1,361 research outputs found

    The human and mammalian cerebrum scale by computational power and information resistance

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    The cerebrum of mammals spans a vast range of sizes and yet has a very regular structure. The amount of folding of the cortical surface and the proportion of white matter gradually increase with size, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, two laws are derived to fully explain these cerebral scaling relations. The first law holds that the long-range information flow in the cerebrum is determined by the total cortical surface (i.e., the number of neurons) and the increasing information resistance of long-range connections. Despite having just one free parameter, the first law fits the mammalian cerebrum better than any existing function, both across species and within humans. According to the second law, the white matter volume scales, with a few minor corrections, to the cortical surface area. It follows from the first law that large cerebrums have much local processing and little global information flow. Moreover, paradoxically, a further increase in long-range connections would decrease the efficiency of information flow.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; 3 supplement

    Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding

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    Recent progress in deciphering mechanisms of human brain cortical folding leave unexplained whether spatially patterned genetic influences contribute to this folding. High-resolution in vivo brain MRI can be used to estimate genetic correlations (covariability due to shared genetic factors) in interregional cortical thickness, and biomechanical studies predict an influence of cortical thickness on folding patterns. However, progress has been hampered because shared genetic influences related to folding patterns likely operate at a scale that is much more local (cm) than that addressed in prior imaging studies. Here, we develop methodological approaches to examine local genetic influences on cortical thickness and apply these methods to two large, independent samples. We find that such influences are markedly heterogeneous in strength, and in some cortical areas are notably stronger in specific orientations relative to gyri or sulci. The overall, phenotypic local correlation has a significant basis in shared genetic factors and is highly symmetric between left and right cortical hemispheres. Furthermore, the degree of local cortical folding relates systematically with the strength of local correlations, which tends to be higher in gyral crests and lower in sulcal fundi. The relationship between folding and local correlations is stronger in primary sensorimotor areas and weaker in association areas such as prefrontal cortex, consistent with reduced genetic constraints on the structural topology of association cortex. Collectively, our results suggest that patterned genetic influences on cortical thickness, measurable at the scale of in vivo MRI, may be a causal factor in the development of cortical folding

    Image guidance in neurosurgical procedures, the "Visages" point of view.

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    This paper gives an overview of the evolution of clinical neuroinformatics in the domain of neurosurgery. It shows how image guided neurosurgery (IGNS) is evolving according to the integration of new imaging modalities before, during and after the surgical procedure and how this acts as the premise of the Operative Room of the future. These different issues, as addressed by the VisAGeS INRIA/INSERM U746 research team (http://www.irisa.fr/visages), are presented and discussed in order to exhibit the benefits of an integrated work between physicians (radiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons) and computer scientists to give adequate answers toward a more effective use of images in IGNS

    A Cortical Folding Pattern-Guided Model of Intrinsic Functional Brain Networks in Emotion Processing

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    There have been increasing studies demonstrating that emotion processing in humans is realized by the interaction within or among the large-scale intrinsic functional brain networks. Identifying those meaningful intrinsic functional networks based on task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (task fMRI) with specific emotional stimuli and responses, and exploring the underlying functional working mechanisms of interregional neural communication within the intrinsic functional networks are thus of great importance to understand the neural basis of emotion processing. In this paper, we propose a novel cortical folding pattern-guided model of intrinsic networks in emotion processing: gyri serve as global functional connection centers that perform interregional neural communication among distinct regions via long distance dense axonal fibers, and sulci serve as local functional units that directly communicate with neighboring gyri via short distance fibers and indirectly communicate with other distinct regions via the neighboring gyri. We test the proposed model by adopting a computational framework of dictionary learning and sparse representation of emotion task fMRI data of 68 subjects in the publicly released Human Connectome Project. The proposed model provides novel insights of functional mechanisms in emotion processing

    Temporal Variability of Cortical Gyral-Sulcal Resting State Functional Activity Correlates With Fluid Intelligence

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    The human cerebral cortex is highly convoluted as convex gyri and concave sulci. In the past decades, extensive studies have consistently revealed substantial differences between gyri and sulci in terms of genetics, anatomy, morphology, axonal fiber connections, and function. Although interesting findings have been reported to date to elucidate the functional difference between gyri and sulci, the temporal variability of functional activity, which could explain individual differences in learning and higher-order cognitive functions, and as well as differences in gyri and sulci, remains to be explored. The present study explored the temporal variability of cortical gyral-sulcal resting state functional activity and its association with fluid intelligence measures on the Human Connectome Project dataset. We found that the temporal variance of resting state fMRI BOLD signal was significantly larger in gyri than in sulci. We also found that the temporal variability of certain regions including middle frontal cortex, inferior parietal lobe and visual cortex was positively associated with fluid intelligence. Moreover, those regions were predominately located in gyri rather than in sulci. This study reports initial evidence for temporal variability difference of functional activity between gyri and sulci, and its association with fluid intelligence measures, and thus provides novel insights to understand the mechanism and functional relevance of gyri and sulci

    The mechanical control of nervous system development.

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    The development of the nervous system has so far, to a large extent, been considered in the context of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. However, there is growing evidence that many biological systems also integrate mechanical information when making decisions during differentiation, growth, proliferation, migration and general function. Based on recent findings, I hypothesize that several steps during nervous system development, including neural progenitor cell differentiation, neuronal migration, axon extension and the folding of the brain, rely on or are even driven by mechanical cues and forces.This work was supported by the Medical Research CouncilThis is the accepted version of the original publication available at http://dev.biologists.org/content/140/15/3069
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