10 research outputs found

    Driver`s Steering Behaviour Identification and Modelling in Near Rear-End collision

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    This paper studies and identifies driver`s steering manoeuvre behaviour in near rear-end collision. Time-To-Collision (TTC) is utilized in defining driver’s emergency threat assessment. The target scenario is set up under real experimental environment and the naturalistic data from the experiment are collected. Four normal drivers are employed for the experiment to perform the manoeuvre. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is proposed to model the behaviour of the driver`s steering manoeuvre. The results show that all drivers manage to perform steering manoeuvre within the safe TTC region and the modelling results from ANN are reasonably positive. With further studies and improvements, this model would benefit to evaluate the driving reliability to enhance traffic safety and Intelligent Transportation System

    A Learning-Based Framework for Two-Dimensional Vehicle Maneuver Prediction over V2V Networks

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    Situational awareness in vehicular networks could be substantially improved utilizing reliable trajectory prediction methods. More precise situational awareness, in turn, results in notably better performance of critical safety applications, such as Forward Collision Warning (FCW), as well as comfort applications like Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). Therefore, vehicle trajectory prediction problem needs to be deeply investigated in order to come up with an end to end framework with enough precision required by the safety applications' controllers. This problem has been tackled in the literature using different methods. However, machine learning, which is a promising and emerging field with remarkable potential for time series prediction, has not been explored enough for this purpose. In this paper, a two-layer neural network-based system is developed which predicts the future values of vehicle parameters, such as velocity, acceleration, and yaw rate, in the first layer and then predicts the two-dimensional, i.e. longitudinal and lateral, trajectory points based on the first layer's outputs. The performance of the proposed framework has been evaluated in realistic cut-in scenarios from Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) dataset and the results show a noticeable improvement in the prediction accuracy in comparison with the kinematics model which is the dominant employed model by the automotive industry. Both ideal and nonideal communication circumstances have been investigated for our system evaluation. For non-ideal case, an estimation step is included in the framework before the parameter prediction block to handle the drawbacks of packet drops or sensor failures and reconstruct the time series of vehicle parameters at a desirable frequency

    Statistical‐based approach for driving style recognition using Bayesian probability with kernel density estimation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/166283/1/itr2bf00581.pd

    Modeling and Prediction of Driving Behaviors Using a Nonparametric Bayesian Method with AR Models

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    To develop a new generation advanced driver assistance system that avoids a dangerous condition in advance, we need to predict driving behaviors. Since a nonparametric Bayesian method with a two-level structure successfully predicted the symbolized behaviors only, we applied a nonparametric Bayesian method with linear dynamical systems to predicting the driving behavior. The method called the beta process autoregressive hidden Markov model (BP-AR-HMM) segments driving behaviors into states each of which corresponds to an AR model and it predicts future behaviors using the estimated future state sequence and the dynamical systems therein. Here, the segmentation as well as the parameters of the dynamical systems are determined using given training data in an unsupervised way. We carried out experiments with real driving data and found that the BP-AR-HMM predicted driving behaviors better than other methods

    Application and Control Aware Communication Strategies for Transportation and Energy Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber--Physical Systems (CPSs) are a generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control components are tightly integrated. Some important application domains of CPS are transportation, energy, and medical systems. The dynamics of CPSs are complex, involving the stochastic nature of communication systems, discrete dynamics of computing systems, and continuous dynamics of control systems. The existence of communication between and among controllers of physical processes is one of the basic characteristics of CPSs. Under this situation, some fundamental questions are: 1) How does the network behavior (communication delay, packet loss, etc.) affect the stability of the system? 2) Under what conditions is a complex system stabilizable?;In cases where communication is a component of a control system, scalability of the system becomes a concern. Therefore, one of the first issues to consider is how information about a physical process should be communicated. For example, the timing for sampling and communication is one issue. The traditional approach is to sample the physical process periodically or at predetermined times. An alternative is to sample it when specific events occur. Event-based sampling requires continuous monitoring of the system to decide a sample needs to be communicated. The main contributions of this dissertation in energy cyber-physical system domain are designing and modeling of event-based (on-demand) communication mechanisms. We show that in the problem of tracking a dynamical system over a network, if message generation and communication have correlation with estimation error, the same performance as the periodic sampling and communication method can be reached using a significantly lower rate of data.;For more complex CPSs such as vehicle safety systems, additional considerations for the communication component are needed. Communication strategies that enable robust situational awareness are critical for the design of CPSs, in particular for transportation systems. In this dissertation, we utilize the recently introduced concept of model-based communication and propose a new communication strategy to address this need. Our approach to model behavior of remote vehicles mathematically is to describe the small-scale structure of the remote vehicle movement (e.g. braking, accelerating) by a set of dynamic models and represent the large-scale structure (e.g. free following, turning) by coupling these dynamic models together into a Markov chain. Assuming model-based communication approach, a novel stochastic model predictive method is proposed to achieve cruise control goals and investigate the effect of new methodology.;To evaluate the accuracy and robustness of a situational awareness methodology, it is essential to study the mutual effect of the components of a situational awareness subsystem, and their impact on the accuracy of situational awareness. The main components are estimation and networking processes. One possible approach in this task is to produce models that provide a clear view into the dynamics of these two components. These models should integrate continuous physical dynamics, expressed with ordinary differential equations, with the discrete behaviors of communication, expressed with finite automata or Markov chain. In this dissertation, a hybrid automata model is proposed to combine and model both networking and estimation components in a single framework and investigate their interactions.;In summary, contributions of this dissertation lie in designing and evaluating methods that utilize knowledge of the physical element of CPSs to optimize the behavior of communication subsystems. Employment of such methods yields significant overall system performance improvement without incurring additional communication deployment costs

    Actas de las XXXIV Jornadas de AutomĂĄtica

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