9 research outputs found

    Developing correct, distributed, adaptive software

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    We illustrate our approach to develop and verify distributed, adaptive software systems. The cornerstone of our framework is the use of choreography languages, which allow us to obtain correctness by construction. Behavioural Design Patterns are also used as abstract tools to design real systems, while techniques based on abstract interpretation and on dynamic verication are integrated in our framework to reduce the complexity of verication

    Analyzing program dependences for malware detection.

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    Metamorphic malware continuously modify their code, while preserving their functionality, in order to foil misuse detection. The key for defeating metamorphism relies in a semantic characterization of the embedding of the malware into the target program. Indeed, a behavioral model of program infection that does not relay on syntactic program features should be able to defeat metamorphism. Moreover, a general model of infection should be able to express dependences and interactions between the malicious codeand the target program. ANI is a general theory for the analysis of dependences of data in a program. We propose an high order theory for ANI, later called HOANI, that allows to study program dependencies. Our idea is then to formalize and study the malware detection problem in terms of HOANI

    Developing correct, distributed, adaptive software

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    International audienceWe illustrate our approach to develop and verify distributed, adaptive software systems. The cornerstone of ourframework is the use of choreography languages, which allow us to obtain correctness by construction. WorkflowPatterns are also used as abstract tools to design real systems, while techniques based on abstract interpretation andon dynamic verification are integrated in our framework to reduce the complexity of verificatio

    Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables

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    We introduce a model for mixed syntactic/semantic approximation of programs based on symbolic finite automata (SFA). The edges of SFA are labeled by predicates whose semantics specifies the denotations that are allowed by the edge. We introduce the notion of abstract symbolic finite automaton (ASFA) where approximation is made by abstract interpretation of symbolic finite automata, acting both at syntactic (predicate) and semantic (denotation) level. We investigate in the details how the syntactic and semantic abstractions of SFA relate to each other and contribute to the determination of the recognized language. Then we introduce a family of transformations for simplifying ASFA. We apply this model to prove properties of commonly used tools for similarity analysis of binary executables. Following the structure of their control flow graphs, disassembled binary executables are represented as (concrete) SFA, where states are program points and predicates represent the (possibly infinite) I/O semantics of each basic block in a constraint form. Known tools for binary code analysis are viewed as specific choices of symbolic and semantic abstractions in our framework, making symbolic finite automata and their abstract interpretations a unifying model for comparing and reasoning about soundness and completeness of analyses of low-level code

    Protecting Software through Obfuscation:Can It Keep Pace with Progress in Code Analysis?

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    Software obfuscation has always been a controversially discussed research area. While theoretical results indicate that provably secure obfuscation in general is impossible, its widespread application in malware and commercial software shows that it is nevertheless popular in practice. Still, it remains largely unexplored to what extent today’s software obfuscations keep up with state-of-the-art code analysis and where we stand in the arms race between software developers and code analysts. The main goal of this survey is to analyze the effectiveness of different classes of software obfuscation against the continuously improving deobfuscation techniques and off-the-shelf code analysis tools. The answer very much depends on the goals of the analyst and the available resources. On the one hand, many forms of lightweight static analysis have difficulties with even basic obfuscation schemes, which explains the unbroken popularity of obfuscation among malware writers. On the other hand, more expensive analysis techniques, in particular when used interactively by a human analyst, can easily defeat many obfuscations. As a result, software obfuscation for the purpose of intellectual property protection remains highly challenging.</jats:p

    CoDisasm: Medium Scale Concatic Disassembly of Self-Modifying Binaries with Overlapping Instructions

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    International audienceFighting malware involves analyzing large numbers of suspicious binary files. In this context, disassembly is a crucial task in malware analysis and reverse engineering. It involves the recovery of assembly instructions from binary machine code. Correct disassembly of binaries is necessary to produce a higher level representation of the code and thus allow the analysis to develop high-level understanding of its behavior and purpose. Nonetheless, it can be problematic in the case of malicious code, as malware writers often employ techniques to thwart correct disassembly by standard tools. In this paper, we focus on the disassembly of x86 self-modifying binaries with overlapping instructions. Current state-of-the-art disassemblers fail to interpret these two common forms of obfuscation, causing an incorrect disassembly of large parts of the input. We introduce a novel disas-sembly method, called concatic disassembly, that combines CONCrete path execution with stATIC disassembly. We have developed a standalone disassembler called CoDisasm that implements this approach. Our approach substantially improves the success of disassembly when confronted with both self-modification and code overlap in analyzed bina-ries. To our knowledge, no other disassembler thwarts both of these obfuscations methods together

    Modelling Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation

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    Abstract. Metamorphic malware apply semantics-preserving transformations to their own code in order to foil detection systems based on signature matching. In this paper we consider the problem of automatically extract metamorphic signatures from these malware. We introduce a semantics for self-modifying code, later called phase semantics, and prove its correctness by showing that it is an abstract interpretation of the standard trace semantics. Phase semantics precisely models the metamorphic code behavior by providing a set of traces of programs which correspond to the possible evolutions of the metamorphic code during execution. We show that metamorphic signatures can be automatically extracted by abstract interpretation of the phase semantics, and that regular metamorphism can be modelled as finite state automata abstraction of the phase semantics