348 research outputs found

    A New Switched State Jump Observer for Traffic Density Estimation in Expressways Based on Hybrid-Dynamic-Traffic-Network-Model

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    When faced with problems such as traffic state estimation, state prediction, and congestion identification for the expressway network, a novel switched observer design strategy with jump states is required to reconstruct the traffic scene more realistically. In this study, the expressway network is firstly modeled as the special discrete switched system, which is called the piecewise affine system model, a partition of state subspace is introduced, and the convex polytopes are utilized to describe the combination modes of cells. Secondly, based on the hybrid dynamic traffic network model, the corresponding switched observer (including state jumps) is designed. Furthermore, by applying multiple Lyapunov functions and S-procedure theory, the observer design problem can be converted into the existence issue of the solutions to the linear matrix inequality. As a result, a set of gain matrices can be obtained. The estimated states start to jump when the mode changes occur, and the updated value of the estimated state mainly depends on the estimated and the measured values at the previous time. Lastly, the designed state jump observer is applied to the Beijing Jingkai expressway, and the superiority and the feasibility are demonstrated in the application results

    Parameter estimation for stochastic hybrid model applied to urban traffic flow estimation

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    This study proposes a novel data-based approach for estimating the parameters of a stochastic hybrid model describing the traffic flow in an urban traffic network with signalized intersections. The model represents the evolution of the traffic flow rate, measuring the number of vehicles passing a given location per time unit. This traffic flow rate is described using a mode-dependent first-order autoregressive (AR) stochastic process. The parameters of the AR process take different values depending on the mode of traffic operation – free flowing, congested or faulty – making this a hybrid stochastic process. Mode switching occurs according to a first-order Markov chain. This study proposes an expectation-maximization (EM) technique for estimating the transition matrix of this Markovian mode process and the parameters of the AR models for each mode. The technique is applied to actual traffic flow data from the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. The model thus obtained is validated by using the smoothed inference algorithms and an online particle filter. The authors also develop an EM parameter estimation that, in combination with a time-window shift technique, can be useful and practical for periodically updating the parameters of hybrid model leading to an adaptive traffic flow state estimator

    The MATSim Network Flow Model for Traffic Simulation Adapted to Large-Scale Emergency Egress and an Application to the Evacuation of the Indonesian City of Padang in Case of a Tsunami Warning

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    The evacuation of whole cities or even regions is an important problem, as demonstrated by recent events such as evacuation of Houston in the case of Hurricane Rita or the evacuation of coastal cities in the case of Tsunamis. This paper describes a complex evacuation simulation framework for the city of Pandang, with approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants. Padang faces a high risk of being inundated by a tsunami wave. The evacuation simulation is based on the MATSim framework for large-scale transport simulations. Different optimization parameters like evacuation distance, evacuation time, or the variation of the advance warning time are investigated. The results are given as overall evacuation times, evacuation curves, an detailed GIS analysis of the evacuation directions. All these results are discussed with regard to their usability for evacuation recommendations.BMBF, 03G0666E, Verbundprojekt FW: Last-mile Evacuation; Vorhaben: Evakuierungsanalyse und Verkehrsoptimierung, Evakuierungsplan einer Stadt - Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIENBMBF, 03NAPAI4, Transport und Verkehr: Verbundprojekt ADVEST: Adaptive Verkehrssteuerung; Teilprojekt Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrssteuerung in Megacitie

    Mathematical Model and Cloud Computing of Road Network Operations under Non-Recurrent Events

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    Optimal traffic control under incident-driven congestion is crucial for road safety and maintaining network performance. Over the last decade, prediction and simulation of road traffic play important roles in network operation. This dissertation focuses on development of a machine learning-based prediction model, a stochastic cell transmission model (CTM), and an optimisation model. Numerical studies were performed to evaluate the proposed models. The results indicate that proposed models are helpful for road management during road incidents

    A Model of the Rise and Fall of Roads

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    Transportation network planning decisions made at one point of time can have profound impacts in the future. However, transportation networks are usually assumed tobe static in models of land use. A better understanding of the natural growth pattern of roads will provide valuable guidance to planners who try to shape the future network. This paper analyzes the relationships between network supply and travel demand, and describes a road development and degeneration mechanism microscopically at the linklevel. A simulation model of transportation network dynamics is developed, involving iterative evolution of travel demand patterns, network revenue policies, cost estimation,and investment rules. The model is applied to a real-world congesting network – the Twin Cities transportation network which comprises nearly 8,000 nodes and more than 20,000 links, using network data collected since year 1978. Four experiments are carried out with different initial conditions and constraints, the results from which allow us toexplore model properties such as computational feasibility, qualitative implications, potential calibration procedures, and predictive value. The hypothesis that roadhierarchies are emergent properties of transportation networks is confirmed, and the underlying reasons discovered. Spatial distribution of capacity, traffic flow, andcongestion in the transportation network is tracked over time. Potential improvements to the model in particular and future research directions in transportation network dynamicsin general are also discussed.Transportation network dynamics, Urban planning, Road suppl

    Distributed optimization of multi-agent systems: Framework, local optimizer, and applications

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    Convex optimization problem can be solved in a centralized or distributed manner. Compared with centralized methods based on single-agent system, distributed algorithms rely on multi-agent systems with information exchanging among connected neighbors, which leads to great improvement on the system fault tolerance. Thus, a task within multi-agent system can be completed with presence of partial agent failures. By problem decomposition, a large-scale problem can be divided into a set of small-scale sub-problems that can be solved in sequence/parallel. Hence, the computational complexity is greatly reduced by distributed algorithm in multi-agent system. Moreover, distributed algorithm allows data collected and stored in a distributed fashion, which successfully overcomes the drawbacks of using multicast due to the bandwidth limitation. Distributed algorithm has been applied in solving a variety of real-world problems. Our research focuses on the framework and local optimizer design in practical engineering applications. In the first one, we propose a multi-sensor and multi-agent scheme for spatial motion estimation of a rigid body. Estimation performance is improved in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. Second, we develop a cyber-physical system and implement distributed computation devices to optimize the in-building evacuation path when hazard occurs. The proposed Bellman-Ford Dual-Subgradient path planning method relieves the congestion in corridor and the exit areas. At last, highway traffic flow is managed by adjusting speed limits to minimize the fuel consumption and travel time in the third project. Optimal control strategy is designed through both centralized and distributed algorithm based on convex problem formulation. Moreover, a hybrid control scheme is presented for highway network travel time minimization. Compared with no controlled case or conventional highway traffic control strategy, the proposed hybrid control strategy greatly reduces total travel time on test highway network
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