67 research outputs found

    GAPS : generador de aplicaciones sintéticas

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    Gaps es un generador de aplicaciones sintéticas de estructura compuesta Master/Worker de pipelines. Para crear una aplicación sintética, el investigador utilizará Gaspar, que recibe un fichero de texto con los parámetros de la aplicación a generar: cantidad de workers, etapas, tamaño de mensaje a enviar, etc., y genera un fichero con las propiedades de cada etapa. A partir de estos datos, Gaps, que esta hecho en C con MPI, genera y ejecuta la aplicación paralela. Estas aplicaciones se utilizan para comprobar en un entorno real los estudios analíticos que constituyen el modelo de rendimiento y sintonización dinámica.Gaps és un generador d'aplicacions sintètiques d'estructura composta Màster/Worker de pipelines. Per a crear una aplicació sintètica, d'investigador utilitzarà Gaspar, que rep un fitxer de text amb els paràmetres de l'aplicació a generar: quantitat de workers, etapes, grandària de missatge a enviar, etc., i genera un fitxer amb les propietats de cada etapa. A partir d'aquestes dades, Gaps, que està fet en C amb MPI, genera i executa l'aplicació paral·lela. Aquestes aplicacions s'utilitzen per a comprovar en un entorn real els estudis analítics que constitueixen el model de rendiment i sintonització dinàmica

    A methodology for transparent knowledge specification in a dynamic tuning environment

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    The increasing use of parallel/distributed applications demands a continuous support to take significant advantages from parallel power. This includes the evolution of performance analysis and tuning tools which automatically allows for obtaining a better behavior of the applications. Different approaches and tools have been proposed and they are continuously evolving to cover the requirements and expectations of users. One such tool is MATE (Monitoring Analysis and Tuning Environment), which provides automatic and dynamic tuning for parallel/distributed applications. The knowledge used by MATE to analyze and take decisions is based on performance models which include a set of performance parameters and a set of mathematical expressions modeling the solution of the performance problem. These elements are used by the tuning environment to conduct the monitoring and analysis steps, respectively. The tuning phase depends on the results of the performance analysis. This paper presents a methodology to specify performance models. Each performance model specification can be automatically and transparently translated into a piece of software code encapsulating the knowledge to be straightforwardly included in MATE. Applying this methodology, the user does not have to be involved in the implementation details of MATE, which makes the usage of the tool more transparent.Fil: Caymes Scutari, Paola Guadalupe. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional de Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Morajko, A.. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Margalef, T.. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Luque, E.. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ

    Development and tuning framework of master/worker applications

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    Parallel/distributed programming is a complex task that requires a high degree of expertise to fulfill the expectations of high performance computation. The Master/Worker paradigm is one of the most commonly used because it is easy to understand and there is a wide range of applications that match this paradigm. However, there are certain features, such as data distribution and the number of workers that must be tuned properly to obtain adequate performance. In most cases such features cannot be tuned statically since they depend on the particular conditions of each execution. In this paper, we show a dynamic tuning environment that is based on a theoretical model of Master/Worker behavior and allows for the adaptation of such applications to the dynamic conditions of execution. The environment includes a pattern based application development framework that allows the user to concentrate on the design phase and makes it easier to overcome performance bottlenecks.Facultad de Informátic

    Development and tuning framework of master/worker applications

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    Parallel/distributed programming is a complex task that requires a high degree of expertise to fulfill the expectations of high performance computation. The Master/Worker paradigm is one of the most commonly used because it is easy to understand and there is a wide range of applications that match this paradigm. However, there are certain features, such as data distribution and the number of workers that must be tuned properly to obtain adequate performance. In most cases such features cannot be tuned statically since they depend on the particular conditions of each execution. In this paper, we show a dynamic tuning environment that is based on a theoretical model of Master/Worker behavior and allows for the adaptation of such applications to the dynamic conditions of execution. The environment includes a pattern based application development framework that allows the user to concentrate on the design phase and makes it easier to overcome performance bottlenecks.Facultad de Informátic

    Development and tuning framework of master/worker applications

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    Parallel/distributed programming is a complex task that requires a high degree of expertise to fulfill the expectations of high performance computation. The Master/Worker paradigm is one of the most commonly used because it is easy to understand and there is a wide range of applications that match this paradigm. However, there are certain features, such as data distribution and the number of workers that must be tuned properly to obtain adequate performance. In most cases such features cannot be tuned statically since they depend on the particular conditions of each execution. In this paper, we show a dynamic tuning environment that is based on a theoretical model of Master/Worker behavior and allows for the adaptation of such applications to the dynamic conditions of execution. The environment includes a pattern based application development framework that allows the user to concentrate on the design phase and makes it easier to overcome performance bottlenecks.Facultad de Informátic

    Entorno de desarrollo y sintonización de aplicaciones master/worker

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    La programación paralelo/distribuida es una tarea compleja que requiere un alto grado de experiencia para poder cubrir las expectativas de alto rendimiento comp utacional. El paradigma Master/Worker es uno de los paradigmas más comúnmente utilizados dado que es simple de entender y se adapta a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, para obtener un rendimiento adecuado es menester sintonizar ciertos parámetros tales como la distribución de datos y el número de workers. En muchos casos, estos parámetros no pueden sintonizarse estáticamente dado que dependen de las condiciones particulares de cada ejecución. En este artículo, presentamos un entorno de sintonización dinámica que permite la adaptación de las aplicaciones a las condiciones dinámicas de ejecución, basado en un modelo teórico de comportamiento de aplicaciones Master/Worker. El entorno incluye un framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones Master/Worker, que permite al usuario concentrarse en el diseño de la aplicación, y una herramienta de monitorización/sintonización dinámica capaz de superar los cuellos de botella asociados a este tipo de aplicaciones.VI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Entorno de desarrollo y sintonización de aplicaciones master/worker

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    La programación paralelo/distribuida es una tarea compleja que requiere un alto grado de experiencia para poder cubrir las expectativas de alto rendimiento comp utacional. El paradigma Master/Worker es uno de los paradigmas más comúnmente utilizados dado que es simple de entender y se adapta a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, para obtener un rendimiento adecuado es menester sintonizar ciertos parámetros tales como la distribución de datos y el número de workers. En muchos casos, estos parámetros no pueden sintonizarse estáticamente dado que dependen de las condiciones particulares de cada ejecución. En este artículo, presentamos un entorno de sintonización dinámica que permite la adaptación de las aplicaciones a las condiciones dinámicas de ejecución, basado en un modelo teórico de comportamiento de aplicaciones Master/Worker. El entorno incluye un framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones Master/Worker, que permite al usuario concentrarse en el diseño de la aplicación, y una herramienta de monitorización/sintonización dinámica capaz de superar los cuellos de botella asociados a este tipo de aplicaciones.VI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Entorno de desarrollo y sintonización de aplicaciones master/worker

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    La programación paralelo/distribuida es una tarea compleja que requiere un alto grado de experiencia para poder cubrir las expectativas de alto rendimiento comp utacional. El paradigma Master/Worker es uno de los paradigmas más comúnmente utilizados dado que es simple de entender y se adapta a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, para obtener un rendimiento adecuado es menester sintonizar ciertos parámetros tales como la distribución de datos y el número de workers. En muchos casos, estos parámetros no pueden sintonizarse estáticamente dado que dependen de las condiciones particulares de cada ejecución. En este artículo, presentamos un entorno de sintonización dinámica que permite la adaptación de las aplicaciones a las condiciones dinámicas de ejecución, basado en un modelo teórico de comportamiento de aplicaciones Master/Worker. El entorno incluye un framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones Master/Worker, que permite al usuario concentrarse en el diseño de la aplicación, y una herramienta de monitorización/sintonización dinámica capaz de superar los cuellos de botella asociados a este tipo de aplicaciones.VI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Factores de rendimiento asociados a SPMD

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    Actualmente existen muchas aplicaciones paralelas/distribuidas en las cuales SPMD es el paradigma más usado. Obtener un buen rendimiento en una aplicación paralela de este tipo es uno de los principales desafíos dada la gran cantidad de aplicaciones existentes. Este objetivo no es fácil de resolver ya que existe una gran variedad de configuraciones de hardware, y también la naturaleza de los problemas pueden ser variados así como la forma de implementarlos. En consecuencia, si no se considera adecuadamente la combinación "software/hardware" pueden aparecer problemas inherentes a una aplicación iterativa sin una jerarquía de control definida de acuerdo a este paradigma. En SPMD todos los procesos ejecutan el mismo código pero computan una sección diferente de los datos de entrada. Una solución a un posible problema del rendimiento es proponer una estrategia de balance de carga para homogeneizar el cómputo entre los diferentes procesos. En este trabajo analizamos el benchmark CG con cargas heterogéneas con la finalidad de detectar los posibles problemas de rendimiento en una aplicación real. Un factor que determina el rendimiento en esta aplicación es la cantidad de elementos nonzero contenida en la sección de matriz asignada a cada proceso. Determinamos que es posible definir una estrategia de balance de carga que puede ser implementada de forma dinámica y demostramos experimentalmente que el rendimiento de la aplicación puede mejorarse de forma significativa con dicha estrategia.There currently are many 'parallel/distributed' applications that use the SPMD paradigm. Getting a good performance in a parallel application of this type is a major challenge because of the large number of existing applications. This objective is not easily achieved because there are many hardware configurations possible, and also the nature of the problems can be varied as well as its implementation. Consequently, if not adequately consider the combination 'software/hardware' inherent problems can occur without an iterative application defined control hierarchy according to this paradigm. In SPMD all processes execute the same code but they compute a different section of the input data. In this paper we analyze the benchmark CG with heterogeneous loads in order to detect possible performance problems in a real application. One factor that determines the performance in this application is the number of elements nonzero contained in the array section assigned to each process. We determined that it is possible to define a load balancing strategy, which can be implemented dynamically, and we demonstrate experimentally that the application performance can be significantly improved with this approach.Actualment existeixen moltes aplicacions paral·leles/distribuïdes en les quals SPMD és el paradigma més emprat. Obtenir un bon rendiment en una aplicació paral·lela d'aquest tipus és un dels principals reptes donada la gran quantitat d'aplicacions existents. Aquest objectiu no és fàcil de resoldre donat que existeixen una gran varietat de configuracions de hardware, i també la naturalesa dels problemes pot ser variada així com la forma d'implementar-los. En conseqüència, si no es considera adequadament la combinació "software/hardware" poden aparèixer problemes inherents a una aplicació iterativa sense una jerarquia de control definida d'acord a aquest paradigma. En SPMD tots els processos executen el mateix codi però computen una secció diferent de les dades d'entrada. Una solució a un possible problema de rendiment es proposar una estratègia de balanceig de càrrega per homogeneïtzar el còmput entre els diferents processos. En aquest treball analitzem el benchmark CG amb càrregues heterogènies amb la finalitat de detectar els possibles problemes de rendiment en una aplicació real. Un factor que determina el rendiment en aquesta aplicació és la quantitat d'elements nonzero continguda en la secció de la matriu assignada a cada procés. Es determina que és possible definir una estratègia de balanceig de càrrega que pot ser implementada de forma dinàmica i es demostra de forma experimental que el rendiment de la aplicació pot millorar-se de forma significativa amb aquesta estratègia

    TextFrame: Cosmopolitanism and Non-Exclusively Anglophone Poetries

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    This project proposes a replacement for some institutional-archival mechanisms of non-exclusively anglophone poetry as it is produced under racial capitalism and archived via its universities and grant-bearing nonprofits. The project argues specifically for the self-archiving of non-exclusively anglophone poetry, and by extension of poetry, in a manner that builds away from US-dominated, nationally-organized institutions. It argues that cosmopolitanist norm translation, as advocated by various critics, can function as part of a critique of institutional value creation used in maintaining inequalities through poetry. The US-based Poetry Foundation is currently the major online archive of contemporary anglophone poetry; the project comprises a series of related essays that culminate in a rough outline for a collaboratively designed, coded, and maintained application to replace the Foundation’s website. Whatever benefit might result, replacing archival mechanisms of racial capitalism while remaining within its systemic modes of value creation is at best a form of substitution: it is not an actual change in relations and not a transition to anything. Doing so may, however, allow greater clarity in understanding how poetry is situated within US-based institutions, beyond the images and values that poets and critics in the US often help to maintain. Chapter one, “‘Indianness’ and Omission: 60 Indian Poets,” reads the anthology 60 Indian Poets, published in 2008 in India and the UK (with US distribution), as argument about the contours of Indian Poetry in English and about the contours of India’s relations in the world. It relates Rashmi Sadana’s work on the meanings of English in India to decisions made within the anthology, and look further at Pollock’s conception of cosmopolitanism and vernacularity, particular as it applies to the Indian North-East and the poetry of Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih. The second chapter, “Archival Power: Individualization, the Racial State, and Institutional Poetry” engages Roderick Ferguson’s concept of archival power to explain the 2015 “crisis” within contemporary US poetry driven by practitioners of conceptual poetry, and an attempted archival act with regard to the Black Lives Matter movement. The chapter ends with a fragment of Alexis Pauline Gumbs’s recent account of US university life as experienced by Black artists and scholars. That chapter is followed by “The Poetry Foundation as Site of Archival Power,” which extends Jodi Melamed’s critique of US university value-creation mechanisms to Poetry magazine and the Poetry Foundation’s website. It argues that the Poetry Foundation functions as a de facto arm of the US university system as outlined in the previous chapter, and aids in capitalist value-creation. “TextFrame: An Open Archive for Poetry,” the fourth chapter, is an attempt to begin thinking a replacement for current mechanisms of archiving non-exclusively anglophone poetry. The fifth chapter, “Narayanan’s Language Events as Free-Tier Application,” documents work imagined for TextFrame, as an application, that has actually already been built: the poet and scholar Vivek Narayanan adapted Robert Desnos’s Language Events for the classroom using a variety of discrete free services, and the present author collaborated with Narayanan in creating a stand-alone Web application. Chapters six, seven, and eight function as case studies to be used in creating templates for providing context to specific poems within any built application. Both of the specific moments covered transmogrify the “anti-psychological.” The sixth chapter, “An Unendurable Age: Ashbery, O’Hara, and 1950s Precursors of ‘Self’ Psychology” thus argues that an anti-psychological ethos is developed in Ashbery and O’Hara’s poems of that moment. It shows that Frank O’Hara’s “Personism: A Manifesto” (1959) is almost certainly a parody of Gordon Allport’s theory of Personalism, of related strands of 1950s American psychology, and of the poetry that developed alongside them in the 1930s. It follows other critics in looking at midcentury conceptions of schizophrenia as a specifically homosexual disease, and argues for the importance of contemporarily published examples of schizophrenic discourse, particularly those of Harry Stack Sullivan. It argues that Ashbery’s poem “A Boy” can be read as directly engaging those ideas, and opposing them. The shorter discussions follow consider the affinities that Some Trees has with anti- or a-psychological theories of mind that were being developed at Harvard and MIT at the time that Ashbery and O’Hara were in Cambridge, including generative grammar and critiques of philosophical analyticity. The eighth chapter, “Before Conceptualism: Disgust and Over-determination in White-dominated Experimental Poetry in New York, 1999-2003,” highlights Dan Farrell and Lytle Shaw’s very different uses of lyric’s peculiar staging of voice to foreground the multi-furcation of white identities and voice in response to state pressures. The last two chapters take up two corollaries, or theoretical concerns that fell out trying to think a cosmopolitanist application. The first, “Why Not Reddit?” examines existing commercial cosmopolitanist solutions for some of the functionality proposed for the application, and reasons for rejecting them. In doing so, it discusses Thomas Farrell’s construct of “rhetorical culture” in detail, and traces a theory of communication and authorship within a community, particularly with regard to thinking history. The last chapter (and second corollary) is titled “Ethos in Pedagogy as a Limit on Norm Translation.” It establishes the Aristotelian concept of ethos as a pedagogical limit for norm translation. The study’s governing interest is not the conflicts or differences between practitioners or tendencies that are detailed here, but their relative incomprehensibility of those differences outside of their formative contexts