12 research outputs found

    Sketch-based indexing of n-words

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    CWI and TU Delft at TREC 2013: Contextual Suggestion, Federated Web Search, KBA, and Web Tracks

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    This paper provides an overview of the work done at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for different tracks of TREC 2013. We participated in the Contextual Suggestion Track, the Federated Web Search Track, the Knowledge Base Acceleration (KBA) Track, and the Web Ad-hoc Track. In the Contextual Suggestion track, we focused on filtering the entire ClueWeb12 collection to generate recommendations according to the provided user profiles and contexts. For the Federated Web Search track, we exploited both categories from ODP and document relevance to merge result lists. In the KBA track, we focused on the Cumulative Citation Recommendation task where we exploited different features to two classification algorithms. For the Web track, we extended an ad-hoc baseline with a proximity model that promotes documents in which the query terms are positioned closer together

    Distance matters! Cumulative proximity expansions for ranking documents

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    In the information retrieval process, functions that rank documents according to their estimated relevance to a query typically regard query terms as being independent. However, it is often the joint presence of query terms that is of interest to the user, which is overlooked when matching independent terms. One feature that can be used to express the relatedness of co-occurring terms is their proximity in text. In past research, models that are trained on the proximity information in a collection have performed better than models that are not estimated on data. We analyzed how co-occurring query terms can be used to estimate the relevance of documents based on their distance in text, which is used to extend a unigram ranking function with a proximity model that accumulates the scores of all occurring term combinations. This proximity model is more practical than existing models, since it does not require any co-occurrence statistics, it obviates the need to tune additional parameters, and has a retrieval speed close to competing models. We show that this approach is more robust than existing models, on both Web and newswire corpora, and on average performs equal or better than existing proximity models across collections

    Weighting Passages Enhances Accuracy

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    We observe that in curated documents the distribution of the occurrences of salient terms, e.g., terms with a high Inverse Document Frequency, is not uniform, and such terms are primarily concentrated towards the beginning and the end of the document. Exploiting this observation, we propose a novel version of the classical BM25 weighting model, called BM25 Passage (BM25P), which scores query results by computing a linear combination of term statistics in the different portions of the document. We study a multiplicity of partitioning schemes of document content into passages and compute the collection-dependent weights associated with them on the basis of the distribution of occurrences of salient terms in documents. Moreover, we tune BM25P hyperparameters and investigate their impact on ad hoc document retrieval through fully reproducible experiments conducted using four publicly available datasets. Our findings demonstrate that our BM25P weighting model markedly and consistently outperforms BM25 in terms of effectiveness by up to 17.44% in NDCG@5 and 85% in NDCG@1, and up to 21% in MRR

    Re-ranking Real-time Web Tweets to Find Reliable and Influential Twitterers

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    Twitter is a powerful social media tool to share information on different topics around the world. Following different users/accounts is the most effective way to get information propagated in Twitter. Due to Twitter's limited searching and lack of navigation support, searching Twitter is not easy and requires effort to find reliable information. This thesis proposed a new methodology to rank tweets based on their authority with the goal of aiding users identifying influential Twitterers. This methodology, HIRKM rank, is influenced by PageRank, Alexa Rank, original tweet or a retweet and the use of hash tags to determine the authorisation of each tweet. This method is applied to rank TREC 2011 microblogging dataset which contains over 16 million tweets based on 50 predefined topics. The results are a list of tweets presented in a descending order based on their authorities which are relevant to the users search queries and will be evaluated using TREC’s official golden standard for the microblogging dataset

    Making a Better Query: Find Good Feedback Documents and Terms via Semantic Associations

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    When people search, they always input several keywords as an input query. While current information retrieval (IR) systems are based on term matching, documents will not be considered as relevant if they do not have the exact terms as in the query. However, it is common that these documents are relevant if they contain terms semantically similar to the query. To retrieve these documents, a classic way is to expand the original query with more related terms. Pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) has proven to be effective to expand origin queries and improve the performance of IR. It assumes the top k ranked documents obtained through the first round retrieval are relevant as feedback documents, and expand the original queries with feedback terms selected from these feedback documents. However, applying PRF for query expansion must be very carefully. Wrongly added terms can bring noisy information and hurt the overall search experiences extensively. The assumption of feedback documents is too strong to be completely true. To avoid noise import and make significant improvements simultaneously, we solve the significant problem through four ways in this dissertation. Firstly, we assume the proximity information among terms as term semantic associations and utilize them to seek new relevant terms. Next, to obtain good and robust performance for PRF via adapting topic information, we propose a new concept named topic space and present three models based on it. Topics obtained through topic modeling do help identify how relevant a feedback document is. Weights of candidate terms in these more relevant feedback documents will be boosted and have higher probabilities to be chosen. Furthermore, we apply machine learning methods to classify which feedback documents are effective for PRF. To solve the problem of lack-of-training-data for the application of machine learning methods in PRF, we improve a traditional co-training method and take the quality of classifiers into account. Finally, we present a new probabilistic framework to integrate existing effective methods like semantic associations as components for further research. All the work has been tested on public datasets and proven to be effective and efficient

    Using a combination of methodologies for improving medical information retrieval performance

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    This thesis presents three approaches to improve the current state of Medical Information Retrieval. At the time of this writing, the health industry is experiencing a massive change in terms of introducing technology into all aspects of health delivery. The work in this thesis involves adapting existing established concepts in the field of Information Retrieval to the field of Medical Information Retrieval. In particular, we apply subtype filtering, ICD-9 codes, query expansion, and re-ranking methods in order to improve retrieval on medical texts. The first method applies association rule mining and cosine similarity measures. The second method applies subtype filtering and the Apriori algorithm. And the third method uses ICD-9 codes in order to improve retrieval accuracy. Overall, we show that the current state of medical information retrieval has substantial room for improvement. Our first two methods do not show significant improvements, while our third approach shows an improvement of up to 20%

    Text Classification: A Review, Empirical, and Experimental Evaluation

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    The explosive and widespread growth of data necessitates the use of text classification to extract crucial information from vast amounts of data. Consequently, there has been a surge of research in both classical and deep learning text classification methods. Despite the numerous methods proposed in the literature, there is still a pressing need for a comprehensive and up-to-date survey. Existing survey papers categorize algorithms for text classification into broad classes, which can lead to the misclassification of unrelated algorithms and incorrect assessments of their qualities and behaviors using the same metrics. To address these limitations, our paper introduces a novel methodological taxonomy that classifies algorithms hierarchically into fine-grained classes and specific techniques. The taxonomy includes methodology categories, methodology techniques, and methodology sub-techniques. Our study is the first survey to utilize this methodological taxonomy for classifying algorithms for text classification. Furthermore, our study also conducts empirical evaluation and experimental comparisons and rankings of different algorithms that employ the same specific sub-technique, different sub-techniques within the same technique, different techniques within the same category, and categorie

    Rewarding the Location of Terms in Sentences to Enhance Probabilistic Information Retrieval

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    In most traditional retrieval models, the weight (or probability) of a query term is estimated based on its own distribution or statistics. Intuitively, however, the nouns are more important in information retrieval and are more often found near the beginning and the end of sentences. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of rewarding the terms based on their location in sentences on information retrieval. Particularly, we propose a kernel-based method to capture the term placement pattern, in which a novel Term Location retrieval model is derived in combination with the BM25 model to enhance probabilistic information retrieval. Experiments on five TREC datasets of varied size and content indicates that the proposed model significantly outperforms the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM in MAP over all datasets with all kernel functions, and excels compared to the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM over most of the datasets in P@5 and P@20 with different kernel functions