9,224 research outputs found

    Automated Container Terminals

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    U ovom radu osvrnut će se na prednosti i mane automatizacije terminala, njihovu ulogu u pomorskom prijevozu kontejnera, funkcioniranje i tehničko – tehnološke značajke te princip rada u najpoznatijim automatiziranim kontejnerskim terminalima. Spomenut će se kontejner kao teret, začetnici kontejnerskog tereta i kontejnerskog prijevoza uz objašnjeni uvod i postupnu evoluciju kontejnerskog pomorskog prometa. Pojašnjena povijest i statistika kontejnerskog prometa prije automatizacije poslužit će kao pokazatelj i usporedba funkcionalnosti terminala danas, razlika učinkovitosti i efikasnosti nekada i danas. Prikazat će se projektiranje, modeliranje, simulacija i procjena nekoliko automatiziranih terminala. To uključuje terminal koji upošljava automatski vođena vozila (engl. Automated Guided Vehicle - AGV) te automatizirani terminal s linearnim sustavom prijenosa motora (engl. Linear Motor Conveyance System - LMCS). Unatoč tome što je prvi dodir s automatizacijom bio prije više od dva desetljeća, tek od nedavno se aktivno implementira u praktičnom radu. S ciljem vjerodostojnijeg objašnjavanja prikazat će se praktičan rad i princip rada u najuspješnijim i trenutno najpoznatijim pomorskim kontejnerskim terminalima.Thisfinal work focuses on advantages and disadvantages of terminal automation, their role in maritime container transportation, operation and technical-technological features, and the principle of operation in the most well known automated terminals. Container will be described as cargo and as well as initiators of container transportation, with th eexplained introduction and the gradual evolution of container shipping. Explained history and statistics of container traffic before automation will serve as an indicator and comparison of terminal functionality today and before, as well as differences in efficiency before and today. Design, modeling, simulation and evaluation of several automated terminals will be displayed. This includes a terminal that employs an Automate Guided Vehicle (AGV) and a Linear Motor Conveyance System (LMCS) powered by terminal. Despite the fact that the firs tcontact with automation was more than two decades ago, it has only recently been actively implemented in practical work. With a view to a more credible explanation, practical work and the principle of work incurrently most known maritime container terminals will be presented

    Automated Container Terminals

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    U ovom radu osvrnut će se na prednosti i mane automatizacije terminala, njihovu ulogu u pomorskom prijevozu kontejnera, funkcioniranje i tehničko – tehnološke značajke te princip rada u najpoznatijim automatiziranim kontejnerskim terminalima. Spomenut će se kontejner kao teret, začetnici kontejnerskog tereta i kontejnerskog prijevoza uz objašnjeni uvod i postupnu evoluciju kontejnerskog pomorskog prometa. Pojašnjena povijest i statistika kontejnerskog prometa prije automatizacije poslužit će kao pokazatelj i usporedba funkcionalnosti terminala danas, razlika učinkovitosti i efikasnosti nekada i danas. Prikazat će se projektiranje, modeliranje, simulacija i procjena nekoliko automatiziranih terminala. To uključuje terminal koji upošljava automatski vođena vozila (engl. Automated Guided Vehicle - AGV) te automatizirani terminal s linearnim sustavom prijenosa motora (engl. Linear Motor Conveyance System - LMCS). Unatoč tome što je prvi dodir s automatizacijom bio prije više od dva desetljeća, tek od nedavno se aktivno implementira u praktičnom radu. S ciljem vjerodostojnijeg objašnjavanja prikazat će se praktičan rad i princip rada u najuspješnijim i trenutno najpoznatijim pomorskim kontejnerskim terminalima.Thisfinal work focuses on advantages and disadvantages of terminal automation, their role in maritime container transportation, operation and technical-technological features, and the principle of operation in the most well known automated terminals. Container will be described as cargo and as well as initiators of container transportation, with th eexplained introduction and the gradual evolution of container shipping. Explained history and statistics of container traffic before automation will serve as an indicator and comparison of terminal functionality today and before, as well as differences in efficiency before and today. Design, modeling, simulation and evaluation of several automated terminals will be displayed. This includes a terminal that employs an Automate Guided Vehicle (AGV) and a Linear Motor Conveyance System (LMCS) powered by terminal. Despite the fact that the firs tcontact with automation was more than two decades ago, it has only recently been actively implemented in practical work. With a view to a more credible explanation, practical work and the principle of work incurrently most known maritime container terminals will be presented

    Modeling and Design of Container Terminal Operations

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    Design of container terminal operations is complex because multiple factors affect the operational perfor- mance. These factors include: topological constraints, a large number of design parameters and settings, and stochastic interactions that interplay among the quayside, vehicle transport, and stackside processes. In this research, we propose new integrated queuing network models for rapid design evaluation of container terminals with Automated Lift Vehicles (ALVs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). These models offer the flexibility to analyze alternate design variations and develop insights. For instance, the effect of alternate vehicle dwell point policy is analyzed using state-dependent queues, whereas the efficient terminal layout is determined using variation in the service time expressions at the stations. Further, using embedded Markov chain analysis, we develop an approximate procedure for analyzing bulk container arrivals. These models form the building block for design and analysis of large-scale terminal operations. We test the model efficacy using detailed in-house simulation experiments and real-terminal validation by partnering with an external party

    Sea Container Terminals

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    Due to a rapid growth in world trade and a huge increase in containerized goods, sea container terminals play a vital role in globe-spanning supply chains. Container terminals should be able to handle large ships, with large call sizes within the shortest time possible, and at competitive rates. In response, terminal operators, shipping liners, and port authorities are investing in new technologies to improve container handling infrastructure and operational efficiency. Container terminals face challenging research problems which have received much attention from the academic community. The focus of this paper is to highlight the recent developments in the container terminals, which can be categorized into three areas: (1) innovative container terminal technologies, (2) new OR directions and models for existing research areas, and (3) emerging areas in container terminal research. By choosing this focus, we complement existing reviews on container terminal operations

    Stochastic Modeling of Unloading and Loading Operations at a Container Terminal using Automated Lifting Vehicles

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    With growing worldwide trade, container terminals have grown in number and size. Many new terminals are now automated to increase operational efficiency. The key focus is on improving seaside processes, where a distinction can be made between single quay crane operations (all quay cranes are either loading or unloading containers) and overlapping quay crane operations (some quay cranes are loading while others are unloading containers). From existing studies, it is not clear if the design insights obtained from analyzing single operations, such as optimal stack layout, are consistent with the insights obtained from analyzing overlapping operations. In this paper, we develop new integrated stochastic models for analyzing the performance of overlapping loading and unloading operations that capture the complex stochastic interactions among quayside, vehicle, and stackside processes. Using these integrated models, we are able to show that that there are stack layout configurations that are robust for both single (either loading or unloading) and for overlapping (both loading and unloading) operations

    Simulation model to determine ratios between quay, yard and intra-terminal transfer equipment in an integrated container handling system

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    This paper presents a generic simulation model to determine the equipment mix (quay, yard and intra-terminal transfer) for a Container Terminal Logistics Operations System (CTLOS). The simulation model for the CTLOS, a typical type of discrete event dynamic system (DEDS), consists of three sub-models: ship queue, loading-unloading operations and yard-gate operations. The simulation model is empirically applied to phase 1 of the Yangshan Deep Water Port in Shanghai. This study considers different scenarios in terms of container throughput levels, equipment utilization rates, and operational bottle-necks, and presents a sensitivity analysis to evaluate and choose reasonable equipment ratio ranges under different operational conditions