716 research outputs found


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    Tohoku University乾健太郎課

    Indian Power Metal

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    For my CE, I intend to produce, compose, record, mix and perform a collection of 5 power-metal songs, with a professional level music video to accompany one song.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Popular Culture in the American History Classroom: Using Television, Film, and Popular Music as Primary Source Documents

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    Teaching American history in the high school classroom is more than reviewing events and memorizing dates and facts, more than a preparatory course for high school students to take high-stakes tests that evaluate what they have learned. It is more than a chance to hone lifelong critical thinking skills for the young citizens who attend. Today’s educators struggle to compromise these two expectations; one that stresses student preparation as well-informed, critical-thinking citizens, and the other that emphasizes success on standardized tests. In order to be successful in both areas of significance, the study of primary sources has become a focal point in the teaching of American history. Teachers who grasp the importance of this skill can apply that to lesson preparation and incorporate not only typical primary sources, like photographs, speeches and letters, but elements of popular culture that have bearing on the specific era studied. The first two sections of this thesis project include a comprehensive review, from the 1950’s to the 1990’s, of American television, sitcoms in particular, and American feature films. Discussion also includes popular music of the era. The project’s third section examines the connection of this historical era to classroom curriculum, utilizing multiple intelligences learning strategies, and includes lecture notes and student activities and worksheets

    “I Love Lucy” Gender Analysis and its Influence on Popularity and Longevity

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    This thesis takes an analytical approach to examine the television show I Love Lucy. The contributing factors to the show’s continued success are considered, including Lucille Ball’s comedic style, domesticity and the role of housewives, marital relations, pregnancy on television, and the larger gender representations with a subtopic of social norms. Upon studying the above aspects of I Love Lucy, it is clear that each topic played an essential role in the success of the show. Ball’s comedic style combined with her portrayal of a 1950s housewife, and the social norms that she and her co-stars broke through paved the way for the enduring I Love Lucy phenomenon

    The Good, The Geek, and the Ugly: A Critical Examination of the Portrayal of Geek Women in Popular Media

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    This thesis performs a critical examination of the misrepresentation of geek women in popular media. Part one describes the evolution of the geek through television and film and discusses the continued marginalization of geek women. Part two performs a close reading of two specified episodes of The Big Bang Theory and examines their continuous reinforcement of negative stereotypes as pertains to geek women. Part three performs a case study of two self-identified geek women with a significant online presence. By comparing these real women to the characters seen in the show, the author elucidates the misconceptions made about geek women that are perpetuated by popular cultural icons such as The Big Bang Theory, and the deleterious effects this has on the geek woman\u27s perception by herself and by others

    The Cord (July 27, 2011)

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    Text–to–Video: Image Semantics and NLP

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    When aiming at automatically translating an arbitrary text into a visual story, the main challenge consists in finding a semantically close visual representation whereby the displayed meaning should remain the same as in the given text. Besides, the appearance of an image itself largely influences how its meaningful information is transported towards an observer. This thesis now demonstrates that investigating in both, image semantics as well as the semantic relatedness between visual and textual sources enables us to tackle the challenging semantic gap and to find a semantically close translation from natural language to a corresponding visual representation. Within the last years, social networking became of high interest leading to an enormous and still increasing amount of online available data. Photo sharing sites like Flickr allow users to associate textual information with their uploaded imagery. Thus, this thesis exploits this huge knowledge source of user generated data providing initial links between images and words, and other meaningful data. In order to approach visual semantics, this work presents various methods to analyze the visual structure as well as the appearance of images in terms of meaningful similarities, aesthetic appeal, and emotional effect towards an observer. In detail, our GPU-based approach efficiently finds visual similarities between images in large datasets across visual domains and identifies various meanings for ambiguous words exploring similarity in online search results. Further, we investigate in the highly subjective aesthetic appeal of images and make use of deep learning to directly learn aesthetic rankings from a broad diversity of user reactions in social online behavior. To gain even deeper insights into the influence of visual appearance towards an observer, we explore how simple image processing is capable of actually changing the emotional perception and derive a simple but effective image filter. To identify meaningful connections between written text and visual representations, we employ methods from Natural Language Processing (NLP). Extensive textual processing allows us to create semantically relevant illustrations for simple text elements as well as complete storylines. More precisely, we present an approach that resolves dependencies in textual descriptions to arrange 3D models correctly. Further, we develop a method that finds semantically relevant illustrations to texts of different types based on a novel hierarchical querying algorithm. Finally, we present an optimization based framework that is capable of not only generating semantically relevant but also visually coherent picture stories in different styles.Bei der automatischen Umwandlung eines beliebigen Textes in eine visuelle Geschichte, besteht die größte Herausforderung darin eine semantisch passende visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Dabei sollte die Bedeutung der Darstellung dem vorgegebenen Text entsprechen. Darüber hinaus hat die Erscheinung eines Bildes einen großen Einfluß darauf, wie seine bedeutungsvollen Inhalte auf einen Betrachter übertragen werden. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass die Erforschung sowohl der Bildsemantik als auch der semantischen Verbindung zwischen visuellen und textuellen Quellen es ermöglicht, die anspruchsvolle semantische Lücke zu schließen und eine semantisch nahe Übersetzung von natürlicher Sprache in eine entsprechend sinngemäße visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Des Weiteren gewann die soziale Vernetzung in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung, was zu einer enormen und immer noch wachsenden Menge an online verfügbaren Daten geführt hat. Foto-Sharing-Websites wie Flickr ermöglichen es Benutzern, Textinformationen mit ihren hochgeladenen Bildern zu verknüpfen. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt die enorme Wissensquelle von benutzergenerierten Daten welche erste Verbindungen zwischen Bildern und Wörtern sowie anderen aussagekräftigen Daten zur Verfügung stellt. Zur Erforschung der visuellen Semantik stellt diese Arbeit unterschiedliche Methoden vor, um die visuelle Struktur sowie die Wirkung von Bildern in Bezug auf bedeutungsvolle Ähnlichkeiten, ästhetische Erscheinung und emotionalem Einfluss auf einen Beobachter zu analysieren. Genauer gesagt, findet unser GPU-basierter Ansatz effizient visuelle Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Bildern in großen Datenmengen quer über visuelle Domänen hinweg und identifiziert verschiedene Bedeutungen für mehrdeutige Wörter durch die Erforschung von Ähnlichkeiten in Online-Suchergebnissen. Des Weiteren wird die höchst subjektive ästhetische Anziehungskraft von Bildern untersucht und "deep learning" genutzt, um direkt ästhetische Einordnungen aus einer breiten Vielfalt von Benutzerreaktionen im sozialen Online-Verhalten zu lernen. Um noch tiefere Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss des visuellen Erscheinungsbildes auf einen Betrachter zu gewinnen, wird erforscht, wie alleinig einfache Bildverarbeitung in der Lage ist, tatsächlich die emotionale Wahrnehmung zu verändern und ein einfacher aber wirkungsvoller Bildfilter davon abgeleitet werden kann. Um bedeutungserhaltende Verbindungen zwischen geschriebenem Text und visueller Darstellung zu ermitteln, werden Methoden des "Natural Language Processing (NLP)" verwendet, die der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache dienen. Der Einsatz umfangreicher Textverarbeitung ermöglicht es, semantisch relevante Illustrationen für einfache Textteile sowie für komplette Handlungsstränge zu erzeugen. Im Detail wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der Abhängigkeiten in Textbeschreibungen auflöst, um 3D-Modelle korrekt anzuordnen. Des Weiteren wird eine Methode entwickelt die, basierend auf einem neuen hierarchischen Such-Anfrage Algorithmus, semantisch relevante Illustrationen zu Texten verschiedener Art findet. Schließlich wird ein optimierungsbasiertes Framework vorgestellt, das nicht nur semantisch relevante, sondern auch visuell kohärente Bildgeschichten in verschiedenen Bildstilen erzeugen kann

    Decisions, Decisions: Developing Interactive Fiction for Health Communication

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    Young female undergraduate students frequently engage in sexual activity, often without using condoms. Such risky behavior poses serious physical health risks to these women, their current and future partners, and possibly their children. Consequences of unsafe sex like STIs and unplanned pregnancy can further have serious financial and psychological implications. Health communication campaigns that impart sexual health information and improve attitudes toward safer sex offer a promising means of addressing these serious public health issues. A strategic health communication effort will comprise solid theoretical bases, carefully designed program plans, and ample community involvement to create effective and appealing messages and materials.The Adventures in... project began when four graduate students created a small, vibrant interactive fiction story booklet as a novel means of sexual health outreach for female undergraduates. Initially part of the final assignment for a Health Communication class, the booklet interested several stakeholders at the University of Pittsburgh who gave the graduate students (the project team) opportunity to adapt the item and circulate it in the undergraduate population. Since adapting the booklet to fit cultural, institutional, and other considerations, the Adventures in... project has distributed copies of the item at several student events and received positive initial feedback from members of the target audience. Several challenges arose through the course of the project that delayed its development and limited its outreach, some of which may have been prevented through more careful planning. However, the project team has continued to adapt the message and material to serve the needs of the target population.Interactive fiction as health pedagogy appears to have strong theoretical premise and promise as a form of health communication. This project has public health significance because entertaining communication efforts that promote sexual health are necessary to address young adults' unsafe sex practices. The Adventures in... project consequently must continue its development and outreach efforts. Foremost, it should create more stories on other relevant health topics, expand its reach to other segments of the student population and to other college campuses, and adopt the increasingly popular and accessible online format

    Summarizing text to embed qualitative data into visualizations

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    Qualitative data can be conveyed with strings of text. Fitting longer text into visualizations requires a) space to place the text inside the visualization; and b) appropriate text to fit the space available. For quantitative visualizations, space is available in area marks; or within visualization layouts where the marks have an implied space (e.g. bar charts). For qualitative visualizations, space is defined in common text layouts such as prose paragraphs. To fit text within these layouts is a function for emerging NLP capabilities such as summarization.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted at NLVIZ 2022: Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and Data Visualizatio

    Teacher and Student Perspectives on Songwriting Pedagogy in Middle School

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    A song is a form of musical composition that involves a marriage between words and melody. In music education, songwriting often belongs to the sphere of popular music. Although songs are omnipresent in adolescents’ lives, less than 7% of the secondary schools in the United States offer songwriting. The present study focused on an after-school songwriting course in a middle school in the Southern U.S., a 21st-century learning environment where music and technology walked hand in hand, and adolescents composed, produced, and distributed original songs while finding their voices as songwriters. Five broad interrelated themes emerged from the literature review: songwriting is a place for inclusion, a music technology laboratory, it does not need traditional music notation, the teacher as facilitator, and conceptual teaching. The purpose of this study was to explore middle school songwriting pedagogy, how the teacher designed, implemented, and evaluated the songwriting course, and the students’ perspectives on their experiences. Ethnographic methods of data collection were employed, comprising interviews, field notes and participant observation, documents, and creative writing as research. Thematic and structural narrative analytical approaches suggested that teachers succeeded in forging a 21st-century popular music laboratory where students pursued their interests facilitated by a safe and collaborative environment in which teacher and peer feedback enriched trial-and-error in sound. Teachers’ strategies ranged from modeling to fading and the formulation of scaffolding where students interacted with music technology in a recording studio the size of their hands, resituating play at the center of music-making. Consequently, students learned from eliminating their mistakes and solving real-world musical problems that emerged from and within the processual products of their songwriting. The teacher described her pedagogic approach as focused on constant feedback, modeling, and scaffolding toward small projects that strengthened students’ musicianship. In her view, songwriting was personal. In addition, it offered the opportunity to pull students into large ensembles. Students expressed ease in using Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) on tablet-based devices to facilitate music participation since most did not play a musical instrument. They believed songwriting enabled them to learn to collaborate, take risks, and improve their musical skills through constructive feedback