5 research outputs found

    PETRA: Process Evolution using a TRAce-based system on a maintenance platform

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    To meet increasing needs in the field of maintenance, we studied the dynamic aspect of process and services on a maintenance platform, a major challenge in process mining and knowledge engineering. Hence, we propose a dynamic experience feedback approach to exploit maintenance process behaviors in real execution of the maintenance platform. An active learning process exploiting event log is introduced by taking into account the dynamic aspect of knowledge using trace engineering. Our proposal makes explicit the underlying knowledge of platform users by means of a trace-based system called “PETRA”. The goal of this system is to extract new knowledge rules about transitions and activities in maintenance processes from previous platform executions as well as its user (i.e. maintenance operators) interactions. While following a Knowledge Traces Discovery process and handling the maintenance ontology IMAMO, “PETRA” is composed of three main subsystems: tracking, learning and knowledge capitalization. The capitalized rules are shared in the platform knowledge base in order to be reused in future process executions. The feasibility of this method is proven through concrete use cases involving four maintenance processes and their simulation

    Student's intention to use wikis for Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)

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    Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) is very prominent nowadays. Even though OCL is utilized all over the globe, there are still limitations in evaluating the factors influencing intention to use tools and technologies of online collaborative learning, especially in Malaysia. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the intention to use Wikis for OCL through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) has been adopted in designing the theoretical framework for the study. This framework is applied to examine the significant differences between level of study related to factors affecting the intention to use Wikis namely the performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, the features of OCL and intention to use. A survey was used to collect usable data from 233 undergraduate students in a Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used as the technique for data analysis. The results show that all construct was significant predictors of intention to use Wikis. Overall, the proposed model achieves an acceptable fit and explains its variance for 66% of sample. The implications of the study‟s findings for practice and research are discussed, and avenues for future research outlined

    Modeling and exploitation of the traces of interactions in the collaborative working environment

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    Les sciences humaines et le progrès social ne peuvent pas se poursuivre sans collaboration. Avec le développement rapide des technologies de l'information et la popularité des appareils intelligents, le travail collaboratif est beaucoup plus simple et plus fréquents que jamais. Les gens peuvent travailler ensemble sans tenir compte de leur emplacement/ location géographique ou de la limitation de temps. Les environnements de travail de collaboration basés sur le Web sont conçus et consacrés à supporter/soutenir le travail individuel et le travail en groupe dans divers domaines: la recherche, les affaires, l'éducation, etc. N'importe quelle activité dans un système d'information produit un ensemble de traces. Dans un contexte de travail collaboratif, de telles traces peuvent être très volumineuses et hétérogènes. Pour un Environnement de Travail Collaboratif (ETC) typique Basé sur le Web, les traces sont principalement produites par des activités collaboratives ou des interactions collaboratives et peuvent être enregistrées. Les traces modélisées ne représentent pas seulement la connaissance, mais aussi l'expérience acquise par les acteurs via leurs interactions mutuelles ou les interactions qu'ils ont avec le système. Avec la complexité croissante de la structure de groupe et les besoins fréquents de collaboration, les interactions existantes deviennent de plus en plus difficiles à saisir et à analyser. Or, pour leurs travaux futurs, les gens ont souvent besoin de récupérer des informations issues de leurs activités de collaboration précédentes. Cette thèse se concentre sur la définition, la modélisation et l'exploitation des différentes traces dans le contexte d'Environnement de Travail Collaboratif et en particulier aux Traces Collaboratives dans l'espace de travail partagé de groupe (ou l'espace de travail collaboratif). Un modèle de traces de collaboration qui peuvent efficacement enrichir l'expérience du groupe et aider à la collaboration de groupe est proposé et détaillé. Nous présentons ensuite et définissons un type de filtre complexe comme un moyen possible d'exploiter ces traces. Plusieurs scénarios de base d'exploitation des traces collaboratives sont présentés. Pour chacun d'entre eux, nous présentons leurs effets et les avantages procurés par ces effets dans l'environnement de travail collaboratif. En effet, un cadre de l'exploitation des traces général est introduit et nous expliquons mis en œuvre dans un ETC. Trois approches collaboratives générant des traces sont discutées à l'aide d'exemples: l'Analyse SWOT, l'intégration de modèle de maturité de la capacité (CMMI) et le Système de Recommandation de Groupe. Une expérimentation de ce modèle a été réalisée dans le cadre de la plate-forme collaborative E-MEMORAe2.0. Cette expérience montre que notre modèle de trace collaborative et le cadre d'exploitation proposé pour l'environnement de travail collaboratif peuvent faciliter à la fois le travail personnel et de groupe. Notre approche peut être appliquée comme un moyen générique pour traiter différents sujets et problèmes, qu'il s'agisse de collaboration ou de l'exploitation des traces laissées dans un ECT.Human science and social progress cannot continue without collaboration. With the rapid development of information technologies and the popularity of smart devices, collaborative work is much simpler and more common than ever. People can work together irrespective of their geographical location or time limitation. In recently years, Web-based Collaborative Working Environments (CWE) are designed and devoted to support both individual and group work to a greater extent in various areas: research, business, learning and etc. Any activity in an information system produces a set of traces. In a collaborative working context, such traces may be very voluminous and heterogeneous. For a typical Webbased Collaborative Working Environment, traces are mainly produced by collaborative activities or interactions and can be recorded. The modeled traces not only represent knowledge but also experience concerning the interactive actions among the actors or between actors and the system. With the increasing complexity of group structure and frequent collaboration needs, the existing interactions become more difficult to grasp and to analyze. And for the future work, people often need to retrieve more information from their previous collaborative activities. This thesis focuses on defining, modeling and exploiting the various traces in the context of CWE, in particular, Collaborative Traces (CTs) in the group shared/collaborativeworkspace. A model of collaborative traces that can efficiently enrich group experience and assist group collaboration is proposed and detailed. In addition, we introduce and define a type of complex filter as a possible means to exploit the traces. Several basic scenarios of collaborative traces exploitation are presented describing their effects and advantages in CWE. Furthermore, a general traces exploitation framework is introduced and implemented in CWE. Three possible traces based collaborative approaches are discussed with comprehensive examples: SWOT Analysis, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and Group Recommendation System. As a practical experience we tested our model in the context of the E-MEMORAe2.0 collaborative platform. Practical cases show that our proposed CT model and the exploitation framework for CWE can facilitate both personal and group work. This approach can be applied as a generic way for addressing different types of collaboration and trace issues/problems in CWE.COMPIEGNE-BU (601592101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modelo para el diseño de sistemas gestores de workflows con funcionalidades colaborativas, cloud y móviles

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    This research was developed in the context of WFMS (Workflow Management Systems), mobile applications, cloud computing, and collaborative systems. Currently the design of WFMS is based on the reference model proposed by the WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition). The problem that exists today in the design and development of WfMS is that the reference model proposed by the WfMC was designed many years before the rise of mobile technologies, cloud computing and collaborative systems. It is important to create a new model for the design of WfMS taking in to account the new technological features and functionalities offered by mobile devices, collaborative and cloud computing services along with new paradigms of collaboration that can occur when using these technological solutions. This research has the general objective of obtain a model for the design of WfMS with Collaborative, Cloud and Mobile functionalities. For the development of this research we use the design - science research paradigm used in the research field of information systems. Is fully oriented to the solution of problems and has as a main goal the development and evaluation of artifacts that serve for a practical purpose, these artifacts must be completely relevant and novel in its application environment. The steps that were undertaken in order to carry out this research with the design - science methodology were: 1) A problem in the field of WfMS was identified. 2) The features the artifact should have in order to solve the problem were proposed, and also how the artifact would be represented in this case as a model. 3) The design processes that should be used to build the device were identified and proposed. 4) The artifact and the design process were theoretically justified with methodologies and models widely accepted in the field of information systems. 5) During the design cycle a model for evaluating software architectures was applied. 6) In order to introduce the artifact in the field of application we have carried out an implementation of the model resulting in a WfMS mobile application with collaborative, cloud and mobile functionalities. We have conducted a Delphi study in order to assess the functionalities of the new artifact and demonstrate its utility in its field of application. 7) The result of this research adds to the knowledge base a new model for the design and development of WfMS with collaborative, cloud and mobile functionalities. An article with the results of this research was published and presented to the scientific community. 8) The main objective and all the objectives in this research have been satisfactorily completed, this research has proved that the designed artifact solves the problem proposed in this research and that the artifact provides utility in the field of WfMS. This research propose a new methodology for conducting a Delphi study using the WfMS mobile application that was developed in this research. Each one of the Delphi questionnaires are made through a Wokflow and the use of cloud collaborative tools in order to store both the questionnaires as well as the results of the evaluation of the questionnaires. This research makes the following contributions: a model for the design of WfMS with collaborative, cloud and mobile functionalities. A Concrete Architecture as a result of implementing the new model. A Software Architecture for the development of WfMS as a result of implementing the Concrete Architecture. A WfMS mobile application for the iOS platform as a result of the implementation of the software architecture. A methodology for conducting a Delphi study using a WfMS mobile application with cloud collaborative tools.Este trabajo de investigación se desarrolla en el contexto de WfMS (Workflow Management Systems), aplicaciones móviles, cloud computing y sistemas colaborativos. Actualmente el diseño de WfMS está basado en el modelo de referencia propuesto por la WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition). Actualmente el diseño y desarrollo de WfMS sigue el modelo de referencia propuesto por la WfMC, que fue diseñado con anterioridad a que surgierán las tecnologías móviles, cloud computing y los sistemas colaborativos. Es importante crear un nuevo modelo para el diseño de WfMS que tenga en cuenta las nuevas características y funcionalidades tecnológicas que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles, los servicios colaborativos y de cloud computing, junto con los nuevos paradigmas de colaboración que se pueden dar al utilizar estas soluciones tecnológicas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal el proponer un modelo para el diseño de WfMS con funcionalidades Colaborativas, Cloud y Móviles. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación utilizamos el paradigma de investigación Diseño-Ciencia utilizado en el campo de investigación de los sistemas de información. Los pasos que se llevaron a cabo para realizar la investigación con la metodología diseño-ciencia, fueron los siguientes: 1) Se identifica un problema en el ámbito de los WfMS. 2) Se propusieron las características que debía tener el artefacto que se necesitaba para solucionar el problema y se seleccionó la forma en que iba a ser representado el artefacto, en este caso un modelo. 3) Se identificaron y propusieron los procesos de diseño que deberían ser utilizados para construir el artefacto. 4) Se justificó teóricamente, con metodologías y modelos ampliamente aceptados en el campo de sistemas de información, el artefacto y el proceso de diseño. 5) Durante el ciclo de diseño hemos utilizado un modelo de evaluación de arquitecturas de software. 6) Con la finalidad de introducir el artefacto dentro del campo de aplicación hemos realizado una implementación del modelo dando como resultado final una aplicación móvil de WfMS con funcionalidades colaborativas, cloud y móviles. Hemos llevado a cabo un estudio Delphi para evaluar las funcionalidades del nuevo artefacto y demostrar su utilidad en su campo de aplicación. 7) El resultado de esta investigación añade a la base de conocimiento un nuevo modelo que sirve para el diseño y desarrollo de WfMS con funcionalidades colaborativas, cloud y móviles. Se ha escrito un artículo para la comunidad científica donde se publican los resultados de esta investigación. 8) El objetivo principal y todos los objetivos propuestos en esta investigación se han cumplido satisfactoriamente, hemos logrado demostrar que el artefacto diseñado resuelve el problema planteado en esta investigación y que este artefacto provee utilidad en el campo de los WfMS. En esta investigación se presenta una nueva metodología para realizar un estudio Delphi mediante el uso de la aplicación móvil de WfMS que fue desarrollada en esta investigación. Cada uno de los cuestionarios del estudio Delphi se hicieron a través de un Wokflow y se hizo uso de herramientas colaborativas en la nube para almacenar tanto los cuestionarios así como también los resultados de la evaluación de los cuestionarios. Esta investigación hace las siguientes aportaciones: un modelo para el diseño de WfMS con funcionalidades colaborativas, cloud y móviles. Una Arquitectura Concreta resultado de la implementación del nuevo modelo. Una Arquitectura de Software para el desarrollo de WfMS resultado de la implementación de la Arquitectura Concreta. Una aplicación móvil de WfMS para la plataforma iOS y dispositivos iPad resultado de la implementación de la arquitectura de software. Una metodología para realizar un estudio Delphi utilizando una aplicación móvil de WfMS con herramientas colaborativas en la nube