aircraft operations at airports. The main objective of this thesis dissertation is to contribute to the organisation of the ground handling management at airports. It consists to provide a structure organize the ground handling management compatible with the A -CDM concept. The proposed structure introduces a ground handling coordinator (GHC) which is considered as an interface for communication between the partners of the A -CDM and the different ground handling managers (GHM). This hierarchical structure allows sharing information with partners in the A -CDM on the one side and on the other side, interacting with ground handling managers (GHM). Decision making processes based on heuristics have been developed at each level of the proposed organization and have been also evaluated in the case of nominal conditions and in the case of the presence of major disruptions

    Contribution à l'organisation des opérations d'escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire

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    La croissance du trafic aérien a rendu critique l opération de la gestion des plateformes aéroportuaires. Celle-ci fait appel à de nombreux acteurs (autorités aéroportuaires, compagnies aériennes, contrÎle du trafic aérien, prestataires de services, ). Le concept d Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) développé depuis une dizaine d années est basé sur un partage d informations opérationnelles en temps réel entre les différents acteurs de la plate-forme, permettant de prendre des décisions en commun pour rechercher une utilisation optimale, en toutes conditions, des capacités de l aéroport. L objectif principal de cette thÚse est de contribuer à l organisation de la gestion des opérations d escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire. Il s agit de proposer une structure d organisation de cette opération qui soit compatible avec l approche A-CDM. La structure proposée introduit un coordinateur des opérations d escale (GHC) qui joue le rÎle d interface de communication entre les partenaires de l A-CDM et les différents gestionnaires des opérations d escale (GHM). Cette structure hiérarchique permet d une part de partager des informations avec les partenaires de l A-CDM et d autre part d interagir avec les gestionnaires des opérations d escale (GHM). Les processus de prise de décision basés sur des heuristiques ont été développés à chaque niveau de l organisation proposée et sont évalués aussi bien dans le cas de conditions nominales que dans le cas de la présence de perturbations majeures.The increase of the world air traffic growth of the last decades has generated a permanent challenge for civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports to supply sufficient capacity to provide a safe transportation service with acceptable quality standards. New traffic management practices, such as A-CDM, based on multi-agent and collaborative decision making concepts have been introduced at airports. However, within the turnaround process of aircraft at airports, ground handling management of aircraft has not been developed specifically in the A-CDM approach, even if it has an important role in the fluidity of aircraft operations at airports. The main objective of this thesis dissertation is to contribute to the organisation of the ground handling management at airports. It consists to provide a structure organize the ground handling management compatible with the A -CDM concept. The proposed structure introduces a ground handling coordinator (GHC) which is considered as an interface for communication between the partners of the A -CDM and the different ground handling managers (GHM). This hierarchical structure allows sharing information with partners in the A -CDM on the one side and on the other side, interacting with ground handling managers (GHM). Decision making processes based on heuristics have been developed at each level of the proposed organization and have been also evaluated in the case of nominal conditions and in the case of the presence of major disruptions.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF