192 research outputs found

    A history and theory of textual event detection and recognition

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    Meeting decision detection: multimodal information fusion for multi-party dialogue understanding

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    Modern advances in multimedia and storage technologies have led to huge archives of human conversations in widely ranging areas. These archives offer a wealth of information in the organization contexts. However, retrieving and managing information in these archives is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Previous research applied keyword and computer vision-based methods to do this. However, spontaneous conversations, complex in the use of multimodal cues and intricate in the interactions between multiple speakers, have posed new challenges to these methods. We need new techniques that can leverage the information hidden in multiple communication modalities – including not just “what” the speakers say but also “how” they express themselves and interact with others. In responding to this need, the thesis inquires into the multimodal nature of meeting dialogues and computational means to retrieve and manage the recorded meeting information. In particular, this thesis develops the Meeting Decision Detector (MDD) to detect and track decisions, one of the most important outcomes of the meetings. The MDD involves not only the generation of extractive summaries pertaining to the decisions (“decision detection”), but also the organization of a continuous stream of meeting speech into locally coherent segments (“discourse segmentation”). This inquiry starts with a corpus analysis which constitutes a comprehensive empirical study of the decision-indicative and segment-signalling cues in the meeting corpora. These cues are uncovered from a variety of communication modalities, including the words spoken, gesture and head movements, pitch and energy level, rate of speech, pauses, and use of subjective terms. While some of the cues match the previous findings of speech segmentation, some others have not been studied before. The analysis also provides empirical grounding for computing features and integrating them into a computational model. To handle the high-dimensional multimodal feature space in the meeting domain, this thesis compares empirically feature discriminability and feature pattern finding criteria. As the different knowledge sources are expected to capture different types of features, the thesis also experiments with methods that can harness synergy between the multiple knowledge sources. The problem formalization and the modeling algorithm so far correspond to an optimal setting: an off-line, post-meeting analysis scenario. However, ultimately the MDD is expected to be operated online – right after a meeting, or when a meeting is still in progress. Thus this thesis also explores techniques that help relax the optimal setting, especially those using only features that can be generated with a higher degree of automation. Empirically motivated experiments are designed to handle the corresponding performance degradation. Finally, with the users in mind, this thesis evaluates the use of query-focused summaries in a decision debriefing task, which is common in the organization context. The decision-focused extracts (which represent compressions of 1%) is compared against the general-purpose extractive summaries (which represent compressions of 10-40%). To examine the effect of model automation on the debriefing task, this evaluation experiments with three versions of decision-focused extracts, each relaxing one manual annotation constraint. Task performance is measured in actual task effectiveness, usergenerated report quality, and user-perceived success. The users’ clicking behaviors are also recorded and analyzed to understand how the users leverage the different versions of extractive summaries to produce abstractive summaries. The analysis framework and computational means developed in this work is expected to be useful for the creation of other dialogue understanding applications, especially those that require to uncover the implicit semantics of meeting dialogues

    Retrieving questions and answers in community-based question answering services

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    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Computing point-of-view : modeling and simulating judgments of taste

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-163).People have rich points-of-view that afford them the ability to judge the aesthetics of people, things, and everyday happenstance; yet viewpoint has an ineffable quality that is hard to articulate in words, let alone capture in computer models. Inspired by cultural theories of taste and identity, this thesis explores end-to-end computational modeling of people's tastes-from model acquisition, to generalization, to application- under various realms. Five aesthetical realms are considered-cultural taste, attitudes, ways of perceiving, taste for food, and sense-of-humor. A person's model is acquired by reading her personal texts, such as a weblog diary, a social network profile, or emails. To generalize a person model, methods such as spreading activation, analogy, and imprimer supplementation are applied to semantic resources and search spaces mined from cultural corpora. Once a generalized model is achieved, a person's tastes are brought to life through perspective-based applications, which afford the exploration of someone else's perspective through interactivity and play. The thesis describes model acquisition systems implemented for each of the five aesthetical realms.(cont.) The techniques of 'reading for affective themes' (RATE), and 'culture mining' are described, along with their enabling technologies, which are commonsense reasoning and textual affect analysis. Finally, six perspective-based applications were implemented to illuminate a range of real-world beneficiaries to person modeling-virtual mentoring, self-reflection, and deep customization.by Xinyu Hugo Liu.Ph.D

    Word Knowledge and Word Usage

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    Word storage and processing define a multi-factorial domain of scientific inquiry whose thorough investigation goes well beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplinary taxonomies, to require synergic integration of a wide range of methods, techniques and empirical and experimental findings. The present book intends to approach a few central issues concerning the organization, structure and functioning of the Mental Lexicon, by asking domain experts to look at common, central topics from complementary standpoints, and discuss the advantages of developing converging perspectives. The book will explore the connections between computational and algorithmic models of the mental lexicon, word frequency distributions and information theoretical measures of word families, statistical correlations across psycho-linguistic and cognitive evidence, principles of machine learning and integrative brain models of word storage and processing. Main goal of the book will be to map out the landscape of future research in this area, to foster the development of interdisciplinary curricula and help single-domain specialists understand and address issues and questions as they are raised in other disciplines

    Fuzzy Coherence : Making Sense of Continuity in Hypertext Narratives

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    Hypertexts are digital texts characterized by interactive hyperlinking and a fragmented textual organization. Increasingly prominent since the early 1990s, hypertexts have become a common text type both on the Internet and in a variety of other digital contexts. Although studied widely in disciplines like hypertext theory and media studies, formal linguistic approaches to hypertext continue to be relatively rare. This study examines coherence negotiation in hypertext with particularly reference to hypertext fiction. Coherence, or the quality of making sense, is a fundamental property of textness. Proceeding from the premise that coherence is a subjectively evaluated property rather than an objective quality arising directly from textual cues, the study focuses on the processes through which readers interact with hyperlinks and negotiate continuity between hypertextual fragments. The study begins with a typological discussion of textuality and an overview of the historical and technological precedents of modern hypertexts. Then, making use of text linguistic, discourse analytical, pragmatic, and narratological approaches to textual coherence, the study takes established models developed for analyzing and describing conventional texts, and examines their applicability to hypertext. Primary data derived from a collection of hyperfictions is used throughout to illustrate the mechanisms in practice. Hypertextual coherence negotiation is shown to require the ability to cognitively operate between local and global coherence by means of processing lexical cohesion, discourse topical continuities, inferences and implications, and shifting cognitive frames. The main conclusion of the study is that the style of reading required by hypertextuality fosters a new paradigm of coherence. Defined as fuzzy coherence, this new approach to textual sensemaking is predicated on an acceptance of the coherence challenges readers experience when the act of reading comes to involve repeated encounters with referentially imprecise hyperlinks and discourse topical shifts. A practical application of fuzzy coherence is shown to be in effect in the way coherence is actively manipulated in hypertext narratives.Hyperteksti on yleisnimi digitaaliselle tekstityyppille joka rakentuu yleensÀ suhteellisen lyhyistÀ, lukijan tekemien valintojen mukaan jÀrjestyvistÀ osista. Hypertekstit yleistyivÀt 1990-luvun alussa erityisesti Internetin vaikutuksesta, ja tÀnÀ pÀivÀnÀ suuri osa tietokoneen ruudulta luettavista teksteistÀ onkin hypertekstejÀ. Hypertekstien piirteitÀ on tutkittu viimeisten 20 vuoden aikana erityisesti hypertekstiteorian ja mediatutkimuksen oppialoilla, mutta niiden kielitieteellinen tutkimus on monelta osin edelleen alkuvaiheessa. Tutkimus tarkastelee koherenssin eli tekstin eheyden rakentumista hyperteksteissÀ ja erityisesti hypertekstitarinoissa. Koherenssilla tarkoitetaan lukijalÀhtöistÀ kokemusta tekstin rakenteellisesta mielekkyydestÀ, eli lukijan vaikutelmaa tekstin eri osien kuulumisesta yhteen mielekkÀÀnÀ kokonaisuutena. Hypertekstin osalta koherenssimuodostuksen keskeinen ongelma liittyy hyperlinkkien viittaussuhteiden epÀtarkkuuteen, epÀsuoran vuorovaikutustilanteen dynamiikkaan ja tekstin pirstaleisen rakenteen synnyttÀmÀÀn kokemukseen temaattisesta epÀjatkuvuudesta. Aihetta tarkastellaan tekstilingvistiikan, diskurssianalyysin, pragmatiikan ja narratologian teorioiden lÀhtökohdista. Tutkimus esittelee hyperlinkkien viittaussuhteiden tulkintaan liittyvÀt eri mekanismit primÀÀrimateriaalista nostetuin esimerkein, korostaen erityisesti teoriamallien soveltuvuuden eroja hypertekstien ja perinteisten lineaaristen tekstien vÀlillÀ. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todetaan ettÀ hypertekstuaalinen tekstityyppi on synnyttÀmÀssÀ uuden lukutavan, joka edellyttÀÀ koherenssin kÀsitteen uudelleenarviointia. TÀmÀ uusi koherenssin erityistyyppi, jota tutkimuksessa kutsutaan nimellÀ fuzzy coherence eli sumea koherenssi, perustuu toistuvien pienten koherenssiongelmien hyvÀksymiseen osana lukukokemusta. Erityisesti hypertekstikirjallisuuden piirissÀ sumeaa koherenssia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ myös kerronnallisena keinona
