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    [EN] The current trend in higher education includes competencies in the curricula. This integration can be done through the competency-based learning. The competence is acquired through various learning objects to be achieved. In this paper different dimensions to define a learning object (LO) and different classifications associated to them have been proposed. An analysis and synthesis of the results obtained have been presented.Alarcón Valero, F.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Boza, A.; Cuenca, L.; Gordo Monzó, ML.; Fernández-Diego, M.; Ruiz Font, L. (2015). LEARNING OBJECT. DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 4479-4488. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/95287S4479448


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     ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan pemebelajaran dalam kelas maya pada saat siswa melaksanakan magang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Boyolali pada tingkat XI. Sampel diambil dari 32 siswa dari total 382 siswa yang melaksanakan magang. Data diolah dengan disain mixed method sequential yaitu menganalisis data secara kuantitatif terlebih dahulu dan diperjelas secara kualitatif. Data kuantitatif di ambil melalui analisis Paired Samples T Testyang diambil dari data nilai pre-tes dan pos-tes, sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh melalui tehnik wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian diketahuinilai –t hitung < -t tabel (-13.066 < -2.040) dan signifikansi < 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05). Nilai rata-rata dari Pre tes < Pos tes (69.5312<89.5000). Terdapat perbedaan nilai tes antara sebelum dan setelah diterapkannya pembelajaran melalui edmodo. Dari perhitungan juga diketahui bahwa rata-rata nilai tes dengan edmodo lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan edmodo. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa pembelajaran dengan edmodo memberikan andil dalam peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil wawancara dari siswa yang dianggap gagal ditemukan bahwa dalam proses magang terlalu banyak pekerjaan, fasilitas yang tidak mendukung, dan akses internet yang sulit. Sehingga pada disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran melalui edmodo pada saat magang memiliki dampak positif bagi siswa. Selain materi pembelajaran yang tidak tertinggal hasil belajar siswa juga tidak mengecewakan. Namun perlu menjadi perhatian adalah siswa harus dibekali tehnik manajemen waktu yang baik dan fasilitas yang memadai. Kata Kunci: Edmodo, Magang, Sekolah Kejuruan   ABSTRACT This study aims to know how to influence the application of learning in a virtual classroom when students carry out an apprentice. The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Boyolali XI level. Samples were taken from 32 students out of a total of 382 students performing apprentice. The data is processed by sequential mixed method design is to analyze the quantitative data in advance and clarified qualitatively. Quantitative data was taken through Paired Samples T Test analysis of data taken from the pre-test and post-test, whereas qualitative data obtained through interview techniques. The result shows the value of t count < t table (-13 066 < -2040) and significance < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). The average value of Pre test <Pos tests (69.5312 < 89.5000). There are differences in test scores between before and after the implementation of learning through Edmodo. The calculation is also known that the average value of the test with Edmodo is higher than without using Edmodo. So the implications is learn with Edmodo can contribute to improvement of students learning outcomes. The results of interviews of students for failing to find that in the process of apprenticeship too much work, the facilities do not support, and internet access is difficult. So that on learning through Edmodo concluded that at the time of the internship have a positive impact on students. In addition to learning materials that are not lagging student learning outcomes also did not disappoint. However, it should be of concern is students should be equipped with good time management techniques and adequate facilities. Key words: Edmodo, Apprentice, vocational schoo

    Análisis, Diseño e Implementación de un repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje con contenido versionable e integración con plataformas LMS

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    Los Objetos de Aprendizaje son cualquier tipo de entidad -digital o no digital- y pueden ser usados, reutilizados y referenciados durante el aprendizaje apoyado en tecnología. Comúnmente son utilizados por programas conocidos como Sistemas de Gestión de Aprendizaje (LMS por sus siglas en inglés) que distribuyen y gestionan dichos objetos en forma de cursos o programas educativos. Además, registran la interacción del alumno con cada recurso interactivo dentro de un curso y los reportan a sus instructores o docentes. Para hacer factible esta conexión entre los Sistemas de Gestión de Aprendizaje y Objetos de Aprendizaje se desarrollaron ciertos estándares de creación de objetos. Uno de ellos es SCORM, que especifica técnicas y lineamientos para el desarrollo de contenido. Otro estándar desarrollado es LTI que provee un conjunto de especificaciones que habilitan la interoperabilidad entre contenido remoto y un LMS de manera que se pueda diseñar material educativo que pueda interactuar con el usuario, no solamente ser visualizado por él. Lo que procuran estos estándares es organizar todas las características de los Objetos de Aprendizaje en forma de metadatos. Estos metadatos buscan asegurar la accesibilidad (capacidad de ser accedido), interoperabilidad (capacidad de ser distribuido) y reusabilidad (capacidad para ser utilizado en diferentes contextos) de dichos objetos. Si bien los Sistemas de Gestión de Aprendizaje son los entornos más populares en cuanto a la utilización de los Objetos de Aprendizaje, estos son ambientes de información aislados. Mientras que algunos sistemas almacenan estos recursos en una base de datos propia sin contar con funcionalidades básicas de organización y búsqueda de contenido; otros cuentan con repositorios que almacenan específicamente Objetos de Aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la integración de estos repositorios se limita únicamente al Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje con el que fue distribuido. Ello dificulta la adopción de estos objetos en otros espacios, debido a que se deben descargar y volver a subir si se desea usarlo en otro sistema o incluso, en otro curso ofrecido dentro de la misma plataforma. Para que los Objetos de Aprendizaje cumplan con las características de accesibilidad, interoperabilidad y reusabilidad es necesario que estén ubicados de tal manera que sean accesibles por varios usuarios. Esta necesidad es cubierta por los Repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizaje (LOR, por sus siglas en inglés) que son bases de datos en línea que guardan, gestionan y comparten Objetos de aprendizaje. En este proyecto se realizará el análisis de los requisitos con los que debe contar el repositorio, así como las características con las que deben contar los Objetos de Aprendizaje que serán almacenados. También se realizará el diseño de la arquitectura del sistema. Finalmente, la implementación de un Repositorio de Objetos de Aprendizaje que pueda integrarse a plataformas LMS. Que además cuente con herramientas de apoyo que aseguren un mejor aprovechamiento de los Objetos de Aprendizaje como la generación de contenido derivado y funcionalidades de búsqueda por características tomando en cuenta la utilidad del objeto para el usuario.Tesi

    A best practice e-learning environment for software training

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    The incorporation of best practice in e-learning environments can increase the probability of success for companies and learners alike. By identifying and understanding the barriers that potential learners may face when interacting with e-learning products, the potential for e-learning failure may be alleviated. There are a variety of benefits that may be realised by companies incorporating e-learning opportunities into their management strategies. However, certain pedagogical principles, metrics and components need to be investigated and implemented in order for a corporate e-learning environment to be successful. The aim of this research is to prototype and evaluate a practical e-learning environment for software training (eLESTP) with e-learning components consisting of interactive learning objects that can guide the development and management of online training in the corporate context. The eLESTP is based on a theoretical contribution that is conceptualised in the form of an e-learning environment for software training (eLESTT). Hence, this study followed a research methodology that is appropriate for educational technologies, namely the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology, which was applied in iterative cycles. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected by means of a case study, interviews, a focus group and survey. The proposed eLESTP underwent several iterations of feedback and improvement and the result is a real-world solution to the problem at hand. With the purpose of determining the success of corporate e-learning, the barriers and critical success factors for e-learning as well as evaluation criteria were explored. Interviews, a focus group and a survey were conducted in order to validate the investigated literature in a real-world context. Informal interviews enabled a better understanding of the organisational context of this study. The focus group was conducted with customers who were undergoing face-to-face training using conveyancing software developed by Korbitec. Many of the issues faced by learners identified in literature regarding e-learning in developing countries were identified by the participants from the case study. An e-learning survey was used to gather information regarding the intention of Korbitec’s customers to use e-learning as well as their satisfaction with using e-learning. From the survey, it was found that respondents were positive regarding intention to use and satisfaction toward e-learning usage. DBR Cycle 1: Problem Investigation and Proposal entailed the initial problem investigation by conducting a literature review, focus group and survey. DBR Cycle 2: Design Alternative 1 of this study involved a design alternative for eLESTP, namely Prototype 1. DBR Cycle 3: Design and Evaluate Alternative 2 involved the design and prototyping of Prototype 2 for eLESTP as well as the improvement of Prototype 2 through sub-cycles of testing and refinement. The suggestions for improvement were obtained from the relevant stakeholders at Korbitec who are content developers and subject-matter experts. The criteria used to evaluate the success of eLESTP, including its e-learning components, were synthesised and adapted from literature and a new set of evaluation criteria for e-learning environments in software training contexts was proposed. The evaluated eLESTP consists of the technology basis of the Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), design guidelines for e-learning components, certification and competency-based training, pedagogical principles and best practice. Overall, eLESTP was positively received by various evaluator groups in formative and summative evaluations. The research results indicate that the use of an e-learning environment for software training purposes was useful and necessary. In support of this Masters dissertation, the following three conference papers have been published and presented at one local conference and two international conferences. In addition, an article has been published in an accredited journal: 1. IDIA 2015, Conference Paper – Zanzibar (Tanzania); 2. Conf-IRM 2016, Conference Paper – Cape Town (South Africa); 3. MCIS 2016, Conference Paper – Cyprus (Europe); and 4. IJIKM 2016, Journal Article

    An e-learning environment for enterprise resource planning systems

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) education can positively impact the success of an ERP implementation. Incorporating new tools and technologies into the learning process can potentially alleviate the evident problems with ERP education. Blended learning and e-learning environments both offer opportunities for improvement in education. However, there are various factors and components that need to be in place for such an environment to be successful. The aim of this research is to provide an ERP e-Learning Environment (ERPeL) that can assist with ERP education in terms of creating an integrated and comprehensive learning environment for novice ERP users. In order to achieve this aim, this study followed the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology which is specific to educational technology research and was applied in iterative cycles where various components of the environment were evaluated by different participants. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected by means of field studies (interviews, focus groups and questionnaires). The proposed ERPeL underwent several iterations of feedback and improvement. In order to determine the success of e-learning, various critical success factors and evaluation criteria were investigated. Field studies were conducted in order to validate the theory in a real-world context. An initial field study was conducted with third year Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) students who were enrolled in the 2014 ERP systems’ module in the Department of Computing Sciences. Many of the problems identified in theory were found to be prevalent in the real-world context. One of the DBR process cycles involved the implementation of specific components of the ERPeL at the Developing and Strengthening Industry-driven Knowledge-transfer between developing Countries (DASIK) introduction to ERP systems course. Participants were either NMMU students, academic staff or industry delegates. The components evaluated included videos, learning content, badges, assessment and the SYSPRO Latte m-learning application. Additional components of a leader board, live chats, peer reviewing, expert reviews, user generated content, consultancy with experts and SYSPRO ERP certification were implemented in the subsequent cycle where participants were 2015 third year NMMU ERP systems students. The criteria used to evaluate the success of the ERPeL and its e-learning components were adapted from literature and a new set of evaluation criteria for e-learning was proposed. The ERPeL is made up of Moodle, the SYSPRO ERP System, the SYSPRO e-Learning System, the SYSPRO Latte m-learning application, learning content and components. Overall the ERPeL was positively received by the various sample groups. The research results indicate that the use of an e-learning environment for ERP systems was positively received. The most positive aspects reported were the implementation of e-learning components such as the interactive videos, simulations and m-learning. In support of this Masters dissertation, the following three papers have been published and presented at two local conferences and one international conference: 1. SACLA 2014, Port Elizabeth (South Africa); 2. SAICSIT 2015, Stellenbosch (South Africa); and 3. IDIA 2015, Zanzibar (Tanzania)